Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Release Boost for Broken Surrender by Lori King @givemebooksblog @lorikingbooks

Title: Broken Surrender
Series: Surrender #4
Author: Lori King
Genre: Erotic Romance/Contemporary Western
 Release Date: November 3, 2015


One bullet made it physically impossible for Sarah Bryant to fulfill her dreams of a military career. With her family’s sympathy suffocating her, she escapes to Stone River, Texas, determined to rebuild a life and maybe find a new dream.

Silas and Jeremy are two brothers who are as different as Texas is big. One is an adrenaline fueled former Army medic, the other is a laid back tow truck business owner. The two things they have in common? They know they want to live life in a ménage relationship, and Sarah is the woman for them.

Sarah has too many doubts about herself to believe she can be enough for one man let alone two. Can these souls find what they need to grow together, or will they leave more emotional scars to match their physical ones?

This Veteran's Day, find home in the heart of our heroes with Broken Surrender, part of the Red Hot Heroes multi-author series and stands alone for reading enjoyment.

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This book is also a part of the Red Hot Heroes Collection. A multi-author collection of standalone stories that all feature veterans.

Also Available





“So what have you been up to since you recovered?”

The question caught her off guard. No one had ever referred to her as recovered before. Everyone still saw her as an injured vet, but in all honesty, she was as healed as she would ever be, and she hated the idea that she was in the world’s memory banks as disabled.

“I…um…well, nothing really at the moment. The VA set me up as one hundred percent service connected, so I at least get my medical bills covered, and a little bit of money every month. That’s been enough for now. I came down here for a job, but that fell through. I’m not sure what I’m going to do next. Just floating along until I figure it out.” She pushed her now lukewarm beer aside. “How about you? What are you doing besides rescuing damsels in distress?”

He grinned at her joke before responding. “Not much sadly. Casey and I divorced after I got back stateside, and I moved back here to room with Jeremy. He owns his own towing company. The man might be a whiz at business, but he’s a terrible housekeeper, so I pretty much spend my evenings playing housewife to my brother. I guess we both ended up in places we’d never imagined, huh?”

“Truth. I thought I’d spend a couple decades serving, and then retire out with a star on my shoulder.” Admitting the truth to someone stung, but she found Silas easy to talk to. She’d already spilled most of her heartache, whatever else she said wouldn’t much matter at this point.

“I don’t remember what I saw for myself when I enlisted, but I know it wasn’t what I got. Military life sounded a lot more exciting than it was,” he said with a chuckle.

“What? You mean you don’t miss bunking in the elements, carrying eighty pound packs, and fighting to survive with sand in your eyes?” she asked, pretending to be shocked.

“Nope, but I do miss the guys. We had a lot of fun over there. In between bullets and IEDs of course.”

“Of course. Goes without saying. I miss it, but it doesn’t do me any good looking back. I can’t change what is.”

Silas watched her for a few moments silently and then nodded as if he’d decided to accept her answer. There was a weird crackle of tension between them as they stared at each other, and then he sat back in his chair and smiled.

“Whatever it was that happened to get you to Stone River, I have to say I’m thankful. It’s good to see a familiar face. Especially a pretty one.”

Her cheeks grew hot, but she laughed his compliment off. “I never thought I’d run into anyone I knew around here, but I have to admit, it’s been good to see you, too. I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.”

“Me either. Hey, you know my brother and I are going out to a friend’s house for a barbecue Friday night. Why don’t you come along? You can meet some more folks from around here, and make some friends.”

She almost said yes just to see his smile again, but then she remembered herself and shook her head. “I’m not much for parties anymore. I can’t sit still for too long without my back hurting, and I hate having to explain why I’m leaving early.”

“Then don’t. Jeremy and I will pick you up on our way out, and when you’re ready to leave we’ll just blame it on him.”

She couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled up, and she shook her head. “You’re terrible.”

“The worst, but you’ll learn to love me,” he countered with a serious glint in his eye that had her mind dredging up all kinds of implications in his words. “Say you’ll come. I won’t leave it alone, so you may as well agree.”

