Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Warning: Sleeping with a friend might change your life forever.
Sleeping with Kyle was never in the plans. Pretending to be his girlfriend was one thing, but letting our relationship become anything but platonic was another. The problem with mixing friendship with sex is that inevitably feelings get involved, and when that happens there's no turning back.

When Kyle's life fell apart around him, I needed to help, but doing that meant opening myself up to the most terrifying thing in theworld—falling in love.

The Hazards of Sleeping with a Friend
Alyssa Rose Ivy
Excerpt #2
“You already know I’m screwed up. That secret got out of the bag when I invited you here.” There was something freeing about that. I didn’t have to pretend to be put together for her anymore. Like it or hate it, she now had a hint at how messed up my life was.
“Not any more screwed up than me.” She smiled slightly.
“I guess we’re a lot alike then.”
“I guess so.” She gazed out at a spot somewhere in the distance.
“What are you looking at?”
“Nothing. Just looking.” A tear slid down her face.
Without thinking I wiped away the tear.
She turned to me with her wide brown eyes, and I didn’t think. I leaned in and brushed my lips against hers.
Her lips were soft and welcoming, and a single touch wasn’t enough. I started to move my lips against hers, and she responded, giving me all the encouragement I needed to deepen the kiss. She eagerly welcomed me into her mouth, letting me explore every corner as her hands twisted in my hair. I wrapped my arms around her, needing her closer than she could ever be.
I couldn’t get enough of her taste, half sweet and half a minty flavor lingering from her toothpaste. Her body felt so warm pressed against mine.
Finally we broke the kiss.
She stumbled back out of my arms. “Wow.”
“My thoughts exactly.” I was probably grinning like an idiot. 
“I can’t believe we did that.”
“I can. I’ve wanted to for a long time.” It was even better than I expected. She was so responsive, and there was none of the usual first kiss awkwardness that could sometimes ruin the moment.
“So have I.”
“There’s only one problem though.” I looked right into her eyes.
“And what problem is that?” She raked her teeth over her bottom lip.
“I want to do it again.”
“Then do it.” She started into my eyes intently.
“Ok then.” I leaned in. She didn’t need to tell me twice.

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Alyssa Rose Ivy Bio:
Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.


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RICOCHET: Locked and Loaded by Heather C. Leigh @HeatherLeigh_8

Title: Ricochet: Locked and Loaded (Ricochet, #1)
Author: Heather C. Leigh
Releasing March 29, 2015
Rick "Ricochet" Brennan served eight years as an elite Marine special ops Force Recon soldier. After an injury, and the terrible memories from that night, he retires and goes to work for his former Command Officer, Howard "Mack" McEvoy, at his training center in Atlanta. Sanctum MMA appears on the surface to be a normal gym, training elite fighters to be the best. Except each trainer, hand-picked by Mack, possesses a special background that allows Mack to run one of the best-kept secrets in the country. When twenty-four year old Quinn Wallace finally escapes her abusive husband, she turns to her father’s old Marine Corps buddy, Mack, for help. Broken and skittish, Quinn finds herself surrounded by large, intimidating men— men who could easily overpower her. She avoids them the best she can, but when Rick turns out to be more than just a rough fighter with bruised knuckles, she finds herself wondering if she can allow herself to trust again. Ricochet is a full-length novel to be released as three parts. ***This book contains hot sweaty men, sexy scenes for those over 18, and uncomfortable, sometimes violent scenes.***  
“Tucker? What the fuck are you doing up here? Where’s Quinn? Is she sick?” The wiry man pushed his glasses up on his nose, glancing at Rick from behind his computer screen. “In back.” He stabbed his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the main gym. “I’m just watching the door for her while she trains.” “Trains?” Rick growled. “What the fuck does that mean?” Tucker sat up straight and crossed his arms, giving Rick his full attention, something the socially challenged man almost never did. “What’s it to you, Ricochet?” Rick scowled at Tucker’s use of his nickname, knowing that the man was baiting him. Tucker might look small and geeky and love computers, but he was a fifth degree black belt in Shotokan karate. He had held his own in a spur of the moment karate match with UFC welterweight champion George St. Pierre. “Nothing. Forget it.” Rick huffed, storming past the front desk and the smirking Tucker. He swiped his badge, irritated at himself for letting Tucker get under his skin. Hell, he was irritated at himself for letting Quinn get under his skin. Rick was even too pissed to call the small guy “big man” like he usually did. Twenty-eight fucking years without a single person to worry about except myself. Less than a month after Quinn walks through the front door and I barely recognize the guy in the mirror or the thoughts in my own head anymore. Rick marched into the training area in a cloud of anger. Fucking Tucker, messing my head all up. When he reached the edge of the mat covered floor, his world stopped spinning and came to a screeching halt. He blinked, certain that his mind was playing tricks on him. Nope. It wasn’t. Across the gym, standing in front of the heavy bag wearing a tank top and those damn miniature shorts, was Quinn. She was barefoot, punching and kicking the bag with a jab-front kick combo. Quinn all sweaty, wearing next to nothing, was a sight to see. But what made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, what Rick immediately zeroed in on, was Xavier’s fucking hands on Quinn’s hips, touching what belonged to Rick. Belong to me? Quinn doesn’t belong to me. Rick shook the thoughts from his head, squeezing his eyes shut until the angry red haze cleared. When he opened them back up, he saw Xavier and Quinn staring at him, their lesson interrupted by his odd behavior. “Hey man.” Xavier held up a wrapped hand in greeting. “Good to have you back.” Rick’s furious scowl surprised his friend, causing Xavier’s dark eyes to narrow suspiciously. Rick flicked his gaze over to Quinn. She stood next to Xav, unmoving, her face blank as she waited for her lesson to continue. It made Rick feel as if he were a mere annoyance. Already pissed and now embarrassed on top of it, Rick spun on his heel and stomped down the hall. He swiped his badge and punched in his code, opening the door to an empty Mission Control. Rick paced the room, raking his hands through his hair in frustration. He wanted to tear the room apart, but knew he’d face everyone’s wrath if he destroyed the expensive equipment. What the fuck is wrong with me? These unfamiliar feelings were messing with his head. Rick couldn’t define them, couldn’t explain them, and had absolutely no idea how to deal with them. The only way he knew how to release frustration was fucking or fighting. Right now, he was way to volatile to fuck. Fighting it is then.   RICOCHET SERIES
Ricochet: Locked & Loaded (Ricochet, #1)

