Saturday, 7 November 2015

(*•.¸♥¸.•*´ COVER REVEAL *•.¸♥¸.•*´) #CoverReveal #SIPromos #DashundaDeas #UIBB @promos_si @unitedindiebb

Title: I'll Have the Last Laugh
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: Nov. 19th, 2015
Cover Designer:  Sinful Intentions Promotions


Miya’s life is one of tragedy. Born from the most unspeakable circumstances and with a horrible illness, she’s been ostracized by most of her family and shunned by the town she grew up in. The one constant in her life is her sister Tiffany. After graduation, Tiffany hopes that going to college out of state will give Miya the chance for a new life.
Now on her own living the life of a normal college student, Miya’s making friends and falling in love.
All is not what it seems when it comes to her first boyfriend though. When the relationship ends after the tragic death of her best friend. Miya must learn to deal with the aftermath.
Will she be able to recover, move past the tragedy and learn what true love is before her illness takes her away from everyone who loves her?


Dashunda Deas was born in the Bronx, but moved to Charleston, SC as a teenager. She has five children,three boys and two girls. She’s always wanted to be a writer and does it the old fashioned way, by putting pen to paper. She has many stories swirling around in her head, from children’s books to adult contemporary romance and can’t wait for you to see what’s next.
She is a vocal advocate for safe sex and the prevention of the spread of the AIDS virus, having watched her mother succumb to the devastating illness in 1994. She is always spreading the message to others and hopes that this story will help change people’s minds about their life. Her biggest hope is that by educating others about the spread of HIV and AIDS, she can help prevent others from succumbing.  
Remember, “strap it up” and “no glove no love” are the best ways to protect yourself.
Find her on Facebook

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Cover Reveal for "This Beautiful Escape. @Ataxia_CA

This Beautiful Escape
Ataxia Awareness Fundraiser Anthology
Release: 11/24/2015

This Beautiful Escape
Volume One

By: Melissa Ann, Monica May, David S. Scott, Ethan Radcliff, Chelle Bliss, A.M. Wilson, Lora Ann, Airicka Phoenix, Audrina Lane, Bernard Young, Cleo Scornavacca, Heather Dahlgren, J.D. Stockholm, J.P. Barry, K.D. Grace, Kim Black, Linda Hamonou, Muffy Wilson, Naomi Shaw, S.L. Bull, Siren X. Star, Teesa Mee, Pablo Michaels, Komal Chandwani, K.L. Shandwick, Elizabeth Butts, Ella Medler, C.A. Bell, Cathy Schisel Knuth, A.T. King

Contributors: JD Hawkins, JW Snootz, Jenna Galicki




Open this book each day for an inspirational message written by some of your favourite authors.

This Anthology is special because each author that contributed has shared a piece of their heart with each and every reader.

This book is about spreading love and hope through the written word.

All proceeds will be donated to Ataxia Canada.

Available in ebook and paperback Nov. 24/2015

Goodreads TBR:

This Beautiful Escape Volume One:




This Beautiful Escape
Volume Two

By: Melissa Ann, David S. Scott, Scott Hildreth, Ethan Radcliff, C.C. Genovese, Jacqueline George, Addison Kline, Chris Kalyta, Denice Garrou, D.J. Prewer, Kora Knight, Sam J.D. Hunt, Mason Sabre, A.T. King, Aimee Shaye, Alexa Keith, J. Nichole Parkins, Krihstin Zink, Kain B. Fairbrooks, Linn B. Halton, Layla Stevens, D.S. Cuellar, Maggie Adams, L. Marshall James, Dr. Julie E. Antoine, Cecile Hoare, Aral Bereux, Teesa Mee

Contributors: Darkmantle Designs, Elise Faber, Siobhan Daiko

This Beautiful Escape 2.jpg



Open this book each day for an inspirational message written by some of your favourite authors.

This Anthology is special because each author that contributed has shared a piece of their heart with each and every reader.

This book is about spreading love and hope through the written word.

