Sunday, 24 April 2016


 Title: Hope
Series: Indigo Ballet Series #2
By: Grier Cooper
Publication Date: April 26, 2016
Genre: Y/A
Indigo is living the life she’s always imagined at the famed New York School of Ballet. Or is she? Although she hopes she’ll be chosen for the company, her ballet teachers aren’t talking and their silence is confusing. When Indigo is singled out for a coveted solo she feels her dreams are finally within reach, until she discovers she’s dancing with Felipe Gonzalez, the school’s smolderingly hot rising star. In the days that follow, Indigo questions everything she thought was true and finds herself making surprising choices. After a fateful piece of paper reveals the truth, Indigo must ask herself the hardest question of all: can she take control of her own future to create the life she wants?
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Grier began ballet lessons at age five and left home at fourteen to study at the School of American Ballet in New York. She has performed on three out of seven continents with companies such as San Francisco Ballet, Miami City Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet, totaling more than thirty years of experience as a dancer, teacher and performer. Her work has been praised as “poignant and honest” with “emotional hooks that penetrate deeply.” She writes and blogs about dance in the San Francisco Bay Area and has interviewed and photographed a diverse collection dancers and performers including Clive Owen, Nicole Kidman, Glen Allen Sims and Jessica Sutta. She is the author of Build a Ballerina Body and The Daily Book of Photography. Grier’s work has also appeared in Conscious Dancer, Discovery Girls, Skipping Stones, and Dance Advantage, among others.
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 Title: Finding Keepers
A Relationship Guide For Real People
By: L.D. Doornbosch
Publication Date: January 24, 2016
Cover Designer: Custom Cover Pro
Genre: Self-Help
Do you keep ending up in dead-end relationships, no matter how careful you are? Do you want to move past the losers and go straight to your ideal romantic partner? Follow the simple, common-sense steps outlined in Finding Keepers to reboot your love life and find the best person for you, for keeps. With just a paper and pencil, find out how to: - Spot losers at the first meeting. - Anticipate what your perfect partner wants before you even meet. - Figure out what YOU really want in a relationship, and how to get it.
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Many years ago, I was young and stupid. At 19 years old, I married the preacher’s son. Told you I was young and stupid, didn’t I? My relationship education up until that time was courtesy of strict parenting that had one foot in church and none in the real world. My parents’ view on sex was unambiguous: abstinence, no alternatives, and no acknowledgment of any other option. This was in the 1970’s, the era of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll, in no particular order. While the rest of the world was steeped in the Beatles and the Stones, my life was wrapped around The Old Rugged Cross and Rock of Ages. And fights. Lots and lots of fights. Like so many people, I learned early that I didn’t want what my parents had. I knew I wanted something better. I just didn’t have a clue what it was. That’s true for so many of us, and a huge reason why so many of us go through one bad relationship after another without figuring out how to make a permanent change. You can break the cycle and find a relationship with a person you love and respect, and who loves and respects you in return. It’s possible to find someone who treats you well. It’s possible to go for weeks or months without an argument. What’s more, it’s possible that disagreements can exist without deteriorating into the kinds of destructive, screaming exchanges that serve no purpose but to wound and destroy. The methods I outline in this book are simple enough that anyone can do them. They don’t require a college degree or complex mathematics. Everything is arranged in steps, allowing you to build on one step to get to the next, with straightforward explanations of why it matters at each level. Each of the things I recommend, I’ve done myself and can vouch that it works. I culled some of the best advice from several sources, including brilliant friends, books, and professionals. This book cuts straight to the chase, because I suspect you’re ready to do the same.
L D Doornbosch grew up in the Midwest, in a suburb of Waterloo, Iowa. She moved to Arizona as a teen, where she still resides today. She spent twenty years in broadcast news, on and off the air, before a career move to technology. Throughout her life, she created technical and practical manuals for work related topics. With her first book, Finding Keepers, she shifted her focus to creating a manual on personal relationships, one with step-by-step instructions on the process of finding the right person.
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Authors: A.C. Bextor, Teresa Gabelman, S.R. Grey & Nina Levine
Book Title: Incompatibly Yours: A Fertility Research Charity Anthology
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date:  April 23rd
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Hot Tree Publishing has teamed up with four amazing New York Times, USA Today & Amazon best-selling authors to bring to you four incredible romance stories.

The talented authors have produced new stories especially for our fertility research charity anthology, Incompatibly Yours.
100 % of the profits from the sales of this stunning anthology will be donated to fertility research and support charities and organizations. 

For years, Ryleigh has ignored her heart's desire and its ache for the man she's always wanted. Since coming home after years of being away, she discovers her love for him hasn't changed. The only problem is she's no longer the girl she once was. 
Committing her life to teaching the blind, Julie Daniels doesn't expect cowboy Clay Marshall to turn to her for help. As their worlds collide, Clay and Julie discover they have to rely on blind faith to find their own slice of happiness. 
Shy girl Brooks Happ wants nothing more than for her first kiss to come from someone who's her complete opposite, Confident Sebastian Kain fits the bill. Problem is, the world won't cooperate. Time and time again, Brooks's first kiss is interrupted. A cute, funny romantic comedy sure to make you laugh. 
Juliette Taylor never saw Tanner Brady coming and as much as she swears he's all kinds of wrong for her and that she wants nothing to do with him, he's out to show her otherwise. Never in a million years did she think a laid-back tattoo artist could be the man for her, but he's determined to show her that she's his kind of crazy.

