Wednesday, 18 March 2015

THE ONLY WAY by Magan Vernon ♥ RELEASE BLITZ @MaganVernon

THE ONLY WAY - banner
Title: The Only Way (Only, #4)
Author: Magan Vernon
Release Date: March 18, 2015
William "Tripp" Chapman has always been the black sheep of his family's political dynasty. His oldest brother works on Wall Street, his youngest-groomed for the senate. And Tripp is the brother known for wrecking his Porsche after a drinking bender and winding up in rehab. On the night of his father's presidential election he takes a detour and meets a waitress at a local hole-in-the wall. Samantha "Sam" Green is just as broken as he is, but covers it up with enough snark so no one tries to get too close. When Sam gets kicked out of her apartment, Tripp agrees that she can crash on his couch until she gets on her feet. But as they grow closer physically, the ghosts of their past threaten to burden their new relationship The Only Way they can overcome their demons is to face them instead of running. Can Sam help Tripp find his way or will their own battles bury them further? The Only series is a series of standalone novels. You do not need to read one in order to fully understand the other. M/F. HEA.  
“No need to be digging at my ink.” I unbuttoned the pearl snaps on my shirt to reveal the extensive piece on my chest. “This isn't bad.” “Yeah for your first piece. Now that you’ve started coming to me, I’ve fixed you up. You look legit.” “Okay, you win, Frankie. You’re the best and you fucking know it.” He laughed. “Of course I am.” Frankie sat down on his stool and wheeled over, his eyes trailing to my neck. “We have a piece here on the side where we could mix something in with the flora.” “It’s not floral. It’s leaves. Badass leaves.” “Yeah, yeah, pretty boy. You call them whatever helps you sleep at night.” He ran his thumb along the side of my neck before he pulled a spray bottle from the cart and sprayed the disinfectant on me. “Yeah. I think we could do something nice here.” I closed my eyes. “All right. I trust you as long as you don’t give me a fucking bald eagle.” He laughed. “No promises, cuz.” The hum of the needle was like a lullaby. As soon as the needle hit my skin I had to bite my lip to hold back a sigh. The pain that the delicate hum brought was always so freeing. Like I could just escape into that ache and not feel anything else. I could forget that I didn’t have a job or some random chick I’d just met was living with me. I could escape the real world and go into my own lull. It was that place between dreaming and being wide awake. I think there’s a name for it, but I just called it my own sweet purgatory that I got to escape to every time I went under the needle. “Okay, Trippy, just finishing up the shading and we’ll be ready to go.” Frankie’s words barely registered as I slowly opened my eyes to get back to the real world. The humming died down and he swiped a towel on my neck. “Okay. I hope you like it because there’s no going back unless we cover it up with a giant flower to go with these other pussy little leaves.” I was going to say something witty back but once he held the mirror up to me, all the air was sucked out of my lungs and all I could do was stare at the work on my neck. Flying up toward toward my chin was a swallow, but instead of being traced in black or with the rainbow of colors of the flowers and vines on my neck it was recessed and shaded with white and brown. In a world of color it stood out like it was rising from whatever was holding it and dared to be different. ONLY series banner
Only Series
The Only Exception (Only, #1)
The Only Answer (Only, #2)
The Only One (Only, #3)
The Only Way (Only, #4)
About the Author
magan Magan Vernon is a Young Adult and New Adult writer who lives with her family in the insurance capital of the world. When not writing she spends her time fighting over fake boyfriends via social media. You can find her online on:
  love p

Release Day Blitz for Monster Chef by Margaret McHeyzer. @givemebooksblog @MargaretMAuthor

Title: Monster Chef
Author: Margaret McHeyzer
 Release Date: March 18, 2015


Holly Walker had everything she’d ever dreamed about – a happy marriage and being mum to beautiful brown-eyed Emma - until an accident nineteen months ago tore her world apart. Now she's a widow and single mother to a boisterous little 7-year-old girl, looking for a new start. Ready to take the next step, Holly has found herself a job as a maître d’ at Table One, a once-acclaimed restaurant in the heart of Sydney. But one extremely arrogant Frenchman isn't going to be easy to work with...