All proceeds will be donated to Ataxia Canada.

Available in ebook and paperback Nov 24/2015

Goodreads TBR:

This Beautiful Escape Volume Two


Ataxia Awareness Fundraiser Links:


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This Beautiful Escape Volume One:

This Beautiful Escape Volume Two:

Miss Scarlett Flame: News of Manchester Author Event 13th August 2016 p...

Miss Scarlett Flame: News of Manchester Author Event 13th August 2016 p...: BOUND for PASSION; Erotic Love Stories This book is available to download FREE with KindleUnlimited Bound for Passion book link ...

Handyman Blog Tour @CThompsonAuthor

Title: Handyman By: Claire Thompson Genre: M/M Erotic Romance Tour Host: DRC Promotions


What can a sophisticated Wall Street trader and a simple handyman possibly have in common? Handsome, sexy and gay, Will Spencer uses and discards lovers as easily as he trades stocks. He is used to taking what—and who—he wants. Jack Crawford, a recently widowed handyman, never thought of himself as gay. Frightened by an erotic encounter years before, Jack has never embraced his deepest sexual longings. In an unlikely pairing, Will and Jack explore an incendiary relationship, sometimes humorous, sometimes heartbreaking, always scintillatingly erotic. Jack is forced to confront feelings he’s hidden for a lifetime. Will is faced with something he isn’t sure he can handle—love. Warning: Hot, delicious male/male erotic romance. Danger: Explicit m/m sex.