Kindle Fire & Paperback Giveaway

RELEASE BLITZ - Paper Dolls by Hanna Peach @givemebooksblog and @HannaPeachBooks

Title: Paper Dolls
Author: Hanna Peach
Genre: New Adult Romantic Suspense
Release Date: April 24, 2016


My life comes down to this. Two faces. One choice.

Salem is my twin sister. She loved me. She protected me. She forgave me, even after I failed her. I just got her back after searching for three long, lonely years.

Then there’s Clay. Sweet yet intense and nursing a dark past of his own, he’s all the redemption I don’t deserve. He wants to open me up and know the insides of my soul. I want to let him, but I’m scared he’ll run from what he finds.

But I can’t have them both.

My name is Aria. And today, I must choose. One of the two people I love has to die.

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In moments like these, everything slowed. Salem always joked that it was life’s way of making sure you didn’t miss the turning points, the important bits. As if gravity sank heavier and heavier with the weight of the moment until the world was too heavy to turn and everyone held their breath.
It certainly felt like that now. My next action, my next word, would change all of our lives.
“Aria,” Clay’s deep voice reached my ears. “Whatever happens…I love you.” The usual assuredness and authority was gone. Instead, strain and hurt had crumpled up and shoved into his throat. Choose me. Save me. Love me.
Before him my life had felt like a stack of old movies; frames missing or out of order, muted crackling sound, flickering and shuttering away, unloved and unseen in an old unused cinema.
Then I found him. Or he found me.
He created a warm shield around me where I could be safe. He coaxed away all my layers and shed all my masks and his love soaked right into my skin, right into the very soul of me. He pulled out the fossil buried inside that had been my heart and breathed life into me.
How could I give up the man I loved? The one who loved me with a fierce and unwavering passion, the man who made me feel like I could defeat demons as long as he was by my side.
Winking in the threads of sunlight piercing through the solemn gray clouds, seed fluff twirled about me like swirling, dancing couples. Spinning around like Salem and I used to do in our backyard, hands clasped together tightly, turning round and round, eyes to the sky, our twin voices giggling and floating into the air like dandelions.
She had been my shield before Clay.
“I’m nothing without you, Aria,” Salem’s voice trembled, desperation leaking into the breaths between her words. Choose me. Need me. Love me.
How could I end her? I just got her back. For so long we shared almost everything, and she protected me. Her whole life had been about protecting me. Because she loved me that much.
How could I turn against her, toss her away like an old broken toy?
But I had to choose.
I could see us now, the three of us making a chain like when I was a kid, folding pieces of colored paper into rectangles, cutting out an arm, a leg, and half a head, and unfurling my new patterns in the light to reveal a line of paper dolls. Clay, Salem and I − we were all just paper dolls in a paper chain, me in the middle, each end pulling tighter and tighter until something had to tear.
Even now as I stare between Clay and Salem, trying to digest our impossible situation, Hope is still there, that terrible pixie, fluttering on my shoulder, whispering.
Maybe it doesn’t have to end this way?
Fuck you, Hope. Here’s the truth.
Nobody is coming.
No one will save us.
And someone isn’t going to make it out of this forest today.
“Choose,” my sister screamed. “It’s either him or me.”
My fingers tightened around my gun in a reflex. This was it. I either ended her. Or destroyed Clay.
I squeezed my eyelids shut for a moment, just for a moment of peace. Just for an instant I could shut out the inevitable, and in this blessed darkness I believed I could conceive a way that both could exist in my life. A way that I could choose Salem and Clay.
You can’t have both.
You tried.
Choose now.
But how?
What do you do when someone puts a gun to your head? Clay’s words came back to me, echoing as loud in my mind as if he had just spoken them. You refuse to bend. You push back. You find another way. You take that gun off him and put it back in his face. But you do not give in.
Find another way…
I knew what I had to do. A kind of peace settled on my skin, as delicate as gossamer, as light as silk.
I opened my eyes to a world of bright light until my vision adjusted. The torn and pained faces of the two people I loved came into focus. The only two people I’ve shared air with while we slept, the same two people I’d crawl into Hell to be with, and the only two people I would die for. I forced the ghost of a smile forward.
And turned the gun on myself.

Author Bio

Hanna is the bestselling author of the Bound romantic suspense series and the Dark Angel fantasy series. Although she writes in more than one genre she can’t write a book without weaving together a complicated plot and filling it with twists. She writes what she believes: good people can do bad things, ordinary people can do great things, and choose love above everything.

Eternally restless, Hanna has lived in Indonesia, Australia, Germany, Scotland, England, Croatia and Ireland – everything she owns fits into one suitcase. She’s planning her next move with her gorgeous (and understanding) partner right now. If not writing, she can be found wandering a dusty market in Marrakesh or trekking a mountain in Peru, often using her travels as settings in her novels.

To WIN a copy of her next release go to

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