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Mistaken Series by Amy Beth.
Mistaken Identity:
When two worlds collide how many will survive?
I’ve been captured for six years and yet no one has bothered to help me the one person I thought might of helped disappeared all of a sudden. Each day for the last six years I’ve had to deal with him touching me, telling me what he wants to do and i can’t stand it.
i have to find out who she is and why she is free and i am here locked away and used as a puppet, I need to know everyone i love is ok.
My name is Morgan and this is my story.
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~*~ Obsessed by Books arc given in exchange for an honest review ~*~
"once shy and awkward young girl to a young woman who fights back..."
Welcome to Morgan's world, she exists as a plaything for a vile corrupt man. Kidnapped, beaten and raped for six years this is her story of survival and escape. She is taken brutally out of the blue and wakes up in her new life a prisoner in Harry Kings warehouse. He is the top dog in an organised crime ring. Mason is the wrong girl he believes she is Summer, his nephew's girlfriend. Wanting to strike out at Wyatt for becoming over confident Harry takes the girl. She is ears and abused but somehow is strong enough to survive. Her hope is to find out who Summer is and why she was mistaken as her.
The plot twists and turns as Bailey and Wyatt plot to take the family business down but these things take time and you always have to keep looking behind your back...Wyatt is taken out and the plans stall.
The story is told from several pov and with flashbacks interspersed so we see how she has toughened up and what has given her a fire burning in her soul that keeps her going. We witness the brutality of her life and the never ending descent into madness as Harry realises he has the wrong girl...
Part two and things get even more twisted. Summer and Morgan are reunited and the truth of their paternity is a shocker. Everything Morgan thought she knew gets turned upside down. With Harry now dead Bailey and Wyatt are planning for a HEA with their files but something is a little off with Summer. She isn't happy that Morgan seems to be the golden girl and that her selfish made her suffer for so long in her place...the boys feel something is about to blow up in their faces and they are not wrong.
Poor Morgan is once again kidnapped and molested having been set up by her sister. Some things just can't be forgiven...
The plot is action packed and although a little dark and twisted there is so much love, hope and strength in the characters. They go back to war with the guys that took over from King and fight to save their Princess. Blood is shed, new scars are made and yet they are survivors.
I loved the dynamic between them and the sassy mouth of a girl that really was at the wrong place at the wrong time and yet in the end it brought her together with the missing piece of her soul.
Four gripping stars for this debut novel
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The Mistaken series book 1 and 2 by Amy Beth is one hell of twisted read!! I was held captive by the pages from start to finish. Told from varying pov and with flashbacks to the past we get the tale of Morgan "once shy and awkward young girl(evolves) to a young woman who fights back..."
Morgan's safe world changes in an instant. Now she solely exists as a toy for a sinister, evil and corrupt man: Harry King. Kidnapped, beaten and raped for six years and this is her personal story of survival. Harry King enforces his superiority through his minions and family by pain and suffering, this is how he stays Lord of his underworld crime network. Kidnapping Morgan was one of those moves but Morgan is the wrong girl. He believes she is Summer, his nephew's girlfriend. Wanting to teach Wyatt a lesson in respect and to bring him back in line Harry takes the girl to taunt and hurt Wyatt. Morgan is a pawn in this sick man's games and mentally, physically and psychologically hurt but somehow is strong enough to survive. She is determined to find out who Summer is and why she was mistaken as her. This drives her to keep going when many would have given up hope.
Morgan during her time there does discover two other people who make her time captive more tolerable Wyatt and Bailey both related to Harry King and when promises are made in your hours of need you believe them and trust people who maybe you shouldn't....Things take a turn for the worse when revelations are made and Harry realises maybe he made a mistake taking Morgan. Will Morgan be set free or will life just get even harder from now on???
Review by

*** obsessed by books arc given for an honest review ***
this was a hard read read for me . Morgan goes through being kidnapped, tortured, raped for 6 years. Harry King is a evil man who lives on controlling people he loves and it doesn't matter if your family or the little people who works for him, he will cause you pain and suffering. that was his intentions with his nephew Wyatt. he wanted to teach him a lesson that you will always respect Harry and do what ever he ask you to which led to the kidnapping of morgan only thing was he thought she was summer whyatts girlfriend. no one should have to go through the emotional, physical and mentally abuse that she goes through and the strength she plus from to survive is unreal.
book 2 we see the death of harry and morgan and er sister summer are reunited all should be going good right, wrong especially when jealously pokes its head out. summer is so jealous of morgan and morgan can seem to understand why cause here she is trying to cope with bein kidnapped and rape and it was all done in the place of summer. summer takes things to the extreme and has her sister kidnapped and molested again. will morgan ever have peace in her life.
Now or Never:

