Saturday, 7 March 2015

Blog Tour for The Critic by Joanne Schwehm @JSchwehmBooks

  Exclusive Excerpt: Bentley’s POV Knowing my words would destroy her gutted me. Seeing her in that diner was the last thing I’d expected. When her eyes met mine, I knew I couldn’t stay. How would she react to my review? I was just doing my job, but that meant putting in writing that she wasn’t good at hers. It wasn’t even that she hadn’t been good—she had been—just not as good as she could’ve been. Hopefully, she’d take it as constructive criticism and strive to do better. It had just been a preview performance, so in essence, my review could help her. Yeah, I’ll go with that. When the waitress came to take my order, I made a lame excuse about why I had to leave. I hurried outside, fighting the urge to go meet the woman who had haunted my dreams for years. Instead, I hailed a cab, grabbed my cell phone from my backpack, and called my brother. He answered after just one ring. “Hey, bro, what’s up? Everything okay?” Brett’s voice was muffled by the sound of people in the background. “Hey, man, are you still at work?” “Yeah, I need to get out of here though. It’s not my night to close, but the ladies are in rare form.” He let out a chuckle, making me smile. Brett was a ladies’ man, and he co-owned the hottest club in the city. He still worked as a bartender, so he never had a lack of pretty women tossing themselves at him. He had enough issues with women though, and I prayed he didn’t add more to his plate—or bed. His last conquest was claiming to be pregnant with his child, so to say Brett’s been on edge would be an understatement. I should be the one making him feel better, but right now, I didn’t know how.   “You’re still coming here this week, right?” I knew my voice wouldn’t reassure him that everything was okay, but I didn’t want him to worry either. “I can get there early in the day, so we can go to lunch. Unless you need me sooner? I can talk to Alex and take time off.” He sounded concerned. The thought of him hopping on a train ran through my mind. But it was late. He should sleep for a change. We both kept shitty hours, and getting together at night never worked out. “No, I don’t want you to do that. It can wait.” I was the big brother, and I needed to handle this on my own. “Hold on.” I heard movement and Brett greeting people, then it went quiet. “Okay, what’s the deal? I’m in the office now, so talk.” I knew he wouldn’t let it lie. I took a deep breath. “Remember a few years ago, I told you about an actress that I couldn’t get out of my head?” My chest constricted just thinking about her and the day I told Brett I’d fallen for a stranger. “The one you had awesome sex with?” Brett let out a boisterous laugh. “No, I’ve never had sex with Andrea.” Just the thought of that made my heart palpitate. “Andrea?” From the confusion in his voice, I knew he didn’t have a clue whom I was referring to. “Yeah, my first review I ever did. Andrea Jordan was the actress—” “Oh, yeah! I remember that. You told me you had to take a cold shower after just looking at her picture.”ut The Critic: WORDS Convey a message Andrea Jordan dreams of acting on Broadway, and she is at the cusp of achieving success. All her sacrifices start to pay off when she lands a role that will catapult her to stardom. CAN Express our thoughts Award-winning theater critic Bentley Chambers possesses the power to make or break a career. Theatergoers consider his reviews to be gospel, and actors cringe at the thought of him in the audience. His words possess power. HURT A heart’s not made of stone More than one actor has been sent packing after Bentley’s bad reviews, and Andrea could be next. She won’t stand by and let him shatter her dreams, but she never thought giving him a piece of her mind would also mean giving him a piece of her heart. Will Andrea discover on her own the passion Bentley claims she lacks, or will he be the one to draw it out of her? Words… choose them wisely.


  About Joanne Schwehm:
Author of Unexpected Chance, My Chance (The Chance Series), Ryker and The Critic.

 Joanne was born and raised in Rochester, NY and currently resides near our Nation's Capital with her husband and two sons. Romance is one of Joanne's favorite things and thankfully, she is surrounded by it. Joanne firmly believes when that unexpected chance comes, take it. Don't let it pass you by - you never know what you could be missing.

  Author Page | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest | Facebook | Goodreads Reading Group    

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Release day blitz for Nova by TP Hogan @francesscas_rr @TP_Hogan

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Book: Nova
Series: Nephilim Code #1
Author: TP Hogan
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Cover Design: Ashley Byland from Redbird Designs.
Hosted by: Francessca’s Romance Reviews


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Nephilim walk among us. Descendants of Angels who just want to live their lives without humans knowing they exist. Some of them anyway. Then there are the ones who want to rule over us. Like in the days of old, they want to be considered our ‘gods’.

