Sunday, 20 December 2015

Sacrifice of Love Release Day Blitz

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Alpha Queens Book Obsession
Photography:Ian Sane Images
Release Date: December 20, 2015

Richard Stone devoted his life to work and family. When his parents died tragically, the life he'd known came crashing down, causing him to spiral out of control. That is until the postcard came. 

Nicole House was graduating college when the unthinkable happened. Brutally attacked, he life was forever changed. Leaving her family, dream job and the only life she knew behind, she moved, hoping she could escape her attacker and she shame that fateful night left her with. 

Two people who Never Expected Love are brought together
But will the demons secrets and fears of their past stop them from their future?


Shelly (SM) married her husband 28 years ago. It was important to her to be able to stay at home to raise their four daughters.
She wasn't an avid reader, but picked up a book a few years back and it made her re-think about writing, more as a healing process than anything else.
Always wanting to write a story about her life, well at least part of it. She knew it would make a great story...or soap opera, but kids and sports and work and and and. She just never made the time to write. As she got older and her girls grew and left home, she started to rethink the idea of writing again.
Deciding not to put it off any longer, in 2014 she emailed a few of her favorite authors that gave her some very good advice. A year and a half ago she started. It was a labor of love; this was part of her, part of what she lived through as a child and older, it was a story that was all too common of one. 
Through lots of tears, she wrote her first book that had a large part of her life in the story, that book was Stolen Innocence. Now she finds that she has to write, this is her outlet her sanctuary, and in every book, she writes there is always part of her life written into it.
When not writing, she is with her photographer husband or with her children and grandkids. She loves the outdoors and being one with nature.

༺❃༻it’s LIVE༺❃༻ Ten (My Brother's B̶e̶s̶t̶ Friend) by Ker Dukey @KerDukeyauthor

Title: Ten (My Brother's Best Friend)

Author: Ker Dukey

Release Date: December 20, 2015

Cover Design: Pink Ink Designs

Photographer: Clyph Jean Philippe

Model: Kyle Nelson

Ten years old I fell in love
Ten years was the price of that love
Ten years later our world’s re-collide
Alexandria (Alex)
My brother Jonah was possessive when it came to the things he owned; this unfortunately included the people in his life. The forbidden love between his best friend and me was just that… forbidden.
Our families were from different walks of life and as a sheriff’s daughter being with a Moore’s kid would never be tolerated. To my parents their son and Dalton Moore were on different paths and their friendship would end as soon as college began but it was my brother who had a craving for trouble. He was always looking for danger, committing petty crimes and getting away with it because Dalton would take the fall, blackening his already stained name. When Jonah found out we broke the rules by loving each other, his consequences impacted us all with immeasurable suffering.
Betrayal comes with a debt and it would be paid by all of us.
One with their heart,
one with their mind
and one would pay in blood.

Amazon US / Amazon UK /  Amazon CA / Amazon AU 


I have always had a passion for storytelling, whether it be through lyrics or bed time stories with my sisters. I wanted to be an actress growing up so I could live many roles but I learned early on that my mind was too active… I would want to change the script.I would watch films and think of ways they could have improved the story if they took another direction so i thought it best that i tell my own.
My mum would always have a book in her hand when I was young and passed on her love for reading, inspiring me to venture into writing my own. I tend to have a darker edge to my writing. Not all love stories are made from light, some are created in darkness but are just as powerful and worth telling.
When I’m not lost in the world of characters I love spending time with my family. I’m a mum and that comes first in my life but when I do get down time I love attending music concerts or reading events with my younger sister.
You can find me on Facebook where I love interacting with my readers.

Instagram / Facebook / Newsletter / Twitter / Goodreads / Amazon /Tsu 

We came from nothing and were given a second chance at life, and life was pretty good until it tipped on its axis and my world came tumbling down around me.

My Baby Sister is missing…

I’ve never felt this helpless before now, the vacant hole inside me expanding with each passing second of not knowing where she is.
What’s she going through?
Is she hurt?

The more I learn of her disappearance the more fear implants itself inside my heart, hardening - darkening.
The world is a depraved place, full of evil lurking behind normality.
Behind smiles.
Behind deception and facades.

She needs me and I will do whatever it takes to find her.

Release Tour for It Started In Texas by MB Feeney. @mbfeeneyauthor

Blog tour - Samantha Fontien - Hardman

Cover designed by Jade Jex @Steam Power Studios<3

London has a dark side… And I’m the one who runs it…
I’m not only London’s, but also the UK’s finest.
I’m the ‘Top Man’...
I am the ‘Hardman’...
I’m an animal, untamed, uncaged...
I’m untouchable, unlovable, the way I like it.