“Okay! Fine. I’ll come, but don’t be surprised if your friends think I’m stuck up. That’s generally what people assume when someone’s always wandering off and bailing out early.”

“They’re gonna love you,” he assured her. “How could they not?”

Pushing back her chair, she rose and picked up her purse. “Thanks Silas, for the beer and the memories. It’s been fun.”

“I’ll walk you out.” He started to stand, and she stopped him with one hand on his shoulder.

“Thank you anyway, but I’m perfectly capable. My car’s barely twenty feet outside the door, and besides, this is as small as small towns get.” She squeezed his shoulder, and then released him.

“Okay, but I want it noted that I protested. If my mama knew I’d let a woman walk to her car alone, she’d crawl out of her grave and beat me with a willow branch.”

“Duly noted, Sarge,” she teased, clenching her fist to resist saluting him.

“We’ll pick you up at seven Friday night, Sarah,” he reminded her. She waved, but kept walking. Maybe between now and Friday she’d come up with a good reason to turn him down. At the moment, all she could think of was, I can’t go because you make my insides quiver, and somehow she didn’t think that excuse would work.

Author Bio

Best-selling author, Lori King, is also a full-time wife and mother of three boys. Although she rarely has time to just enjoy feminine pursuits; at heart she is a hopeless romantic. She spends her days dreaming up Alpha men, and her nights telling their stories. An admitted TV and book junkie, she can be found relaxing with a steamy story, or binging in an entire season of some show online. She gives her parents all the credit for her unique sense of humor and acceptance of all forms of love. There are no two loves alike, but you can love more than one with your whole heart.

With the motto: Live, Laugh, and Love like today is your only chance, she will continue to write as long as you continue to read. Thank you for taking the time to indulge in a good Happily Ever After with her.

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Release Blitz for Rolling in the Deep by Rebecca Rogers Maher. @givemebooksblog @readloveswept @RebeccaRMaher

Title: Rolling in the Deep
Author: Rebecca Rogers Maher
Publisher: Loveswept
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 10, 2015


In this raw, moving short novel for readers of Jill Shalvis, Molly O’Keefe, and Karina Halle, two kindred spirits share a winning lottery ticket—and discover what it really means to get lucky.

Holly Ward is stretched to the breaking point, raising her young son alone and working long hours for minimum wage at a local superstore. Sure, she’s noticed the new guy with the easy grin and warm brown eyes, but she’s learned the hard way that relationships aren’t worth the pain. Still, when he invites her to split a lottery ticket, she figures a little innocent fun couldn’t hurt. The last thing she expects is to score big, which is exactly what happens . . . in more ways than one.

From the moment he meets Holly, Ray Lopez is drawn to her quiet dignity and openhearted beauty. And when they hit the jackpot together, he’s thrilled that the single mom can give her kid a better life. The only problem is the chaos surrounding them: lawyers and reporters swarming, friends and family angling to get their cut. In all the chaos, Ray discovers an oasis of calm and passion in Holly. But with the stakes higher than ever, winning her trust could cost him everything.

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I don’t usually give much time to the new people, although I try to be friendly. You never know how long someone’s going to stay at Cogmans since turnover is so high. They could easily be leaving as soon as they’ve arrived. But I know how disorienting the first few weeks on a job can be. I help out when I can.

The trouble is, Ray here might be interpreting that the wrong way. Like I’m interested in him. Like I’m putting the feelers out.

I’m not putting out any feelers. My feelers long ago shriveled up and fell over dead. I’d tell him so straight out but I think that would embarrass us both.

Anyway, he’s a nice enough guy. If compelled in a court of law I might even admit he’s good-looking. But I’m far too tired for man-hunting, even if the dead zone of Cogmans were conducive to romance. Which it most certainly is not. Fortunately, that makes conversation with male coworkers and customers fairly easy. I have no energy for worrying about whether they find me attractive. So I can just be myself.