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Will awoke with a start, his body jerking in response to a half-remembered dream. He was sitting in his living room, an empty brandy glass still clutched in one hand. After he sent Jack away he’d proceeded to pour himself way too much brandy and drink it all, cursing himself all the while. I had him. He was reaching out to me. And I rebuffed him. I sent him home like we were characters in some stupid romantic comedy from the fifties. Doris Day and Rock Hudson. Now he’ll go home, sober up and thank God he got out of that one. I’ll never hear from him again. I’m such a fucking idiot. Will sighed and pressed his hands to his head, which was throbbing dully. Wearily he stood and made his way to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water from the new faucet Jack had helped him pick out and stood silently admiring the space. Jack was more than a handyman, more than a carpenter. He was an artist. The room was elegant, functional and pleasing to the eye. One would never have looked at the burly, masculine Jack and assumed he was capable of such artistry. Will realized he was holding on to a stereotype in reverse—assuming a straight man like Jack wouldn’t be capable of creating something beautiful. Will drank the glass of water and poured another. Yes, he’d sent Jack away but, though he’d maybe lost an opportunity, he knew he had done the right thing. Any potential erotic feelings Jack was experiencing were too tentative to be taken advantage of while he was under the influence of alcohol. He might have been able to squeeze a one-night something out of it, but that wasn’t what he wanted. For whatever reason, he had to admit he wanted something more with Jack. Unlike Paul and all the other sex partners he’d had over the years, he felt a connection with Jack he couldn’t explain. It made no sense when he tried to analyze it—Jack wasn’t particularly handsome, he was too old, he was straight, or even if he wasn’t, he came with a lot of baggage to shuck off before they could really have a meaningful relationship. Why would Will want to bother with someone like that? Why waste his time and energy? He could have his pick of men—why choose one so unlikely? Why indeed? What made a person fall in love? Was it really something so simple as the way the other person smiled when you talked? The way he stroked the wall before applying paint, feeling for any hidden roughness he would sand away? Was it the way he’d touched Will’s elbow as he stood close behind him at the pool table, guiding him with a gentle, sure touch that spoke of his quiet self-assurance? Was it his scent, a sexy combination of male essence and whatever soap he used, mixed with the fresh laundry scent of his faded, soft denim work shirts? Am I in love? Surely it was too soon to say. Will knew he was in lust. He knew he wanted to explore Jack’s newfound interest, if that’s what it was. He was dying to pick up the phone and call him—just to see if he got home okay, if he was okay with what they’d talked about. He looked at his watch. Two a.m. was a little late to be checking, seeing as he’d sent the guy away hours before. With a sigh, he hauled himself off to bed. ~*~ In the morning a single beam of light fell onto Jack’s face, waking him. Before he was fully conscious he knew something had changed. Something had happened that made him feel different, though still in a semi-sleep state, he couldn’t recall what it was. He became aware of the chirping of birds outside his bedroom window. He sat up and opened his eyes, squinting in the bright sunlight to see two robins, their red breasts proudly puffed as they whistled their springy duet. Jack smiled. He’d always regarded seeing robins as a sign of good luck. He glanced at the clock. It was after nine. He rarely slept this late. Must have been all that brandy. The night returned to him with a flash, scrolling across his brain like a silent movie. He lay back against the pillows and put his hands behind his head. Just what exactly had gone on last night? He tried to recall Will’s precise words. I feel a kindred connection, something between us that sometimes I imagine you feel too. I have this crazy idea maybe we could explore it—together. Men didn’t say that sort of thing to one another. Not straight men, anyway. Yet when Will had said it, Jack hadn’t recoiled, though he hadn’t known how to respond. He felt the same way, really. At least as far as feeling a certain connection—an easiness he rarely felt with anyone. Will had crept up on him. He’d slipped past Jack’s usual reserve with his disarming admiration and open friendliness. Was that all it was? Was Jack merely lonely? Was Will the first person to bother, since Emma had been gone, to push past his defenses? Or was there something more? Did he find Will attractive? As a man? As a potential…lover? Just the word made Jack flush, though he was alone in the room in his empty house. Did he flush because the idea repulsed him? Or because it excited him? Was he finally ready, twenty-six years after the fact, to explore whatever homoerotic feelings he might have buried beneath a lifetime of denial? Jack got up and went into the bathroom, his bladder for the moment distracting him from his ruminations. After he peed, he turned on the shower and waited for the spray to heat as he shucked off his pajama bottoms and underwear. He stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. What could Will possibly see in him? He was in his forties, the hair on his chest going gray, the laugh lines around his eyes pronounced, as were the grooves along either side of his mouth. His body was still strong and firm, as a result of steady, hard physical work all his life. No gym workouts and tennis games to keep in shape, not for Jack Crawford. He’d built his muscles through the labor of his back and the sweat of his brow. He grinned at himself, aware for a horrible moment he sounded just like his father. He turned sideways, consciously holding in his stomach and thrusting out his chest. Then he laughed out loud. He was being ridiculous—acting as vain as any insecure kid. He climbed into the shower and soaped up his body and his hair, his mind returning to Will. Will’s body was lean and firm—the body of an athlete. He was definitely good-looking—almost too good-looking, Jack thought. The kind of man whose face you’d see in an ad for men’s cologne or fine Italian loafers. Will had the look of an aristocrat, that’s the word Jack was groping for. He was young, rich and smart. Why in the hell was he interested in Jack? Was he interested in Jack? Will might have meant only and precisely what he’d said—that he liked and admired Jack. That didn’t mean he wanted to have anything more, did it? Just because he was gay didn’t mean he wanted to jump into bed with every guy he came into contact with. Jack rinsed in the hot spray and soaped himself up again, this time lingering over his cock and balls. He sighed with pleasure as his cock elongated and hardened beneath his fingers. He closed his eyes, lifting his face to the hot spray as he massaged his shaft. Will… Despite himself, Jack saw those brilliant green eyes, fixed so intently upon him. He felt for one ridiculous heart-stopping moment Will was actually there, watching him stroke himself in the shower. Would Will like to watch such a thing? Jack flushed at the thought but tried not to censor himself from thinking it. Did Will have sexual fantasies about him? Was he way off the mark about Will’s feelings for him? After all, he’d only said he liked him. He’d said he enjoyed spending time with him. Yet when he had tried to respond in kind, admittedly in a clumsy, drunken ramble, Will had sent him away—dismissed him. Though part of him was relieved, it rankled nonetheless. “My God, give it a rest, Crawford,” Jack said aloud. “For all I know, the guy has zero interest, no intentions. Here I am, gearing up for some kind of gay encounter and Will has probably forgotten the whole thing. Jesus, I’m pathetic.” He forced himself to think of a naked woman as he finished jerking himself off. Just as he ejaculated his libido got the better of his conscious mind, thrusting the image of Will, bent over the pool table, his hair falling into his eyes, his lips parted as he prepared for a shot… Jack finished his shower and roughly toweled himself dry. If only he hadn’t finished the job at Will’s place already. He prided himself on working steady and fast—it was a big reason he got repeat business, maybe the main reason. He had two jobs lined up for next week, though neither would take more than a day or two. After that, maybe he could call Will, invite himself over with some plans for Will’s master bathroom. It could definitely use some renovation… Wait a minute. What was he thinking? Jack never solicited business. He let it come to him. If Will wanted more work done, he had Jack’s number. He wasn’t about to foist himself on the guy just because they’d maybe spoken a little too freely after a little too much to drink. If Will wanted to see him again, Will could call. Will, after all, had been the one to send him away. Let him call him back—if that’s what he wanted. And if he didn’t, well, that was that. Jack had been doing fine on his own these past two years. There was no reason to suppose he couldn’t go on just as he had been for the next twenty. Jack went about his business, making himself breakfast, eating it in front of the TV as he watched the Friday morning news, washing the few dishes and putting them in the rack to dry. He had a small job that afternoon—some finishing touches on a sunroom he’d built on a house not far from Will’s. Then the weekend loomed. As he poured himself a second cup of coffee an uninvited thought slipped into his head. What if you wait for him to call, but he doesn’t? Will you let this second chance slip away like you did the first? He had no answer.

