Monday, 16 November 2015

Paramour for the Devil by Savannah Hill @savannahhill1

Blog Tour: His Young Queen by Tiff P. Raine

His Young Queen Tour Banner His Young Queen by Tiff P. Raine Steel Jackals #1 Publication Date: November 10, 2015 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance

Buy: Amazon • Amazon CA • Amazon UK • Amazon AU • Kobo

Synopsis: Her mother’s drug addiction forced Tish O’Malley to grow up too early. It forced the two of them to move around constantly, so that no place felt like home. When the clouds finally parted and Tish found shelter and happiness for the first time in her life, her mother’s addiction was there to take that away, too.
After three long years, Tish’s sun returns to Queen Creek, and her secret love for this man nearly twice her age surges and is revealed when she makes an offer that shocks them both. An average man would have difficulty passing on a young, innocent woman willing to do anything to please him. How will a fierce alpha biker who has spent the last thirty-six months in prison fare? Pretty damn well, Tish soon discovers. Because he’s Josh “The Guardian” Sylvan, the Steel Jackals’ viciously loyal Sergeant at Arms. But will Tish’s protector have what it takes to stand by his instant and brutal rejection of the woman she’s become? Or will he cave despite his best efforts to resist the one female who should never have made it on his radar?
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I thought this book His Young Queen was a very sweet story. I really liked Josh he was a sweetheart and very protective of Tish. Tish was a very young and sweet as well. She had feelings for Josh since she was a little girl. Josh became very protective of her since her mother was a junkie and didn't take good care of her. Josh is older than Tish but she doesn't care about the age difference she is in love with him. I really liked His Young Queen and enjoyed reading about an older man and younger lady it was an excellent book. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

*** review provided by Obsessed by Books ***

About Tiff P. Raine

Tiff P. Raine
An award winning, bestselling romantic suspense author turned erotic romance author, Tiff P. Raine writes about her possessive alpha males and their spirited women from her home in Southwestern Ontario. And, yes, she is a happily a reclusive cat-lady, but currently has only one beauty of a feline to keep her company.
His Young Queen Tour Giveaway Graphic

Release Day Blitz: Kennedy Ryan's My Soul To Keep @kennedyrwrites

release day banner copy


It seems the things worth keeping are often the hardest to hold...
I had two things in life that mattered. My mother and my music. Mama was taken from me too soon, and now music is all I have left. It’s the thing that’s pushed me right out of backwoods Georgia into Los Angeles, where the line between fantasy and reality shimmers and blurs. I’m finally making my way, making my mark. I can’t afford to fall for one of music's brightest stars. Not now. Music is all I have left, and I’m holding on tight with both hands. I won’t let go, not even for Rhyson Gray.
I had one thing in my life that mattered – music. The only constant, it’s taken me to heights most people only dream about; a gift dropped in my lap at birth. I thought it was enough. I thought it was everything until I met Kai. Now she’s all I think about, like a song I can't get out of my head. If I have to chase her, if I have to give up everything - I will. And once she's mine, I won't let go.




  I shouldn’t have come. All the things I felt and fought, the things I suspected he felt too, he just spewed all over me. And as much as I want to be, I’m not sure I’m ready. I’ll never forget seeing my Mama in bed for days after Daddy left. And even though she got up, I suspect a part of her never left that bed, but just stayed there, waiting. We had to leave the house where she grew up and where I spent my first years, because Daddy left us with nowhere to go. Mama learned to stand on her two feet, and I’ve done the same. I just didn’t count on Rhyson sweeping me off of them. “We’re obviously on different pages about this.” I pull my hands free and turn to leave, but he steps in front of me, blocking my grand exit. “Let’s talk later.” “Enough talking.” The heat of his body grabs me before his hands do. He traps my chin between two fingers, taking my mouth in a paradox of rough and tender. I want to move. To slide away from his body pressing me into the pool table. But I can’t. Not with his hand caressing my back. Not with his tongue in my mouth. Not with his erection pressing into my stomach. I can’t. I won’t. I have been denying myself this, and I’m so damn hungry. My mouth opens under his, ravenous and wet and hot. His groan vibrates against my lips. “Yes. Good God, yes, Pep.” His words slip down my throat. I strain up on tiptoes, clawing my fingers into his dark hair, forcing him closer. He lifts me onto the pool table, planting himself between my knees. His fingers skim my bare thigh, working up my leg until he reaches a damp patch of silk. He pushes my panties aside, rubbing his hand into the wet flesh there before sliding one long finger and then another inside of me. I rock into these fingers which have awed millions with their skill. They own me. I’m the instrument in his hands. He’s playing me. Plucking at me. Strumming me. He tugs at the wide neck of my sweater until it falls away from my shoulder, slipping his hand in and cupping my naked breast. He brushes his fingers over my nipple, and I lose my mind and every inhibition. My head flops back and I stretch my legs wider, offering him anything he wants. “Are you kidding me?” His question burns the vulnerable curve of my neck as he drags his lips to my shoulder. “You come here wearing no bra and think I won’t…” He abandons the words, his dark, untidy head disappearing under my sweater, and before I have time to regain even millimeters of sanity, my nipple is in his mouth and he’s suckling me. Not gentle. Not soft. My breasts are so small, he almost eats me whole. Every draw, every suck, every bite sends a power surge to my core until my knees hold his hips in a desperate grip, and my nails rake across the flat surface of the pool table behind me. His mouth at my breast. His fingers inside me. His clean scent surrounding me. I have nowhere to hide anymore. I am exposed. I want to spread myself wide open for him. That voice that has been telling me I can’t rely on him. I can’t trust him. I can’t need him—that voice is stunned into silence by his thorough possession of my body, by the inferno between my legs, blazing a hole right through my soul and scorching my heart.

