Friday, 5 June 2015

COVER REVEAL: Step F#*k by Scarlett Ward

By Scarlett Ward

Step F*#K (Part One)
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Add this Step Romance to your TBR at:
RELEASE DATE: June 18, 2015

That's all I did. A few too many glasses of wine with my best friend and the bitch convinced me to go on one of those dating websites.

A one-night stand.

A booty call.

And you know what? It.was.amazing.

I spent all night in a sexy stranger's arms, hot and sweaty, until it was time to sneak out and do the walk of shame back to my apartment.

I never thought I'd see sexy stranger again, and I was totally fine with that - until my mother's wedding.

She's getting remarried, see. And sexy stranger just happens to be my new stepbrother.

All the wine in the world isn't going to make this better.

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Covers to All Four Parts of this Series!

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Release Dates for Part 2-4 will be released soon!

About the Author:
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Scarlett Ward lives in Los Angeles, California and is releasing her first series June 2015.  

Follow Scarlett on Goodreads at:


for Complicated On 5th Avenue Release Day Blitz

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Complicated On 5th Avenue Release Day Blitz

Complicated On 5th Avenue - Book 2 of The 5th Avenue Romance Series
by Abbie St.Claire
Genre-Contemporary Romance
Release Day June 9th

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International Best Selling Author Abbie St. Claire brings you Book Two of the 5th Avenue Romance Series. Complicated on 5th Avenue will guide
you through the journey of Chloe Peterson’s self-discovery and whether or not she can trust her instincts to fight for the man she loves.

Can love live somewhere in between the bends of heartache and dishonesty? Is it closure when only one person says goodbye?
Chloe Peterson and Ian Briggs were on the verge of happily ever after when a tragic accident takes everything away.
Unable to move forward, Chloe continues to hold on to the love of her past. Men try to get her attention, but she has no interest. When she ventures down the easy, ‘no complications’ route and hires an escort for an important event in her life, she’s faced with temptations and decisions she didn't forecast. Can she finally say goodbye to her memories of Ian and hello to a life with Jason, or will it become too complicated?


Perhaps I didn’t know I needed to fight for love. It wasn’t like I’d been having serious relationships in the eight years since my wife’s death. But the realization that C
helsie put in front of me on the day of her surgery was wickedly moving.

“Ian, people put up walls to make others try harder. It’s human nature to want to be worthy.”

The idea I had made her feel less than anything amazing…shredded me with guilt.

Oliver was at school, and I’d planned the day off to be with Chelsie, hoping she would be feeling well enough post-surgery to do something just the two of us. With my phone screen blank in front of me, I stared for a moment and thought about what I wanted to say. She was worthy of everything I had to offer her, and as complicated as our lives were together and apart, I needed her to know.

“I miss you,” I said, my heart beating so hard my lungs could barely force the words out.
“I’ve been right here, waiting…for days.” Her voice was firm. She was taking charge like I’d taught her.Needing to see her, I wasted no time. “May I come over?”  

“Yes, when?”

Excitement took over, and I dropped the phone, hanging up on her. Rather than fool around with precious time, I grabbed the phone from the floor, my keys and ran as fast as I could to the love of my life, intent on claiming Chelsie Peterson as mine once more.
Grateful she’d made me a key, I let myself in.

“Babe, where are you?”

I made it to the archway leading to her den by the time she answered. “Right here.”

She drew her knees up for me to sit on the end of the sofa. Without even thinking about it really, I started massaging her feet and subconsciously hoped to win her over with my talented hands.
She immediately noticed the bracelet Olivia had given me was gone. It signified the closure of my past. While a personal declaration, Chelsie knew the meaning.
When she searched the room and didn’t make eye contact, I worried I was about to hear something that would forever change me. Tears flooded her face.

“I love you so much.” Her declaration gripped me.Without thinking too much ahead, I pulled her into my lap and kissed her. “What took you so long?”

