Sunday, 7 September 2014

#SALE The Way Home by A. C. Bextor @ACBextor

The Way Home by AC Bextor is now on sale for the first time ever. It will be 99 cents until September 15. This sale is to correlate with the release of Open Road- A Biker's Anthology which will benefit Toys for Tots. The anthology releases September 8 but is currently on preorder. The anthology contains Holding On, which is book one is the Lights of Peril series. 

The Way Home Book Two of Lights of Peril (99 cents until September 15)-

Open Road- A Biker's Anthology (contains Holding On Book One of Lights of Peril-99 cents)-

BLOG TOUR: Crossover by Paige Matthews @Paigematthews_3



  Secrets Can Destroy. Can they overcome theirs? Fatih Maguire has spent the last six years traveling the world in an attempt to forget the secrets that she hides. After finding her fiancée cheating on her in Milan, Faith heads home to Fuquay Varina, NC to lick her wounds and take some time off-until she is offered a position documenting the upcoming tour for Double Cross. Preparing for a new tour, Gabe Cross is not thrilled to be on the road. He much rather be living it up in Raleigh. Thinking back to the one person that left him a broken hearted man, Gabe prepares for another three months of drowning his sorrows and screwing her out of his mind- until she shows up on the tour. Faced to confront the hurt and pain six years forgotten- Gabe and Faith must learn how to move on from their pasts in order to have a future, but will their secrets prevent them from having their second chance?

  Buy Links: ARE:

About the Author:


I grew up in a small, idyllic affluent town in the Western part of Connecticut, USA. The town definitely did not match my personality. My high school years were filled with the proverbial teenage fun, although not too much by me. I stayed close to home and pursued my B.A. in English Comparative Literature from a local college and then continued on for my M.A in English Professional Writing. I have always had a love for reading and literature and only furthered that during my studies. During my M.A. studies I decided it was time to challenge myself and work in a field that I have long admired and dreamt off: being a writer. Having entered the lifestyle a few years ago, I write erotica with a preference toward BDSM themes. I enjoy exploring the emotional connection and emotions behind the D/s relationships and why we like what we like.  

Author Stalker Links:

  Excerpts #1 (Faith POV)

I watched as she walked away. I could tell what Caleb saw in her. She was fun to be around. Carefree and real. I turned around and bumped into a male body. Slowly, I raised my eyes. I saw black boots that were attached to jeans that hung low on a set of hips. The tight black tee shirt clung to an abdomen and chest as I continued to raise my eyes. My head tilted back as I finally made eye contact. “Excuse me,” the tenor voice said as his hand grasped my elbow, steadying me. As soon as our eyes locked, my stomach hurled. I turned quickly to avoid hitting him with the contents. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.” I turned away embarrassed as shit. “It’s okay. Are you alright?” the voice asked. Our eyes locked again as I turned my head toward him. “Faith?” Gabe’s hand let go of me, causing my body to hit the ground. “Gabe.” I sat on the ground staring at him, waiting for him to say something, anything. Gabe continued to stare back at me, running his hands through his hair. “Say something.” I pleaded. “I don’t know what to-“ “Oh my goodness, Faith, are you okay?” Kat ran up to me with the rest of the band in tow. “I’m fine.” I glanced at Gabe, who had stood and walked away. A familiar face stuck out a hand, and I grabbed it as I lifted myself onto my feet. Jaxson held my hand as we looked at each other. Maybe this wasn’t a great idea. “What are you doing here, Faith?” he demanded. “A job, Jaxson. I was hired to do a job.” Jax let go of my hand and threw his hands into his pockets. I turned to Kat, who was talking to Caleb. Realization fell upon her face as her mouth formed the ‘O’ sound. Fuck! “Kat, I’m not sure this is such a good idea. I’m sorry. I-“ I turned away. “No. It is perfectly fine. We have rented the company and the space. Now, let’s get the job done.” I watched as she stomped off toward my ex and my brother. I turned around and saw Caleb standing there. “Caleb, I don’t want to discuss this. I knew I shouldn’t have accepted the job. I don’t think Kat knew.” “Of course she didn’t. I’m not upset or angry. Listen, Faith, we all have our own burdens to bear. I know that all to well myself. You need to atone for what you did to them. For now, I am just happy to know you are safe and okay.” He smiled and waited. “That wasn’t the talk I thought I’d get from you. But, for what it’s worth, I am glad to see you happy as well.” Caleb nodded and turned as Kat’s voice boomed through set. “Alright, ladies. Let’s get through this shoot, and then you can all go home and cry to yourselves.” I laughed. I did like her already.