“How’s it going, Ray? You having a good day?”

“Oh yeah. It’s great.” He takes some packs of gum and starts arranging them on the opposite shelf. “No place I’d rather be than stocking candy at Cogmans on a Friday afternoon. Sun shining outside? Who cares? Got me some Phil Collins playing on the intercom, got a cart full of Juicy Fruit. What more could a man want?”

I snort and pick up a stack of candy bars. “A polyester uniform vest? You could have that.”

“Got it.” He does a little sidestep and adds gum to the shelf. “A matching tie?”

“Oh, look.” I point to his chest. “You’ve got that, too.” Then I turn back to my candy shelf, because when Ray smiles, a dimple creases out on his right cheek.

Okay, maybe he’s a little more than good-looking. With his brown eyes and thick hair, his strong hands. At the moment he’s a bit too close and I realize I can smell him. His aftershave, I guess, which is kind of smoky and sweet.

Like barbecue potato chips. That is what I just compared this poor man to. I realize that in all the hubbub this morning I forgot to make myself breakfast.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Ray continues behind me. “Working at Cogmans is great and all that. What with the nonstop buzzing of track lighting over our heads. And the cranky customers. And the total lack of health insurance. But after work I’m thinking I’ll hop down to my private plane and jet on over to the Vineyard for a round of golf.”

“Martha’s Vineyard?” I line up boxes of candy one after another, so that all of their corners match.

“Naturally. Where else does one go on the weekend?” He’s got a bit of a New York City accent usually, and mixed with the faux-British he’s trying hard to tackle, it’s doing something weird to my midsection. His voice is too deep, I think. Even joking around, it vibrates.

“Martha’s Vineyard is definitely where I’m gonna go,” I say. “Soon as I win the lottery. Maybe the Cape while I’m at it.”

“Or the Hamptons.” Ray turns and leans against his cart. “We’d fit right in, you know, you and me. All the golfers wear large buttons like ours that say, ‘How may I help you?’ ”

“Oh, for sure. Alongside their name tags that identify them by first name only.” I crack a smile and face him, and immediately wish I hadn’t. There’s the dimple again, and his eyes, which crinkle at the corners.

“You know there’s a Powerball drawing coming up,” he says. “Nobody’s won in ages. It’s over four hundred million.”

“Yeah,” I say. “Let’s definitely play the lottery. Because that’s not rigged at all. We’ll totally win.”

He edges his cart closer to mine. “Why not? You never know.”

“Seriously? You don’t actually play, do you?”

“Sure I do. Don’t you? Can’t win if you don’t play and all that.”

“Yeah, but it’s like a zillion-to-one chance.” I cross my arms over my chest, and then drop them when Ray’s gaze almost imperceptibly follows the resulting pushing-up of my boobs. He looks back to my face so quickly you’d barely know he’d wavered. Except for the slight color in his cheeks. I press on to rescue both of us. “It’s a waste of money.”

“Maybe. But it’s only two dollars. I spend two dollars on a soda if I’m real thirsty. Don’t mind wasting that much for the sake of a little dreaming.”

I tilt my head at him. “You make it sound reasonable. When in fact it’s completely insane and illogical.”

“See, but that’s how I draw you in.” He smiles. “With my rakish charm and unerring man-logic. Right here in the candy aisle I lay my trap. First it’s a little light gambling. And then before you know it, it’s the drinkin’. And the druggin’.”

“Next thing you know I’m driving the getaway car to Toronto.”

“Exactly.” He holds out his hand. His nails are neatly trimmed, his fingers broad. “Give me a dollar.”

“What? Why?” I’d take a tiny step back, but my cart’s in the way. Its piles of candy bars stare up at me accusingly. Any minute our manager will pop his head around the corner and chastise us for slacking off on the job.

“Powerball ticket’s two bucks. We’ll go in on one. See what happens.” His hand waits, open and extended out to me. I want to place my own hand against it, palm to palm, and feel the warmth there. He’s not kidding about the charm.

