Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Two Princes by Victoria Danann Release Blitz @vdanann

TwoPrincesBlitzBanner Two Princes by Victoria Danann Sanctuary Sons MC #1 Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Tour: Two Princes by Victoria Danann
Two brothers, one a player, one a playboy, are on a collision course with destiny and a woman who thought she won a prize when she was allowed a look inside the Sons of Sanctuary MC.
Brigid Roan is a graduate student at the University of Texas. She had no trouble getting her thesis approved, but finding a Hill Country motorcycle club willing to give her access to their lifestyle was looking impossible. Then she got a lead. A friend of a friend had a cousin with family ties to The Sons of Sanctuary. What Brigid wanted was information to prove a proposition. The last thing she had in mind was falling for one of the members of the club. Especially since she was a feminist academic out to prove that motorcycle clubs are organized according to the same structure as primitive tribal society. Brash Fornight was standing in line at the H.E.B. Market when his world tipped on its axis. While waiting his turn to check out, his gaze had wandered to the magazine display and settled on the new issue of “NOW”. The image on the cover, although GQ’d up in an insanely urbane way, was… him. After reading the article, Brash threw some stuff in a duffle and left his only home, a room at The Sons of Sanctuary clubhouse, with a vague explanation about needing a couple of days away. He left his truck at the Austin airport and caught a plane for New York, on a mission to find a mysterious guy walking around with his face.
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“Sir?” Brash Fornight gradually became aware that someone behind him in the grocery checkout line was trying to get his attention. “Sir?” He refocused and glanced behind him. The woman leaning on a cart overflowing with chip bags and cookie boxes nodded toward the cashier indicating that it was his turn to move forward. Brash looked her in the eye and had to give her props. Most people wouldn’t have the balls to try to herd a guy wearing Sons of Sanctuary MC leather.

The club employed a woman who cooked and did grocery shopping several times a week as part of her job description, but Brash didn’t like to explain his relentless craving for peanuts and he liked being teased about it even less. He didn’t know whether it was the Vitamin B or the fat or just because he liked the taste, but he couldn’t imagine going a day without them.

That’s how he came to be standing statue still in the grocery checkout line, being prompted by some woman with more nerve than sense. While he was waiting, his eyes drifted over the magazine display and settled on the cover of “NOW”, on the Most Eligible Bachelor edition no less. The debonair figure staring back was wearing Brash’s own face and body. He looked different with short hair and a four thousand dollar suit with the shirt fashionably open at the neckline, but the similarity was inescapable.

On impulse he grabbed the magazine and tossed it onto the conveyor belt with his week’s stash of peanuts.

He stuffed the bags into the saddlebags of his bike and roared toward home, nervously tapping his fingers on handlebars at red lights, riding on shoulders to keep from slowing down. He was anxious to get to the privacy of his own room and read about Branach St. Germaine.

Two beers, one jar of peanuts, and one “NOW” article later, Brash was sitting on the edge of his bed looking at the wall, seeing nothing but his own heavy thoughts. He pulled out his phone, looked up a website, and waited on hold for ten minutes to hear the time of the next flight from Austin to New York.

There was a flight to Newark in a little over three hours. He looked at his watch and calculated the time it would take to drive from Dripping Springs at that time of day. As he booked the flight, he stood up, walked to the small closet, grabbed a duffel bag, and began shoving stuff into it. Ten minutes later, he closed his door and locked it, threw the duffel over his shoulder, and headed straight for the office downstairs. He dropped the duffel on the hallway floor beside the closed door and knocked.

“Yeah?” Brash looked inside, glad that his dad was by himself, and stepped in. “What’s up?”

“I’m takin’ personal time, Pop. Gonna be gone for a couple of days.”
“What the hell is ‘personal time’?”

The gruffness made Brash smile. “It means I’m not gonna be here if you call and I’m not tellin’ you why.”

The Sons of Sanctuary President looked up at Brash, over the top of his readers, and narrowed his eyes. “You got a secret?”

“Everybody’s got secrets.”

Brandon Fornight studied his son for a minute. “True enough. Is it the kind of secret that could affect this club?”

