Friday, 17 July 2015


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Title: Broken Lullabies (Love Of A Rockstar #2)
Author: Nicole Simone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 25, 2015
His eyes as black as the the devils tongue His melodic voice more tempting than a sirenÕs call Three years ago, Camille Barker was held at knife point but her attacker wasn't the one who haunted her dreams. No, it was the man that stood a-washed in the yellow glow of the street light, his stare observant but heedless. A witness to the senseless act. The venom that dripped from his twisted lips saved Camille's life and set her soul ablaze. Reemerging from the ashes, she set upon the well worn path her parentÕs always dreamed she would take. That is until rock n roller, Matthew Lee, shows her that you can only bask in the sun so long before the monsters come out to play.
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Broken Lullabies
I couldn’t be the reason she’d found happiness again when I was the fucking person who’d bestowed the nightmares and misery on her in the first place. I knew this would happen. I knew if I gave into my desires, the trigger would be pulled. It was only a matter of time before the damage of my actions followed. Anguish clawed at my throat as Camille’s beautiful face fell. Her voice hardly above a whisper, she spoke. “Nevermind. Forget I said anything.” It would be an honor to hold her sunshine in the palms of my hands, but it was an honor I didn’t deserve. This – whatever this was -- had to come to an end, which pained me as much as getting my leg blown off would have. Camille would be fine though. She would move on, find a nice guy, get married, and move to a house with a white picket fence. The whole nine yards. Because she deserved it. I would be a distant blip in her memory. But if we continued down this path, Camille would eventually see the monster that lurked inside me. And that would be worse than missing a leg. That would be equivalent to having my heart blasted to smithereens.  

* * ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review * * 

This book broke me, it's much different that Luke and Marlene. This story is about two broken souls Camille and Matthew . They had everything against them, me personally I wasn't sure if a HEA was in thier future. Thier relationship was definitely a sugge but the story told is amazing. great job.

About The Author
Nicole Simone
Nicole Simone works in digital media by day and at night, penÕs character driven romance novels that will make your mama blush. She lives in Los Angeles, C.A with her fat bulldog named Humphrey. She loves hearing from her readers and can be reached at
Love Of A Rockstar (Love Of A Rockstar, #1)
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To Cherish And Hold (Love Of A Rockstar, #1.5)
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Broken Lullabies Full
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RELEASE BOOST - Sacrifice by Adriana Locke @givemebooksblog @AuthorALocke

Title: Sacrifice
Author: Adriana Locke
 Release Date: July 13, 2015


My life changed forever the night my husband died.

I was left with a shattered heart, a heap of bills, and our daughter, EVERLEIGH. I don’t want to rely on anyone, least of all CREW GENTRY. He’s my first love and the man who almost destroyed me, the man who has let me down every time I’ve needed him.

But when tragedy strikes a second time, Crew just might be my only hope.

My life changed forever the night my brother died.

I was left with a guilty conscience, a pile of mistakes, and little else. I take care of JULIA GENTRY, my brother’s widow and the love of my life, and their daughter. I know she doesn’t want my help, but she gets it anyway. I owe her that. When another disaster hits, I’m given the opportunity to make things right. I’m taking it. I'm willing to sacrifice it all.

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“She’s been missing him a lot lately.”

Julia’s voice is barely a whisper and my chest constricts. Our conversations don’t normally make it to discussing Gage unless we’re already arguing. The fact that she just brought it up shocks me and I’m not comfortable with it. I don’t know how to take it. I feel my jaw pulse with frustration and scramble to change the subject again. “Why is it so chilly in here?”

Her smile disappears and she tugs her sweatshirt nervously. “I didn’t know it was.”

“How can you possibly not know?” I start to the thermostat across the room when she clears her throat.

“The heater isn’t working right. I asked Lane to come by and look at it earlier this week.”

“And he hasn’t been here yet?” I shoot her a look and she shakes her head. “He’ll be here tonight.” I dig my cell outta my pocket.

“Crew, don’t. Please. The last time you called my landlord he was a complete jerk to me for a couple of months. I just got on good terms with him again.”

I scroll through my contacts list, looking for his name.

“Crew ...” I know her doe-eyes are pleading with me. I also know if I look up at her, I’ll be somewhat inclined to give in. So I don’t.

Author Bio

Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys created by other authors, Adriana has created her own.

Adriana resides in the Midwest with her family. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. She loves to be outside in the sunshine and always has a piece of candy in her pocket.

Her first novel, The Exception, was released in 2014. The followup, The Perception, was released in March 2015. Both books follow the same characters, but can be read as standalone novels.

Sacrifice, a novel unrelated to the others, will go live on July 13, 2015.

Please contact Adriana at She loves to hear from readers.

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Release Blitz for Breaking Free: Learning To Fly by Annie Hughes @anniebean_xo


Title: Breaking Free: Learning To Fly
Series: Breaking Free; book #2
Author: Annie Hughes
Release date: July 17, 2015

Anna Porter knows better than most how cruel life can be. After finally facing the horrific tortures of her childhood, it’s time for her to try and embrace her happily ever after. 
The next chapter of her life brings new friendships, new love and new challenges for Anna. Yet, while trying to overcome her fears and let go of the memories which plague her, the little girl she was makes it difficult to forget what happened. 
Is her past really behind her? Can Anna finally learn to fly? 

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About The Author:
Annie Hughes has been writing since she was a little girl, never leaving the house without a notebook. As a corporate stooge and single mother, she spends all of her free time reading, writing and drinking too much coffee (wine). Annie has a strong passion for the literary world and before writing her book, spent all of her time reviewing others. She also enjoys talking with all that read her book(s), her philosophy being that readers and authors are all part of the same world - a world where they are all enthusiastic about words.

Stalker links:

Other books in the series:

Breaking Free: Una Familia Segura

Book Tour for Girl Crush by Kaydee Mavericks & Riley Rhea @SBB_PROMOTIONS @rileyrheaauthor

11748772_1582169818713749_1455047946_nTitle: Girl Crush Author: Kaydee Mavericks & Riley Rhea Book Tour: July 15-17 Hosted by: SBB Promotions
Synopsis Logo
Kerrigan Marks has been in love with her boss from the first day of her job, she just hasn't known it. Only problem is, he's taken and he doesn't even notice her.
His model like girlfriend, with her blond hair, crystal blue eyes and legs that go on for days, is the only person that catches his attention.
So why would he notice me?
I'm the plain Jane, the girl everyone passes by without a second glance. I'm the girl who wants to be the model girlfriend, the one who gets a second and third glance.
But what happens when I get what I want?
No matter how much I thought I knew. I WAS WRONG.
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Author Bio Logo
Kaydee Mavericks
Kaydee is married to her high school sweetheart and the mother of two beautiful children. She’s always been in the book world but it wasn’t until recently that she decided to take the plunge into the author world and write her first novel.
Riley Rhea
Riley didn't always want to be a writer, but then one day out of nowhere a story popped in her head and refused to leave. After receiving some advice from a friend, who is an amazing author, she sat down at her computer and wrote. After a few chapters there was no stopping. She found a new passion and wanted to share it with the world. Born and raised in the Bluegrass Riley loves to keep her stories close to home.
She has a wonderfully supportive and encouraging husband who wants her to follow her new passion of writing. She's the mother to three awesome children who have many talents that they share with the world as well.
If she's not reading, writing, blogging, or snuggling you can be find her on the golf course, exploring nature at Mammoth Cave National Park, or at a ballgame.
Author Links
Kaydee Mavericks
Riley Rhea
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