My name is Nova Quinn. I’m a photographer... and human.
Well, I was.

Now I’m fighting for my life. I wasn’t supposed to survive but I did. Caught in a world where ‘superhuman’ abilities are normal, it’s hard enough trying to get a grip on this new reality. But when the other side shows up and wants to use my genetics for their experiments, suddenly it’s no longer enough to know Nephilim exist…I have to be one.

My name is Nova Quinn.
And I’m the created Nephilim

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I jumped with a gasp as, behind me, the roof door slammed opened and two men ran to the other side. Curiously, I watched them. They didn’t appear to have seen me, but then I’d automatically knelt slightly in the shadows to shield the lens from the glare of the security light. They were both in silhouette but one was noticeably taller than the other. “You still haven’t told me what they said.” That was the shorter one speaking. He was in just enough light for me to see he had a brown jacket which looked like a throwback to the early 1900’s. “I know where he is and I’m getting him out of there.” The taller one had a slight American twang. Not so thick it sounded like I was watching a blockbuster, but enough that my ears picked up on it. “I’m coming with you.” I frowned as the man in brown turned his back on the taller one. The man in the darkness slid his arms under the arms of the guy in brown, linked his hands on his wrists and lifted off. I’m not kidding. The man in silhouette lifted off the rooftop. He flew. Within seconds he was overhead then gone. My heart pounded and I reminded myself to breathe as I stared up at the empty sky. Blinking, I quickly looked back across the roof. It wasn’t an illusion. Both men had disappeared. The roof was empty. There was no film crew, no wires or special effects. I was not watching a movie. I hadn’t fallen asleep. He flew.

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About the Author

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I'm TP Hogan.
I'm an Urban Fantasy/Fantasy Author.

I'm an Aussie born and bred and I've lived both in the bush and in a Capital City; with a couple of stops along the way. Right now I live on the coast in Far North Queensland, which is an interesting experience; since swimming in surf, battling jellyfish and removing sand from all sorts of places are not favourite pastimes.
Writing on the other hand, is a favourite pastime. I write down the voices in my head & call them Characters. When they interact I call them Stories. Once published I call them Books.
When not writing, I have a full time day job, a full time husband, practice the violin, make jellies & am an occasional Radio DJ.

Stalk TP Hogan


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UnKiss Me by Dawn Martens @Dawn_Martens

Release Date- March 2, 2015
Angels Warriors Series
Cover Designer: Sara Eirew Photography

After spending years suffering abuse at the hands of her father and protecting her baby sister, Eden Blake takes a chance. She calls on the Angels Warriors MC asking for protection just months before her father is to be released from prison. She never expected that call would bring her face to face with her past.

Jasper ‘Angel’ Hughes, President of the Angels Warriors MC, battled his way to the top. He fought his way through hell, cleaning up the mess that was once Satan’s Law MC. Wanting to serve a better purpose in life he took on the role of child protector. Protecting them from their hellish lives and getting them away from their abusers. When he gets the call to protect Eden, the first girl he ever loved, he vows to win her back and never let her go again. 

But when a new secret comes to light that Eden was hiding, will they get their Happily Ever After?


Dawn Martens is a young, spunky Canadian Author.

Being a wife to Colin, and a mother to three beautiful little girls (Sarah (2007), Grace (2010), and Ava (2014)) hasn't stopped this Canadian Firecracker from pursuing her dreams of becoming a writer! 
Dawn's number one passion in life is the written word, and she's extremely thankful that she has the ability to share the ramblings from the characters inside of her head with the rest of the world!
She also may or may not have the hugest girl crush on Author Kristen Ashley, who is her personal idol and helped inspire Dawn in the beginning of her Indie career.