Brash shook his head. “Don’t see how.”

“Well, then. See you… When did you say you’d be back?”

“I didn’t.”

“Bein’ purposefully vague, are you?”

Brash grinned. “That’s why they call it personal time. But I expect to be back Friday.”

“You gonna have your phone with you?” When Brash nodded, Bran looked back down at his ledger in a deliberately dismissive gesture. “Well, get outta here then.”

Brash parked his bike in the airplane hangar. The structure had already been on the property when the club had bought it and turned it into a compound twenty years earlier. They used part of it for vehicle maintenance and repair and part for parking.

Some of the guys who were working looked over and shot curious glances his way when Brash threw his duffel into his pickup and started it up, but it wasn’t their way to ask questions. The Sons figured that if somebody wanted you to know something, they’d tell you.

Brash took a cab to a midtown hotel, wondering all the way why human beings would choose to live in such a place. As he slid his credit card across the hotel counter to the agent on duty, he glanced at the name, Brandon Fornight. It seemed unlikely that it was a coincidence that that the mysterious look-alike’s first name began with the same four letters. He ordered room service and pulled out his laptop.

Getting intel on the guy didn’t take advanced ops. Within an hour Brash knew where Brannach St. Germaine worked, what kind of car he drove, what kind of women he dated, who his tailor was, and where he liked to dine. There was no shortage of photos online, but the one that grabbed his attention wasn’t one of the many with starlets or debutantes on his arm. It was the one taken with his arm around his mother as they were arriving together for some red carpet fundraiser. Brash had an almost irresistible compulsion to reach up and touch her face on the screen in front of him.

The knock on the door signaled that room service had arrived. It cost a fortune, but looked and tasted like shit. So he closed the computer and went out for a walk to clear his head and find something edible.


Also look for A Season in Gemini, Sons of Sanctuary MC series, Intro – in the Summer Fire anthology, available everywhere.

About Victoria Danann

USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Victoria Danann, is making her debut into Contemporary Romance with releases in May and June 2015, after taking the world of PNR by storm. Her Knights of Black Swan series won BEST PARANORMAL ROMANCE SERIES TWO YEARS IN A ROW (2013, 2014). Reviewers Choice Awards, The Paranormal Romance Guild. Victoria's paranormal romances come with uniquely fresh perspectives on "imaginary" creatures, characters, and themes. She adds a dash of scifi, a flourish of fantasy, enough humor to make you laugh out loud, and enough steam to make you squirm in your chair. Her heroines are independent femmes with flaws and minds of their own whether they are aliens, witches, demonologists, psychics, past life therapists, or financial analysts from Dallas. Her heroes are hot and hunky, but they also have brains, character, and good manners - usually - whether they be elves, demons, berserkers, werewolves, or vampires. The first book of the Knights of Black Swan Paranormal Romance Series, My Familiar Stranger, was nominated for Best Paranormal Romance of 2012 by both Reviewers' Choice and Readers' Choice Awards. All of her books have opened on the Amazon Best Sellers list and earned Night Owl Reviews TOP PICK awards. Many have appeared on Listopia BOOK OF THE MONTH as #1 across all genres. For books published in 2013, Black Swan won three awards. 1. Best Paranormal Romance Series 2. Best Paranormal Romance Novel - A SUMMONER'S TALE 3. Best Vampire~Shifter Novel - MOONLIGHT. In 2014, Solomon's Sieve won Best Vampire Novel. If you're interested in Victoria personally, she is also a classically trained musician who defected to Classic Rock music. Until 2013 she was the utility player for Houston's Roadhouse band, which means she played rhythm guitar, keyboards, sang back ups and female leads. Her band covered everything (note for note) from Styx to Led Zepellin to Rush. She lives in The Woodlands, Texas with her husband and a very smart, mostly black German Shepherd dog.