My name is Morgan and I have been tortured, abused and tormented for over six years, I have prayed for help, I have screamed for the why’s. I have fought with every fibre in my soul, but still he has won at every game he has played.
Harry King is not a force to be reckoned with, I have shown him all my cards and yet he still holds me in my cell of a room.
I am getting closer to finding out who Summer is and why I have had to suffer. All the players are getting into position, their final cards are about to be drawn, how many will see the light of darkness again? Its time to find out once and for all.
It’s Now or Never!
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The Mistaken series book 1 and 2 by Amy Beth is one hell of twisted read!! I was held captive by the pages from start to finish. Told from varying pov and with flashbacks to the past we get the tale of Morgan "once shy and awkward young girl(evolves) to a young woman who fights back..."
Part two in this series and just when you think maybe life can improve for Morgan and the others Amy Beth changes everything. With Harry King dead everything will be better now, happiness, futures to plan and 6 years of life to reacquaint yourselves with, right??? Wrong.
Summer and Morgan are reunited and the sisters deal with the results of their paternity, each sister handles it differently and you get the feeling Summer isn't quite all she seems. She's jealous of Morgan and her reasons for her silence are not making sense. Morgan is angry at everyone, her captivity and her parentage and her sister, she doesn't understand why it happened to her. He life, family and kidnapping was all a mistake: she suffered for years for Summer and she never even fully understands the consequences of her actions and the repercussions it had on those around her.
Wyatt and Bailey don't fully trust Summer either "there is just something about her whole story that doesn't sit right with me." Muses Wyatt, their so right with their assumptions as their is nothing more vicious and malicious than sibling rivalry.
This time round the plot twists are more sinister and far reaching as one person's motives drives them to the point of madness. It's a journey back to hell for Morgan and will her knights be able to save her again or will their be more blood and tears shed this time??
Amy Beth has created a brilliant dark duology and with the added pov of Summer too we get the full version of events from each connected character. This is a fantastic debut and I can't wait for Wyatt's book next.
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~*~ Obsessed by Books arc given in exchange for an honest review ~*~
"once shy and awkward young girl to a young woman who fights back..."
Welcome to Morgan's world, she exists as a plaything for a vile corrupt man. Kidnapped, beaten and raped for six years this is her story of survival and escape. She is taken brutally out of the blue and wakes up in her new life a prisoner in Harry Kings warehouse. He is the top dog in an organised crime ring. Mason is the wrong girl he believes she is Summer, his nephew's girlfriend. Wanting to strike out at Wyatt for becoming over confident Harry takes the girl. She is ears and abused but somehow is strong enough to survive. Her hope is to find out who Summer is and why she was mistaken as her.
The plot twists and turns as Bailey and Wyatt plot to take the family business down but these things take time and you always have to keep looking behind your back...Wyatt is taken out and the plans stall.
The story is told from several pov and with flashbacks interspersed so we see how she has toughened up and what has given her a fire burning in her soul that keeps her going. We witness the brutality of her life and the never ending descent into madness as Harry realises he has the wrong girl...
Part two and things get even more twisted. Summer and Morgan are reunited and the truth of their paternity is a shocker. Everything Morgan thought she knew gets turned upside down. With Harry now dead Bailey and Wyatt are planning for a HEA with their files but something is a little off with Summer. She isn't happy that Morgan seems to be the golden girl and that her selfish made her suffer for so long in her place...the boys feel something is about to blow up in their faces and they are not wrong.
Poor Morgan is once again kidnapped and molested having been set up by her sister. Some things just can't be forgiven...
The plot is action packed and although a little dark and twisted there is so much love, hope and strength in the characters. They go back to war with the guys that took over from King and fight to save their Princess. Blood is shed, new scars are made and yet they are survivors.
I loved the dynamic between them and the sassy mouth of a girl that really was at the wrong place at the wrong time and yet in the end it brought her together with the missing piece of her soul.
Four gripping stars for this debut novel.

