Monday, 1 August 2016






Title: Hostile Workplace

Author: A.M. Madden

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release: September 6th

Cover Artist: Sommer Stein

Models: Tessi Conquest and Nathan Weller 

Photographer: Kelsey Kukal-Keeton


Sam Stanton knows these simple facts:
~ He is a great catch, successful, smart, gorgeous…but the wrong woman caught him.
~ He has the perfect girl who is madly in love with him.
~ He wasted six years of his life by playing it safe.
~ He is damn good at his job and intends to keep climbing the ladder.
~ He can’t get her off his mind or out of his heart—no matter how hard he tries.

But, what he doesn’t know is just as important:
~ Will he ever really move on and forget how badly she broke his heart?
~ Should he settle for a sure thing, even knowing it’s the wrong thing?
~ Can he give up his career for a chance at happiness?
~ Does he correct one mistake with another?
~ What would he do if she were to return? Confused yet? Welcome to Sam Stanton’s life.


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A.M. Madden is a USA Today bestselling author, as well as 2016 eLit Gold Medalist for Best Romance Ebook, and 2016 Ippy Award Silver Medalist for Best Romance Ebook.

A.M. is a wife, a mother, an avid reader of romance novels, and now an author.

"It's all about the HEA." A.M. Madden is the author of the popular Back-Up Series, as well as several other contemporary romances. 

She also writes the True Heroes Series for Random House.

Her debut novel was Back-up, the first in The Back-Up Series. In Back-Up, A.M.'s main character Jack Lair caused readers to swoon. They call themselves #LairLovers, and have been faithful supporters to Jack, as well to the rest of his band, Devil's Lair.

A.M. truly believes that true love knows no bounds. In her books, she aspires to create fun, sexy, realistic romances that will stay with you after the last page has been turned. She strives to create characters that the reader can relate to and feel as if they know personally.

A self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, she loves getting lost in a good book. She also uses every free moment of her time writing, while spending quality time with her three handsome men. A.M. is a Gemini and an Italian Jersey girl, but despite her Zodiac sign, nationality, or home state, she is very easy going. She loves the beach, loves to laugh, and loves the idea of love.

A.M. Madden is a Goodreads Author and can be contacted on Facebook, twitter, or at



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Title: No Offense, Darlin’
Series: Like A Lady #5
Author: S.J. Sawyer
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: July 23, 2016


Jake Roberson is nothing but a lying bastard. Every whisper that falls from his lips is a betrayal, but I can’t seem to convince myself to walk away. When he comes sauntering toward me, all those particulars go right out the window, and I cave. Every. Single. Time.

No more, though. I can’t. There’s too much at stake this time around, and I won’t have it.

Besides, one night with Beau, that’s all it took. I’m sunk. He was amazing in every way imaginable, and he still is. Why he likes someone like me, I can’t fathom. He’s such a good man, and he only ever sees the best in people, me included. It’s an amazing thing. The way he looks at the world, it’s like magic. Every bone, every muscle, every fiber of Beau Reed’s being is good, and he never stops proving that to me. He’s a good guy deep down in his core where it counts. I’ve always known that, even when I first met him. It’s something that radiates out from him like this big glowing light. Never have I ever met anyone like him.

But because he’s good, I have to make him go. ~Shelby

I can’t focus on anything else:
Soft, brown hair hanging in waves down to creamy skin that looks all too damned touchable.
Big eyes that could never be described with any justice, brown to green, maybe hazel, with so much vibrant light, etching them forever into memory.
Plump, smooth, kissable lips that are the stuff of fantasy, with the bottom one slightly fuller than the top, perfect.

It’s always Shelby, always been Shelby, and there doesn’t seem to be anything or anyone that can make that any different.

Except, now, there’s more at play than just her. For once, it’s not about Shelby Case, and despite my best efforts to save her, there’s things that I can’t rescue her from. ~Beau

NOTE: No Offense, Darlin’ is the first Like A Lady novel. While it could be read as a standalone, for the full effect of Beau and Shelby’s backstory, the Like A Lady serial should be read as a prequel to this novel. The first part of the serial, Big Girl Panties, is free.

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Chapter One: Beau

"If the heat hangs on any longer, I'm gonna move to Colorado," I tell Preston. "I'm done with it."

"Hell, it's only the first of October. We got a couple more weeks of the heat, man, and you know it. Best get used to it."

"Somethin' hasta give."