Release Blitz - Bound For Salvation, by Kendra Leigh @KLeighBooks

Release Banner for Kendra Leigh's latest contemporary romance novel, Bound for Salvation  
Title: Bound For Salvation
Series: Bound Series, Book #2
Author: Kendra Leigh
Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance, Romantic-Suspense
Release Date: June 15, 2015
Audience: Age 18+ due to mature themes and sexual content
Hell was hot, but the flames of deliverance might be the ones to burn … For the first time in living memory, Angel Lawson feels cherished. Ethan Wilde has taught her that love is possible for all, even the sinners among us. The bonds of his love free her from the shackles of her guilt. Inch by inch, he’s slid under her skin, folding himself around her soul like a soothing blanket. His love nourishes her starving heart, and his passion fuels the scorching flames of her deepest desires, driving her to the blissful edge of sweet insanity. Brick by brick, she tears down the protective wall she’s built around her heart, and the ice inside begins to thaw. To Ethan, Angel is the sole reason he exists, the blood in his veins, the drug to his addiction. He vows to mend her, to help her confront her demons and come to terms with a buried past that continues to haunt her. But what lies beneath the surface of Ethan’s past? Pasts left hidden to rot become dirty secrets. Secrets that can tear even the strongest love apart. And secrets have a habit of revealing themselves when least expected ...
Excerpt Banner
Ethan paused at the foot of the steps to be sure I was shadowing him, and with one hand in his pocket, casually ascended the stairs. I followed at a distance, the way he’d followed me on the first night we met, and as I reached the summit, I caught sight of him disappearing into a room at the end of a wide corridor. The noise from the music and chatter faded into a distant hum as I made my way down the hall, my heart hammering rhythmically against my chest as excitement built up inside me, just as it had that night. The door to the room stood slightly ajar and tentatively, I reached out to push it open. The room was in darkness, but the brightness from the hallway cast a muted light into the room, enough so that I could just make out a large, silver, Las Vegas pool table. It was a games room. Suddenly, the chrome lights above the table flicked on, drawing my attention to the high quality, smooth, black cloth covering the table. Wilde was scrawled in gray writing across the middle. The rest of the room remained in the shadows. I entered the room slowly, a quick glimpse revealing, among other things, a foosball table, a pinball machine, and several vintage arcade games. A proper boys-with-toys room. I couldn’t see Ethan, but his presence was indisputable, like an electrical force field charging the space around me, exerting his force without any tangible contact. Behind me, I heard the sound of the door closing, the key turning in the lock. A combination of apprehension and exhilaration sped through me, a shiver chasing a trail up and down my spine, continuing down and under to my naked, clenching sex. Suddenly, there was a noise from behind me, somewhere to the left in the corner of the room. The sound of a dime being pushed into a coin slot and the whirring of mechanics—a jukebox. I didn’t turn around. Ethan’s imprecise location, the unfamiliar surroundings, the uncertainty of what was about to happen, all seemed to exacerbate my arousal beyond reason, and everything south of my navel began to pulse.
Photo Teaser from Bound For Salvation by Kendra Leigh
Excerpt Banner
I gazed in bewilderment at the stranger in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. My hair was tangled and unwashed. Dark circles surrounded my red-rimmed eyes, too large for the hollows in my pale, haunted face. Turning away in disgust, I stripped naked and climbed into the shower. The steaming hot water cascaded over my tender, aching body, cleansing and soothing me, both physically and spiritually. When I emerged, I towel dried my hair and put on my robe, knowing I had only seconds to spare. As if on cue, I heard a commotion in the hallway before Ethan burst through the door to my apartment, frantically shouting out my name. He appeared in the doorway of my bedroom from the hallway as I entered from the bathroom and stared transfixed, his eyes wide with fear. The look of torment and suffering etched on his usually seamless face reflected that which I felt, and my heart constricted at the sight of him. His face was pinched, pain and misery evident in every crease and curve of his beautiful features. His bedraggled hair and bloodshot eyes revealed a state of turmoil and sleepless nights. The transformation was devastating. He stood before me, a mere shadow of his usual assertive, confident self, and suddenly my mind reeled with conflicting emotions. I hadn’t expected this. I’d imagined him shameful—remorseful even—that his deceit had been exposed, but this was an image of a broken man. Broken like me. Part of me wanted to run into his arms and kiss away the anguish and the hurt, and the other wanted to scream at him, pound my fists violently into his chest. I did neither. I just stood, rooted to the spot, incapable of any reaction. add-to-goodreads-button

Buy Bound For Salvation Now!