Twenty years ago, Pierre LeRoux came to Australia, following the stunning Aussie girl he'd fallen in love with. He and his wife put their personal lives on hold, determined for Pierre to take Sydney's culinary society by storm. Just as his bright star was on the upswing, tragedy claimed the woman he was hopelessly in love with. He had been known as a Master Chef, but since his wife’s death he has become known as Monster Chef. 

Can two broken people rebuild their lives and find happiness once more?

Links to Buy

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Author Bio

**Bound by custom or unique by choice.**

There's something about the written word that's pure magic.

Possibly it's the fact that there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, and they can create something so beautiful or so empowering that they're able to change our lives.

How important is it that we break suit and stretch our minds?

I like to think of myself as 'unique'. My stories aren't for everyone, and sometimes I may push what you believe to be 'normal'.

Normal is subjective.

I prefer to be known as a person who's never been 'bound by custom' but is 'unique by choice'.

Until next time


Author Links


Cover Reveal Revue by KM Golland @kellygolly

Book: Revue
Author:  KM Golland
Release Date: May 29th, 2015
Image: Shannon Robinson Photography
Cover Design: Buying Ham 
Hosted by: Book Empire Promotions 

He was on a collision course.
… I had paved my way
He answered to no one.
… I respected authority
He wanted me.
… I despised him
He didn’t take no for an answer.
... NO!

When freelance photographer, Corinne Lee, is required to visually document the nationwide tour of Wild Nights Male Revue, she finds herself in a world of near-naked, testosterone-fuelled men on stage—not her photographic muse of choice. She also finds herself in the arms of Josh, the revue’s star performer.

Josh Adams thrives on the limelight, the stage and, most of all, the attention of women who endlessly throw themselves at him. He dances sex, speaks sex, breathes sex … is sex! Josh lives for sex, but never with the same woman. 

When both opinionated and headstrong characters are closely thrust together in a lust-ridden and sexually-charged environment, which of the two will break first?
Will Josh realise that Corinne could be the exception to his ‘no strings’ rule? Or will Corinne let go of the fantasy of finding Mr One and Only?

I glanced down, spying his sweat shorts and also noticing that he wasn’t wearing a t-shirt. Fuck the stars, he has a fine body. My cheeks flushed. Yes, I felt them heat and no doubt turn pink with embarrassment.
“You want to wrap your lips around my cock, don’t you?” he asked with a low tone, snapping my eyes to meet his. “Go ahead, I’d like to know what the back of your throat feels like.”
Staring at him for what seemed like an eternity, I went from completely blown away by how bold and disgustingly crude he was, to being offended and ready to kick him in the balls again, to knowing exactly what he was doing. His conceited expression—the high arched eyebrow and devilish smirk—was an obvious giveaway that he was trying to unsettle me … press my buttons. “You’re disgusting, and you have absolutely no tact. And I know what you’re doing, Josh. It’s not going to work. I’m not taking you salty, slimy bait.”
He laughed. “My salty, slimy bait, huh?”
“Yeah!” I gave him a sarcastic grin. “So don’t even bother.”
Josh pointed to his chest. “So what you’re saying is that you don’t want to fuck me and run your hands over this?”
I glimpsed at the perfection that was his chiselled pectoral muscles and the ink that decorated his left shoulder and bicep. “Nn… no, I don’t,” I answered, my stutter sounding unconvincing, even to myself.
“I think you do.”
“Look, I’ll admit that you’re very nice to look at. Of course you are. You have to be. You’re a male revue performer. But that doesn’t mean I want to jump into bed with you.”
“Who said anything about a bed, Sweetheart. I can fuck you free-standing.”
The thought of that set off my clitoral alarm clock and awoke my pussy.
 “You can also fuck yourself free-standing,” I retorted, shifting in my seat and ignoring the buzzing between my legs. “Unlike you, I prefer one sexual partner, to give myself to someone who appreciates me and only me. You? You give yourself more than Santa gives presents.”
Josh bit the end of his ice cream cone. “Santa isn’t real.”
“You’re really annoying,” I blurted out, frustrated over everything about him, especially the biting of the end of his ice cream cone. That shit pisses me off.
“You’re a virgin, aren’t you? That’s why you don’t want to fuck me like all the others do.”
“That’s it!” I said, standing up and brushing the sand off my shorts. “I’m out of here.”
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Sweetheart. At one point you have to eventually say goodbye to your virtue. Might as well be now … with me.”
Standing above him, I ran my hands through my hair with frustration. “I’m not a virgin, Josh. I’ve fucked before … many times. And stop calling me sweetheart.” Bending over, I picked up my camera and camera bag. “And why am I even explaining myself to you?”
“You’re hot when you’re bitchy.”
“Fuck you,” I spat out, angry with myself for taking his salty, slimy bait.
“See? I knew you wanted to.”
Growling, I turned and walked away.
“Next time you growl, Sweetheart, you’ll be doing it with my cock between your legs,” he called out.
Raising my hand, I flipped him the bird without even looking back.
An amused chuckle, followed by “See you on Wednesday” was his only response.


