Wednesday, 22 July 2015

The Amber Voyeur (Gem Apocalypse Book Two) by Ravyn Rayne @blushingravyn

release day blitz bannerTitle: The Amber Voyeur
Series: Gem Apocalypse Book Two
Author: Ravyn Rayne
Publisher: Blushing Books
Genre: Dystopian Erotica
Expected Release: July 20th, 2015
TheAmberVoyeur 500size   No longer safe in Brayleigh, Aria and James travel by ship to find refuge and discover what’s left of the world. Dangerous seas and pirates lurking are only the start of their troubles. Forced off the boat with nothing but the clothes on their back, the crew and passengers make it to a nearby island, only to be abducted by the Knight Tribe, a clan of romantic warriors with a voyeuristic culture and a taste for nightly entertainment. Get swept away in this dystopian erotic adventure, brimming with romance, spankings, and betrayal.  

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The hum of the engine died, and Aria heard the scream of unfamiliar words in a language she didn't recognize. Shots were fired in every direction forcing her to duck, throwing herself onto the floor of the ship. James lay right beside her, covering Aria with his body, shielding her from danger. She didn't have the courage to ask what happened. The warmth and security Aria felt from James vanished. A man covered in tattoos, his arms a canvas of ink, grabbed James by the arm and dragged him across the room. The second man accompanying him lifted Aria from the floor and escorted her up the stairwell. James walked just a few feet in front. The man dropped his hold on her as the passageway narrowed. A gun pressed into her back, a constant reminder of danger. Aria couldn't fight without risking her life. She hoped these men would steal what goods they came for and then leave. Forced outside, the lifeboats were just a few feet away. The sun began to set, and the sky twinkled like a sapphire without a cloud in the heavens. Even at dusk, beads of sweat trickled against Aria's forehead. Her black shirt stuck to her back, the cargo pants she wore were too hot for this climate. She didn't dare ask where they were; she didn't believe anyone would answer. They were forced against the wall. Would the lifeboats even float anymore? The old luxury cruise liner's paint faded from years of sun exposure. What would it have been like fifty years ago, before the devastation and destruction that their parents created, taking a luxury cruise? She would never know. The Gem Apocalypse had resulted in a war with only survivors, no heroes. "Move!" the man behind Aria said. His gun dug further into her back, and she pushed forward on James's heels. "Down!" They got down onto the ground with the other crew and passengers. Six men towered over them with guns. Aria was unfamiliar with the weapons, as they were larger than the ones the guards carried at the palace. "We'll be okay," James said as he sat beside Aria, reaching for her hand. Aria wanted to ask him how he could know that without a doubt. Hope shrank like a beacon of light fading in the distance. These men were thieves. She could smell the treachery and greed from where she sat. How did they end up here?   Amber Voyeur  

Grab the First Book in the Series

  TheEmeraldVirgin Gem Apocalypse by Ravyn Rayne
The Emerald Virgin
Gem Apocalypse Book One
Author: Ravyn Rayne
Publisher: Blushing Books
Published: June 19, 2015
Emerald – a girl with green eyes and a rarity after the horrific genocide that slaughtered millions.
  After the war, King Gideon rose in power. A lust-filled and greedy king that believed in the power of slavery.
At eighteen, women were required to come before King Gideon and his four sons, to offer themselves as a courtesan. The princes took only those they found most attractive and alluring. The rest were returned to their homes with a brand on their wrist proving they had been through the process and rejected. Ignoring the ritual was punishable by death.
Aria Stone had been kept hidden from the princes and the ceremony, because she was an Emerald. At twenty-three, the royal guards storm her home, murder her mother, and drag her to court. She must face the four princes.
A dystopian erotic adventure.

About the Author

Ravyn RayneRavyn is a sassy, fun-loving, and adventure-seeking young woman. She loves to travel and can’t wait for her next vacation, wherever it might be.
Ravyn writes romantic erotica. She began writing romance novels in college, spending her down time either reading a book or writing fiction. Please don’t make her choose between the two, she loves them equally.
Although BURNING DESIRE is her debut romantic erotica novel, it is not her first published book. She has been published professionally since 2013. You can find her other books here.

Messed Up & Magic by Holly Stone


Friday nights are about fish and chips, not finding sexy boys on your doorstep, particularly when the boy in question seems so lost.
Jack's been Amy's customer for years so they're not exactly strangers, but he's stunned when he finds himself homeless and she offers him a place to stay. Amy's desperate for change. Fed up with fulfilling her father's expectations, she’s struggling to see a way out without letting him down. Suddenly faced with more issues than she can cope with, Amy turns to Jack for comfort. But as they get closer, and Jack's troubles get deeper, he’s reluctant to make promises he can’t keep. One lonely boy, trying to do the right thing. One girl used to pushing her dreams aside. Two hearts struggling with life and love.
Things are about to get all kinds of MESSED UP and MAGIC.