  LIVE_nov 15-17  

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About Kennedy Ryan

I just can't write about myself in third person for one more bio! I'm a wife, a mom, a writer, an advocate for families living with autism. That's me in a nutshell. Crack the nut, and you'll find a Southern girl gone Southern California who loves pizza and Diet Coke, and wishes she got to watch a lot more television. You can usually catch me up too late, on social media too much, or FINALLY putting a dent in my ever-growing To Be Read list!

Connect with Kennedy


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Release Tour of Kim Karr's Crush @authorkimkarr



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cooltext140200083012419 CRUSH AMAZONThe danger isn’t over. It’s only just begun. Circumstances brought them together and their undeniable connection won’t let them part. But when the past and the present collide, emotions run high—things are said, lines are crossed, and rules are broken. Both focused on crushing the enemy, the retribution is almost too much to bear. Still, there’s no undoing what has already been done, and every action has a consequence. He loves her and she loves him, but love isn’t a shield. Sometimes your only choice is the one you’d rather not make. Pushed to the limit, the tainted love of Logan and Elle is in jeopardy. With outside forces driving a wedge between them, they have to dig deep within their souls to release the ghosts of their pasts, and fight even harder for what neither knew they needed—each other. Can love really conquer all?

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* ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review **

we pick up where we left off in Blow, and finally we get our answer, but it's far from over for Logan and Elle. 
I really enjoyed how the book flowed and how Kim allowed her characters to grow. Elle and Liga had a instant love but have grown and is amazing with all the suspense, love, action this was really a great quick read.

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Kim Karr is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author.
She grew up in Rochester, NY and now lives in Florida with her husband and four kids. She's always had a love for reading books and writing. Being an English major in college, she wanted to teach at the college level but that was not to be. She went on to receive an MBA and became a project manager until quitting to raise her family. Kim currently works part-time with her husband and recently decided to embrace one of her biggest passions--writing.
Kim wears a lot of hats! Writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the all around go-to person of her family. However, she always finds time to read. One of her favorite family outings was taking her kids when they were little to the bookstore or the library. Today, Kim's oldest child is seventeen and no longer goes with her on these, now rare and infrequent, outings. She finds that she doesn't need to go on them anymore because she has the greatest device ever invented--a Kindle.

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Scott Hildreth’s New Selected Sinners MC Series cover and title is here! @ScottDHildreth

Scott Hildreth’s New Selected Sinners MC Series cover and title is here! Coming November 23rd!

Book Information
Title: Money Shot
Author: Scott Hildreth
Release Date: November 23, 2015
Series: Selected Sinners MC, Book 6

Cover Designer: Jessica Hildreth

From the Desk of Scott Hildreth

So, in Selected Sinners VI, the hero is quite the bad ass.


He's a great guy.

He's a debt collector for drug dealers, attorneys, and spends some of his resources contracting to find people who skip out on their bail bonds by not going to court.

His fuse is about that *snaps fingers* long.

He is probably the best hero I've ever created.

Part Shane Dekkar. Part Axton Bishop, and part Jackson Shephard.