  Excerpt 2: (Gabe’s POV)

I watched from the side of the stage. For the first time, I saw her. Faith was in front of the stage, taking pictures of Reese and Caleb. I stood there and watched her. I watched the way she held her camera. The way she bit her lip as she pondered the next angle. Her hair was up in a loose bun, and she was wearing a pair of jeans and a pink tank top. The camera was slung around her neck, but cradled like a baby in her hand. She moved fluidly back and forth, trying to capture the essence of the moment, of the song. My heart clenched as her eyes met mine and she turned away. I watched as she hurried off toward the opposite side of the stage, ducking behind the curtains that shielded the crew from the fans. Caleb and Reese finished the song, and Jax and I joined them back on stage. We finished our set and did two more songs as an encore. By the time we were finally done, I was tired, and Faith was nowhere around. What would I say to her anyway? Years of pain, anger and guilt filled my heart and my head. Seeing her this morning had brought it all back. Did I still love her? At that moment, I didn’t know. I don’t think I ever stopped. Fuck!  

Excerpt 3: (Faith’s POV)

I took some photos from the side, trying to capture the excitement and feel. I zoomed in on Gabe as he steadily beat the drums. I could see the veins in his muscles as he worked his arms across his kit. The man was good at what he did there was no denying that. I zeroed in on Jax and his finger work on the guitar. Reese was next, followed by Caleb. After getting individual photos, I went out to the front of the stage. I got into a zone, and the rest of the night flew by. I was packing up and getting ready to say goodbye to Kat when I felt that electricity in the air. I turned around to see Gabe looking at me. I didn’t move, couldn’t if I wanted to. Gabe held me in place with his stare. He took a sip of his beer and just stood against the wall. I just wanted to know what he was thinking? Or did I? We didn’t break the stare until Jax popped in front of me.


Rafflecopter Giveaways:
a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Sawyer Bennett’s Release Hop for UNCIVILIZED!! @BennettBooks

Happy Release to UNCIVILIZED by USA Today Best-selling Author Sawyer Bennett!

You can find UNCIVILIZED on Amazon UK
Barnes and Noble 

Enter Obsessed by Books Uncivilized Release Hop Giveaway

Sawyer is offering a Release Grand Prize! Visit her Facebook page  to enter to win (1) $50 Amazon Gift Card and (1) Signed copy of UNCIVILIZED

Don’t forget to stop by the other Release Hop stops 
and enter their giveaways too!!

Erotic Adult Contemporary
**Warning: This book is a wild, sexy beast of a read. 18+**
Putting a woman on her knees before me is what really makes my cock hard. I fuck with dominant force and absolute control. I demand complete surrender from my conquests.
Savage man, loner, warrior… I am dangerous at my core. I have lived amidst the untamed wild of the rainforest, in a society that reveres me and where every woman falls before me in subjugation.
Now I’ve been discovered. Forced to return to a world that I have forgotten about and to a culture that is only vaguely familiar to my senses.
Dr. Moira Reed is an anthropologist who has been hired to help me transition back into modern society. It’s her job to smooth away my rough edges… to teach me how to navigate properly through this new life of mine. She wants to tame me.
She’ll never win.
I am wild, free and raw, and the only thing I want from the beautiful Moira Reed is to fuck her into submission.
She wants it, I am certain.
I will give it to her soon.
Yes, very soon, I will become the teacher and she will become my student. And when I am finished showing her body pleasure like no other, she’ll know what it feels like to be claimed by an uncivilized man.

About the Author
USA Today Best-Selling author, Sawyer Bennett, is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn’t have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.
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BLOG & REVIEW TOUR: Kings of Asphalt by Alexx Andria @alexxandria2772

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  Title: Kings of Asphalt (Club Chrome) 
Author: Alexx Andria 
Genre: Steamy romance (Motorcycle club romance) 
Cover by Kim Killion 
Publish Date: June 27, 2014