After finding the girl who captivated my heart, I am about to find out how that one person can change EVERYTHING.
I am the nephew of the infamous Harry King, who loves nothing more than to get his own way no matter the consequences.
I believed Summer was safe from his grasp, I was adamant she was my everything. The reason I breathed… I learned too late that I was wrong.
Now because of them, I am staring at Bailey as he fights for his life in hospital.
This is my story! How that ONE girl, the WRONG girl came and altered our lives FOREVER!
My name is Wyatt King, and it’s my time to talk.
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Wyatt is book 3 in Amy Beth's Mistaken series. This time the prime focus is on Wyatt King, who to readers of the previous two books: Mistaken Identity and Now or Never is one male we all wanted more on. This is his book and answers many questions about his motives, thoughts and actions in the prior books but also what happens next after Bailey was left hospitalised at the end of book 2....
Starting from his younger years we learn how Wyatt King and Bailey develop their friendship becoming more than cousins in their world which was ruled over by the ruthless Harry King. How these years formed and made them capable of surviving the dark underground world they lived in: but they never let the darkness take them completely; but we all need to survive somehow and their past was never going to let go of them easily.
This time I felt a strong connection to Wyatt: he has a caring side shown though his need to protect and care for Bailey as he wasn't as strong as him when they were younger so made it his mission to train him. All his life he has had his cousin's back and there isn't anything that could break that bond. They are each other's constant: it's them against the world and their not scared of anything or anyone when their together. He is empathic, caring and fiercely loyal. Anyone who becomes part of his family is under his protection.
This book is action packed, steamy and emotional. Amy Beth shows how a horrible childhood doesn't have to mean a tragic future, a dirty mouthed male equals plenty of panting whilst reading and action packed scenes means frantic kindle reading!!! I won't spoil your reading but you will not be disappointed reading this book and Wyatt has an ending fit for a King!!
** Read and reviewed on behalf of Obsessed By Books **
Review by

~*~ Obsessed by books copy given in exchange for an honest review ~*~
"Because I am Harry Fucking King, and I will do what I want when I want. And if anyone has any problems with the way I run my business..Then be prepared to meet your maker."
Wyatt is, as suggested, the Mistaken series from Wyatt's perspective. Starting from the beginning we learn how the boys develop an unbreakable bond, becoming brothers in a world ruled by Harry King. Brought together in pain and loss the bonds forged are their means to survival in the underground world that they end up in. Murder, torture and double dealing we gain a better understanding of Wyatt's part in the story.
Briefly re telling the main parts before and during The Mistaken series I feel this book adds to the emotional connection with the characters and provides a wealth of new details. I loved Wyatt's need to protect Bailey driving him to strengthen him through training so he would never be at the mercy of bullies again. And how they had each others back against the whole world. The King name is something to be feared and the boys certainly live up to their reputations. Fast forward and we also get a little of their futures. Can Bailey survive as we left him in a precarious condition at the end of the previous book?!? Will we get the happily ever after we so desperately want for our King boys?
An unmissable addition to the series, I loved Wyatt's dirty talking mouth, the horrors of their childhood moulding them into the great men we love to read about. This book is equal parts hot,steamy and action packed. It's an exciting read from cover to cover. Fabulous!
A four star I love a dirty mouth read.

Two brothers have fought with every fibre of there being to rescue the girls of their dreams. For every up they’ve faced…resulted in an epic downfall waiting to happen. Just when they thought everything was going swimmingly, another twist was thrown into the making.
However now is the time to pull together, the boys are getting ready to plan the biggest day of their entire lives. With the help of little Mia can both Bailey and Wyatt pull off the biggest job they have ever encountered?
Will everything go to plan? Or will someone from their past show up and ruin it all?
You’ve got to have Faith....right?
Author Bio:
Amy Beth is the author of the dark erotica Mistaken Series, Christmas with the Dragon and other soon to be releases. After reading books from her favourite authors she decided to take the bull by the horns and get the story that has been driving her crazy for years out there.
Amy lives with her partner in crime Paul in Wigan, England and has been living there for many years. A blogger at heart she is never too far away from a good book. Even when she is working in her retail job, the kindle isn’t too far behind.
Reading has always been a passion and every opportunity to read is taken, even when Amy is on holiday. (Was even reading a ARC on her wedding day). Books whether reading, writing or reviewing have always come first to everything else in my life, unless Vampire Diaries or The Original’s are on the telly.
Amy has a serious love of Reese’s peanut butter cups, KitKat peanut butter, root beer oh and don’t forget the crunchy cheetos. (seriously doesn’t help with her weight loss at Slimming World.
Amy Beth’s biggest problem is, she is NEVER off Facebook and counts on all her friends to keep her going. Feel free to add or follow Amy, she will always be around. Her mobile is like an old fashioned landline...always plugged into the mains.