Bound for Salvation -Author_Fotor Kendra-Photo-2Kendra Leigh fell in love with books and the wonderful world of reading from a very young age. She was at her happiest when Enid Blyton whisked her away up into the magical lands at the top of the Faraway Tree with Moon-face and the rest of the gang. Books have been her constant source of escapism ever since. Currently residing in the UK, Kendra devotes her life to her devilishly handsome partner, scandalously beautiful daughter and cute as hell Shih-Tzu. As well as writing and reading, Kendra loves great TV, especially Dexter, Homeland and Breaking Bad. Bound for Hell was her debut novel and book one of The Bound Trilogy. Bound For Nirvana will follow Bound For Salvation and conclude the series.
  Bound for Salvation -Series_Fotor Bound for Hell - Cover Final copy 2Bound For Hell, Book 1 of The Bound Trilogy, by Kendra Leigh Ethan Wilde. Billionaire. Business Man. Passionate. Powerful. Persistent. One of New York’s most eligible bachelors. Angel Lawson. Photographer. Gallery Owner. Burdened. Beautiful. Broken. A woman bound by the ropes of her sins and forgotten past, fearful of her future. A chance encounter… Consumed by guilt and tormented by the bonds of a tragic past, Angel Lawson’s life has been a solitary journey, condemned to live without love. In order to preserve her damaged soul from further rejection, sex is as close to a man as she ever plans to get. She was already hell-bound for her sins. One more wasn’t going to hurt ... ... or so she thought. When a passionate encounter throws her into the world of Ethan Wilde, Angel is helpless to resist the irrefutable desire and depth of raw emotion he ignites in her. Ethan is as intense as he is sinfully sexy. Irretrievably captivated by Angel, he seems just as intent on understanding her naked soul as he is desperate to possess every inch of her naked body. Angel craves his touch like a drug and yearns for the love he promises, but surrendering to the feelings he’s unearthed will mean exposing her fears and releasing the demons buried for a lifetime. Exposing her heart will leave it at risk of being broken. Will Angel choose to leave her life of solitude behind, or is the choice no longer hers? Ethan Wilde is used to getting what he wants … and what he wants is Angel. Relentlessly sexy. Emotionally deep. Tangled, twisted, intricately woven love story with romance and suspense. For readers 18 and over due to mature themes and sexual content.

Buy Bound For Hell Here!


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Cover Reveal: For both are infinite: Stephanie Alba @SBB_PROMOTIONS @authorstephalba

For Both Are Infinite  
Title: For Both Are Infinite 
Author: Stephanie Alba 
Cover Reveal: June 16, 2015 
Release Date: July 14, 2015 
Hosted by: SBB Promotions


For Both Are Infinite Cover

Synopsis Logo

Living in London was always part of the plan. Ellie just didn't expect to do it alone. Running away and starting anew was the only solution.
She set some rules for herself: no connections, no love, no friends.
Work would be her only solace.
But when she's assigned to train Rhys Edwards, Britain's Heartthrob, for his run as Hamlet on West End, all her plans fade away. Ellie soon realizes that just because you're breathing, it doesn't mean you're alive, and she learns it's the connections in life that make it worth living.

