
Thursday 22 October 2015

Release Blitz & Review: The Starkest Truth by Courtney Lane @AuthorLane


The Starkest Truth (Breaking Insanity #2)
Synopsis: This is not a romance. After her recent nuptials, Nikki Brenton is quickly thrust into a world she once avoided. Unable to adjust, her unhealthy addictions begin to tempt her and threaten to poison more than her sanity.
Nothing has ever been peaceful for Eric Brenton, and his life with Nikki is no exception. The past he suppressed has returned to wreak havoc on his life. He quickly discovers he can’t avoid his past, because it’s ready to attack him where he is most vulnerable.
When the truth is as subjective as reality, the line between trust and doubt is tested; for Nikki and Eric the line may come dangerously close to disintegrating.

When I heard Courtney was releasing a sequel to The Sordid Promise I was not so patiently waiting to get a copy.

Courtney has a way of writing that will pull in to the darkest depths possible.
This book has it all, darkness, twistedness, and mind numbing.

We continue on in Nikki's and Eric's world, after getting married you would think that things would be a little more plain sailing, well more plain sailing that could be in their world.

There are more issues revealed, definitely more twisted and dark events than you thought possible. The sizzling sex scenes make you think how did Courtney ever come up with scenes like this. Eric is as foul mouthed as ever, and we see more of why he is the way he is today. Nikki, has some sort of reliance on Eric, as he seems to bring her out of the world she was in before she met him.

the book is written in both character pov's and that is a better way of finding out what lies beneath each character.

This book is more twisted and dark than the previous, and I have a feeling that the next is going to be darker.

I love Courtney's books and I cannot wait for the next dark, twisted read she releases. She brings me into a world that is soul searching, dark and twisted.
A warning that this read is very dark and can cause triggers to others.

*******A copy was received in exchange for an honest review*******

COURTNEY LANE has been creating her own little world since she was very young. When she was eight years old, she began to bring her worlds to life with a pen and paper.

Although she's had a few short hiatuses, writing has been her passion for a number of years. Until 2013, she'd always viewed her writing as a personal hobby and a purgative process: She never thought about sharing her very personal works with anyone outside of her friends and family. On October 8, 2013, she took the plunge into self-publishing and began making her works available to the public. 

While many of her works touch several different genres, she has an archetype when it comes to the female protagonists in her stories — they have to have certain brand of strength, be deeply flawed, and harbor layered personalities. In her books you will find themes that reflect the darker side of life with a tremendous amount of depth and complexity. She also has an affinity for characters that aren't necessarily the girl or boy next door, or the people you'd encounter in everyday life. In other words, she prefers to explore characters who aren't easy to fall in love with.

Currently, Courtney can be found either working on her next book, playing the latest role-playing game on her X-Box (preferably a game by Bioware), or spending time with her family.

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