Tuesday, 6 September 2016


Title: Torrid Affair
Author: Callie Anderson
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations
 Release Date: September 13, 2016


I’m fucked.

The life I have lived for the past ten years is built solely on lies and secrets.

But I can’t help myself.

I’m in love with two different men. And one of them is my brother-in-law.

He’s my drug. My fire. My addiction.

But he’s married to my best friend. And I’m married to my husband.

I’m not ashamed. I have no guilt.


I’m not fucked. I’m a fucked up person.

This is the story of how I ruined my life.

 Author Bio

Callie Anderson is a wife, mother and writer, who embraces the truth, then weaves it into a magical tale of romance and heartache.

Author Links



★★ Release Day Blitz! ★★ #SIREN 🌹#OutNow @JaimieRoberts77

I’m not a good person. In fact, I’m a real bitch. If the opportunity arises, I will take your husband, give him the best sex he’s ever had, and laugh behind your back once I’m done with him. I do not put on airs and graces. I just take what I want whenever I want it.

I am the abused who has become the abuser. I live for power because all power had been stripped from me for years. Now that I have it back, I feed off of it like it’s my primary sustenance, and I don’t care who I hurt in the process.

Every woman hates me, but do you know what? I don’t give a shit.

You won’t like me. I’m not here to be liked. You want to know my story? I won’t stop you from observing. Just know that once I’m done with you, no shower—no matter how scalding—will ever get me out from under your skin.

Warning: If you’re looking for pink, fluffy clouds, rainbows, and HEA’s, then this book is not for you. These pages contain flashback scenes of child abuse in all forms (physical, sexual, and emotional) as well as BDSM and other taboo themes.

Love does not live in this book. Only dark, twisted, and sick obsessions thrive here.

You. Have. Been. Warned!

it was amazing

"I'm like the lotus flower. I have bloomed from muddy waters - looking beautiful at first glance - but if you see where I came from, you won't find me quite as alluring."

Sometimes someone is so spectacularly broken that the pieces they shatter into can never ever be put back together again. Scarlet is damaged, her inner light and innocence tainted by a man's dark desires, his vile will consuming her until all that is left is a twisted empty shell. All she understands is pain, everyone that should have ever protected her was blind to the slow death she experienced at the hands of the one man who should have protected her. After the ultimate betrayal Scarlet has re invented herself using her beauty and sexuality as a weapon, using it against those who believe they hold all the power. She plays a dangerous game with her end goal of watching them all burn with hatred of what she has done to ruin their perfect lives. Ingratiating herself back within the "loving arms" of her family she slowly destroys each relationship the only way she knows how...

Scarlet is a product of abuse and without anyone to help her recover, process and overcome her dreadful past she has perpetuated the cycle, taking what men want from her and getting high from the power she holds over men with her beauty. Relying on her obsession with her vengeance and her future with her partner she doesn't see herself slowly imploding. This story is raw. It's a visceral exploration of the effects of sexual abuse, the exploitation of a damaged soul and the impact it has - some things do not want to remain buried. Siren is overwhelmingly melancholy, poignant and disturbing. I loved every tortured page as realistically not everyone who experiences this kind of abuse does recover, they spiral downward and never see the light again. Her self destruction, her blindness to the truth is a beautiful tragedy as it slowly unfolds. Briefly there is a slither of hope in the form of Stuart but cruelly he is the if only moment in her story, he tried but she was once again betrayed by those that should have loved her. He isn't enough to stop her from Fi using what she started, she's already caught in the rip tide, drowning in her sea of revenge. Excellently written I felt that was a fantastic portrayal of a taboo subject, the secrets and lies destroying the innocence of a child creating someone twisted that only finds peace in the abuse. Emotions will run high throughout the reading of this story, you will feel enraged, disgusted and so much empathy for the child that has no one. The end blew me away and I really hope that is the end as it was perfect. I can not sing this story praises highly enough. It was refreshingly dark, with no happily ever after and no redemption for them, my favourite type of story!

A five star come down to the darkness with me read.

~*~ Obsessed by Books copy given in exchange for an honest review ~*~


I stand over my father’s grave, wiping the tears that threaten to fall onto the soil beneath my feet. I’m wearing a black dress, which is cut just above the knee, and on my feet is a pair of brand new, black and red Louboutin high heels. I scream class, but I am also the perfect image of a daughter in deep distress over her father’s untimely death.
And what an untimely death it was.
I clutch my chest, heaving sobs of grief as I bend down to lay new flowers at his grave. I have been coming here every single day, bringing new flowers to replace the old ones. I pick up yesterday’s flowers and toss them aside as I trace the line of my father’s name on his headstone.
Here lies Richard Valentine, loving father to two daughters. Born 26th January 1970, Died 15th July 2016.
That was three weeks ago. His body was found buried in Virginia Water in Surrey—only nineteen miles or so from where I live. He was buried deep, but a storm sixteen days ago unearthed his decaying body. He had a stab wound in his back which was determined to be the cause of his death. It was murder, of course, and it is only now that the police are investigating.
At first, they thought he had run away—possibly met a girl, got swept off his feet, and was living by the beach, sipping cocktails with a buxom blonde. My sister kept on the case, though. She tried to tell them that it wasn’t like him to just disappear without at least keeping in touch. I vouched for her to the police, but I also reminded her of that time when he disappeared for a year without a trace and came back just as suddenly as he had left. I knew the real reason why, but I didn’t divulge it to my sister or to the police. That little secret was between Daddy and me alone. The two police officers gave each other that look… The one that says, “Yeah, there’s no foul play here.” They just thought he had found the girl of his dreams and was busy acting the part of the doting boyfriend to his new plaything.
As I think on this, I stroke his grave tenderly and sweep away the leaves that have fallen from the nearby trees. I need to make sure that it is clean and tidy before kneeling down at his grave and throwing my arms over the gravestone. With my arms shielding me from anyone who may be watching, I take in a long, deep breath. A smirk rises on my face as I utter the words, “You always loved it when I threw my arms around you, didn’t you?” I sigh, scooting up to get closer to his headstone before spitting on his grave.
“I hope you’re enjoying your time in Hell, Daddy.”