FBAR Teaser 2

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Excerpt Logo

“We’re heading in your direction. We are just parking and we'll be there in a few,” John said.
“Okay, see you in a few minutes.”
Immense pressure welled in my chest so tightly it felt as if my ribs were cracking. Self-consciously, I stood in front of the mirror to tuck stray hairs into place and straighten my skirt. I was the first in the meeting room and the waiting made me all the more anxious. I was quite nervous, not about meeting a gorgeous celebrity, but because this was my first opportunity to really prove myself.
I knew John trusted me, but it would be nice to confirm that he had made the right choice, despite my foreigner status. I also wanted to do right by Shakespeare’s work. Having studied this for over six years, I felt uniquely protective of him and his life’s effort, as if it was my responsibility to care for his legacy since he couldn’t do it himself.
I had been sitting in a chair before I realized that it was impractical to sit when they walked in, so I clumsily stood up and walked to appropriately greet them by the door. Mentally, I reminded myself to relax just as John, Michael Murphy, the director, and Rhys Edwards walked by the glass wall of the room and approached the door. I raised my hand casually, smiling at them as I waved and I noticed hesmiled back. I regretted waving, finding it awkward, not quite understanding why I did it, and his smile didn’t help the situation.
It made me feel noticed and stripped when he gazed at me. I was hoping the butterflies in my stomach were work related because I hadn’t felt that in a long while and it made me uncomfortable to feel such ancient emotions. No one had affected me like that in over two years and I wanted to keep it that way. Barely managing to catch my breath, I greeted John and waited for the director to introduce himself.
Michael Murphy wasn’t tall or short, but of average height and heavy set. The weight was primarily at his center, bulging out of his high-waist pants, with his suspenders barely held them up. He seemed artsy, wearing a golfer hat and a full red beard that covered the majority of his face. But it was his voice that stood out the most, loud and projecting through my ears as he intrusively stood too close.
“Hello, I’m Michael. I’ll be directing the production,” he said, shaking my hand. He then gestured to the younger of the three men, and said, “And this is the star of our show, who needs no introduction, Mr. Rhys Edwards.”
Mr. Edwards shared a warm smile with a hint of modesty over his introduction. Making eye contact, I extended my hand towards him and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. I’m Ellie Reed, and I’m looking forward to working with you.”
He took me by surprise when he didn’t shake my hand, but instead enveloped it in between the two of his. This was no ordinary handshake, it was affection reserved for people who shared a connection or had known each other for years. He stared at me with an intense, but comfortable familiarity and said, “As am I. I’m glad to meet you and grateful to you already.”
I froze. I hadn’t expected him to be this way or to immediately like him. The longer I stared into his eyes, the more I could see not just their beauty, but their kindness exuding from the crystal blue irises that stared back at me. Instantly, I felt at ease as they gave off the sincerest honesty I’d ever felt from another person. But there was also a discomfort in my heart that came with that momentary peace.
“I’m really excited to work together,” he said, still holding my hand in his, bringing me out of my hypnotic trance. I became hypocritically aware that Mr. Murphy’s proximity had bothered me, yet Rhys’ left me calm and thrilled. I wasn’t sure I was okay with that, or if I really understood it. If anything it left me curious for more.
Blinking out of it, I responded. “Yes, me too,” and despite my earlier apprehensions, I meant it.

FBAR Teaser 3

Author Bio Logo

Stephanie Alba grew up in Hialeah, Fl. with her Cuban grandparents and holds a BA in English Literature from University of Central Florida. From an early age, she always wanted to become a writer and began working towards that goal during her first year at home with her infant.
Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, Stephanie taught high school English and Literature. Though she misses her "kids", writing is her passion and all of her stories resonate with her experiences in some way. They are works of fiction, but just as they connect with her, she hopes they also connect with her readers.
She continues to live in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.  with her husband and son. She When she isn't writing, Stephanie is reading, finishing up graduate school, and spending time with her family.

Stephanie Alba

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RELEASE DAY BLITZ: Arrow's Hell (Wind Dragons MC, #2) by Chantal Fernando @FMR_BG @chantalfernando


ARROW’S HELL (Wind Dragons MC Series #2)
Release Date: June 16, 2015


Anna is a beautiful Ph.D. student whose older brother is a notorious badass in the Wind Dragons MC. Of course she loves Rake, who’s looked out for her since their troubled childhood. But he’s still protecting her—to the extreme. She can’t make a move without a Wind Dragons motorcycle escort. Potential boyfriends flee, for fear of her ass-kicking sibling. And Rake’s made it clear that his biker brothers are trouble of the worst kind, and strictly off-limits. But one of these tattooed bad boys has already pierced her heart: Arrow, the bearded, darkly brooding rider with the body of a Greek God and eyes that betray a wounded soul. He’s sent to whisk her off campus on his thundering steel stallion. And when Anna wraps her arms around his rock-hard torso, it’s too late for caution: she’ll ride as far as the road takes them—unless Rake stops Arrow in his flight. . . .