  “I'm an author. I am married. I am a mother of two adorable little people. I'm a bookworm, craftworm, movieworm, and sportsworm. I'm also a self confessed shop-aholic, tea-aholic, car-aholic, and choc-aholic.” Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, K.M. Golland studied law and worked as a conveyancer before putting her career on hold to raise her children. She then traded her legal work for her love of writing and found her dream career.




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MAN CANDY by Jessica Ingro Cover Reveal @uvrays1997

Man Candy Front
Title: Man Candy
Author: Jessica Ingro
Tentative Release Date: April 2, 2015
Cover Designer: Cover It! Designs
He's too sexy… When Ben Harris agreed to fill in as a cover model at an author signing he wasn’t sure what to expect, but women throwing themselves at him, numbers being stuffed in his pocket, and covert attempts at getting into his hotel room definitely wasn’t it. On the other hand, there is the hottie assistant he can’t keep his eyes off... ...for her love. Clarissa Darling is always eager to be her cousin’s assistant at signings, but the one thing she wasn’t planning on this time around is the sexy man candy posing for pictures at her table. The last thing she needs is another womanizing playboy chasing after her. Ben is determined to show Clarissa that he’s more than just a pretty face and smoking body. He’s betting on wearing her down and weakening her resistance. Will one taste of this man candy be all it takes to have her craving more?  
**Disclaimer: This content is unedited and subject to change** Copyright © Jessica Ingro “I got you a Redheaded Slut,” an auburn haired girl said from my side. I turned to see her holding a drink out to me. While taking it from her grasp, I idly wondered if she was trying to tell me something about herself. Was she giving me a proposition with her drink choice? The question was on the tip of my tongue, but I swallowed it quickly along with a sip of brown liquid. Jägermeister. Nice. “What are you drinking?” I asked when she picked a big martini glass up from the table next to where we stood. “Mmmm,” she breathed after a sip. Licking her lips, her eyes rolled into her head and a look of ecstasy crossed her face. “Suck, Bang and Blow.” Something about the pout of her lips as she said it did dangerous things to my body. My muscles clenched and my dick twitched. “Oh yeah?” I croaked out past a suddenly dry throat. “Yep. It’s delicious and,” she leaned in conspiratorially before whispering in my ear, “I’m very good at it.” “I bet you are,” I murmured to her cleavage where my eyes had drifted down to. “I could show you,” she offered. Her hand stroked down my chest and slid underneath the waistband of my jeans. Even in my lust and drunken haze I knew she was making sloppy work of finding her target. It wasn’t as if it was a small one. I stepped back causing her hand to slip out of my pants. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” “Ben!” Meredith shouted to me, thankfully saving me from the protest I could see forming on the vixen’s lips. “What’s up?” I semi-slurred when I joined her a few feet away. “We were just discussing what type of sex toys men like to use in the bedroom. Of course we have the vibrator, the dildo, nipple clamps and the cock ring.” Meredith ticked each one off on her fingers. “We wanted to know what you thought of butt plugs and anal beads. Do you believe in starting out small and working your way up? Or just going for the gusto?” She blinked up at me in earnest when she finished her tirade. My head was spinning with thoughts of vibrators and cock rings. Was it suddenly really hot in here? “I... uh... I’m not sure what to say to that.” My hand automatically went up to loosen my collar and I belatedly remembered I wasn’t wearing a shirt. The women surrounding her burst out laughing at my uneasiness. “I forgot how easy it was to fluster you. Definitely not the dirty talker your brother is are you?” Meredith teased. “Well... um... in the heat of the moment sure,” I stammered. Taking a proffered drink, I sucked it back, completely uncomfortable with discussing my sex life with a bunch of random women. “You’re a good guy, Ben.” Meredith patted my face in a warm gesture and kissed my cheek. “Don’t ever change.”  
About the Author
Jessica Ingro Pic
Jessica is the author of the Love Square & Concierge series. She grew up in Central New York, where currently lives with her husband and three dogs. Her days are spent as a Security Analyst at an IT consulting company. In her free time, she enjoys reading books and developing ideas for her own stories. Writing is her secret passion that she's been fostering since elementary school, when she wrote her first book about a puppy. It has always been a dream of hers to be able to share her stories with the world.  
Author contact information:
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Heartstrings Pre Order Tour @kelli_mccracken

