Thursday, 8 October 2015

COVER REVEAL: Dirty by Kylie Scott @KylieScottbooks

By Kylie Scott

dirty kylie.jpg

Are you ready to get Dirty?  
Dirty is Book One in Kylie Scott’s Dive Bar Series releasing April 5th!

Pre-order your copy of DIRTY here:
Barnes & Noble:


The last thing Vaughan Hewson expects to find when he returns to his childhood home is a broken hearted bride in his shower, let alone the drama and chaos that comes with her.

Lydia Green doesn't know whether to burn down the church or sit and
cry in a corner. Discovering the love of your life is having an affair on your wedding day is bad enough. Finding out it's with his best man is another thing all together. She narrowly escapes tying the knot and meets Vaughan only hours later.

Vaughan is the exact opposite of the picture perfect, respected businessman she thought she'd marry. This former musician-turned-bartender is rough around the edges and unsettled. But she already tried Mr. Right and discovered he's all wrong-maybe it's time to give Mr. Right Now a chance.

After all, what's wrong with getting dirty?

About the Author:
Kylie Scott
kylie scott.jpg

Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


RELEASE BLITZ - Tormented by Jani Kay @givemebooksblog @janikaybooks

Title: Tormented
Series: Scorpio Stinger MC #4
Author: Jani Kay
Genre: New Adult/Romantic Suspense
 Release Date: October 8, 2015


Can there be redemption for a man with a tortured soul and a twisted heart?


Hell bent on revenge, anger and hatred taint my soul.
Only rage and vengeance keep me alive. Nothing else matters.
There is no room for love. No room for relationships or a family of my own to distract me.
I’m damaged and beyond redemption.

Until I meet my arch enemy’s sister. She's off limits, but despite my best intentions, I just can’t get the dark haired beauty out of my mind.

Can Eva tame the beast and make me human again? Can she help me find redemption?
Perhaps HELL is the only place for a man like me.


Harrison. Dark. Broody.
Twisted and tortured. Definitely tormented.
A beast?

Maybe he is, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting him. On some deep level we connect—I see past the damaged outer into his very soul. Can I be the one to crack through his hardened shell and thaw his heart to bring out the real man he’s hiding even from himself?

Is there redemption for a man like Harrison Summers?
Or will he drag me straight into hell with him?

Purchase Links

~*~ Obsessed by Books copy given in exchange for an honest review ~*~

"...a man who has nothing to live for. A man who had his future ripped out from under him by criminal scum. Not only did those bikers kill Amy and our unborn child, they stole my future and my life."

Harrison is the guy we have loved to hate throughout this series. Seriously om edge and making bad decisions we learnt why he is so desolate and lost to his own demons during the previous books. Reconciling his past with his actions so far still leaves him bordering on being an unsalvageable lost soul. Causing so much pain for his beloved sister and waging a war on Ryder, her partner is Harrison too lost?

Eva knows what she likes when she see's it and made a beeline for the fractured dark soul she recognises in Harrison. Reveling in his need to control she enjoys submitting to his masterful darker desires. Igniting a burning desire she has never felt before Eva is drawn like a moth to a flame by Harrison. Knowing he has suffered she goes in with her eyes wide open acknowledging that this is a sex only deal...but is it? The more time they spend between the sheets the more time they spend getting to know each other intimately, reveling in each uncovered truth and shared moment. Are the willing to take a giant step together?

Sometimes life just isn't that kind and the past has a way of testing it's ugly head. Can Harrison save the woman who holds his heart from a fate worse than death? Can a common enemy unite Ryder and Harrison even for a moment? Can they get to her before its too late?

This story moves away from the MC and focuses more on Harrison in his special ops role and the glamour filled lifestyle of Eva. Our favourite in-laws do make an appearance and it's great up to catch with our MC boys even though they don't feature heavily. I lived the glimpse into a burgeoning story for Savage and his first love...I hope he gets his own story. Harrison feeds his demon by having highly passionate yet in control sex, his need to dominate calming the inner turmoil. Eva is his match on all levels, trusting him completely and willing to walk through hell fire for him as she understands his pain. This is an angst filled walk on the wild side, will more than surprise along the way. Can they overcome the past and their present no matter what date has in store?