“You want me to give you a dollar and we’ll split a Powerball ticket.”

He nods. “Yup.”

“How does it even work?”

“Drawing is tomorrow night. You can watch it on TV at like eight o’clock. I’ll go to the store after work, give them our two bucks, they print out a ticket, and that’s our shot. Wait, how do you want to do it? You want to pick the numbers? It’s five numbers plus a bonus one, the Powerball one. You can pick your own or the computer generates one for you.”

“Let’s do the computer.” It’s out of my mouth before I even realize I’m in. But I’m in, I guess. Like Ray says, why not? It’s no worse a distraction than eating a bag of donuts, and significantly better for my blood sugar. Maybe it will actually take my mind off my worries for five minutes, which wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. “Might as well use the computer numbers and be totally random about the whole thing.”

“Sure, yeah.” Ray’s teeth are very white. He has a good mouth, a soft mouth.

I shouldn’t be looking at his mouth.

“Random,” he says. “I like that.”

I dig in my pocket for a dollar. When I hand it over, his fingers brush mine. I pretend not to notice the zing that races through me.

But I fail.

I’ve been doing a lot of that lately.

Author Bio

Rebecca Rogers Maher writes realistic stories that push the boundaries of contemporary romance—uniting the genre’s love scenes and happy endings with the crisp, layered prose of literary fiction. In past lives, she’s been a teenage metalhead, a cleaner of lab rat cages, a community organizer, and an urban schoolteacher. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband and children.

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Release Blitz for Push by Olivia R. Keane. @givemebooksblog @SwoonRomance @oliviarkeane

Title: Push
Series: Bound #1
Author: Olivia R. Keane
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Genre: Adult/BDSM/Erotica
 Release Date: November 10, 2015


Charlie Flynn never gave much thought to need. She wanted mostly to keep her head down and do her job. It had never crossed her mind that she deserved to be happy, loved and wanted - by a man. A second date with someone interesting was about all she could aspire to.

But her well-intended sister figures Charlie has nothing to lose by going out on a date with Declan Pearse, the man who just happens to be Charlie’s incredibly sexy new boss.

Throwing caution to the wind, Charlie falls headlong into a dangerous and dark romance that leaves her bound by her desires and ripe with need.

Declan Pearse, youngest of the Pearse brothers, wants nothing more than to succeed as head of the Pittsburgh branch of Pearse Publishing. He never mixes business with pleasure, but all of that changes when he is set up on a blind date with research associate Charlotte Flynn.

Suddenly, Declan stops playing by his own rules and claims Charlotte for himself. And when a man like Declan Pearse wants you, the only thing you can do is give in to his every desire.

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Author Bio

When Olivia R. Keane is not busy pursuing her Master’s in English and Creative Writing at Southern New Hampshire University, she writes novels-- sweet or steamy, or a combination of both, about intelligent, feisty women and the real, quirky men who fall for them.

Living in Western New York with her husband and children, she refers to herself as a word nerd, web geek, single malt appreciator, music addict, and hopeless romantic. When she isn’t living in the fantasy world of her characters, Olivia can be found on Not So Vanilla where she blogs about overcoming her irrational fear of escalators, lust for custom Kitchen Aid mixers, and her search for the perfect cup of coffee.

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Release Blitz: Forbidden Temptations by Janine Infante Bosco @JanineBosco

Forbidden Temptations Blitz Banner Forbidden Temptations by Janine Infante Bosco Tempted #2 Publication Date: November 10, 2015 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance Forbidden Temptations Cover