There is only one thing that unnerves me...

My past...
‘She’ is my past and maybe... My undoing…
* This work contains Drama, Profanity and very Mature content, intended for readers 18+ *
Standalone Novella

it was amazing
Read in November, 2015

OMG, this book is a fantastic read. Samantha has written a book that is so different from the norm.

Harman is a man that is a true Londoner, it was refreshing to read a book that had all the right dialect, and one that I could understand being a North Londoner myself.

Told in the point of view of Hardman we learn what his life is like being head of one of the Firms. This is true gangster style but in the terms of football fans taking it to the extreme of being a fan.

Hardman is a man you always get what he wants, he is never afraid of getting his hands dirty. Always having women on tap to fulfil his needs. There is one woman he wants that in my opinion will be the best thing that will ever happen to him.

This truly was a refreshing read, and written in a way that is so different to what I normally read.

If you like your alpha men, and also want a different take on a gangster then this is the book for you.

****** A free copy was received via Obsessed by Books ********


What made you write Hardman?
~ It was the one/story with the loudest voice for me. I had started two others, but this just fell out and onto the page. It was easy to write, for me, it wrote itself.
It's a step out of your normal theme, have you enjoyed it and can we expect more books in this Genre?

~ Maybe, as I absolutely loved writing it, especially his voice/grammar, as he’s not a stickler for the language rules like Duncan was. Hahaha. I've never sworn so much on paper. Hahahaha. Over 300+ F bombs related words, never mind the 70 odd C word usage. I even surprised myself, but I had to stay true to his character.

Duncan and Co, was and always will be a huge part of me and I had to follow Duncan’s rules for so long, so, it was refreshing throwing caution into the wind, hahahaha.  Even my editor at the beginning of HARDMAN's speaking, was ALL over the grammar, until she soon realised, that it was how he spoke, taking into consideration his education and his environment. In fact, when she corrects you with a sentence like this;

To say I am irked!!!! - He is PISSED OFF not irked - more Downtown Abbey than Hardman!!

... Then you know you have to watch, what Hardman say’s and how he delivers it. So yes, it was lovely not to watch my P’s and Q’s with him and I loved writing a good few of the chapters, they came out easy, so it’s defiantly something I am pondering on for the future.
And, it was my 1st, first-party POV too, as I normally do 3rd party and multi POV, so, yes, it was great fun. I do love writing the gory or fight/action scenes, and I did guns and manly stuff and so on, with the Dragonflies Trilogy. But that’s only because I like action myself. I see it as years and years of conditioning from my dad watching Cowboys and Indians and War/Espionage type films and books, Hahaha... Now, I have a ‘man brain’; I’m not a normal pinkie girl, I don’t DO pink lol.
Is there a follow on to Hardman?

~ Nope... It’s a standalone I’m afraid and... Expect more standalones from me too.

The reason for this is; because all my previous eight books (HARDMAN is my ninth,) have all been connected or entwined in some way. It was great having new people to play or talk with, as so to speak hahahaha. I am actually working on another new standalone title/story (which will hopefully be out late February or early March?) and I’m loving the freedom of new characters, although I do love my Dragonflies men and always will.

Swoon Rubin Miller, still does it for me and I love writing him, I really do.



Sir, thank you for agreeing to do this interview. I hope I’m not holding you up from any important work.

~ Nah, you’re alright... Always got time for a pretty girl... And what’s with the ‘Sir’?

(He laughs shaking his head at me) 

I’m hardly a ‘Sir’ am I? I’m a Geezer or a Gov if you prefer.

(He laughs again)

What do you like to do for fun?

~ (He shrugs his shoulders) 

Dunno... Any ideas?
(Now he's knowingly smiling at me, as he winks. This guy is an outrageous flirt.)

Why do you do the things you do?

~ Dunno what you mean?
(He laughs now at me, trying to look innocent).

You’re not wired are you?
(He laughs again)

Nah, only joking with ya... I suppose I’m what you’d call, one of them ‘natural born leader’s... 

Decisions will always have to be made... Even those, you don’t want to do... Someone has to take control... I’m just ‘The Someone’, that’s all.
(He shrugs insolently, like I’ve asked him what time it is?)

Do you enjoy the power and notoriety of it?

~ Yeah, I suppose I do. It’s always about the power; and the notoriety... I suppose the two go hand in hand with one another. But I always wanted a name for myself, always knew I would be something.