A four and a half star read.

Reading Order

Scorpio Stinger MC Series

#0.5 Ryder Prequel

#1 Two Worlds Colliding

#2 Unchain My Heart

#2.5 A Biker Christmas

#3 Gods & Monsters 

#4 Tormented

Also Available

(contains 3 novels & 2 novellas PLUS Bonus Chapters)
ON SALE for 99c for a limited time



She glided toward me with a sexy smile on her luscious lips.

“Hey, you.” Her voice was low and husky. Sexy as fuck.

Both our work schedules had been crazy and even when I’d called Eva to just have dinner with me, she’d made excuses why she could not see me. As tempted as I was to show up at her door again, I didn’t want to upset her and risk her refusing to accompany me to the event, so I got stuck in at work putting in more time than I had in the last few weeks.

“Fuck, I missed you,” I said as it hit me like a bullet between the eyes.

Red lips and long sweeping eyelashes were complemented by dangling earrings that shone as the light caught them. I took her hand in mine and kissed her fingertips before spinning her around so that I could admire all of her.

I nearly choked when she turned her back to me. The dress dipped to just above her ass, the fabric draped in such a way that it begged to be touched.

“You like?” she purred, turning her head so that she could peer seductively at me from under her lashes.

“I'm speechless. You look . . . so utterly fuckable, I just want to tear that dress off you­ with my fucking teeth,” I admitted.

“Haha. It took me hours to get ready. We have an event to attend, remember?” She raised a perfect eyebrow at me, smiling smugly. “And you look pretty dashing yourself.” She stroked my chest, smoothing out my dress shirt. “Hmm, a bowtie. That’s sexy as hell.”

Her fingertips brushed the edges of the black silk and then along my jaw line, causing my blood pressure to rise a few degrees. She stood on her toes and planted the softest kiss on my lips. Her perfume snaked its way to my nostrils and turned my mind to mush.

I frowned, not sure how I felt about her wearing that dress. Jealousy swarmed my gut and found a resting place in the pit of my stomach. I swallowed hard, trying to rein it in and act maturely.

“I’m going to be the envy of every man there.” She smiled knowingly. Fuck. This was doing my head in. “I will kill any fucker who tries to touch you. You are mine only. Remember that.”

Author Bio

USA Today Bestselling Author - Jani Kay lives in Western Australia within a ten minute walk to the beach which is one of her favorite places to chill out.

She has been a bookworm all her life - as a voracious reader, she would gladly spend her last dollar on a book. She is always fascinated that for the mere price of a book (often less than the price of a coffee!), she can escape her life for a while and see through someone else's eyes into their world.

Jani loves the colour red, is a fiery Aries, is impatient and always storming ahead with those ram's horns, bashing her head...she has a wicked sense of humour and loves laughing.

In her 'other' life, Jani is a business woman and a scientist - a creative scientist though - she formulates skin care products and brews up concoctions in her laboratory...

She has 2 beautiful children who have grown into amazing young adults and Jani is very proud of them.

Besides reading and writing, her favorite 'thing' is traveling and drinking cocktails on the beach while watching the sun set over the ocean (Sex on The Beach anyone?).

Above all, she believes in Kindness, Karma, Miracles and Magic...

Author Links



RELEASE BLITZ- Collision by K.A. Sterritt @givemebooksblog @KASterritt

Title: Collision
Series: The Fight for Life series #1
Author: K.A. Sterritt
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: October 8, 2015


Their lives were destined to collide.

Juliette Salinger lives her life entirely on her mother’s terms. Everything from what she wears to who she dates is determined by what is deemed appropriate for their social standing.

Look a little closer.

Juliette isn’t cut out for that life. She lives for moments of reckless abandon to escape the crushing pressure of never being good enough.

Leo Ashlar appears to live his life entirely on his own terms. He’s a bartending bachelor and undefeated fight club champion.

Look a little closer.

He’s haunted by a tragic past and hides his demons even from those he loves.

When Juliette’s duplicit worlds collide with the handsome and untouchable Leo, both are impacted in ways they couldn’t foresee. Juliette’s life begins to unravel. Can Leo help her build a new one, or will his past be their ultimate demise?