"Listen, you're actin' like a lil'-"

My radio goes off, scaring the daylights out of us both. Laughing, I turn the loud buzzing down a bit and listen to the dispatcher calling for me over at the bar. Of course, it's for me. It couldn't be the fire guys. Getting up from my seat, I groan, wanting to cuss, but I've been workin' on that shi- stuff. I've been watching what I say because, now I have a little niece toddling around repeating everything, my mom is gonna end up beating my backside if I don't. One tiny shit or hell slips off her sweet lips, and we'll all get our mouths washed out with lye soap.

"I guess I gotta go," I tell him, grabbing my takeout cup and cookies off the table between us. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Nothin' good ever happens on college night out at Rowdy's."

"Alright. Let me know about fishing in the morning. I won't wait around forever."

Shaking my head, because I know he'll wait as long as I dam- dang well please, I head out of Subway, with a groan for all the stupid people in this town. The only thing to do around here on a weekend night is go to the bar or party in a pasture. We don't have a theater or bowling alley in town. Heck, we barely have a restaurant that stays open past nine. Thursdays start the weekend early, offering up dollar beer to the college kids. It wouldn't be so bad except all the rednecks around this place, including my brother Carl, act like idiots, thinking they are twenty-one, again. They can't handle their beer, dang sure not their liquor, and it ends up in a huge, messy brawl. The whole thing is like clockwork, every single weekend.

The Tahoe is parked right out in front of the restaurant for ease of access, not that much occurs around Freemont except traffic violations, the occasional wreck, and domestics. Getting inside, I buckle up before flipping on the lights. The blue and reds light up the night, and several high school kids get into their vehicles. Instead of racing out to Rowdy's, I take my time, careful of all the sixteen year olds. They've been loitering about since before I got here for dinner. It’s not a school night, thanks to the county-wide teacher's meeting tomorrow, but it's the least of my issues, apparently. They know better, though, because the owner is gonna complain about it on Monday, and then, I'll be forced to give them grief next weekend.

Same ole thing, different day.

Calling in to Liz, I laugh when she sighs, dramatically. "What's goin' on out there, tonight?" I ask.

"I'm not real sure. Domestic disturbance of some kind," she tells me, boredom soaking her every word. "I figure some drunk asshole beat up his old lady."

"I'm bettin' bar fight over a pretty girl. What are we wagering?"

"Ten bucks. I'm broke 'til payday."

"What the heck is the city payin' you? I'm broke, like livin' on some dang noodles broke, and here you are wagering ten? Five."

"Fine. Five it is, but you're doing this cause you know I'm going to win."

"We'll see," I laugh. Pulling into the rough parking lot, I park up front, watching as people scatter to the four corners. "I'm here, now. Talk to ya in a bit."

"Be safe," she tells me, as always.


She says it like I'm not always safe. I mean, when have I ever given anyone the idea I wouldn't be a hundred and ten percent, vest-wearing careful? I'm always careful. Well, most of the time, I'm careful. Sometimes.

Getting out of the car, I slam the door. The owner, Jeff, comes running over to me before I can even take a step in his direction. All six foot, three hundred pounds of him is barreling toward me at a speed I wasn't sure he possessed, and quite honestly, I'm scared for my freaking life. I take a step back, just in case, but he stops short, waving for me to follow him toward the bar's front door.

"What's goin' on, tonight?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "I don't know what got into the fool girl's head. I tell ya, she's off her rocker, Beau. Don't know what she was thinking, bringing trouble like this around here."

Ahh, there's always a girl, usually a sorta pretty one. Why is it always over a dang girl? Men do the stupidest sh- stuff over them. It's something that's hard wired into us, imbedded inside our DNA.

"Slow down. What exactly happened?"

Roger, a regular out here, holds the door open for Jeff and me. We both walk in like we own the place, and looking around, I don't see anything out of the ordinary. The lights are still mostly in place in their ancient fixtures, the bar stools are intact, and there doesn't seem to be any broken glass or pool sticks. I worked the Halloween Brawl. It occurred my first week on the PD and was some scary sh- stuff. It was bad, real bad, but this...well, it doesn't look like that at all. Inside Rowdy's, it looks like an extremely slow night, but Jeff doesn't stop inside. He walks straight through the bar, down the hall by his office, and out the back. I follow along, thoroughly confused.

"She's out here, Beau. I dunno what you are gonna do about it."

"What the he-"

There's no need to finish the sentence. I know exactly what he's talking about, and suddenly, I wish it were Mike, Cliff, Jared, or anyone's night to work this except mine. Why did it hafta be me?

"What's going on out here?" I ask, directing my question to Jake Roberson. "Jeff says we have a problem."

"Damn right we have a problem, Beau! Goddamn!" he yells back. He’s pacing back and forth, as if there’s too much energy inside him to be contained. "The stupid cunt is out of her damned head! What the hell was she thinking? She took a fucking baseball bat to my brand new truck! My brand new truck! You have to do something. Haul her ass in!"