And the girl?

The most down to earth chick ever. She drinks wine and reviews books in a drunken fog on Sunday nights while listening to Christmas music.

And she's cool as fuck. A picture of her car is attached....

All the Sinners are back, and this one is the best Sinner book to date.

Releasing 23 November, you're going to fall in love all over again.


About Scott Hildreth

Born in San Diego California, Scott now calls Wichita, Kansas home. Residing in Kansas with his wife, Jessica, and five children (and another on the way in November 2015), he somehow finds twelve hours a day to work on his writing.

Addicted to riding his Harley-Davidson, tattoos, and drinking coffee, Scott can generally be found in a tattoo shop, on his Harley, or in a local coffee house when not writing.

Loyal to the fans, fan girls, and faithful followers who allowed him to make writing a full-time career, Scott communicates with his followers on Facebook almost daily. He encourages his readers to follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Author Links

Twitter: @ScottDHildreth

Face book “OFFICIAL LIKE” page - (for updates on released books and upcoming books)

Facebook Author Page - (currently at 5,000 friend limit, but Scott invites you to come enjoy his contests, giveaways, and playful book banter)

Goodreads Author Page -

Facebook Fangroup -

To sign up for his promotional newsletter -

Cover Reveal for So Much More by R.C. Martin. @givemebooksblog @AuthorRCMartin

Title: So Much More
Series: Made For Love #3
Author: R.C. Martin
Genre: New Adult Romance
Cover Design: Pink Ink Designs
 Release Date: December 4, 2015


The Red Coat Incident
4 cups humiliation
2 cups rejection
1/2 cup heartache
3 tbs regret
1 tsp tears
A pinch of hope

Sarah's life is a bit of a mess. After only a year of living her dream, teaching the third grade, one catastrophic mistake has her packing her bags and running away. Lost and broken, she clings to the small hope that her old stomping grounds will be the perfect place for her to start fresh. When she walks into Little Bird Cafe, looking for a job, she finds herself unprepared for the sweet deliciousness that is Brandon.

The Olivia Incident
5 cups loyalty
3 cups stupidity
1/4 cup resentment
2 tbs distrust
1 tsp weakness
A pinch of lust

Brandon's dream is finally coming true. His days may be long and hard, but he refuses to complain. He starts every morning in his kitchen, baking his signature pastries. With the students pouring into the college town he calls home any day now, he knows he needs help around the shop. When Sarah, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty, walks into Little Bird asking for a job, he's can't refuse her. As her new boss, he tries to convince himself that he can look, but he can't touch.

When he lets her loose in his kitchen, her broken heart is mended, his battered heart is stolen, and they can't deny that they both want more. So much more.

Book three in the Made for Love series can be read as a STANDALONE novel! I promise. Written for audiences 18+ years of age due to language and sexual content.

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Also Available





With the uncomfortable amount of tension in our apartment, I decided to head out with my laptop and do some online job hunting elsewhere. There are a million and one coffee shops in Fort Collins, so I knew I’d be able to settle myself somewhere. When I found parking just a short walk away from Little Bird, it was like the coffee shop was welcoming me back.

I spent a good amount of time here during my senior year at CSU. Addie, Roman and I had this little tradition. Every month we would get together for the open-mic-night that was hosted here. Addie and I knew Roman from work.


For a while, I had such a big crush on him. He was handsome and enchanting and, unfortunately, totally into my best friend. Obviously that didn’t work out in my favor.

It’s a common trend when it comes to my love life.

Then again, things didn’t work out so well for him either. Addie picked the other guy. Her forever love. I wonder what Roman’s life is like now. The little girl in my arms is his niece. I can hardly believe I’m holding evidence of more than a year gone by. When I left, Daphne and Trevor were just friends. Totally and completely in love, but just friends.

When I left—Little Bird Cafe was just that. Now, it’s Little Bird Cafe. Home of Brandon’s Bakery.


Hot. Damn. Brandon.

I’m trying not to stare. I really am. I’m not interested in men these days.

Really. Truly.

But Brandon…

I told him I remembered his face, but I don’t remember it being so distracting. Maybe it’s because I was too hung up on Roman at the time to notice. Whatever the case may be, I can't stop thinking about his smile. I don't know how he does it, but when he smiles, he looks charming and endearing, but also smolderingly handsome. When I look at him, it's like fanning through a rolodex of my favorite book boyfriends. Except he's real. I could touch him.