*Note: this can be read as a stand alone

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Review by

* * ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review * *

if you've read Dragon's Lair then you remember Arrow, he was in jail for killing the rival MC president, this book we get to see how life has been for him out of prison. Arrow still feels guilty for the death of Mary, he feels he didn't do right by her and that's how she got killed. Arrow is dead inside, he feels nothing, until a little firecracker is introduced into the club, the only problem is she's a club members sister.
Rake has always looked out for his sister even when she was miles across the country, now he has her back and a chance to get close again, but can he let get closer to one? Anna loves her brother ad is so happy to have him back, but she didn't know she would get a whole family in the process, but that how the MC works, you got family in the MC, then you become the MC'S family, but when Anna got one look at Arrow she knew she would want more with him, but she didn't realize the demons that would come with him. These two together is fire and gasoline HOT. I loved it, I was hooked from the first page. Arrow is a hot sexy alpha bike , so you see how easy it is to like him, right? He doesn't feel worthy of Anna but when secrets are revealed will want and love be enough? absolutely loved this book. can read as a standalone but to get full effect I highly recommend reading Dragon's Liar first.


Wind Dragons MC Series

DRAGON’S LAIR (Wind Dragons MC Series #1)
Re-Release Date: April 21, 2015


When Faye discovers her boyfriend in bed with another woman, she does something incredibly stupid: she sleeps with his brother, Dexter Black. He’s the boy next door who grew up to be one sexy biker dude, pure alpha male to the core. A tattooed muscle-bound fantasy in the flesh, Dex is now vice president of the notorious Wind Dragons MC. And now Faye’s really screwed. . . . She’s a law student with a future. He’s a criminal with a past. She’s a good girl from a strict family. He’s a bad boy who breaks all the rules. But once Faye straddles the back of Dex’s bike—and experiences the thrill of the open road, the rush of pure adrenaline, and the roar of unbridled lust—there’s no turning back. This good girl and her hot-blooded biker are in for the ride of their lives. . .

*Note: this version is a revised and expanded edition of the indie version. It can be read as a stand alone.

TRACKER’S END (Wind Dragons MC Series #3)
Release Date: August 11, 2015


Sweet, shy, and studious, Lana was the perfect student in high school—and the perfect target for a horny jock. After being seduced and humiliated, she swears she’ll never trust a man again. But when a friend draws her into the circle of the Wind Dragons MC, Lana’s steel-walled defenses are put to the test. The bikers are so sexy, so masculine and assured, they’re hard to resist—especially the gorgeous one called Tracker…
From the moment he meets Lana, Tracker feels the chemistry between them—and it’s highly explosive. A part of him wants to protect this angel on earth from the hell-on-wheels bikers’ world. But another part of him wants to take her in his arms, put her on his bike, and ride off into the sunset together. Lana wants the same thing—even though she knows it will set off a firestorm of trouble. She also knows that when a woman want something, she has to fight for it. And Tracker is definitely worth fighting for…

*Note: this can be read as a stand alone

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Chantal Fernando is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author whose novels include two books in the Maybe series—Maybe This Time and its follow up, This Time Around; and her latest releases, Toxic Girl and Saxon. When not reading, writing, or daydreaming, she can be found enjoying life with her three sons and family. She lives in Western Australia.

Hosted By:

Release Day Event - Stalker by Clarissa Wild @WildClarissa

Title: Stalker
Author: Clarissa Wild
Publication Date: June 16th, 2015
Genre: Dark Romance (18+)
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24471388-stalker
Buy: Amazon • Nook • Kobo • iBooks • Google Play

Fuck me once, I'll fuck you twice … then I'll bury you.