~ Synopsis ~
  USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR!   Alexx Andria delivers a motorcycle club romance between two very bad, yet sexy men and a woman with enough curves to satisfy them both.   My name is Zoe Delacourte. I thought I was going to build my future on the backs of Jax Traeger and Hunter Ericksen -- bad boys from the wrong side of the tracks, running the notorious motorcycle club, the Kings of Asphalt -- in my mind, the story had practically written itself. I was so naive. Little did I know they were going to change everything I ever knew about myself. Jax and Hunter. I can't even say their names without trembling. They don't see a fat girl or a girl who might be pretty if only she'd lose some weight. No, from the moment I walked into their club, they saw a hot, sexy woman with curves for days -- and they couldn't wait to get their hands on me. Some people call them bad men. They see the rides and the rap sheets and they slap a label on them. I don't care what they've done -- all I care about is what they're going to do to me next. But loving them is dangerous. In fact, loving them might just get me killed. *The following MC romance is approximately 41,000 words featuring a strong central love story, danger, and the rough, seedy world dominated by two bad boys and their curvy woman.  

  Click Goodreads photo GoodreadsClick_zps920a555c.jpg  

Buy the Book

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Wrenn Black, Book Obsessive

I received this book as an arc in exchange for a review, it’s my first encounter with this author and I know it will not be my last. This book is hot and steamy, burning up like asphalt on a hot day!! 
No spoilers here, so without giving too much away, the plot involves a reporter Zoë, a sexually inexperienced, curvy beauty trying to write a break-through story. She has a little self-esteem issue and can’t see that she is beautiful.  She gets involved with Hunter and Jax, who head the MC gang Kings of Asphalt; they’re from the wrong side of the tracks and are in the only life they know. There’s a murder, intrigue, deception, angst and drama, serious cash and oh yes, some really hot, sweat fanning bedroom scenes, just ever so slightly dark and very enjoyable.  Did I mention Ménage??   This is a nicely balanced book, it’s a short read, the plot is not complicated, and the story flows easily, I really couldn’t put it down, I had to know what was going to happen next. I am putting this writer on my short list of favorites.

BOOK TRAILER: Looking for a MC romance with a BBW and two sexy bikers? Check out the book trailer and see if you're in the mood for a dangerous ride! 

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Alexx Andria is the pseudonym for RITA-nominated contemporary romance author, Kimberly Van Meter. Born in a small town with a flair for the dramatic, Alexx Andria has a delightfully perverted nature that she hides behind a mischievous smile. Alexx loves being the life of the party and doesn't mind one bit being the center of attention (just ask any of her friends or family!) She loves to write about Alpha men who are wonderfully flawed and just a little dangerous and heroines who are smart and sassy, but just a little vulnerable, too.

Connect with the Author

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The definition of sexy
USA TODAY Bestselling Author

You know it when you see it but when pressed, you probably couldn’t describe it. So what is sexy to you? As an erotic romance writer, I’m constantly working on new stories with some sort of sexy element to it and sometimes what works for me, might not work for the reader so I’m always curious as to what others find sexy. For example, in Thor: The Dark World the hunkalicious Liam Hemsworth and the ever-adorable Natalie Portman are featured. I think Liam as Thor is hotter than Georgia asphalt but only when he’s wearing his Thor costume. Yeah, I know, weird. I mean, he’s a good-looking fellow but when he dons the costume, I melt. There’s something about the combination of his looks, physique and then that Alpha God-thing that really does it for me. However, some people prefer their men with close shaves, wearing buttoned-down business suits. To each his own.
If we could discern the individual elements of sexy and break it down into a formula…well, we’d be rich! From certain scents to particular dress…the definition of sexy is as individual as the person.
Here’s a confession: I love, love, love Celtic faires. Why? Because the men are dressed in kilts and the women like drunken harlots (or regal queens). And while I enjoy the women’s outfits, it’s the kilts that drive me crazy. I love seeing muscular man thighs and catching an illicit peek of a bollock or two (if they’re wearing them correctly, it means going commando). Once, at a county fair, there was a traveling blacksmith troupe that wore kilts as they did their work. For one, they were built like oxen because pounding on metal all day does wonders for a man’s muscle and two, it was too easy to imagine being manhandled by the muscular blacksmith, just like a wench of olde. It just so happens that this particular blacksmith thought I was pretty cute and tried his best to land me in his bed. I won’t lie. I was sorely tempted but I was a good girl and left the blacksmith with nothing but a sweet smile and a memory. However, in my imagination, that blacksmith and I have done some delightfully dirty things together. Ahh…good times!

So what is your definition of sexy? What turns your crank? Polished businessmen? Swarthy barbarians? A musical genius? Let’s gab like girlfriends and share!

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3 $10.00 Amazon Gift Card and 2 Backlist Ebooks