Character Interview

Name – Jack Harlow Age – 18 going on 30! Appearance – 6 foot, very dark brown hair and eyes. People always tell me my eyebrows look sad because they slant downwards at the edges. My hair’s a bit of a mess at the moment but I guess you could call it a floppy Mohawk. Favourite Song – There’s no way that I can pick just one. I love music, all different kinds. There are a couple of tunes that I can say are near the top of the list though. R U Mine? by the Arctic Monkeys. It’s got a mad guitar riff that I want to learn to play. Oh, and Tyrant by Catfish and the Bottlemen. What item of clothing best represents you? My favourite black t-shirt. It’s kind of a faded grey now from over-washing but it’s really comfortable, and it goes with everything. It’s practical and understated. It’s not flashy and it doesn’t go in or out of fashion. What’s your biggest fear? Turning out like my parents. And being alone in the world. People need good people to be happy. What’s on your bedside table/nightstand? My phone, my guitar plectrum, headphones so I can blast my music without pissing anyone off. Oh, and ear plugs because I’m a light sleeper. What was your favourite food when you were a kid? Jaffa Cakes. They’ve got a thin cake base with a layer of orange jelly stuff covered in chocolate. I used to nibble off the chocolate and peel the orange jelly away from the cake to eat it separately. My granny bought them for me and whenever I eat them, they remind me of her. Best sexual experience? Any time with Amy, but if I had to pick, it would in the hotel room after I met my brother. I knew I was falling for Amy then, but it was bitter sweet because I knew I wasn’t in a position to offer her anything more than sex and friendship. If you could visit any country in the world where would it be? Cambodia. There’s this mad ruined city called Angkor that has temples that are hundreds of years old. I haven’t travelled abroad yet, so I’d go to a place that was really different to the UK. And I like Asian food! You have one day left to live. What would you do? Go to the beach and hang out with my friends and with Amy. Hopefully my last day would be sunny (although in England that’s doubtful!) and we could have a BBQ and a few drinks, listen to music and talk about old times. I’d want to watch the sun set on the horizon and say goodbye to the people that have been most important to me in my life. And maybe, if it’s possible, I wouldn’t mind doing a bungee jump. I’d want to know what it feels like to step of a platform and surrender to the free fall. Fish and chips or steak and chips? Fish and chips, obviously! (Can I have both?)


About Holly Stone

Hi! I'm Holly Stone. I live, work and write in London. Writing isn't my day job but I love creating characters enough to do it in my spare time. When I'm not working, writing or parenting I'm reading, day dreaming about my next book and trying to stretch time like elastic!
I love people and chocolate and stories that grab you by the heart and squeeze. Before I became a mummy I traveled to cool places and studied ancient things and danced in heels and drank gin with orange juice. When my kids are grown I am planning to do all those things again, just wearing longer skirts! Sign up for my mailing list at for updates on new releases.  