Shit. Don't think about touching him!

My heart shoves aside my rationale and I try and imagine what it would be like to kiss him. Or what it would feel like to have his dark, honey brown scruff scrape across my skin as his lips leave a wet trail down my neck. My Lord, that low trimmed beard he wears is totally sexy in that rugged, I'm-a-man-and-I-won't-apologize-for-it sort of way. And he most certainly is all man. All six-foot-plus of him, with a beautiful body that looks to be void of a single ounce of fat. I wonder what he would look like in nothing but that black apron he's sporting right now...

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Stop, stop, stop!

Too much smut. I've been reading too much smut!

I want the job, not the man. The job!

Remember the last time you wanted the man?

My heart flips me off, unappreciative of the reminder; but my pulse slows knowing my brain is right. I want the job. I need the job. Anything else is more than I can handle in my current state. With that in mind, I snuggle Caroline a little closer and then look back over at Brandon.

The job. I want the job. Not those warm, dark hazel eyes. The job, dammit. The job.

I clear my throat, hoping my voice won’t be dripping in lust when I go to use it. “So, when did Little Bird became Home of Brandon’s Bakery?” I manage.

“A couple months ago,” he says with a smile that can’t decide if it’s shy or proud.

Kill me now.

Author Bio

R.C. Martin finds it a bit awkward referring to herself in the third person, so she's only going to do it for this one sentence. (We all know who's writing this bio anyway!)

I'm a born and bred Coloradan. I will always claim that square state as my home! While I now reside in Virginia, the land of the Rocky Mountains is where I've left a piece of my heart and where my characters come to life. I'm a woman in love with love and filled to the brim with compassion for women like me, on a journey to find themselves in today's society. I aspire to inspire my readers to do more than settle. I hope that my writing will remind everyone that she (or he!) is valuable and worthy of the best kind of love--the kind that is gentle, patient, faithful, passionate, all consuming, never ending, and leaves you breathless.

When I'm not writing I'm reading; when I'm not reading I'm know how it goes! I also enjoy cooking, baking, crocheting, and jigsaw puzzles. Basically, I'm an old soul with a young heart, nonchalantly waiting for my prince to come.

Author Links


Cover Reveal: Discovered (Cover #1) by Kim Black @kimblackbooks

Title: Discovered 
Series: Cover Series #1
Author: Kim Black
Genre: Adult Romance
Release Date: December 22, 2015

Emily Roberts was done with men!

She believed she was content with focusing on her career. After Adam, her ex, cheated on her with not one, but two of her co-workers, Emily fled from her former workplace, forgoing her internship, and decided to start anew.
Though her decision to write off love had held up for over a year, her chastity belt would soon be put to the test when Julien Belmont, a French billionaire, takes an interest in her.
In one night, she questions everything she believes, and though she is determined he is no different from the rest, she finds herself in a whirlwind of affairs, lies, and a tug of war between old and new men…
Can she learn to love again, or will she flee from Julien, who she admits is the best lover she’s ever had?
Julien Belmont is a gorgeous, commanding, passionate Frenchman who enjoys his freedom. His ever-growing sexual hunger means his appetite is never quite quenched. At least not until he meets Emily. One night with her changes everything he has ever believed.
Will his past destroy his potential future with Emily?
Or will the fire between them burn eternal?
International Amazon Bestselling Author, Kim Black is a born and raised New Yorker. She is engaged to a wonderful man and loves spending time at home with her family. She currently resides in Bronx, NY, but is a true Brooklyn girl. You can take the girl out of Brooklyn…
From the time Kim picked up her first book at her middle school library, she fell in love with the feeling of getting lost in another world. Books became her escape and she dove head-first into the many books she loved with joy. She strives to provide that same feeling for her readers. In 2011, she was introduced to the world of erotic romance and fell in love with the genre, reading any and everything she could get her hands on. By the following year, she decided to take a chance at self-publishing an erotic romance series and thankfully she has been fortunate enough to have gained a fan base, though she still finds it unbelievable. While Kim Black may be known for her angst and suspenseful, sexy romances, she is working on branching out into other romance genres. Kim holds a Degree in Graphic Design and Animation and is the CEO of a new publishing services company, TOJ Publishing Services, where she provides authors with custom graphics, marketing and promotional services. She is also a proud member of Romance Writers of America and is a part of two of their chapters: RWA-NYC and KOD-RWA. ♥