by Kelli McCracken
Pre Order Tour
March 12th - March 25th


“You’ve suffered a terrible tragedy, Jo.” That’s what my doctor keeps telling me. All I know is that I’ve lost everything—my ability to play piano, six years of my life, my will to live…

The only thing keeping Jocelyn 'Jo' Hayes from falling apart is her brother, Brighton, whose past is sketchier than her mind. Brighton’s hiding secrets. He refuses to give Jo the answers she needs, but after she meets the mysterious Adam, she decides to keep secrets of her own.

As Jo’s recovery fluctuates, Adam’s purpose in her life grows more confusing. Then Paxton Carr shows up at her door. His resemblance to Adam sends Jo’s on a quest to discover the truth and regain her memories.

But the truth doesn’t always set someone free. Will Jo find the missing pieces of her memory and solve the riddle she calls life, or will the ugly truth destroy what’s left of her mind?



Kelli McCracken spends most of her days in front of her computer, crafting her next novel. She loves to read and occasionally curls up with a good book. When she's not chauffeuring kids, cleaning house, or hog-tying unruly characters, she enjoys taking hikes, drinking coffee, or listening to music.

"I've learned that in life, you can never take anything too serious. Murphy's Law never fails, and if you spend your life trying to be perfect, you miss out on mishaps that can turn into miracles. Take time to appreciate life. It's gone before you know it."

Kelli lives with her husband and children in Eastern Kentucky. To learn more about the author, you can find her on Facebook or visit her website.


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Release Party March 26th

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Cover Reveal for How to Get Lucky by Erin McCarthy @authorerin

How to Get Lucky
by Erin McCarthy
Series: Sexy in NYC, #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: EJR Digital Art
Release Date: June 4, 2015

Release Blitz for A Different Shade Of Violet @KEOsbornAuthor

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Book: A Different Shade Of Violet?
Series: The Shattered Heart Series #2
Author: K E Osborn
Genre: Comtemporary
Hosted By: Francessca’s Romance Reviews


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The Life of The Violet Widow was never an easy choice for Violet Dyson to make. After a tragedy, five years ago took her carefree life from her, it was easy to step into The Violet Widow's shoes. Little did she know meeting her rock, the handsome Hudson Stone would test the life she has grown into.

After losing Hudson because of her lifestyle choice, Violet must find the strength within to win the love of her life back. But her courage will be tested with the return of the unrelenting Rebel Dogs MC leader - Mad Dog, who will threaten to tear Violet's world apart, and everything in it - including Hudson.
Will Violet and Hudson's love conquer all odds or will it all end in tragedy once again?

Can Violet overcome everything and become herself once more, or will losing everything force her darker into her despair leaving her forever as The Violet Widow?


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Once there was a place where my then thawed and previously frozen heart resided. Now it’s just an empty space, a void filled with nothing but grief and loss. I have nothing left. I have no more to give. I was Violet Dyson again for a little while. She returned when a handsome stranger came into my life. Hudson Stone, even thinking his name makes me shudder. I miss him. He left me three weeks ago and every day since then slowly but surely Violet Dyson is leaving again. I can feel her shutting herself behind a concrete wall and locking her heart away from any future damage that can be caused. That’s if there even is a heart inside me anymore. It was shattered when he left, and now The Violet Widow, is once again creeping up on me, bubbling up to the surface back to where she belongs.