About The Author

I've been writing for nearly two decades, and have published over 60 novels. I write BDSM romance and non-con abduction tales, spanning both m/f and m/m genres. My love affair is with all things D/s (Dominance/submission). My work began as a romantic exploration of the BDSM life style, and then veered somewhat to the darker side of fantasy. I love delving into the dark psyche of a twisted mind, and gaining insight into what might motivate such a person to do what they do. I don't create all black and white villains and heroes, but rather strive to develop real, complex and flawed human beings. I don't want to simply provide an erotic thrill or evocative description. I seek not only to tell a story, but to come to grips with, and ultimately exalt in the true beauty and spirituality of a loving exchange of power. My darker works press the envelope of what is erotic and what can be a sometimes dangerous slide into the world of sadomasochism. Ultimately my work deals with the human condition, and our constant search for love and intensity of experience.

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Tainted Love by Amo Jones @authorAmojones

Book: Tainted Love
Series: Sinful Souls MC #3
Author: Amo Jones
Genre: MC Romance


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*You do not need to read the other books in this series before reading this one, recommended though*

Kalie-Rose is that girl.
She's that girl who calmed the storm within Ade Nixon.
She attained the unattainable.
She silenced his demons with her innocence.

Ade Nixon is the Vice President of Sinful Souls MC. His Hulk-sized body covered in tattoos and piercings - along with his don't give a fuck attitude - screams, "I'll suffocate you in your sleep". And he would.

Kalie-Rose is a popular dancer living in Hollywood Hills, she dances for some of Hollywood's elite. After giving Ade her viginty on a silver platter two years ago, a wedding brings them back together. Even if only for a short amount of time.

*This book contains upsetting content, which may set of triggers.