Review by Ally Obsessive One Clicker

** ARC provided by Obsessed by Books for an honest review **

Ricochet is a fast paced book that keeps you on the edge of your seat. It is one hot sexy read that leaves you breathless and wanting more and more.

Quinn is on the run from her abusive husband. She seeks help from her father's best friend. Quinn is a receptionist at the local martial arts studio gym. She meets Rick aka Ricochet Brennan who is one hot sexy guy.

Rick is a former special ops mercenary with the Marine Corp. He is a tough guy who likes to hit em and leave em kind of guy in the ring. He uses his good looks and his charm to woo the women in.

I really enjoyed this book by Heather C. Leigh. I am so looking forward to the second one in the series. This book was awesome enjoyed every minute of it loved Rick and Quinn.

 Review by Wendy Book Obsessed Pimpette

* * ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review * *

This a short story with alot of story in it.
Ricochet is a ex Marine who is working a job with his commanding officer, Ricochet is had to retire from the Marines due to an injury. Rick is definitely a ladies man, that's how he got his name, but when he meets Quinn , he can't seem to rid her in his mind. Quinn is on edge, and you can tell she has demons of her own. These two together definitely have chemistry. Quinn is fighting with her past and her feelings for Rick. loved this story, can't wait to read the next one.

Releasing April 5, 2015
Pre – Order ….
Releasing April 12, 2015
Pre – Order ….
About the Author
11066069_1585945284950725_8655614541786688485_n I grew up in New England and currently live outside Atlanta, GA with my husband, two kids, a French Bulldog and a pug. I'm a full-time procrastinator and a part-time everything else. I love the Red Sox, chocolate, and traveling. When I'm not writing, I'm dealing drugs legally as a pharmacist.  
  love p

Cover Reveal: Limitless by Danielle Ione @daniellewritess @tlcbooks05

By Danielle Ione
Release Date: April 13, 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense
Editor: Elle Christensen
Knox appeared to have the perfect life. He’s a photographer, living on the beach in sunny Southern California, and a father of an intelligent little boy. Although, not everything is as it seems. Underneath it all, Knox lived a lonely life, filled with meaningless moments leading up until the 60 minutes he buys with his son every day. Until he met Emery Jane Suddenly, the black and white world he lived in became brighter and the void of loneliness disappeared. But, Knox holds a secret, one that could crush the promises of a future with the one woman he has grown to love, and the son he would do anything for.
Six years ago Emery Jane ran. She ran from her past, and the secrets that were buried six feet under, from the people she loved and from her own living, breathing, nightmare. Emery Jane longed for a life of normalcy and living in paradise seemed like the perfect place to find it. She never expected to meet Knox, or his little boy. And she definitely didn’t expect to love them so fiercely. As she embraced the unexpected she could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, showing her that life doesn’t always have to be so unnerving. But Emery Jane knows that with secrets, come destruction, and that destruction was knocking on her door. 

As their pasts collide, inviting havoc into their lives, their limits are tested as they try to survive. Will the evils that chase them win and bring everything crashing down around them? Can they both fight through the darkness and live a life of happiness?