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Synopsis: Anthony Bianci Since I was a kid all I ever wanted to be was a gangster. I wanted to be feared, to be respected, and for everyone to know my name. And then she came into my life. I never planned on falling in love with the mob boss’ daughter. She was forbidden but somehow she became mine. She made me crave things I didn’t even know existed and made me forget about the things I thought I wanted. My quest for power faded away and was replaced by my undying love for her. Until reality bit me in the ass and I was sent to prison for three years, doing time for a crime I didn’t commit. Now I’m out and she is creating a life for herself, just like I always wanted for her. Only I’m not a part of that life. I won’t ruin her any more than I already have with my poisonous lifestyle. No matter how tempted I am. Adrianna Pastore I wanted him from the very first time I laid eyes on him. He was everything to me, my first love and probably my last. Then my father ruined our perfect little life, and he walked away from me. I tried to fight for him, for our love, but he pushed me away. When the love you crave is beautiful, yet forbidden, you can’t help being tempted. So I’ll fight for him. For us. Even if I’m the only one fighting. Book #2 in the Tempted Series (Can be read as a Standalone)
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I knew all years ago nothing would come close to making me feel the way I did whenever Anthony kissed me.  Even when he was kissing me goodbye he made me feel like he cherished me. I believed him when he said he’d love me forever, his actions speaking louder than his words. I hope he knew I felt the same way. I angled my head, giving him better access to devour my mouth. The thing about kissing someone goodbye is you don’t get a second chance to do it right. In that moment you have to put everything into one kiss and that’s exactly what we did. The last several years, everything we had gone through, everything we had felt for one another entangled in this kiss. I savored his taste.  I memorized the way his teeth felt scraping against my raw lips, the gentle lap his tongue took across them to soothe the sting. I didn’t want him to take away the sting, wishing I would always feel the burning sensation that prickled against my sensitive flesh as a reminder of my Anthony. His mouth left mine and kept going back to press butterfly kisses against my lips before dropping his hands to my shoulders and taking a retreating step backwards. I swallowed as I dared to meet his gaze. “Let me grab a shirt and I’ll walk you out,” he said, gruffly. I nodded wiping my cheeks with the sleeves of my sweater. He turned around to walk into his bedroom and that’s when I saw the ink taking up his entire back The shocked gasp that escaped my mouth caused him to look over his shoulder at me. The instant he saw my face realization set into his features and he closed his eyes. “Turn around,” I demanded, softly. He sighed, his shoulders went lax, and he dropped his head. I took a step closer and stared in awe at the beautiful artwork covering his skin. There are beautiful clouds drawn across his shoulder blades all of them shaded in hues of gray and blue, almost matching his eyes. Through the clouds, there are rays that shoot down the center of his back like rays of an eternal light. The year two thousand five looks as though the rays illuminate the numbers. My eyes travel down to the center of his back where there is the letter A written in a familiar handwriting. My first thought is that my eyes are playing tricks on me but when I take, a closer look there is no denying it. The A inked onto his skin is a replica of the A I scribe every time I sign my name .Just when I thought there were no tears left to cry, I feel my eyes fill with water as understanding dawns on me. I push back the tears and force myself to continue my perusal of the intricate tattoo he has forever etched into his flesh. There are flames that begin just beneath the waistband of his sweat pants and travel wildly, vibrant oranges, yellows and reds, all depicting an inferno as they make their way to the A. The year two thousand ten scribed between the flames of hell. I reach out and trace the A with my index finger, feeling him flinch at my touch. He gathers his bearings and remains completely still as my fingertip continues to trace the A. My eyes fixate on the two years, two thousand five was the year it all began for us, and two thousand ten was the year it ended. He must’ve been reading my mind because he turned around shielding his tattoo from me as he gazed in to my eyes. “My heaven and my hell,” He whispered, roughly explaining the sentiment behind the ink that forever marks his skin. I stare at him for a moment, stripped of any words. What do you say to that? To the man telling you to forget he exists only to discover he’ll take a piece of you with him wherever he goes. You say nothing because nothing you could ever say would be enough. FT Teaser 2


Janine Infante Bosco
Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she's made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.


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Release Blitz for Cross to Bare by Susan Mac Nicol. @givemebooksblog @BoroughsPubGrp @SusanMacNicol7

Title: Cross to Bare
Series: Men of London #5
Author: Susan Mac Nicol
Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: November 10, 2015


Tough in business but romantic at heart, fashion designer Lenny James isn’t hiding his masculinity behind his super successful female alter ego, but a vulnerability that only handsome financier Brook Hunter will be man enough to reveal...and worship.