Release Blitz: Protector by Jessica Wilde @JessicaWilde9

Protector Banner  
Title: Protector (The Brannock Siblings #4) Author: Jessica Wilde Release Date: July 17, 2015 Release Blitz: July 20, 21, 22 Hosted by: Always Behind A Book
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Protector Cover
Isabelle Brannock was adored by her children in every possible way. Her ability to love reflects in each of them and to this day, they remember the never ending happiness she and their father, Liam, shared. However, life wasn't always beautiful and their magnificent mother kept her dark secrets buried away so her children would always remember that family is the most important thing.
Liam Brannock has watched his children find that same happiness he knew so well and, as a father, he couldn't be prouder. Knowing that the struggles each of them endured were worth the sacrifices they made to find the love of their lives, he finally feels content with revealing the secrets Isabelle worked so hard to keep.
Liam tells his children the story of how he met their mother and the secrets they never suspected would be possible for a woman who lived each day showing her children that love conquers all.
For readers 18+ due to sexual content.
Note to readers:
This is Liam and Isabelle's story as well as updates on Ash, Con, and Gus.
This cannot be read as a standalone.
Series Order:
Book 1 – Leverage (SALE FREE)
Book 2 – Conned (SALE 99¢)
Book 3 – Missing (SALE 99¢)
Book 4 – Protector
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He walked out the door, glancing back at his aunts once more. Both of them were smiling his way, waving and watching him like a bunch of hawks. He started toward the gardens feeling Maggie's eyes on his back until he was out of her view.
It wasn't long before he came upon the grove, but his quest was soon forgotten.
For the second time in his life, he was brought to a standstill by the beauty in front of him. He caught sight of that long brown hair flowing over a creamy shoulder... that was shaking.
The air in Liam's lungs caught and he felt that tightness in his chest from before, when he heard a sniffle and saw the woman wipe under her eyes.
She was crying. This stunning, flawless woman was sobbing and he felt that tightness twist and pull until he couldn't just stand and watch any longer. Liam looked around to see who had hurt her, but no one else was in the grove. He was angry for her and heartbroken that a woman like her would ever have a reason to cry like that.
She was so wrapped up in her world that she never even heard him step into the grove. His footsteps on the grass were silent, but surely she would have heard him crashing through the trees. He watched her a moment longer, debating on whether to sneak away and leave her in peace or find out what was making her so sad and fix it for her.
His mouth decided for him.
"Tears don't belong on a face so beautiful."
She startled and immediately stood and backed away from him. Smart woman, but it was still frustrating to see that it was out of wisdom, not instinct. She regarded him warily before looking around to find that they were completely alone. The trees surrounding the grove were covering them from anyone who might be watching.
Liam normally wouldn't allow this type of situation to occur. He would have left her alone and gone to fetch Maggie to help. But this wasn't a normal situation and Liam couldn't help but feel drawn to the woman standing before him, looking like she was about to run.
"You don't need to be afraid of me, bird. I'll not harm you."
Her shoulders sagged for a moment of brief relief before she lifted them straight and jutted out her chin. Her show of strength was impressive, but Liam could see the unease in her eyes so he stayed where he was and let her have her space.
She cleared her throat and crossed her arms over her chest. "I am sorry if I am trespassing. Maggie told me to come here and it was just a beautiful place to sit and think."
Her voice sent a jolt of electricity straight into his gut. A husky sound that vibrated all the way down his spine and he couldn't stop himself from studying her lips as she spoke.
Good Lord, help me.
She quickly wiped the tears from her face and sniffed a few times before gaining her composure and lifting her chin once more. Liam had been right the day before, she was stunning up close. Tear stains on her cheeks, eyes red rimmed, nose red, lips red. If she was this beautiful crying, he was doomed when she was smiling.
The very idea of her was... impossible.
Her yellow dress didn't cling to the curves he knew would be there, but it gave a hint of a graceful womanly figure and the exposed skin of her chest beckoned his eyes. His lips thinned, cursing himself for being disrespectful and he looked down at her legs.
That didn't help at all.
Eyes, Liam. Look at her eyes.
After clearing his throat, he said, "You are not trespassing. It is a garden for the public, but no one comes in anymore."
"Well, that's a shame. It's breath taking," she said and dropped down to the small bench to sit once more.
Apparently she decided that he was harmless and he sighed with relief. Liam kept his distance, hoping he wouldn't startle her anymore than he already did. She turned her head to look at him with a sad grin.
"This is a nice place to sit and think. Feels secluded even though it isn't."
That voice. Raspy yet feminine. It sent another shock to his veins and his blood pumped harder. If she kept speaking, he would pass out from his suddenly improved circulation.
Liam stepped closer and caught a glimpse of the freckles running across her nose. A ray of sunshine crossed over her face as she found a comfortable position on the bench. She was not only breath taking, but she glowed with an aura that he had never seen before. She was sad, of that he had no doubt, but her presence exuded happiness. Like being this close to her could make everything in the world right again.
I should send her up north and see if that solves all these troubles, Liam thought to himself.
Those freckles. He needed to get closer and get a better look at them.
"Do you mind?" he asked, gesturing to the small spot of bench beside her.
Her eyes narrowed, red rimmed and only slightly puffy.
It felt like hours instead of seconds before she sniffled and nodded her head, a shy grin pulling at her lips. "Please. There isn't anywhere else to sit unless you favor the grass."
"Aye, I do, but I favor a beautiful woman more," he replied.
Her blush was devastating and it spread across her cheeks like the red of a summer sunset. Poetic, Liam. Very poetic.
Protector Teaser 3
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GRAND PRIZE: Entire Brannock Siblings Series signed paperback set! AND (2) Signed Paperbacks of Protector
Leverage (The Brannock Siblings) Book 1
Currently FREE for a Limited Time
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Conned (The Brannock Siblings) Book 2
Currently on SALE for 99¢
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Missing (The Brannock Siblings) Book 3
Currently on SALE for 99¢
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Author Bio
I live in Morgan Utah with my husband, daughter, and dog, Kolo. I write as often as my active daughter will let me and my husband has the patience of a saint. I find inspiration from dreams, people I meet, and life experiences. When I write, I usually end up drinking one too many cans of Peace Tea, eating three too many Fruit by the Foot fruit snacks, and accidently kicking my pup and best buddy, Kolo, too many times since he loves to sleep under my desk at my feet.
I started writing as a teen, but my fear of the unknown won out every time and I threw everything out. After becoming a mother and deciding to stay at home to raise my beautiful little girl, I tried again when I couldn't stop thinking of ideas. I loved every minute, every hour of sleep lost, and every character that came to life in my mind.
It's strange, but my favorite moments are when I have writer's block because I can turn to my husband and find inspiration through him by just doing what we do best together. Talking, laughing, and just being in love. He doesn't like to read, but he never stops encouraging me to keep going.
Writing has become an important part of my life and every book has a special place in my heart.
Jessica Wilde
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