The day my son was born, my heart became limitless. My heart was fuller than I could have ever imagined, and just when I thought I had run out of room, it exploded letting that love course through my entire being. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced, and something I would never get used to. The love, the complete and utter unconditional adoration I felt for him, was enough to flip my world upside down.
I looked at the tiny human I had helped create and everything I knew about life changed. Suddenly the grass was greener, food tasted better, the world was brighter, and everything was…happier. I was no longer focusing on the negatives in life; everything was positive and so full of promise, all because of my little boy. Any ill feelings I had been harboring simply dissipated making room for all that was Maddox.
I was walking on cloud nine convinced that from this point on everything was going to be great. My life was going to be perfect, and when it wasn’t, I was going to make the best out of it, not just for me, but also for him.
Maddox grabbed my finger with his small hands, something that made my chest clench with tenderness. And I did what I always do when something comes along that I want to remember forever; I burned it into my memory. Locking it away in that little box in my mind of all the happiest times in my life.
Caressing Maddox’s dark black hair I made him a promise; a promise I intended to keep for the rest of my life.
“I promise to always love you with all that I have to give. I promise to protect you from all of life’s monsters no matter how big or small. And I promise you, baby boy, that I will never stop fighting for you.” I whispered as I rocked my beautiful son to sleep for the last time.

Speechless - Memphis May Fire
Fighters - Lupe Fiasco
Take Me to Church - Hoizer
Adore You - Miley Cyrus
Ain't It Fun- Paramore
Elastic Heart- Sia
Unbroken Promise- Eric Baker
Princeton Ave- Issues
No Ordinary Love- Memphis May Fire
Skin - Rihanna
Sowing Season - Brand New
The A Team- Ed Sheeran 
Wonderwall - Ryan Adams
I Still Care for You- Ray LaMontagne
Sweet Disposition- The Temper Trap
Closer- Kings of Leon
Save Him- Justin Nozuka 


About the Author    

I'm a mama of an amazing set of twins, and a wife to a pretty cool dude. I live off of coffee, books, and sarcasm. I mean, there's no other way to live, is there? I'm not a romantic person, not really anyways. So I always find it humorous that I only read and write romance, as if it were engrained in me. My addiction to reading turned into a love for writing. And in all reality, writing is what keeps me sane. Any spare moment I have in my entirely too crazy life, I spend spilling the words from my head onto paper. I'm working on my debut novel called Limitless, which is my baby, you know besides the two not so tiny babies I actually have.
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Release Blitz: JORDANA mia LEZAMY Exotic Racing Crusader (Exotic Racers #1) @JordanaMLezamy

Title: Exotic Racing Crusader (Exotic Racers #1)
Genre: Erotica,. Contemporary Romance, New Adult


It was the day of a special occasion in my life, when my entire future was rewritten and set on a new course

Or was this always part of destiny that I believed you cannot run from?

My Destiny. Now Ours. Together. Exclusively.

As I watched him at the show I never planned on attending - I was certain of one thing about his velocity:

ONLY GOD is capable of catching him. 

The moment we met, there was no looking back on a past life down a darkened and lonely road any longer.

Before him I had never dated anyone. Before him I lead a normal good-girl life.

With him my plus size curves and unique facial features are loved and adored beyond a passionate and lustful extent 

Beside him I became queen to the messiah of an exotic cars racing universe I defied heaven for

As fate would have it, regrets collected like old friends ready to relive both our darkest moments

It's always darkest before the dawn, but to see the sunrise at the end of the finish line, there are SEVEN words of a pledge barricading the way:


Cauterized words onto his soul that will decide if he is either a villain or a savior

The ultimate sacrifice must be made by him alone
Which will he choose? Which will he let go of? Which means more?

This is our journey
This is where our racing legacy with fast cars begin.

Contemporary, Erotica, New Adult, Romance : Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

"You can't run from Destiny...All Roads Lead to the same destination." - I live by this self-made motto. 
I'm addicted to Italian Ice-Cream & Exotic Fast Cars *this will be made VERY clear in my book* 
My home is in the city of Lost Angels aka Los Angeles in the U.S.A 
I am plus size full figured girl and so is my leading lady in my debut novel. 
Single, 28 years of age, i am the middle sibling to an older brother and a younger sister. 
I am loud, funny and i have no shame in life. 
I only read dark themed novels or extreme alpha male storylines and i am addicted to music more than the average human should be. I cannot live without it especially 90's music. I first started writing at the age of 13 years old where i had won awards in school for my writing skills and original storylines. Such as the one in my debut series Exotic Racers : Exotic Racing Crusader + Exotic Racing Commander + Exotic Racing Conqueror all to be released in 2015. 