The dilated pause left me anxious. Was she tormenting me on purpose?

“My love for you needed time to bury my darkness.”




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                                          About The Author

I've spent many years crafting stories in my brain. Finally, after the encouragement from those that love and support me the most, I put my first story out by self-publishing in 2013. That first milestone created a writing monster in me that couldn't be stopped and filled a void I cannot explain. Each story is a true gift from my heart and a sacrifice from my soul, since I find it difficult to let the characters go. At home in Texas, my husband and I share our life with children that mean the world to us and include a couple of fur babies. When we aren't busy watching sports and betting on the game, we are entertaining with friends. I do have a writing cave, but honestly, most of my work comes from the kitchen, the heartbeat of any home. Since noise doesn't disturb me too much when writing, I can write and keep the pulse on the family at the same time. And... Possibly enjoy my favorite, sinful treat... Cookie dough! The writer-reader world is my lifeline. I'm addicted and each time I get a message from a reader, I'm thrilled. There's quite a few stories planned for the next several months. I'm hoping the readers fall in love with my next series, The Creek Series. A story that is guaranteed to bring out all the emotions. If you've read my books, thank you! It truly means the world

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Movies by MB Feeney Cover Reveal @mbfeeneyauthor

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To celebrate the re release of her romance novella July 2015, M. B. Feeney shares her new cover. Genre: Chick Lit/ Romance


Ava Jones has settled for a life that she’s not sure she wants anymore, but won’t admit it. Her best friend, Erica Davidson talks her into taking a break on the Isle of Wight. Her days on the island are spent thinking things through, and arguing with Morgan whom she hates on principal.

Is it so wrong for her to want a life that follows the script of a honest to God romance film?

  [caption id="attachment_3180" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Kindle Cover Created by the wonderful J. C. Clarke over at The Graphics Shed[/caption]     IMG_2399

Losing myself in the titles, covers, and blurbs, I faintly heard footsteps behind me.

“Hey, can I help?”

I turned to face quite possibly the most beautiful man I had ever seen. His light brown hair had been bleached by the sun, and the bundle of messy curls made my fingers itch to tangle them among the chaotic strands. The man’s hazel eyes regarded both me and the slim book in my hand. His tall, lean figure was clad in skinny jeans, with an open, oversized shirt over a t-shirt and well- worn biker boots. He looked a little out- of-place among the surfer types I had noticed wandering around town.

“I’m just looking, thanks.” I couldn’t help but blush when he gave a slight smirk at the sight of the Mills & Boon book I held.

“If you’re after more . . . err . . . books in that particular genre, there’s a wider selection over here.” He indicated a bookcase to his left.

“This? Oh, no. This isn’t my type at all. I was just moving it out of the way to get at the new James Patterson.”

He cocked an eyebrow and his smile grew at my obvious lie. “Yeah, okay. I’ll leave you to . . . peruse.” He chuckled to himself as he made his way back behind the counter.

I slammed the bright pink book down so I could grab the James Patterson, the one I’d initially been after, and walked over to pay. “I’ll take this one.” I thrust my card at him and waited while he ran it through. I knew it was a simple misunderstanding, but it rubbed me the wrong way. Why couldn’t I just accept that he thought I wanted the Mills & Boon book? It was an easy mistake to make, I guess.

“Are you sure you don’t want the other one, too? It seems a bit more . . . your style.” He looked me up and down, taking in my denim shorts, skimpy vest top, and flip-flops.

His scrutiny made me nervous. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair to calm myself. “What would you know about my ‘style’?” I demanded, snatching the book out of his hand and clutching it to me, almost as if it were a security blanket.

I moved to retrieve my card, but he whipped it just out of my reach.

“I’ve worked here for at least five years, and in that time, I’ve become very good at reading people. You are definitely steamy romance material, with your pretty hair and . . .” He indicated my clothes and swallowed, “. . . And your skimpy clothes.”

