Sunday, 10 January 2016

Blog Tour: Ten (My Brother’s Best Friend) by Ker Dukey @KerDukeyauthor

Title: Ten (My Brother’s Best Friend)

Author: Ker Dukey

Released: December 20, 2015

Cover Design: Pink Ink Designs

Photographer: Clyph Jean Philippe

Model: Kyle Nelson

Ten years old I fell in love
Ten years was the price of that love
Ten years later our world’s re-collide
Alexandria (Alex)
My brother Jonah was possessive when it came to the things he owned; this unfortunately included the people in his life. The forbidden love between his best friend and me was just that… forbidden.
Our families were from different walks of life and as a sheriff’s daughter being with a Moore’s kid would never be tolerated. To my parents their son and Dalton Moore were on different paths and their friendship would end as soon as college began but it was my brother who had a craving for trouble. He was always looking for danger, committing petty crimes and getting away with it because Dalton would take the fall, blackening his already stained name. When Jonah found out we broke the rules by loving each other, his consequences impacted us all with immeasurable suffering.
Betrayal comes with a debt and it would be paid by all of us.
One with their heart,
one with their mind
and one would pay in blood.
Alexandria (Alex) 

Soul mates, 
not everyone believes they exist, but that’s because they have never met theirs. 
How can someone who has never felt a connection so fierce, that you feel the power of it in every molecule of your being, believe such an thing exists? 
How can you explain to them that the jolt that ignites every nerve ending in your body is like the sky crackling and exploding with lightening before it joins with the earth for the briefest yet most magnificent of moments, displaying the true force of nature’s power? 

When that one person you were created with, comes into your life, you know without any doubt that they’re yours and you are theirs. It’s nature in its truest form. There is nothing more natural then falling in love with your soul mate. 

True love Is like an out of body experience, you transcend before crashing back into your body seeing life through new eyes. 
You don’t just find your soul mate; you reunite with them with intensity so powerful nothing can stop it. A love so potent you feel it in the atmosphere, and you see it in their aura. 

Dalton Moore was my soul mate and I lived to love him.  
He was in my every childhood memory. 
Every dream I conjured. 
He was every good decision I made…

But for him… 

I was in his every childhood memory. 
Every nightmare he slipped into.
I was the worst decision he ever made.

it was amazing

As soon as I found out about this new book by Ker I had to get my hands on it. Ker has a way of writing that pulls you in from the very first page and hooks you in never letting you go.

Another dark and riveting read, we have Alex's Dalton's story, a story of love, soulmates, betrayal, violence, secrets. what more can you ask for in a book.

Alex is a woman that believes in love at first sight and also soulmates. She felt the pull when she first set eyes on Dalton when she was a young girl. But coming from a family that has a very over protective brother, a father who is the sheriff, and mother that feels that Alex should have the world. Alex is stopped at every turn as Dalton was deemed as a boy from the wrong side of the tracks.

Dalton was sent to live with his uncle and forced into a world that he never wanted to be in, after the ultimate betrayal from someone that he loved the most or so he thought.

Secrets were kept from both of them resulting in hatred that is so powerful you cannot define the line between love and hate.

This is one hell of a read and every minute was fantastic, as the ultimate fan of Ker's books I certainly look forward to see what she writes next.

 it was amazing
"When you think the sun will never shine, and life is lived in the darkness of the night no matter the time of day, then out of nowhere a beacon burns so bright it obliterates all the darkness - that was Alex."

A story of manipulation and lies, half truths and misconception that cause love to sour into hate and soul mates to be wrenched apart. At ten years old Alex's life changes forever when the boy next door moves in and completes the missing piece of her heart. A bittersweet romance ensues as he is part of a family that is trouble, dealing in all things illegal, his father in prison and now living with his reprobate uncle Dalton is part of a family legacy. Becoming best friends with the Sheriff's children is a double edged sword and falling in love with Alex is just asking for trouble. Their childhood is spent stealing moments and sharing their hopes until who they are catches up with them.

Ten miserable years apart and the death of her father means it's time for Alex to revisit the past and bury her demons. Trepidation and sadness leads her back to the man that holds the fractured pieces of her heart in his hands. Sparks fly as they reconnect and it's not the heart felt reunion she had been dreaming of...

Dalton, born into a legacy of an illegal empire, plans to get out and make something of himself. Caught between his best friend and the love for Alex things take a dark turn and he finds himself in prison for something he did not do. Ten years later he is known as Ten, and is now at the forefront of the Family empire seeking vengeance for a life of hopes and dreams shattered by those he trusted the most. Has the boy Dalton been lost to the man Ten, consumed by anger? Will Alex's return invoke a thaw of the ice surrounding his heart?