Jaimie Roberts was born in London, but moved to Gibraltar in 2001. She is married with two sons, and in her spare time, she writes.
In June 2013, Jaimie published her first book, Take a Breath, with the second released in November 2013. With the reviews, Jaimie took time out to read and learn how to become a better writer. She gets tremendous enjoyment out of writing, and even more so from the feedback she receives.



The Facilitator by Tracie Podger @TRACIEPODGER

The Facilitatorbanner2
The Facilitator – An erotic romance by Tracie Podger
Release date: 6th September 2016
Available on Amazon, iBook, Nook & Kobo
It started as a game.
Two adults, both lonely; one an expert, the other learning on the quick.
He thought he was giving her what she desired. She hated herself for loving it.
Lauren Perry thought her life was fine. She knew what she wanted and where she was going. That was until her husband left her.
Mackenzie Miller thought his life was fine. He knew what he wanted and he took, always. That was until he broke his own rules.
What would you do if someone gave you the opportunity to experience all of your fantasies?
Lauren Perry decided to find out.
Contemporary romance for readers over the age of 18
Contains scenes of F/F, M/M/F & light BDSM

Amazon US – http://amzn.to/2alpRPx
The facilitator ecover

I closed my eyes, hoping for some sleep, anything to stop the images flooding my mind. I could still smell her, and me, on my skin. I felt sick to my stomach. I needed a drink; I needed to eat to quell the nausea. The first thing I did when the train arrived in Victoria Station was to buy a disgusting bagel from a fast-food burger outlet. I drank down a full fat Coke, something I never drank normally, without taking a breath. My hands shook as I guzzled down the food. I must have looked like a drug addict coming down from a high. It hit me like a kick to the stomach and I doubled over. That was exactly what was happening.
I was coming down from such an intense high; it may well have been cocaine rushing through my veins instead of the unbridled passion I’d experienced.
Mackenzie Miller should have been a class A drug. He was as addictive, as powerful, and as damaging.
When my body returned to some form of normality, I headed out to one of the waiting taxis. Other than to give my address; I didn’t speak. I didn’t answer any of the questions thrown at me.
As we pulled up at my apartment block, and I fumbled inside my purse for money, the driver looked in his rearview mirror again.
“Are you all right?” he asked. I looked at him and caught sight of myself in his mirror.
My eyes were red with the tears I’d shed. I placed the money on the tray in the glass panel that divided us.
“No,” I said, and then climbed out.

The Facilitator.009

it was amazing

When it comes to Tracie's books you never know what you are going to get (I mean this is a good way), and this one is no exception. It is one read that is beautifully written that from the first few pages you are hooked.

Lauren is a woman that has been hurt by an ex, and she is still seeking answers as to why this happened. She has always led a life that rarely had any excitement in, that is until she meets Mackenzie Miller. He brings her into a world that is both exciting, exhilarating and challenging.

Mackenzie Miller, is a man that takes what he wants, when he wants it, everything is on his own terms, that is until he meets Lauren.

This was another fantastic read from Tracie and she is one seriously talented writer.

**Copy received in exchange for an honest and unbiased review***

About the Author:

  Tracie Podger currently lives in Kent, UK with her husband and a rather obnoxious cat called George. She’s a Padi Scuba Diving Instructor with a passion for writing. Tracie has been fortunate to have dived some of the wonderful oceans of the world where she can indulge in another hobby, underwater photography. She likes getting up close and personal with sharks.   Tracie likes to write in different genres. Her Fallen Angel series and its accompanying books are mafia romance and full of suspense. A Virtual Affair is contemporary romance, and Gabriel and A Deadly Sin are thriller/suspense. The Facilitator is erotic romance.  