RAFE (Inked Brotherhood, #5) COVER REVEAL @AuthorJoRaven

Sexy dude
RAFE (Inked Brotherhood, #5) COVER REVEAL
New Adult contemporary (erotic) romance
by Jo Raven
Cover by Jo Raven
Model: Matt Sallis
Photographer: Gilles Crofta
RELEASE DATE: End March/Beginning April 2015
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  SYNOPSIS: His name is Rafaele Vestri, Rafe to his friends. He’s tall, strong, handsome. Distant. He often comes to the café where I work, but we don’t talk much. He looks at me, though. Stares at me, his gaze heated, and I can’t help but stare back. I want him, I won’t deny it. I’ve never seen anyone that beautiful, anyone that powerful, in my life. But he’s growing more withdrawn by the day. Something’s up, and he won’t tell. I know about his past – the murder of his family when he was fifteen. I can imagine how much it must have cost him. So much violence contained in that strong body, waiting to be unleashed. What is he seeking? What is he training so hard for? Why is looking at me like he’s dying to touch me, but won’t dare? Even as I try to stop thinking about him, get interested in other boys, I realize I can’t. I’m caught, body and soul, just like that. And I tell myself, Megan, girl… What have you gotten yourself into this time? This is book 5 in the Inked Brotherhood series which started with Asher. It is a stand-alone work. No cliffhanger. The expected publication date is end March/beginning April 2015, on all of your favorite e-book websites.  
Bare Chested Muscle Man
  EXCERPT: I’m staring at Rafe’s hand. Big, strong, callused. A scar runs from his thumb to the index finger. He’s looking at me, waiting. What does he want? I lift my hand, place it in his. It fits on his palm, smaller, darker, thinner. He seems as entranced by the contrast as I am. His fingers slowly curl, closing around mine. His lips part, but no sound comes from his mouth, and his gaze remains fixed on our entwined hands, pale lashes hiding the gold of his eyes. Now I’m the one caught, transfixed. His mouth looks soft, vulnerable, at odds with his strong, angular features and the broad set of his shoulders. The need to touch his face is overwhelming, and I step closer, so close I can sense his scent. Not a cologne, but the deep scent of his skin, like musk and warm metal. I can see the rise and fall of his chest underneath the black Deathmoth T-shirt he’s wearing under his open jacket, see the outline of his strong pecs. We’re standing so close our breaths mingle, and our bodies touch in places as we shift, feathery brushes that send fire across my skin, into my belly, making me ache. He places his hands on my waist and I grip his thick, sinewy forearms. My stomach drops as if I’m standing at the edge of a precipice, on the edge of a moment that can change everything. What’s happening? It’s as if in the hollow darkness, the barrier between us is crumbling, the wall he’s set between himself and the world is falling. His hands tighten on my hipbones and his lashes lift, his gaze moving to my mouth. His breathing is ragged. He tugs me against him, his fingertips digging painfully into my flesh, his arms flexing with barely controlled strength. His arousal presses into my stomach, hot and thick, caught sideways in his jeans. My mind fills up with static. Rafe wants me. There’s the solid proof of his desire. The heated gaze I’ve felt so often on me is translated into a physical reaction, and it makes me feel so hot I might burst into flames. He’s so handsome, I can’t help myself. I want to stroke his square jaw, drag my fingertips over the golden stubble on his cheeks, kiss those damnable dimples. I whimper, the sound coming from deep inside me, and he freezes, goes so still I’m not even sure he’s breathing. Then he jerks back, releases me so fast I’m left reeling. “Fuck,” he hisses. He buries his fingers in his short blond hair, pulls, his mouth now hard like the rest of him, pressed into a flat line. “This is a mistake.” A knot is gathering in my throat, in my chest, cutting off air. I want to be mad at him, but his hands are trembling, and his amber eyes so full of pain I forget my anger before it even forms. He’s like mist, here and suddenly gone, lost into thin air. I have to touch him, touch his bare skin, prove he’s real. “Wait.” I lift my hand to his face, fingertips skimming over the smooth skin of his cheekbone. Warm. Satin soft. A pang goes through my chest, an ache that feels too much like sorrow, and I’m not sure if it’s mine or his. He jerks away, his eyes wide on his pale face. He reaches up, his hand hovering over the spot I touched. Then he turns and rushes off into the crowd. My hand is still hovering in midair. I don’t know for how long I stand there, staring at my splayed fingers, trying to figure out what happened. Or maybe trying to find another explanation for his reaction, desperate for him to be different to any other handsome, arrogant guy. Maybe I imagined the pain in his gaze – or maybe that pain is real but doesn’t make a difference. Traumatic past or not, he’s sorry he touched me, sorry he desired me. Big surprise. Why would he desire me, of all girls? There are so many vying for his attention. Girls who have witty, sexy things to say, and who don’t go stiff like cardboard when he touches them. The thought of him touching other girls shouldn’t hurt quite as much as it does. And this is a bad sign. Very bad sign, Megan, I tell myself and lower my hand that touched him. I feel as if my fingertips are numb, burnt by the feel of his skin.   AUTHOR BIO: Jo Raven writes New Adult erotic contemporary romance. She loves sexy bad boys and strong-willed heroines, and divides her time between writing and reading. When not cooking up plots, she putters in her cluttered kitchen and dreams of traveling to India and Japan. FOLLOW THIS AUTHOR! Facebook Twitter Goodreads Blog