Purchase Links



I rarely saw Richard on Friday nights as he socialised with his own colleagues, and I was ashamed about how happy that made me. We only really saw each other on weekends when we were attending a social function together. Any shameful feelings, however, were going to be forgotten when I planned to leave my colleagues at the bar sometime before midnight under the guise of heading home.

Instead, I’d get in a cab with adrenaline surging and go underground for what I hoped would be a blissful few hours. During those hours I wasn’t going to be twenty-five-year-old Juliette Salinger, daughter of social elite Isabel Fontaine and legal royalty John Salinger. I wasn’t going to be anyone’s puppet, hanging from strings I couldn’t seem to untie. I was just going to be Jules, and I thirsted for the blood spilling in front of me. Not like a vampire or anything paranormal. I’d studied plenty of fights on TV, and I simply craved the energy I gleaned from watching the pummelling impacts, the uppercuts, the right hooks and the sublime confrontation of man against man. In my mind, I preempted every move the fighters made and cringed when they deviated. It would invariably end in them knocked out, unconscious or comatose. Illegal fight nights were a whole new level, and I had a feeling I was going to be counting the hours, the minutes and the seconds between each one.

Author Bio

K.A. Sterrritt was born and raised in Australia. With a passion for reading from a very young age, writing was a natural progression. She lives in Sydney with her husband and three sons.

Author Links


COVER REVEAL - With Gratitude and Love by Skye Turner @givemebooksblog @skyeturner_auth

Title: With Gratitude and Love
Author: Skye Turner
Genre: Contemporary/Military Romance
Cover Design: Kari Ayasha, Cover to Cover Designs
Cover Model: Conner McGillick
Photographer: Shauna Kruse, Kruse Images and Photography
 Release Date: November 19, 2015


Bestselling romance author, Maloree Arceneaux’s steamy stories have created dedicated fans around the world, though in reality her love life is lackluster at best. The troops are important to her and she’s always supported them in whatever way she can.

Cord Hoffman is a Sergeant with the United States Army who is stationed overseas. Joining the Army straight out of high school, he’s always envisioned the military would be not only his career, but his life.

Fighting for his country is something Cord takes great pride in, though being single and away from family is starting to take a toll on him.

One fateful day, Cord receives a thoughtful gift of a simple cup of coffee from a stranger through the Java for a Joe program. After reaching out to the sender, an unlikely friendship is formed.

As time passes, Maloree and Cord’s friendship progresses across the miles and feelings blossom.

When granted leave for the holidays, Cord decides to seek Maloree out.

Will two people who found each other through the words of a simple gesture, sent from a world away, have a real chance at love once they’re face to face? Or will their romance be tucked away as a beautiful memory along with the letters signed… With Gratitude and Love…

Pre-order Links



© Skye Turner 2015

Chapter One


Dear Service Member,

I hope that this message finds you well. It’s such a small token of my appreciation for all that you and those who serve beside you do, but it’s all I can send from the home front.

I’m writing to you from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I’m an author and while it seems like such a meaningless task to some, to me it’s so fulfilling. I create elaborate romance stories for readers around the world who pick up my books. The fact that I can create a brief respite for those who read my written words and involve them in my stories and characters is very rewarding.

Though not nearly as rewarding as what you do.

I’m sorry, I’m rambling.

I simply wanted to send you this cup of coffee (or tea, hot chocolate, iced coffee, etc.) to show that I’m thinking of all of you back home. You’re service and sacrifice is noted and appreciated. At least by me.

I sincerely appreciate your sacrifice in leaving those you love behind to serve and protect our country and our freedoms. It’s because of you and those who came before you that I am able to chase my dreams and live my life free in the country I love.

I’ll send this off now, but again, thank you for your service.

With Gratitude and Love,

Maloree Arceneaux

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Just as I’m hitting “Send” on the message and sending another Java for a Joe, my personal assistant, Beth, pops her head into my office. “Mal, do you have those chapters done? I can get started on reading through them if you have them ready.” Her reminder is not really needed, but I do appreciate the way she keeps me on task.

I nod as she asks, “Do you think you’ll make your deadline?”