Cover Reveal: My Mind's Eye by Gillian Jones

Book: My Mind's Eye
Author: Gillian Jones


She is the epitome of the girl next door, but with a feistiness that makes my dick throb.
I'm drawn to her like no other; she stirs things in me I have no desire to feel, long for things I shouldn't.

This is my game. I choose the players. I never play for keeps.
I don't believe in fate. I make my own destiny. I work hard and play harder.
Luck is for pussies, Karma for idiots. Me, I make shit happen.

Meeting her fucked up my plan. Threw me off my game.
I'm now face to face with my Karma and her name is Kat Rollins.


Ryker Eddison is the epitome of a player. 
You know the type - Mr. Get In and Get Out.

He's all about the chase, wanting just one night. Everyone knows this, I know this. Still I find myself craving him. My greedy body betraying what my heart and mind already know; he will only bring me pain.

He's the guy that girls like me should avoid. I'm smart, I know better. But when I'm with him, I feel things I’ve never felt before. Things I never knew I wanted.

I can't deny it...I like the chase, the high is explosive, but I'm afraid if I give in, I may end up losing more than I can handle... my heart.


 I walk into Pub Fiction for my shift about forty-five minutes early tonight, not thinking twice about knocking on the staff room door because a, Im early, and b, I never have the fuck before. Well let me tell you, apparently a and b don't apply anymore with Hot Girl working here. And apparently a knocking rule needs to be put in effect from this point on.

 Cause, HOLY FUCKING CHRIST! As I barge into the room Im quickly met with the sexiest scene I have EVER laid my eyes upon in my life. Sitting on the black leather ottoman in the middle of the room while bending forward with the abundance of her succulent cleavage spilling out of a black lace bra, is none other than Kat. Well fuck me sideways til Sunday! She doesn't see me right away as shes pulling up black sheer pantyhose over her legs, legs I might add that just don't seem to quit. With this vision in front of me now taunting my senses, mainly my sense of I-wanna-fucking -touch, of course I do what all men in my position would do. Yup, like the fucking perv I am, I stare. Actually no, I full on gawk at the sight unfolding in front of my greedy eyes. Greedy to take her all in, every motion, every curve. Jesus, who knew a simple act could be so erotic. My cock is throbbing from where I stand, aching to be set free. Stifling a moan, I adjust myself thinking of my next move.

 I honestly cannot help but watch, even if I wanted to leave, I cant. Its as if Im rooted in place, my feet encased in cement, trapping me. My brain convincing my body its actually stuck. And truth be told, Im okay with it. There is no other place Id rather be at this very moment, than right there with this woman as I silently wallow in her beauty. This, this in front of me is what wet dreams are made of. I knew this girl was hot, but fuck me. Man, am I grateful that my brain and body arent on the same page right now. You know the page where my legs would be allowing me to leave like I know I should. I know the right thing to do is to turn around and walk right the fuck back out the door. But in truth there is no fucking way that is happening, cause this view is spectacular. And there is no fucking way am Im missing this opportunity.

 As if shes finally sensing something in the air has changed, Kat looks up and finds me standing there rooted in my place by the door, gawking at her. Rather than freaking out like I assume she would, she simply smiles, her face a bit flushed as states that she says she could have sworn she locked the door. Our eyes meet and she continues to blush the sexiest shade of pink I have ever seen. I cant help but think of what other body parts of Kats might match the shade. Shaking my head from those thoughts for now, I focus my attention back onto Kat, and in perfect time to witness her stand from her position on the ottoman.

 I should fucking say something, I know this, I really do but for some fucked up reason I cant form a response. It's like Im one of those assholes who gets all tongue-tied around pretty girls. Fuck, I look like such a dick right now. Here I stand, staring with my mouth agape waiting her next move or to finally see her lose her shit on me. But instead, I've never been so thankful for not having a voice before in my life. As Kat stands, I can tell shes actually quite nervous and shy. For some reason instinct wants me to comfort her. I want to call her baby and reassure her that she has not a goddamn thing to be nervous or embarrassed about, but I dont. I want to tell her how sexy, and how completely thought consuming she has been, but I dont. I want to tell her she is so fucking hot. But again, I dont. I decide to stay quiet. I want her to lead how were going to play this thing out, whatever will make her to feel more at ease. Therefore, I stand in silence watching and waiting for her to call the shots. She begins to fumble with getting her t-shirt on and rather than staying quiet like I had planned guess what happens?


I'm a wife, and mother. My Mind's Eye is my first book writing adventure! Eeeeek! I'm Canadian so I might spell things a little odd once in a while;) I love red wine, adore my friends and I'm so completely in love with my hubby and little boy.  I'm addicted to shoe shopping, shopping, and ummm shopping! But my biggest addiction however is reading. That shit runs deep in my veins, I'm a lover of alpha males, hot sex, with a side of angst all topped off with the happy ever after. I'm a new indie author and I can't wait to start this journey. 


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