Available from Amazon, iBooks, Kobo & Nook:
Fallen Angel, Part 1 – FREE on all platforms
Fallen Angel, Part 2
Fallen Angel, Part 3
Fallen Angel, Part 4
Evelyn - A Novella – To accompany the Fallen Angel Series
Rocco – A Novella – To accompany the Fallen Angel Series
Robert – To accompany the Fallen Angel Series
Travis – To accompany the Fallen Angel Series
A Virtual Affair – A standalone
Gabriel – A standalone
The Facilitator – A Standalone

Coming soon
A Deadly Sin - 2016
Jackson - 2017
Letters to Lincoln – 2017
Rocco: The Missing Years – 2017
Stalker Links:
Amazon Author Page – https://author.to/TraciePodger
Book Trailers:

A Virtual Affair - https://youtu.be/6UR68KtLQPc
To keep up to date on new releases feel free to join Tracie’s group or sign up for her newsletter:

Tracie’s Fallen Angels -
Newsletter Sign up –

🏈🏈🏈DRAW PLAY 🏈🏈🏈 by Tia Lewis

Draw Play
By Tia Lewis
Release Date: September 5th
Cover Designer: RBA Design
Release/Review Blitz hosted by Chance Promotions
Now Live
Available on Amazon
Amazon Purchase Link: http://amzn.to/2c2QJq5


Jake lives and breathes football. When he’s not demonstrating his skills on the field, he’s busy putting the moves on every hot girl on campus. The last thing he needs is a tutor cramping his style … but curvy Claire gets under his skin in more ways than one.
Claire can’t stand football players, and Jake is just as cocky and arrogant as the worst of them. He’s also impossibly sexy. Despite their frequent arguments, she starts to see another side to him -- and finds him increasingly hard to resist.

When they finally surrender, the heat they generate could melt the North Pole … but is Jake really willing to sacrifice his image for Claire? Or will she be left on the sidelines with a broken heart?


A few minutes later my phone vibrated on the table, and I read a text message that sent shivers down my body. I want you, Claire. I'll make you beg. I'll fuck you until you can't feel your legs. Whisper in your ear to come for me while you dig your nails into my back.
“Oh my God,” I blushed uncontrollably as his hand made its way back onto my legs. “Jake, stop!”
“Do you really want me to?” he whispered, moving steadily upward. “Tell me you really want me to, and I will.”
I should have. I knew that I should have. I should have made Jake stop. We were in the library, for crying out loud. People studied there. And we weren’t alone.
I looked around. I didn’t see any cameras. At the same time, that sneaky hand reached the inside of my thigh. I gasped, closing my eyes.
“I’ll stop. I will.” His hand disappeared up my skirt.
I opened my legs slightly, aching for his touch.
“Hmm,” he whispered, “I think you want me to keep going.”


Tia Lewis is a romance author from the Midwest who writes about smart, sexy, sassy women and hot, possessive alpha males. Her favorite bad boys to write about include sports players, mafia, bikers, billionaires and the bad-ass next door. You can find her cooking, reading, or traveling when she’s not busy working on her next release.
Want to be kept up to date on new releases? Text LEWIS to 31996!




COVER REVEAL : ROAD TO DESTINY : Scorpio Stinger MCBK.5 by Jani Kay

Title: Road to Destiny
Series: Scorpio Stinger MC #5
Author: Jani Kay
Genre: MC Romance
 Release Date: September 26, 2016


Life couldn't be more perfect.
With the woman I love and twins on the way, I'm a happy man.

But the strange thing about life? Nothing stays the same for long. Bad things happen when least expected, throwing the club and my life into chaos.

This time I could lose everything that matters to me. My world ripped apart and turned on its axis.

Only I can't allow what Jade and I have to be destroyed. I'll lay everything on the line, fighting until my last breath because life is worthless without her.

Jade is my reason for breathing. This time the fight is not for survival, it's for love.

Pre-order Links


Reading Order

Scorpio Stinger MC Series

#0.5 Ryder Prequel

#1 Two Worlds Colliding

#2 Unchain My Heart

#2.5 A Biker Christmas

#3 Gods & Monsters 

#4 Tormented

#5 Road to Destiny

Also Available




ON SALE for $1.99 for a limited time

Want to get ready for Book #5 in the Scorpio Stinger MC Series?? Over 1000 pages of HOTTT Bikers on sale for a  limited time! Catch up with Badass Biker, Ryder Knox & his Princess, and the Scorpio Stinger MC brothers in this set of 3 Novels and 2 Novellas before Book #5 releases on SEPTEMBER 26!!



Author Bio

USA Today Bestselling Author - Jani Kay lives in Western Australia within a ten minute walk to the beach which is one of her favorite places to chill out.

She has been a bookworm all her life - as a voracious reader, she would gladly spend her last dollar on a book. She is always fascinated that for the mere price of a book (often less than the price of a coffee!), she can escape her life for a while and see through someone else's eyes into their world.

Jani loves the colour red, is a fiery Aries, is impatient and always storming ahead with those ram's horns, bashing her head...she has a wicked sense of humour and loves laughing.

In her 'other' life, Jani is a business woman and a scientist - a creative scientist though - she formulates skin care products and brews up concoctions in her laboratory...

She has 2 beautiful children who have grown into amazing young adults and Jani is very proud of them.

Besides reading and writing, her favorite 'thing' is traveling and drinking cocktails on the beach while watching the sun set over the ocean (Sex on The Beach anyone?).

Above all, she believes in Kindness, Karma, Miracles and Magic...

Author Links