“Well, it just goes to show that you’re not as good as you thought, then. Please give me back my card.” I held out my hand.

Once he’d returned the piece of plastic, I spun on my heel and walked out. I planned to read my book slowly, because I wasn’t going to go back there.

  add-to-goodreads   img_2396   6578767M. B. Feeney is an army brat who finally settled down in Birmingham, UK with her other half, two kids and a dog. Currently at university studying for her BA (Hons) in primary teaching, she procrastinates on her assignments by listening to music of all genres and trying to get ‘just one more paragraph’ written on whichever WIP is open. She is also a serious doodler and chocoholic. Writing has been her one true love ever since she could spell, and publishing is the final culmination of her hard work and ambition. Her publishing career began with two novellas, and she currently has multiple projects under way whilst Honour, a compilation of her own military based shorts, was released in November 2013. Always having something on the go can often lead to block which eventually gets dissolved by good music and an even better book. Her main reason for writing is to not only give her readers enjoyment, but also to create a story and characters that stay with readers long after the book is finished, and possibly make someone stop and think “what if…”

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Release Blitz for Vintage: Volume Two by Lisa Suzanne @givemebooksblog @LisaSuzanne24

Title: Vintage: Volume Two
Series: Vintage #2
Author: Lisa Suzanne
 Release Date: June 5, 2015


Murdering a global icon was off limits, but his family was fair game.

The threats against me, the daughter of rock star Gideon Price, forced me closer to the man protecting me. I’d lost track of the number of secrets the men in my life had kept from me. But when the threat against my family turned to murder, it was time for me to learn the truth.

I was reminded once again just how short life could be, compelling me to take control of my future.
I was no longer in the dark, but I was in more danger than I ever imagined.


Review by Wendy Book Obsessed Pimpette

* * ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review * *

Roxy wants more than anything to be normal, live a normal life but when your father is a rock legend normal doesn't exist. some people would love the limelight but not Roxy that's why now we have CC but CC is trying to make friends were Roxy had little to none. When CC meets Parker, a guitarist and song writer of an up a coming band, she immediately felt a connection. Things between Parker and Roxy grow, but when she dicovers the truth behind thier introductions she starts to pull back again. what she thought was drawn by fate is completely the opposite. This book was a whirlwind of emotion, I loved every bit of it I was left in aww.

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Also Available


Author Bio

Lisa Suzanne started handwriting her books on yellow legal pads after she took a creative writing class in high school. She still has those legal pads full of stories, but now one of them is published under the title How He Really Feels. She currently works as a full time high school English teacher, and her favorite part of the year is summer. She has been blessed with the world’s best dog, a supportive family, and a husband who encouraged her to publish after reading one of her novels. She likes the advice of Ernest Hemingway’s famous quote, “Write drunk. Edit sober.”

Author Links


Cover Reveal: Angel Lover by Tricia Skinner @AuthorTrish

There's no danger greater than falling for your enemy…Angel_Lover_500 

Publication date: June 30th


Series Name: The Angel Assassins #2 Publisher: Entangled Publishing Imprint: Select Otherworld Genre: Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy Romance
Angel Lover (Angel Assassins #2)

Book Cover Blurb
The Nephilim are bound. Their powers cursed. But half-angel Kasdeja will do anything to free them from Heaven's tyranny. When Kas is approached by a striking, mysterious woman, she tells him his greatest enemies hold the key to his freedom.
Mariel keeps herself shrouded in secrets, using them to hide her true self. For she is not just employed by the Renegades--enemy fallen angels—she is a double agent, working on the sly for Heaven. Her directive is to seduce the gorgeous Nephilim—despite her insecurity about such sensual acts.
For Mariel is playing a dangerous game, and falling for Kas could only cause trouble; her assignment isn't just seduction. It's destruction.