Now, here's the story. I don't like Jake Roberson, not even a little bit, not at all. The way I see it, he's screwed over one too many people in his two decades on this planet, and I figure he deserves about anything he gets. Even as a kid, he was a brat. Spoiled to the core. I've never known him to have a bit of niceness in his body. His parents have raised him to feel entitled, but best I can tell, there's nothing all too special about him. He's a lazy son of a bi- jerk, lives off his daddy's money, and has managed to skate through life on his family name.

"Now, slow down. What are we talkin’ about?"

"You might as well go ahead and arrest me, take me to a cell. There's no arguing with the high and mighty Roberson family."

Jake jumps toward the soft voice behind me, lunging. His buddy Grayson pulls him back by his shirttail. He's yelling at him to keep his cool, telling him he needs to keep his nose clean, but Jake is pissed and it shows. Turning, I look into the semi-darkness behind me, hunting for the face I know is there. The poor lighting hides a beautiful set of hazel eyes, but the face is there, looking good and furious. It's like she's daring me to take her up on her words.

She should know I never back down from a challenge.

Author Bio

Twenty-something, Okie girl S.J. Sawyer enjoys creating the best book-boyfriends in a mix of romance, humor, and reality, loving her heroes swoon-worthy and stubborn. Author of the Sealed series and Like A Lady serial, writing new adult, romantic comedy, and contemporary romance. Mom of three; wife of one. Graduate of SOSU with a Bachelor’s degree in English Lit. Lover of books, young and old. Sucker for the happy ending.

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Title: Tempting Fate
Series: Black Shamrocks MC #4
Author: Kylie Hillman
Genre: Dark Romance/Contemporary/Suspense
Release Date: July 30, 2016


Revenge or the love of his life?
Her soul mate versus her family?
Whatever they chose, someone loses.

Mik and Maddi. Mad Dog and his Angel. Mikhail Kennedy and Madelaine O'Brien. One without the other just doesn't seem right. They're made for each other; soul mates who've survived every obstacle thrown in their way.

It should be smooth sailing from now on. Mik taking his rightful place as the President of the Black Shamrocks MC with his woman by his side. Maddi free from the demons that plague her, finally back in the tender embrace of the love of her life.

Revenge. That dish best served cold. The need for it is eating Mik up inside. Filling him with hatred and blinding him to Maddi's struggle. He wants to avenge every wrong done to them while she wishes to forgive and forget.

A life filled with love and happiness ought to be their destiny. A future filled with pain and regret appears to be the actual outcome. With the love they've fought so hard to protect at stake, can they let go of the past and stop TEMPTING FATE?

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“It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll; I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”
William Ernest Henley

Revenge. The vindictive pleasure it brings has been many a man’s downfall. Its seductive nature, the power it imbues, the satisfaction that settles in your bones knowing that you’ve settled the score, is a craving that’s hard to resist.

My man is strong. Stronger than any I’ve ever known yet I fear his need for retaliation is going to beat him. The Club needs a leader they can trust, a man who sticks to his word, a champion of their code of honor. Me, well I need my lover, my partner, my soul mate to put me first. He needs to be the master of our destiny, the keeper of our fate, while I’m lost in my grief and confusion.

It’s not fair. I know it’s not. Yet, even knowing how much he needs to avenge the wrongs that were brought down on our head—the deception that threatened to tear the Shamrocks apart—I can’t give him what he’s asking for.

My blessing.

To kill my father.

Every fiber of my being accepts that he’s my soul mate. My matching half. The yin to my yang. We both acknowledge that our destiny was sealed when I was just a girl. However, if he continues with his pursuit of vengeance, I fear the outcome will do more than tempt our fate.

It’ll destroy our future.



The wind and my woman at my back.

There’s no better feeling.

Gripping my ape-hangers, I maneuver my Harley to the head of the pack and accelerate. Fuck riding behind Timber right now. Fuck riding with anyone but Lainey. She’s the only person who matters to me, my sole reason for breathing.

I’m free. Jail is nothing but a receding reflection in my side mirror. We’ve survived our latest betrayal. Five months of fucking hell it cost us; leaving my woman to struggle on her own and me locked in a manmade hell-hole. Every fucker who conspired against us is gonna pay. I don’t give a shit whether they call themselves family or friend.

Mik was who they locked up. He was stabbed and beaten; bent and almost broken by a corrupt system and a plan put in place by a man he once loved like a second father.