It’s amazing what a little mascara and lipstick, a blonde wig, false boobs, and top-notch female fashion can hide. Not that Lenny James is hiding his masculinity. He uses his normal voice when he’s Laverne, and he’s not particularly camp as a man. His reasons for creating his alter ego are locked deep in his past. He is who he is: tough in business, and a romantic at heart. What he’s hiding is vulnerability. He wants a man to accept both sides of him.

Gorgeous, commanding, and dark as sin, Brook Hunter meets Lenny and knows nothing about Laverne until fate pushes her into his path. Cross-dressing is as far from Brook’s reality as fashion is from his world of diplomacy and high finance. Understanding and truth take time, and trust doesn’t come easy. But Brook is about to show Lenny that there are no sides to true love, just the place where they meet in the middle.

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Brook smiled. “The chemistry is still there, though. No doubt about that.” His brows furrowed. “And if I remember from our last window encounter, you promised to return the favour,” he murmured as he reached out and removed the glass from Lenny’s hands. He put the whisky down on the table by the window then dipped his finger in the cool liquid. Brook’s finger came up, and he slid it across Lenny’s bottom lip, slowly. He thought he was going to shoot in his pants with the eroticism of that gesture. The whisky flavour burned into his lips and he slid his tongue out and sucked the finger caressing his mouth. Brook’s eyes widened in lust, the pupils expanding. His lips parted and Lenny wanted to thrust his tongue and his cock inside the hot, wet heat of that mouth.

“Let’s get this over with, shall we, because obviously neither of us can wait,” Brook whispered, as his tongue slid into Lenny’s ear. His hands slid under the red jacket, tugging the shirt from his trousers, and then caressing the heated skin beneath. “Otherwise we’ll not enjoy my wonderful Chicken Cacciatore that I slaved over all day. Let’s fuck first, talk later.”

Lenny agreed wholeheartedly. With a low moan, he mashed his mouth against Brook’s and took possession of it. Familiar and wanton in return, Brook’s questing tongue slid into Lenny’s mouth. The slippery sensation of that deliciously heated organ, currently on a quest to drive him crazy, took him back to those passion fuelled days when he and Brook had been together. The feel of strong fingers against Lenny’s skin and the heat of that body pressed against his – it was if they’d never been apart. Lenny wasn’t one for insta-love but insta-lust he could definitely understand.

“I’d forgotten how damn good you taste and feel,” Brook gasped as his hands fumbled with buttons, opening Lenny’s trousers. He cried out as Brook’s hand slid inside his silk boxers and slid fingers down his hardened and wet cock. “This - this is what I want, you inside me.”

That phrase made Lenny thrust his cock harder into the tight confines of Brook’s hand.

“You keep saying that and I won’t have anything to fuck you with because you’ll make me come,” he managed to get out. “Turn around, face the glass.” He didn’t wait for Brook to obey, simply spun him round hard and slammed him against the cold, silken wall. “You’d better hope this is one way glass, because otherwise your neighbours are going to see you being royally skewered this time.” Lenny kicked off his trousers and underwear, giving a sigh of relief as his cock sprung free.

Author Bio

Susan Mac Nicol is a self-confessed bookaholic, an avid watcher of videos of sexy pole dancing men, geek and nerd and in love with her Smartphone. She is never happier than when sitting scribbling down words and making two men fall in love.

In an ideal world, Susan Mac Nicol would be Queen of England and banish all the bad people to the Never Never Lands of Wherever -Who Cares. As that’s never going to happen, she contents herself with writing her HEA stories and pretending, that just for a little while, good things happen to good people.

Sue is a member of Romance Writers of America and Romantic Novelists Association in the UK. She lives in the quaint village of Bocking in Essex, set in the countryside and not far from the sea should she get the yen to eat crab or oysters on the Cromer Pier.

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