  He traced his fingers under her tank top and made small circles against her back. A soft sound escaped her lips, then she relaxed. “Mariel.” He barely recognized his lust-blown voice. She answered by renewing their passionate kiss, full and open and bone melting. She kissed him thoroughly, drawing the oxygen from his lungs as she twisted her fingers into his long hair. Kas lowered her on the comforter with care, never breaking their kiss. He eased back, and with his gaze on hers, he pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it. Mariel’s gaze made several passes over his body. What did she feel for him? Admiration? Uncertainty? He’d never hurt her. No one would ever hurt her again, not if they expected to live. Then Mariel’s gaze fell away. “You are...beautiful.” Her shoulders drooped, and she pulled back. “You don’t believe you are.” She didn’t reply, except for the stubborn jut of her chin. Kas smoothed his thumb over her cheek then gently raised her head. She wouldn’t look at him. He wouldn’t allow her to withdraw from him, from them. He touched her shirt at the waist, and her hands clamped over his, her eyes wet. Her fearful expression tore him apart. “Trust me as I trust you,” he said gently. Kas waited until her grip loosened, and her hands fell to the side. He infused a smile with warmth and then eased the material up in torturous increments. Time she could use to stop him. Her flat stomach and tight abs were revealed. He smothered his reaction, afraid Mariel would mistake a groan for disapproval. Smooth, golden skin fed his hunger an appetizer. “You have control,” he told her. “If you tell me to stop, I’ll stop.” Mariel peeked through her lashes and nodded. He lifted the shirt higher, stared at her breasts, and bit back another sound. God of All, they made him salivate, but he tapped more of his self-control. Finally, the shirt was over her head and joined his on the floor. Mariel’s arms stayed locked at her sides like a soldier at attention. Kas moved around her and climbed onto the bed next to her. “Lie on your side, facing me.” “I do not know,” she said, whisper light. Again his chest felt as if it had crushed inward. No woman should be made to believe she was ugly. None should feel shame about her body. He wanted to beat bloody any man who’d ever looked at her wrong. Mariel expelled a long breath as if she’d resolved herself to do what he’d asked. She stretched out alongside him, chest to chest, her right arm pillowing her head. He leaned over and planted a soft kiss on her cheek and lips. “Touch me.” 

Tricia Skinner

Tricia Skinner is an author of passionate dark fantasy. She is a features writer for Fresh Fiction and a project manager for Short Fuse. She began her writing career as a business reporter and wrote for The Detroit News, Investor’s Business Daily, MSN, and The Houston Chronicle. Raised in Detroit, Tricia graduated with a BA degree from the nationally acclaimed Journalism Institute for Media Diversity at Wayne State University. She earned a Masters of Liberal Studies – Creative Writing degree from Southern Methodist University and will obtain a Masters of Fine Arts in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University in 2017. Diversity in genre fiction is dear to Tricia’s heart. She is represented by Laurie McLean, co-founder of Fuse Literary Agency. When not writing, Tricia can be found reading, lifting weights, or geeking out over games, movies, and music. She has a Tom Hiddleston obsession, and she is Team Vader. Her family includes three Great Danes (so far).). Author Newsletter | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest    

COVER REVEAL PACKET - Colton by Kelly Mooney @givemebooksblog @mooneymama1

Title: Colton
Series: Hadley #1
Author: Kelly Mooney
Cover Design: Lindee Robinson Photography
 Release Date: June 2015


Colton Hadley has everything—except what he truly wants. Beset by overbearing parents and surrounded by sycophantic socialites hoping to sink their claws into his wallet, he longs for someone who wants him for who he is, not what he has. Enter Charlie. She’s smart, beautiful, brave—and homeless. She’s all wrong for him, but Charlie crawls into Colts heart like no woman ever before.