Turning in my chair to face her, I pop my back and stretch my arms high above my head. Moaning as it alleviates some of the tension residing there, I grunt at her. “I have chapters one through twelve done. They’re not edited, so they’ll be rough, but I did finish twelve just now.” She looks at me and sees my laptop behind my chair.

Her brows raise and she smiles. “That’s not the book. You just sent more coffee to the troops?”

I grin. “I did. It’s something I can do and the thankful messages I get every week, show me that the gesture is appreciated. Most of them thank me for the coffees and really it’s me who’s thanking them.” I spin back around as my computer makes a whooshing sound to show the transaction has gone through. “It’s a two buck cup of coffee. It’s nothing for me to send that, yet, they thank me as if I’m sending them boxes of chocolate molten lava cake. It’s a great feeling and I’m happy to do it.”

Beth leans over my shoulder to glance at my screen. “Send me the link again. I keep saying I need to do this, and then I get caught up in working for you and forget. You slave driver.”

I laugh and wave my hand behind me. “Yeah, I’m so harsh. I’ll send you the link and then I need to get back to work.

This book is not going to write itself. Shoo.”

She chuckles as I hear her head for the door. “Hey, do you need a top off on your coffee or are you still good?”

Looking down, I see my empty mug. “I need more. You know java fuels my soul and keeps the words flowing. I’m only at about six cups so far today. You’re slacking.”

She swoops in and grabs my cup as I once again start to type. “Uh huh. You drink too much coffee, boss.”

I grunt, “Nah. No such thing.” And once again immerse myself in my story.

Author Bio

Skye Turner is an avid reader and an editor turned International Bestselling Author of the Sexy Adult Romance series Bayou Stix, the Romantic Suspense series James Black, and the Erotic Romance Short Story Serial, Dear Diary.

She attended Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University where she majored in Mass Communications, centering her studies in Journalism. Unfortunately, life intervened and she never finished her studies.

She lives in small town Louisiana with her husband, two children, and six fur babies.

When she's not chained to her laptop pounding out sexy stories she can usually be found playing ‘Supermom’, reading, gardening (playing in the dirt), listening to music and dancing like a fool, cooking, baking, crafting, or spending time with those most important to her.

She loves to incorporate pieces of her home state of Louisiana into her writing.

Author Links

Pretty Boy by Tara Oakes Release Blitz @Lil_Oakes

Pretty Boy, the first book in the Badge Boys series, is now live!

*** WARNING *** This novel is intended for those over 18 yrs. of age due to mature and sexual material.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you what happens to BAD girls? Well... let Pretty Boy show you."

Agent Christopher Gibson has everything a man in his position could want. A successful career as one of the FBI's most credited undercover field agents, with no personal ties to hold him back. He tried that once, it didn't go over too well.

Jessica Leary is on her way to the top, working on her father's Senate re-election campaign. She has the job she wants- the opportunity to prove herself to both the political elite and her father.

What could these two people from very different worlds ever have in common? Nothing.

Nothing other than a hot, sexy, torrid love affair that was left in the past- torn apart by the different directions their lives were headed.

Now, months later, Jess finds herself in a perilous position. The past that once brought "Pretty Boy" Chris Gibson into her life has now come back to haunt her, threatening everything that she's worked for.

When trouble comes knocking on your door, what's a girl to do? Why, call your bad-ass, sexy-as-sin, FBI agent of an ex-boyfriend to do what he does best... take down the bad guys and anyone else that stands in his way, because when Pretty Boy sets his sights on a target, nothing distracts him. But, why is it that this time is different?

Being close to Jess again, seeing first-hand what he's given up is just enough to throw everything off course, as Jess seems to be the perfect mix of good AND bad girl.

Didn't anyone ever tell you what happens to BAD girls? Well... let Pretty Boy show you in book one of the brand new BADGE BOYS series of stand alone novels.

You can now purchase Pretty Boy on Amazon:
You can add Pretty Boy on Goodreads here:


More About Tara Oakes
Tara is a thirty something newbie author from Long Island, New York. She's a voracious reader, a passionate writer and obsessive junk T.V. aficionado. When she's not doing one of those three things she is attempting to garden, hanging with her hubby or partaking in some retail therapy. She enjoys connecting with her readers and is having a blast entering into this new world of publishing.
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