Ten is a pulse racing, intriguing read that will hook you from the first page. A love story with a heart wrenching twist, instigated by evil men influenced only by greed and power. Exploring the bonds of family, love and loyalty and the devastation caused when they are exploited. Ten is a dark read although not as dark as previous stories from this author it still captures the shadowy genius that is Ker Dukey. Not for the faint of heart this book in parts is quite harrowing, the description of prison had a silent tear tracking down my cheek as I imagined an 18 year old innocent man facing ten years in hell. Alex's treatment at the hands of the Moore family also at times is quite graphic but necessary for the plotline. I loved the twists and turns, the suspense was through the roof! Six is an amazing character and won a special place in my heart, I can't wait to read his story. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and look forward to more in this epic series.

A five star soul mate read.

Amazon US / Amazon UK /  Amazon CA / Amazon AU 


I have always had a passion for storytelling, whether it be through lyrics or bed time stories with my sisters. I wanted to be an actress growing up so I could live many roles but I learned early on that my mind was too active… I would want to change the script.I would watch films and think of ways they could have improved the story if they took another direction so i thought it best that i tell my own.
My mum would always have a book in her hand when I was young and passed on her love for reading, inspiring me to venture into writing my own. I tend to have a darker edge to my writing. Not all love stories are made from light, some are created in darkness but are just as powerful and worth telling.
When I’m not lost in the world of characters I love spending time with my family. I’m a mum and that comes first in my life but when I do get down time I love attending music concerts or reading events with my younger sister.
You can find me on Facebook where I love interacting with my readers.

A Merry Last Hangman Christmas by Muriel Garcia BLOG TOUR @muriel__g

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TITLE: A Merry Last Hangman Christmas
SERIES: Last Hangman MC #4.1
AUTHOR: Muriel Garcia

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Ever wondered what the Last Hangman get down to during Christmas?
Here is your chance to find out.
Catch up with Ayden & Ant, Line & Aleck, Viv & Gabe, Nicole & Jase.

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Buying Links:

 it was amazing

~ *~ Obsessed by Books copy given in exchange for an honest review ~*~

The Last Hangman's series has been angst filled and emotional with this novella adding to the series perfectly. Bringing together all four of our favourite couples we focus on their dynamics and their relationships within the MC rather than the problems of the club. Deftly put to one side for the duration of the festive period the focus of this novella is the bonds of love and the connections of family that all gel for another. Nothing comes easily that is worth having as all of the characters know, they have been through so much. But in this short story they take the time to sit back, relax and enjoy what they have. A beautifully chaotic festive read.

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Add it to Goodreads:

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What they think of it:

5 Golden Rings

What a great holiday read. Muriel gives a written letter from Ayden prior to the start of the story and at the end. Brilliant move!

Everyone is gearing up for the holidays after some unfortunate events surrounded the club. Ayden and Anthony, Aleck and Line, Gabe and Viv, and last, Nicole and Jas (Jason) are all picking up the pieces by preparing the clubhouse for the best holiday celebration the MC has yet seen. Bennett is still chasing after the kids and showing them a good time while the girls gather enough Christmas tinsel and cheer for an entire town.

This was a great novella that gives us even more insight to these wonderful characters. I wont say much but prepare yourself for a surprise wedding, a birth and a guess what we are pregnant surprise throughout the pages. LOVED EVERY MINUTE! If you want to read a story that keeps a smile on your face and a flutter in your heart this is your read.

There are some absolutely beautiful moments between the couples and it seems that things for the moment are finally moving in the right direction for all the Hangman men. Click this one up as you wont want to miss the banter between the ladies and the guys. Muriel also lets us know that Bennett’s story is on tap so hand on to your hearts ladies. I have a feeling we are in for a doooooozie with that man.

Thank you Muriel for the ARC! Review to post to Ramblings From Beneath The Sheets. Merry Christmas everyone! - Amy K. 


What a great holiday read. Muriel gives a written letter from Ayden prior to the start of the story and at the end. Brilliant move!

Everyone is gearing up for the holidays after some unfortunate events surrounded the club. Ayden and Anthony, Aleck and Line, Gabe and Viv, and last, Nicole and Jas (Jason) are all picking up the pieces by preparing the clubhouse for the best holiday celebration the MC has yet seen. Bennett is still chasing after the kids and showing them a good time while the girls gather enough Christmas tinsel and cheer for an entire town.

