Take a girl like Columbia, put her in a vastly different life with a man unlike anyone she's ever known. Throw in Dimitri's nightmares, the Concierge's disdain for Dimitri's new house guest and a few hundred people looking high and low for the both of them...and it makes for a very interesting read.
Picking up at the end of the last chapter, this novel covers the time until the two leave Hong Kong, before the epilogue of the first bestselling novel in this series, The Beast.
Two twisted and imperfect beings must adjust to their new lives together while avoiding detection from authorities and an international crime ring.
***As with the first novel in this series, this story covers dark themes with graphic sex, murder and violence.
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My Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
****I received this copy in exchange for an honest review****
I was looking for a different read from the ones I've been currently reading. You know when you just need a change of pace and read something dark, erotic and romantic.
Yes I did say romantic, even though Little dove and Dimi and how would I say, not the sanest people in the world (but who is, I'm not) they are still totally and utterly in love with each other, which in my opinion is romantic. Other readers may beg to differ.
This story picks up from the end of then first book The Beast, and tells us about the time Columbia and Dimitri ( oh I do love that name as it is my brothers lol) are in Hong Kong and the events that happen while they are there ( I'm not going to tell you want happens no matter how much I want to).
We also find out more about the concierge and also his name....... (Drum roll)........ Nope not going to spoil that either you are just going to have to buy the book.
This read was one of those which captivated you right from the start, and you just had to read right through to the end.
There's one thing though I'm not happy about JADEN, how can you leave me hanging like that, I need the next book right now, that epilogue has made me wanting more. I tell you one thing you have to be patient in reading books that are in a series. There's one thing though I'm not a very patient person lol.
On a serious note though Jaden you continue to surprise me each time, your books are a fantastic read and you have immense talent. I'm definitely looking forward to your next book
View all my reviews
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