Friday 19 December 2014

Leon's Way by Sunniva Dee @sunnivaD

This is the beautiful cover for Leon'sWay. I'm so thankful for all of my covers, but I think this is my favorite.

Here's Leon on Goodreads. I don't have the buy links yet, but they should be easy to find on the day of the release. :)


The Book-Design Guy created this Kindle version for me, and I am IN LOVE with it! :) Feel free to use it as well.

This is an edgy New Adult novel—with soul and meaning. It is 18+ because of the uncensored language and the explicit love.

STUNNING CLUB OWNER Leon Stonewell keeps his world on a tight leash. He subdues his past by means of deviant sex, intense martial arts, and his motorcycle. But when destiny throws him curveballs at the hands of a beautiful employee and a dying tormentor, he loses his precious control.

The awesome Bestsellers & Beststellars of Romance offered to host a pre-release party takeover event for Leon and me on December 18th! It's at 8-10 pm EST.

This particular party will be special.

I have what I like to call APPARITIONS... attending the party. Sshhh, here's a secret not revealed to the readers yet: among the "apparitions"—not "appearances"—you will meet one of my good author friends, Penelope Ward. I hope to see you here:


I’m Leon, number one object of Deepsilver’s rumor mill. Owner of student hotspot,  Smother. 

Since I was sixteen, the world has been mine. I do everything—
My way. 

Every co-ed in town clenches her thighs over me, but most don’t fit the bill. See, I like my girls broken . Once I detect my shade of don’t-give-a-fuck damaged, I fight hard, I fight dirty, and I don’t give up until—
I conquer. 

Drunk fathers and frequent beatings don’t merit attention, but when my despicable dad starts the process of croaking, I’m forced to remember. Thus, the downward spiral begins: my latest broken-girl turns the tables on me and splits. My hot-as-hell employee, Arriane, throws me the curve ball of a lifetime. And suddenly—
I’m out of control. 

But at the center of my chaos, she exists. Always close, always sweet, and so beautifully fucking… wholesome. She represents everything I’ve shied from in a woman. Still—
I crave her. 

I’m Leon, and I don’t deny my cravings. Just—this girl is not surrendering. So here I am, fighting harder. Fighting dirtier. And goddammit all, I will—

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