Having run from home to escape an abusive ex, Charlotte Ward just wants a new life…a quiet life…a safe life. She’s off to a bad start when she’s robbed of everything she owns, forcing her to sleep on the porch of an abandoned beach house. Enter the gorgeous next-door neighbor. Charlie doesn’t want to trust him, but Colt is kind, patient, persistent. Before long, she lets down her guard…and opens her heart.
With his parents interfering and her past catching up fast, will Colt and Charlie find their different worlds are too far apart? Or is their love strong enough to prove home is where their hearts reside?

Author Bio

Kelly is a New Adult Romance writer residing in Upstate New York with her family. She grew up in Southern New Jersey by the Shore, which gave her the idea to write her first novel. She is the author of several YA novels and is now enjoying breaking out into the NA/Contemporary category. She loves to spend her time reading, cooking, playing with her kids and 2 obnoxious, drooly dogs.

She adores hearing from her fans, so please keep in touch. She continues writing love stories during her free time.
Feel free to email her at

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Release Blitz for LEAVING ME BEHIND by Sigal Ehrlich. @Sigal_Ehrlich

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Title: Leaving Me Behind
Author: Sigal Ehrlich
Release Date: May 25, 2015
Genre: Stand Alone Contemporary Romance
Fed up with her comfortable and dull-to-boredom life, Liv takes the bravest leap, leaving it all behind. Unfortunately the crux of her issues – her entrenched, well-kept emotional guard – tags along for the ride. With the spirit of change burning from every pore and a determined plan to break free from her self-oppressed lifestyle to enjoy life’s simplest pleasures, she moves half way across the globe to a peaceful Spanish coastal town. With an aim to feel whole again, liberated and happy by herself, Liv begins her journey while maintaining weekly-cyber therapy sessions with her long time, questionable shrink. As Liv finally begins to enjoy her new life and experience the varied goods the exotic country has to offer, a sudden major turn leads Liv to be swept into the most tantalizing roller coaster of her life. A turn that leaves her questioning everything she thought was right. THIS IS A STAND-ALONE NOVEL. Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

“A warm shiver trails from the very top of my arms all the way to my toes as his hands gently move to hold my shoulders. Slowly, they trail down, rising my skin in their wake. My breath is held and everything inside me springs tight when his body presses just enough for mine to absorb his warmth and to feel the firmness that I recently learned is part of him. He brushes my hair over my shoulder with his chin. A tidal wave of heat spirals below my waist once his warm, minty breath hovers closely, and his bristled cheek softly grazes my flushed one. He halts for a long moment. “What are you doing?” I croakily breathe. “Waiting for you to stop me.” His voice is rasp and low and reaches to every single part of my alert body. My heart and mind speed at a hazardous velocity while I struggle for my next move. The last thing I want is for him to stop. I don’t say a word but blatantly press back against him, resting my head on his drumming chest. It’s less of a spoken consent and more of a silent agreement. Whatever is starting between us is happening nonetheless, with my undeniable blessing.”  
About the Author
By teen age, Sigal already lived in three different continents where she was lucky enough to experience and visit varied places, meet unique people, which only helped fuel her overly developed imagination. Currently, Sigal calls Estonia home where she lives with her husband and three kids.
Not exactly sure where they will end up next…  
  love 2

NJ Danner - Tragically Broken - Virtual Book Tour @NJDanner

Contemporary Romance
Date Published: March 1, 2015 (second edition) 
Original edition published April 2014

Tragedy destroyed Alex Kohen’s life, until fate offered her a chance to escape her nightmares and possibly find love…
Beautiful, compassionate Dr. Alex Kohen had the perfect life – until, in an instant, it was tragically ripped from her. Plagued by her demons, Alex moves to a new city and devotes herself to her work and her patients. But her secrets continue to haunt her, making her afraid to build a future outside of her career. Convinced that her heart is irreparably broken, Alex has closed herself off to the possibility of love.
That is, until she meets sexy, confident Kellen Rhion ­– a wealthy CEO with a reputation as the ultimate playboy. Kellen, plagued by personal tragedies of his own, knows from the moment they meet that Alex is the woman he wants. And with patient determination, he slowly begins to break down her long-fortified defenses.
Although they meet under tragic circumstances, out of that catastrophe is born a connection that neither can deny. And despite the challenges of their demanding and busy careers, Alex and Kellen find the time to nurture their growing relationship. They struggle through obstacle after obstacle, including Kellen’s celebrity lifestyle and Alex’s emotional baggage.
But after Kellen’s supposed betrayal and brush with death, can Alex really trust him with her heart? And can Kellen accept that she will always, in a way, be broken?