This was a great novella that gives us even more insight to these wonderful characters. I wont say much but prepare yourself for a surprise wedding, a birth and a guess what we are pregnant surprise throughout the pages. LOVED EVERY MINUTE! If you want to read a story that keeps a smile on your face and a flutter in your heart this is your read.

There are some absolutely beautiful moments between the couples and it seems that things for the moment are finally moving in the right direction for all the Hangman men. Click this one up as you wont want to miss the banter between the ladies and the guys. Muriel also lets us know that Bennett’s story is on tap so hand on to your hearts ladies. I have a feeling we are in for a doooooozie with that man.

Merry Christmas everyone! ~ Amy from Rambling from Beneath the Sheets


I have read and loved every single one of the Last Hangman books, so was under no illusion that this little beauty was going to prove to be an welcome addition to the series and I am happy to report that my hunch was correct this was a super read.
Things haven’t been great round the club the guys and their ladies have had a little more than they had hoped for on their plates lately but there is nothing like Christmas to get everyone pulling in the same direction and these guys are determined to make this a Christmas to remember.
There is a whole load of everything going on in this book, Muriel certainly packs a lot into a few pages.
Because not only is the whole Christmas vibe happening but everyday life is also continuing to take shape and just like real life, there is never a dull moment.
I love the connection between the guys in the club. I get the whole brother feeling from them and the love they share for each other and their women. They made me smile, they made me sigh,they made my heart happy and my soul sing.
I loved the glimpse of Bennett that was served up and I cannot wait to read what he has up his sleeve. - Books Laid Bare


This little bundle of biker goodness was better than a stocking stuffer, it was under the tree worthy in entertainment value. Those girls...smh. They had me giggle-snorting from beginning to end with their sass and shenanigans. Their group text messages had me laughing and wishing I was a part of the Last Hangman family of misfits. After going through the hard times with these amazing characters it was heartwarming to share some of the good times as well. Thanks for the holiday cheer...still smiling. - Rosa Sharon


I received a complimenty copy of this book through Crazy Cajun Book Addicts for an honest review.
What a fabulous edition to the Last Hangman Series this Christmas Novella is. It gives us a chance to catch up with the lives of our favorite characters over the festive season. After the compound was destroyed it's now bigger and better than ever and what's a better way to christen it that to throw a Christmas party the girls, Ayden, Charline, Viv and Nicole go all out with festive decorations much to the annoyance of the men in their lives. This book has surprises galore and I loved that it was told from each characters pov. I'm so looking forward to the next book in this series. - Nikki costello


A great holiday read with additional insight into the lives of the characters we already love. Muriel Garcia has written an MC that is hard to get enough of. Absolutely loved it - Love 2 Read Romance 

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Want to find out what happened in Bennett's life and if he'll get his happily ever after?
Forgiving Bennett Coming March 19, 2016

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Muriel's Social Media Links:

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Other Books By Muriel:


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About the author: 

Muriel Garcia was born and raised in Belgium. She started writing a little over a year ago and never thought she would ever publish; reading and writing weren’t her favorite things to do in high school.

After one of her friends gave her  a challenge – the next time they would attend a book signing, she would be a signing author (it did happen!) – she started to take writing a lot more seriously and never looked back. She’s enjoyed every second of it and the friends she’s made along the way.

She loves music, tattoos—especially on hot men, traveling, and cooking. She has always had an overly imaginative and creative mind but never thought of putting words to paper. Now she couldn’t imagine not writing stories that are near and dear to her heart.

´¨✫) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨)✯ ¸.•*¨) ✮ (¸.•´ REDEEM ME: OAKVILLE SERIES ~ BOOK FOUR BLOG TOUR @KathyJoReinhart

Redeem Me: Oakville Series ~ Book Four
Kathy-Jo Reinhart

* This book can be read as a standalone *



Can opposites really attract? 

Chelsie Amell is a shy wholesome girl looking for the forever kind of love. 

Angel Walker is a guilt ridden man whore who is not capable of love.

Both are wildly attracted to each other, but do everything in their power to fight it. 

Will their pasts leave a barrier between them they can't cross? Or will they climb it together and over come it all? 



Other Books Available in the Series: 


First Love: Oakville Series ~ Book One


Remember Me: Oakville Series ~ Book Two


Protect Me: Oakville Series ~ Book Three

*This book can be read as a standalone*


#RedeemMe, #OakvilleSeries, #KathyJoReinhart, #NewAdult, #BlogTour,