No prison can keep me from seeking revenge. Especially when it comes to her.
She, the woman who put me in jail.
I swore that I’d come for her, to claim what belongs to me: Her life.
I’m not a good man. On the contrary, I love to be bad. It’s in my veins. Just like it’s in my veins to ruin her.
She’s an actress, pretending to be a saint, but we both know that isn’t true. One way or another, she’ll pay for what she did.
I will hunt for her. Make her fear me. Make her body mine.
Bad deeds never go unpunished … And I always go out with a bang.

WARNING: This book is a DARK ROMANCE STANDALONE - it has a non-conventional ending. This isn't rainbow sprinkles & unicorn fluff. It's a dark, thrilling journey of two people clashing over love, lust, and hatred. Heed the warning. Contains graphic violence, alcohol, drugs & other disturbing content. 

No Cliffhanger. Stand Alone.

Order now:

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Review by 

Read in June, 2015

After reading the prequel to this, I was excited to read this book and Clarissa has not disappointed yet again....

This is one hell of a dark and twisted read, there are so many twists and turns, you will never know where you are going and you will always be guessing wrong.

Phoenix is a killer, a man you don't want to involve yourself in, or cross as he will come after you with vengeance in mind. For some reason though he is one of those characters that you love to hate. You have to think there must be a reason for him to be the way he is, and we find out all the reasons that he is in this book. It is not what you think, I was surprised.

Vanessa is a person that in the beginning, you will think is a victim in all of this, but she is just as dark and twisted as Phoenix.

I loved reading this book, you have everything you want in a read, dark, twisted, hot scenes, mysteries unravelled.

Clarissa has a way with her writing that just pulls you in from page one, and it is a book that you don't want to put down until you have finished. It is better though if you read the prequel first as then you will have more an understanding of what is going on.

*****Reviewed on behalf of Obsessed by Books **********

Frowning, I walk toward the door and notice it’s been left open. Outside are red drops scattered across the floor. I lean forward, so I can scour the premise, and that’s when I notice the pool of blood lying on the porch.
My eyes widen and I scream.
Stumbling backward inside the house, I slam the door shut with shaky hands.
That blood, is it Arthur’s? What’s going on? Is he here?
Shit, I knew it.
I immediately reach for my umbrella stand and fish out the rifle hidden behind all the umbrellas. I should’ve prepared more for this day, but I didn’t think it would arrive so soon. I lock and load the rifle, turning around quickly to surprise my attacker.
“Show yourself, you motherfucker,” I scream. “I know it’s you.”
“Hello, Vanessa ….” His voice brings me chills to the bone. “Long time, no see.”
“Get the fuck out of my house!” I yell, turning circles.
The voice is coming from everywhere, and I don’t know where he is. If I move, I’m afraid he’ll catch me.
All I hear is vicious, uncontrollable laughter. “Did you miss me? No need to be angry, I’m here now.”
“What do you want?” I scream.
“Oh … you know exactly what I want.” The grim harshness in his voice makes me tremble. “I told you that I’d come for you. Ready or not, here I come, Princess.”
“No! Stay away!” I scream, turning to the hallway. I could swear his voice came from there.
But there’s nothing to be seen.
Nothing except the filthy boot prints on the wooden floor behind me, leading into the hallway to the right.
I follow the trail into my living room, holding out my gun, ready to shoot if I must.
But then the trail suddenly ends.
My lips part in confusion as I wonder where in the hell the dirt has gone. I can’t find the boots anywhere. And then I realize what’s going on.
Too late.
Something is pulled over my head, pulling me into the dark. A bag.
His hands twist and twist until I choke. The gun drops to the floor. He’s suffocating me, and no matter how much I claw at the bag, it won’t break.
The last thing I hear before I pass out is, “Playtime is over. You can’t hide, Princess. Now you’re mine.”

Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/qUGGDjpYdEo

Clarissa Wild is a New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author, best known for the dark Romance novel Mr. X. Her novels include the Fierce Series, the Delirious Series, and Stalker. She is also a writer of erotic romance such as the Blissful Series, The Billionaire's Bet series, and the Enflamed Series. She is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals.

Want to get an email when the next book is released?
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