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“Alex, you need to eat,” Kellen prompted after a while.
“I know. I just don’t have much of an appetite. The food is wonderful. It was very thoughtful of you to bring it in.”
Disappointed and suddenly feeling like an intruder, Kellen said, “I just wanted to see you before I left for my trip.”
The nursing staff and residents had started trickling in to grab some food, and Alex suddenly needed to get out of the ICU.
“Let’s go to my office,” she said, discarding her plate of picked-over food and striding purposefully from the room. Intrigued, Kellen followed. With a quick directive to Gia to page her if necessary, the two were out the door.
Just down the hall, Alex led Kellen into her office, which was nicely decorated, and had its own bathroom and sleeping quarters. Kellen looked around, checking everything out. There were a few pictures on Alex’s desk of what looked to be her parents and a couple friends, but other than that, the office was impersonal – but private. Taking advantage, Kellen hugged Alex close, then lifted her chin and placed a soft kiss on her lips before trailing down to her neck, which elicited a soft moan. He let go of her long enough to swiftly close and lock the door, then walked back towards her, his stance predatory. He pushed Alex up against the wall and secured her hands above her head.
“I’ve not been able to think of anything but you since Saturday night. I cannot be away from you for another second,” he said, voice deep and seductive. Then, pinning her against the wall with his hips, he kissed her passionately. Alex did not resist – it was good to be able to get away from her thoughts and lose herself in him.
Kellen’s tongue tangled with hers while he ground his arousal into her, leaving her wet and throbbing with need. Her nipples tightened, and Kellen used his free hand to reach under her scrub top and bra to caress her heavy, tingling breasts. His touch was pure heaven. It had been so, so long since a man had made her feel the way that Kellen was making her feel. Alex knew that the prudent thing to do would be to stop before things escalated, but found herself so caught up in the out-of-this-world sensations he was stimulating in her lady parts that she just could not bring herself to voice her concern.
In a fit of passion, Kellen lifted her up and carried her to her sleeping quarters…

About the Author
If you have already read my book, then you have already seen into part of my soul. Each of my characters is a part of me. They each have some aspect of my personality, or represent who I wish I could be or would hate to be. 

I have always been an avid reader, even as a child, and I’ve always loved to get lost in a good 
book. Reading a book would take over my life, and at times it still does. It is my addiction. Once I start a book, I cannot put it down until I know the end of the story … which may be a few books later. Same thing with writing – once the story pops into my head, I obsess about it until I have it down on paper. I have notes on scenes all over. Some have already been developed into a book, and some are waiting for the rest of the storyline to be written in order to find their journey and see where it ends.  

For a decade, or more, I had to put all that creativity on hold while I dedicated my life to my professional career and creating my family. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband and two angelic children.  Supporting and nurturing them is now my number one priority. 

Once my life reached a stable point, I was finally able to find time to rekindle my love of books. Twilight took me by storm, which then catapulted me to Fifty Shades of Grey. “It all started with a vampire who was replaced by a man with a whip.” Reading tales written by my favorite authors reignited my own creativity, my mind wandered into stories of my own, and now, amazingly, I am an author.  

When my time is not consumed watching my daughter dance or my son play hockey, spending time with my husband, or working, I am lost in either reading a good book or writing. Disney World is my respite and I love all things Mickey. My family and friends are incredible people and support me in all that I do. I have learned that life is too short, and we have to take time to enjoy its simple pleasures.