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I attempt to open my eyes, but they refuse to open. All I feel is the pounding in my head.
Boom, boom. Where is that sound coming from? Where am I?
I try to open my eyes again, this time succeeding. Everything is black.
“What the fuck,” I mumble.
I think over my jumbled thoughts, trying to think of the last thing I remember.
“Vicky’s wedding,” I whisper.
“Kal? Kal, is that you?”
“Alaina?” I gasp in shock.
“It’s me, babe,” she quietly replies, her voice hoarse and dry.
I attempt to move off the bed, but I feel like an anchor is weighing me down. Using all my strength, I push myself up and stand off the bed, only to fall to the ground when my legs give way.
“Fuck!” I scream out in frustration.
“Shhh Kal, if they hear you they’ll come back.”
I begin crawling across the cold hard concrete floor.
“Alaina? How long have we been here?”
“I don’t know. You’ve been out for a few days. I lost count. I’d say a week, maybe more.”
I pause my shuffling. “How have I been asleep for a week?”
“They’ve been drugging us with something. More you than I. They found me fascinating, being Zane’s old lady.”
Continuing my shuffling, I keep my hands feeling around in front of me. Feeling cold chains, I follow them up until they lead me to one of Alaina’s hands. They are cold and stiff, she feels like death. I keep feeling around her until she winces.
“What did they do to you, Lain? Who are they?”
She pulls her arm out of my grasp. “It’s going to be okay, we just have to be strong until the boys arrive.”
The metal door swings open and a dark shadow looms. I swallow down and look at Alaina. Now there’s light shining through the doorway, I can see her.
I wish I didn’t.
I wish I never looked her way.
My stomach coils over, as little more than bile spews out of my mouth.

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*Fan Made Teaser

About The Author

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A little bit about me: I 'm the mama bear to four little kiddos, two girls and two boys. I'm also a wife-to-be to my partner of ten years (We were high school sweethearts, without the high school). My little (Big) family are my rock, and I am so lucky to have them with me through it all. I am from New Zealand! Born and raised in a small town called Rotorua. It's a beautiful city, just smells a little. I'm currently living in Australia on the Whitsunday Coast (Great barrier reef) where we hope to settle down for a long time. I love the beach, and margarita's and wine. Don't forget the wine. Chinese food is the best food. And one day I hope to travel the world, preferably the US, because I'm obsessed with it. I would travel now, but my bank account is like... "Dude, no." So I've put that in the goal bucket.
I also like to think of my self as a professional Cinderella. The type who wears Nike's, reads erotic novels, and writes about total bad ass men covered in tattoos.
I love all my beautiful readers, you have kept me going. You are my inspiration to keep writing, with all your kind words and reviews. You are all amazing, and I write for you.
That's enough Yap'n from me. See you all in Wonderland x

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Other Books in the series

Perilous Love
(Sinful Souls MC Book #1)

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Intricate Love
(Sinful Souls MC Book #2)

Amazon UK
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Amazon AUS
AmazoN CA


☆¸.•*¨*★☆ Pretty in INK APPRECIATION SALE ☆¸.•*¨*★☆ @ScottDHildreth

Pretty in INK

For making Pretty in INK a #1 BEST SELLER, Scott Hildreth is putting two of his other number #1 best sellers on sale, Making the Cut & Blurred LINES!

Starting Saturday, November 7th, 2015
For 7 DAYS
99c/99p US/UK only

Selected Sinners Cut, Book 1

Making the Cut
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Bodies, Ink & Steel, Book 1

Blurred LINES
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Bodies, Ink & Steel, Book 2

Pretty in INK

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RE-RELEASE BLITZ- Infinite Love Series by KIRA ADAMS @KiraAdamsAuthor

.•°*°•.RELEASE BLITZ.•°*°•.

The Infinite Love Series Box Set
by Kira Adams
Genre – Contemporary Romance

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**Re-releasing on November 7th at a special release pricing of .99 cents! Limited time only!!**


The Infinite Love series is a realistic fiction series that begins as a young adult series, but gradually grows into a new adult series by the last book. It comes with hard hitting subjects such as suicide, depression, disorders, abuse, addiction, murder, cartel, fears, love, and more. This box set includes all five books in the series; Learning to Live, Life After, My Forever, Beautifully Broken, & Against All Odds.

Let Ciera and Topher tell you their beautifully heartbreaking story in Learning to Live.

Continue Topher's story in Life After, but be prepared, Destiny is a spitfire.