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Review by Ally Obsessive One Clicker

~~ ARC provided by Obsessed by Books ~~

Holy smokes what a soul shattering, intriguing story. A Different Shade of Violet kept on my on the edge of my seat and left tears in my eyes. A Different Shade of Violet is the second book in The Shattered Heart Series this continues with Violet and Rock's story. This books deals with life and death and makes you realize how life is very important to us. In the beginning of the book Violet is upset over losing Rock. Rock finds out what kind of job Violet is doing and she finds out that Rock is a cop. The Rebel Dogs MC threaten Violet and her staff at work. Violet asks for help in order to be protected and goes under a witness protection.

This was a emotional read for me kept me on my toes. I loved how there was drama and emotional set backs in A Different Shade of Violet. This book was amazing and how to cherish life more and understanding.
About The Author

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Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. Having worked in the optical industry for some time, K E Osborn decided it was time to leave the optical world behind and start on something new. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she tried her hand at writing.
K E Osborn hid the fact that she was writing from her family, as she believed her first story was simply something she had to get on paper first and then judge if it was good enough for others to read. It wasn’t until her mother found a printed version of the manuscript that her secret came out. She was a writer, and she loved it. Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry, and get completely enveloped with the characters and their story lines. She feels at home when writing.

Stalk KE Osborn


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Other Books In the Series

The Violet Widow

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Cover Reveal for Big Bad Wolfe by Elle Doolittle. @givemebooksblog @elledoo @SwoonRomance

Title: Big Bad Wolfe
Author: Elle Doolittle
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Cover Design: Swoon Romance
 Release Date: April 2015


Sarah Maxwell had spent years trying to forget the one man who broke her heart. She'd buried herself in her family's business never expecting to lay eyes on him again...until Falon Wolfe walked into the conference room, bringing a plan to turn the agency around along with all those unrequited feelings.

Falon was the one thing in her life she could never forget. And she’d tried. For nine years she tried forgetting the scent of his skin and the way his body felt against hers. She had never planned on seeing him again after that one night of pure bliss. A night he obviously didn’t remember. He’s cold, detached and she has the sudden urge to reignite the fires of the past.

He can't get her out of his head...

Falon Wolfe was a man hardened by a life on the wrong side of town and the personal drive that made him the success he was. A self-made financial success story, Falon traveled around the world turning failing companies around—by any means necessary.

At the request of his estranged grandfather Falon finds himself at Maxwell, Williams and Blake, a failing talent agency in the heart of the city he vowed never to return to. When he agreed he thought that it would be a simple job. He had never been more wrong. The first time he laid eyes on the feisty Sarah Maxwell she stirred something in him he hadn’t felt in a very long time, and he wanted nothing to do with it. What he did want was Sarah, as many ways as possible, while he was in Chicago. When the job was done so was she, that’s the way it worked, always had always will. But when Falon starts dreaming of the luscious redhead he wonders why his subconscious is connecting her with his past and why he can’t shake the feeling that she is so familiar.

When feelings change from cold agendas to blazing passion Sarah and Falon must come clean about their motives or risk losing everything. Sarah must move past her insecurities and Falon's frigid walls if she truly wants to tame the Big Bad Wolfe.

Author Bio

I always knew I wanted to do something creative. After going through the standard childhood career changes of ballerina, doctor, and a rather embarrassing period of boy band charged rockstar dreams I found writing (which was equally embarrassing). Never really believing I could actually make something of my stories, I left for college, got married to my best friend and had a couple of kids before taking up the proverbial pen again.

After several false starts, I finally finished a full manuscript, then another and another. I loved each one like my own children and wanted to keep them safe from the world, but I knew my stories would never reach anyone hidden away on my computer hard drive so I began cautiously sending them out and one landed a home with Entranced Publishing.

I live in Ohio with my husband and two young boys. No pets, despite the kids' constant begging and various versions of 'big ol' puppy dog eyes'.

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