Mad Dog is who emerged. Spiteful, nasty, bitter, and resentful. He’s hell bent on revenge; bound and determined to rid the world of every cockhead who’s ever done us wrong.

Starting with Beast. Father of the love of my life or not, he’s going to die.

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Coming Soon

Coming September 30, 2016

It's said that only in our darkest hour do we find light. That may be true for the lucky ones. When your light has been extinguished and pitch-black bleakness has taken hold, you could be excused for doubting that it will ever be reignited.

In the past when people mentioned Joel O'Brien, they talked about "the quiet one". The boy who was the family's voice of reason and their go-to guy for wisdom well beyond his years. Nowadays, they whisper about the "crippled one". The man who radiates darkness, who wallows in his self-pity, and refuses to find a way to deal with the injuries he sustained during the war that recently threatened to engulf the Black Shamrocks MC. 

Sascha Koswalski is the light of her family's life. With a smile that could brighten the day of the most hard-hearted, the single mother uses her innate exuberance to help lessen the pain that afflicts her physiotherapy patients. She's yet to have a patient who doesn't respond to her sunny nature and skilled hands.

Until Joel. The stubborn, angry man might be the one patient she fails. Unable to crack his protective shell, Sascha is on the verge of giving up when Joel saves her from a life-threatening situation. Buoyed by the knowledge that there is a man filled with hope hiding underneath his cold veneer, can the physiotherapist rehabilitate more than his broken body? Will she be the light that reignites his belief in himself and sets them both on the path to FINDING NIRVANA?

DISCLAIMER: This book contains depictions of graphic situations and is not suitable for all readers.

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Author Bio

Kylie Hillman is an Australian author.

Wife to a Harley-riding, boating and fishing, four-wheel driving quintessential Aussie bloke. Mum to two crazy, adorable, and original kids. Crohn's Disease sufferer and awareness campaigner. She’s also an avid tea drinker, a connoisseur of 80s/90s rock music, and is known for lacing everything she says with sarcasm and inappropriate innuendo.

Formerly working in finance, she was forced to reevaluate her plans for her life when severe Crohn's Disease brought her corporate career to a screeching halt. Restarting her childhood hobbies of writing and reading to alleviate the monotony of being sick and housebound, she found her calling and is enjoying life to the max. A typical day is spent in the "real" world where she hangs out with her awesome family and "book" world where she gets to chill with her fictional characters.

Kylie writes the books she wants to read. A lover of strong men who aren't perfect and aren't afraid to admit it, straight talking women who embrace their vulnerabilities, and real life gritty stories, she hopes these themes shine through her writing. An avid reader of all genres, Kylie hopes to release books that keep the reader on the edge of their seat- be it with suspense, romance, or laughter.

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RELEASE BLITZ : ROCK BOTTOM by Josephine Traynor

Title: Rock Bottom
Author: Josephine Traynor
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 1, 2016


“Money. Fame. Success. I had it all. And now I have nothing. No band. No contract. I’m roughing it with the commoners, and I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing.”

Reece Ashton is used to living the dizzying heights of being a celebrity, until his only other band member leaves just as they were about to embark on a world tour. Sold out shows, groupies, and living the high life are long forgotten as he has to learn to fend for himself while living in suburbia. Hiding out in the tiny town of Portmouthe, England is as about as far away from the spotlight as possible. He doesn’t want to be there, but he’s got nothing but time on his hands now that he’s been left high and dry by his band mate. No job, limited money and no life skills - he’s completely out of his element. No one in town knows he’s there except one girl who keeps his secret. Falling in love was never part of his comeback plan.

Madelyn Arnett knows all too well what it’s like to be on the wrong end of the paparazzi. She’s quietly rebuilding her life in the sleepy town of Portmouthe away from the prying eyes of trash media when the most famous musician on earth ends up in her workplace. Worried that when the media comes hunting for him, they will find her and she’s worked too hard to let some spoiled little rock star take her life away from her. But this helpless rock star is in need of a friend. Turns out, she’s the only person on the planet to truly know the real Reece Ashton. Fighting to not fall in love, she knows their time is fleeting as the glare of the spotlight comes hunting for Reece.

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“Have you heard of the term ‘first world problems’? You have Google on your phone, Reece, best get acquainted with it. Man has been doing things for himself for a long time, I guess this is the way of natural selection, who can figure things out and who can’t—”

Running my hand through my hair, I grip the phone tighter. “You know I only use my phone to ring, text and porn.”

“Good God, I’ll send someone around in a week, no doubt you will be dead from starvation or masturbatory dehydration.”

I hold the phone away from my ear and yell, “Laugh it up chuckles. You’ll see. I don’t need any fucking help.”