Dive into Madalynne and Parker's lives and experience the highs and lows of their long-term relationship in My Forever.

Let the spiciness of Lee and Jacqueline transport you in Beautifully Broken.

Feel the intensity of Austyn & Avery's love in Against All Odds.

Their stories aren't going to be pretty--but they are going to be REAL.

The Infinite Love series by Kira Adams - Honest, heartbreaking, and oh so real.

About Kira Adams:

Krista Pakseresht has always been a dreamer, from the first time she opened her eyes. Creating worlds through words is one thing she is truly talented at. She specializes in Young adult/New adult romance, horror, action, fantasy, and non-fiction under the pen name Kira Adams.

She is the author of the Infinite Love series, the Foundation series, the Darkness Falls series, and the Looking Glass series.

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❄.。*´✲ Cover Reveal & Giveaway ✲´*。.❄

12 Hot Scrooges 12 Amazing Stories * 12 Days of Christmas
Kaithlin Shepherd - V. Cantrell - Katherine May - Mari Brown - Amy McClung - Becca Lee 
Lola Stark - Debra Elisa - Vanessa Morse - Ann Grech - K.D. Robichaux - Danielle Jamie

Available November 24th
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Sometimes hot alphas struggle to get into the festive spirit, but holidays offer the perfect opportunity to tempt Scrooge. Join 12 amazing authors and fall in love with their 12 Scrooges.

There's never a more perfect time than today to be swept away in sweet kisses and tempting caresses.

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A Hot Tree Publishing Anthology

His Christmas Miracle by Kaithlin Shepherd
Jayce promised himself that he would never risk losing anything again, but sometimes the magic of Christmas sends you what you need the most.

Presents & Possibilities by V. Cantrell
Event planner, Lily, must be prepared for all possibilities, but not even she can predict the outcome of working with Tyler during the holiday season.

Seducing Mr. Scrooge by Katherine May
Jude Shepherd isn't feeling the holiday spirit, and is taking his frustration out on his staff. When Ariana Gilbert hears Jude, her high school crush, has an opening at his multi-million corporation, her mind is set: she's going to seduce Mr. Scrooge.

Belle's Christmas Miracle by Mari Brown
Sierra needs Cage's help. But with six years of history between them, can they get through the past to work on the future?
A Christmas Makeover by Amy McClung
Thatcher Cole’s Grinch-like attitude clashes with Skye’s jolly-holiday stance. When Skye’s house needs a makeover, it’s not the only transformation occurring this holiday season.

All Wrapped Up by Lola Stark
He wanted a fling, she wanted to forget. A chance meeting gives each more than they bargained for.

Mistletoe & Scrooge by Debra Elise
A scrooge and a party planner agree to a "business only" date on Christmas Eve. But it's not long before a meddling aunt, a pixie, and plenty of mistletoe bring Grant and Sophie closer together - sharing hot kisses and relearning the true meaning of Christmas.

Mistletoe by Vanessa Morse
Holly's holiday began long before a kiss under the mistletoe. A night forgotten, a love found...Christmas wishes really can come true.

A Christmas Wish Come True by Ann Grech
Christmas is always a difficult time for Declan, made worse when he's faced with an impossible choice: his straight step-brother or an anonymous one-night stand. Will Declan find a reason to smile this holiday?

The Christmas Hunt by KD Robichaux
Finally landing the super-sexy, broody, tatted-up hottie, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he can give The Grinch and Scrooge a run for the title of Biggest Christmas Bad Boy.

Seducing St. Nick by Danielle Jamie
Marina has vowed to never allow herself to fall for the arrogant playboy, Dr. St. Nick...but sometimes vows are made to broken.

Kiss & Tell by Becca Lee
Avoiding the festivities of Christmas is virtually impossible for Jenna. Not only is she forced to man the community fete’s kissing booth, but Nick, a man she’s been lusting over for far too long, finally finds the perfect opportunity to get her to kiss and tell.

 Hot Tree Publishing