Do you sleep well after your punishments?

~ Yeah... Why wouldn’t I?
(He looks totally blasé now. I will say, I was a little scared asking him this, I understand why he has the reputation he does, he is very cool, calm and collected.)

... As I said, decisions are made every day, with anything you do... It’s how you deal with it that really matters. Punishment is necessary; it’s how we learn after all.

Put it this way... Growing up at my house, you got either the belt or the back of someone’s hand, for bringing trouble to the door or giving cheek..

So you learned pretty quickly, not to get caught, or, to be a cheeky cunt...  Everything you do, has consequences... And anyone who lives the lives, and do, what do what WE do, knows this from the ‘get go’...

Well they should do, unless they're as dumb as fuck? And that’s a problem, cause there’s always some brain-dead fucker out there doing something they shouldn’t. That’s why there’s people like me... To keep them fuckers in check, manage them. I always say; ‘It is what it is’...

I mean, think about it.... If it looks like shit, smells like shit... It’s SHIT!! Plain and simple, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that... And it’s the same philosophy for ‘if you’re caught doing something you shouldn’t’... Be prepared for retribution.
(He shrugs very matter of factly, and I find myself hanging on every word. I watch enthralled as he shakes head woefully. He’s a good speaker and incredibly charming. Makes me glad he’s too dirty to be in politics, as he’s quite captivating.)

What is so special about ‘Her’ that makes you want to give it all up? Do you think you will ever stop?

~ Everything about ‘Her’ is special... ‘She’ is truly’ one of a kind’. ‘She’s’ a good person, always was. She’s my total opposite. And that’s why ‘we’ work.

I’m a lucky fucker, but I always was... Oh, and let’s not forget,  I love the way she calls me a cunt... I’m a sucker for it.
(He winks again knowingly at me, the guy really is incorrigible.)

And yes, I have ‘Stopped’ as you call it. If you’re talking about work that is?
(He laughs cheekily at me.)

In fairness, it was time to; the writing was on the wall.
(Now he looks seriously at me shaking his head.)

You can’t live my kinda life and expect to live forever...

There will ALWAYS be someone up your arse or trying to take a big chunk out of it. There will always be someone gunning for your spot as ‘Top Dog’ if you have it, and ‘they’ want it, bad.

You’d have to want it bad as well, I can tell ya, to wanna try and take it from me!!

It’s human nature, to want to better yourself... But it’s pure ‘primal’, to want the number one spot... Especially if you’re a natural born hunter like me?

 I still do have my fingers in a few pies, but they are kosher. So, no harm, no foul.
(He shrugs.)

My problem is, I need to keep myself busy. You see... I’ve been making my own money since I was a kid in some way or another, always an entrepreneur me...
(He winks cheekily at me) 

If there is money to be made, I guarantee you; it will be ME making it. But I DO know... If it’s not kosher and I don’t keep my nose clean, I’ll lose ‘everything’...

This I know as she tells me it daily...

Nah only joking... She’ don’t ‘have’ to ‘tell me’... I KNOW, she won’t tolerate any of my shit...

... And being honest, I don’t feel like I need to now, or I’m compelled to do it, if you know what I mean, you know, cause its naughty an all... Which was often, the very reason for me to do it in the first place...?
(He laughs cheekily at me.)

What can I say? I’m a thrill seeker, innit.

But believe me; I will tell ya, ‘She’ keeps me more than busy... I don’t have the time for anything, or anyone else now.
(He laughs to himself)

Should have done it sooner...
(He shrugs again nonchalantly at me.)

Oh well, you live and learn... Don’t ya?

After the interview, I found myself flirting with him for a further ten minutes, until he informs me, that he has to go and pick up his son up from school. As he leans in to kiss me on the cheek, I’m ashamed to say I found myself wondering if he was going to kiss me on the lips; seeing as he had been flirting with me throughout the entire interview, but sadly, he didn’t.

On his way out, I see him drop a bundle of money onto the table, paying the bill for the lunch we’ve just had, even though it was for his interview.

He may be a very bad man, responsible for having a hand in some horrible things and he maybe a little rough around the edges, but in all fairness to him... I found him very charming and a perfect gentleman, bar the continuous flirting which I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed.

I can understand the attraction with the gangster life, if they’re all like him. But I would have to be like ‘Her’, and the way she approaches it, as that kind of lifestyle, really wouldn’t appeal to me either.

The End

I’m a Happily Married, MUM of 2. I LOVE Music…I should as I am the daughter Of Musicians and was reared with a guitar in one hand and a pen in the other.