I need help.

I’ve walked for ten minutes, and all I’ve passed is more suburbia. I’m sure I’ve seen this same house three times. I’m ashamed to say that I’m pretty useless with my sense of direction. I can get lost just turning in a circle. The first five minutes of walking was hell. I started to sweat. My pants were clinging to my legs, and the rank stale odour of my body was blowing up wind.

The longest I’ve had to walk was from the door of the hotel to my waiting car on the street, or from the tarmac to the airport. I don’t include the hours across the stage a night. That was fun. This is as boring as bat shit. I don’t have headphones, I don’t have a car, and I don’t have a driver. I don’t have anything that I took for granted.

The houses are all blending in, and I don’t know which one’s mine. I’m waiting for David to text me the address, but I know he’s taking the piss. Bastard. Teasing me about first world problems. I know I sound like a whiny little bitch, but my life is in stark contrast to what it was forty-eight hours ago, and I’m struggling to adjust.

Author Bio

Josephine Traynor is very good at keeping secrets - she’s been a closeted writer for years but only got brave enough last year to show her writer friend a small chunk of what she’d written. 

She’s a mother of two small boys and only told her husband about her book when it was completed. God knows what he thought she was doing on the computer for all those hours!

Josephine’s a lover of tea and has a thing for all things vanilla. She loves a good book that makes her laugh and has heaps of character growth. Her aim is to write books that inspire, cause sore stomach muscles and have memorable characters for all the right reasons. 

Josephine Traynor is not her real name. The pen name is derived from Josephine being her favourite girls name and Traynor is inspired by Will Traynor from Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. His message from that book was for everyone to be brave in this world and to make their mark. This was a huge lesson for her to get over her fear of publishing. She’s doing this for her, her dream is to be a published author, what’s your dream and go after it. 

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Title: Creed of Redemption
Series: S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy #2
Author: S.R. Watson & Shawn Dawson
Genre: Erotic Romance
 Release Date: August 1, 2016


My darkness has been let out containment. I’ve tasted submission again and my dick is hard for it. Trouble is, not just any woman will do. Lourdes has managed to be the one woman to conquer me. I gave her a glimpse at my brand of kink and her legs spread in acceptance…that is until my secret was prematurely revealed. I’ve tilted her world on its axis and not in the way that I planned. She doesn’t want anything to do with me now. I won’t beg. I won’t chase. If she knows what’s good for her, she will keep running.

I’m cocky, hard headed, and I like to fuck. Lourdes will not break me. I will let my demons run free. They don’t define me because I make the fucking rules. I decide who can have a taste. Our band, Sex in Numbers, is taking our show on the road. There will be too many women at my disposal to get caught up with just one. Time to get back to the man that I am.

Rock hard. Fuck harder. No regrets.

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S.R. Watson

S.R. Watson is a Texas native who resides in Wisconsin. She is an operating room nurse who has evolved into an author of Erotica and New Adult. She grew up reading the Sweet Valley Series (Twins, High, & University) among others. Back then she would use notebook paper to create stories and cut pictures out of her mother's JC Penney catalogs for the characters she wanted to portray. She ventured away from reading and writing stories when she left home for college to pursue her BSN and then her MBA, but picked up reading again in 2012. Her love for the stories written by her favorite authors made her decide to pursue own dreams of writing. Her Forbidden Trilogy was her debut release. Since then she has written the stand alone, The Object of His Desire, as well as co-written the start of the S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy and The Adulteress, along side Shawn Dawson. She looks forward to sharing her writing journey with everyone because is so much more to come.

When S.R. Watson is not writing, she likes to spend time with her kiddos and mom, going to the lake, read, listen to various genres of music, make handmade natural soap, and travel. She is down to earth, loves a nice glass of wine, and is addicted to watching the television series Scandal and reality TV.

Shawn Dawson

Shawn Dawson is an Illinois native who resides in Hampshire. He has always been an athlete, which has led to many achievements. He is currently a sponsored athlete for Fit Hustle. He is also a published cover model for sixteen books with more to release. His newest journey has taken him on a different path to pursue writing. He made his debut as an author along side S.R. Watson with Sex in Numbers, book one in the S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy. He has also co-written the start of a six book serial titled, The Adulteress Infidelity Chronicles. More books are in the works.

Shawn enjoys spending time with his daughter Mya and his fur babies, Camden and Rebel. He also streams from both Xbox and PS4 (Destiny) so be sure to check him out at When Shawn is not writing, he also dedicates his time to working out and helping to change the lives of his online clients through coaching. Visit his page to find a nutrition / work out plan that right for you at
