Grave Misfortune (Palace Secrets Book 3)
by Ravyn Rayne
Published by Blushing Books
Genre: Historical Romance, Romantic Erotica
Married to a gambler and drunk, Helene is the madam for a brothel, where she looks after her girls and services the clientele. When Vincent, a royal guard from the palace, arrives at her doorstep and tries to defend her honor, little does he know she’s both married to the man and a Madam for the establishment. Could things get any more awkward?
Hours later, a fire breaks out, putting her life and the girl’s that live with her in danger. Who would wish to set fire to the brothel? Going home to the cottage with her husband hardly seems a viable option. Vincent invites her to court, but can she handle what is in store for her? Not used to taking orders, Helene will have to learn to submit to Vincent, in order to protect her.
"Come with me." Vincent's tone is sharp and short. "You broke the rules, Helene. There are consequences for not following orders." He grabs me by the elbow and whisks me into a nearby room, kicking the door shut behind us.
I slip from his grasp as he blocks my exit. Consequences? Is he out of his mind? I should have known not to trust him and come to court. Not that I felt there was much choice but I could have lied to the king or told him I had a husband to stay with. It might have begged more questions but those I could have skirted. "Let me go!"
"Not until you've been taken over my knee."
I scoff at his words. He's not serious. "What are you going to do, spank me?" I'm half-joking. Rowland wasn't a prince but he never would have had the strength to discipline me.
Meet the Characters in the Series
A madam and owner of her own brothel, Helene is related by blood to King Alexander, though she's never come forward to claim any relation to the throne. She prefers her relation to be kept secret. Married to a drunk, Helene spends more time looking after her girls and babysitting her husband than caring about her own needs.
As a guard for King Alexander, Vincent is loyal, but don't mistake his kindness for lack of strength. With a reputation for being dominant and adventurous, Vincent has decided he wants a woman to marry, one that loves him for his kink as much as his desire to command her in the bedroom.
Queen Isabella 'Ella'
Formerly a princess, Queen Isabella is married to King Alexander. With a secret history of romancing her Lady-in-Waiting, Hannah, Isabella has come to accept her role as queen. Will she accept everything else going on in the castle right under her nose?
King Alexander
While his father lay on his death bed, Prince Alexander searched for a woman that would join him in ruling his kingdom. Strict, dominant, and every sense of the word 'alpha', Alexander knows how to keep his queen in line with a good spanking when she disobeys.
Lady-in-Waiting for Princess Isabella, Hannah travels with her to Prince Alexander's court. Keeping their relationship a secret is a necessity or she and her queen will face death. Given the opportunity to find love and her own life away from the palace, the arrogant Lucas Covington, a Duke with riches and a title, desires Hannah's hand. He's smug, annoying, and enjoys taking Hannah over his knee when given the opportunity to discipline her. Is it too much for her?
Author Interview
What are you currently working on?
Right now I'm writing a Victorian Age Play novel that will be published under the name Allison West. It's currently untitled and I'm about half-way through writing the first draft. I've also recently created the domain
spankingauthor.com which highlights both Ravyn and Allison (spanking author) titles.
What names do you write under?
Ruth Silver, Ravyn Rayne, and Allison West.
How much do you write per day?
My goal is 6k words a day. Somedays I can get that done in three hours. Other days it takes 8 or 9 hours to write that amount.
What are you favorite genres to read?
I love romantic erotica, dystopian (YA or adult), and some fantasy.
Are you self published?
Nope. I'm published with Blushing Books, Lazy Day Publishing, and Booktrope.
What else do you like to do besides write?
I love photography, reading, traveling, watching television, blogging, and making book swag.
What sport are you good at?
I used to be good at bowling. I bowled on my high school team and on our college campus in a league for fun.
What show on television are you most looking forward to that's debuting this season?
Good question! There's two shows I'm really excited about watching. Quantico and Shadowhunters. My days are spent writing and nights are spent relaxing to television or hanging out with friends.
Do you have a favorite board game?
Settlers of Catan and Pandemic. I love both of them equally.
Which do you prefer: Kindle or paperback?
Lately I've been reading on my kindle. It's easy to download, I can get samples set to my device, and I don't have to wait for a book to ship. I do have trouble remembering to charge the Kindle though!
Grab the series from the beginning
Palace Secrets
by Ravyn Rayne
Published by Blushing Books

Love comes in many forms and always at a price.
At twenty-three, Princess Isabella must settle down for the sake of her kingdom. Caught up in a secret affair with her lady-in-waiting, Hannah, the princess knows it can only last for so long.
When Prince Alexander arrives to court her, he confides that his father is on his death bed, and he will be crowned king soon. Isabella hastily agrees to the proposal, desiring to be queen, knowing little about her soon to be husband.
Murder, secrets, and lies combine with menage, spanking, and erotic encounters in this steamy medieval romance.
“Make a sound and you’ll get another spanking,” Alexander says. His tone is firm but light. Unlike the last time, he doesn’t sound angry or disappointed with me. Is this how our lovemaking will be?
I’m both aroused and craving more of Alexander’s affection. I bury my face into the pillow, trying my best not to make any noise. I moan quietly as his lashings grow harder, burning against my skin, making me wet. I’m glad Alexander’s attention is on me. There’s something about his power and control that fires me up inside. Is he doing this to teach me a lesson for being naughty or to arouse me?
“No, Hannah.” Alexander’s answer is both quick and abrupt. “I’m the only one in charge.
Maybe I should spank you both regularly for sneaking around the castle, behind my back. Would that make sure it doesn’t happen again?” Alexander lets his hand land hard on my bottom. The sting grows fierce and I whimper in protest. When will his spankings turn to sex? He offered it to me the last time and I rejected him. It had been the only amount of control that I’d been given. Tonight, I would give him everything, and if he asked me to beg, I would.
Maiden Claimed (Palace Secrets Book Two)
by Ravyn Rayne
Published by Blushing Books
It was supposed to be a simple trip to the market in Paris.
Nothing for Lady Hannah is ever simple.
One secret after another.
The lies are mounting up.
Lady Hannah has made a deal with the devil. Worse she’s falling in love with him. There’s no turning back.
A steamy medieval romance filled with spankings and erotic pleasures.
Available on Kindle Unlimited for FREE or just $2.99 on Amazon
Waiting outside the bathhouse, a gentleman, with honey-golden hair and eyes as green as the blades of grass on a summer’s day, stops in front of me. He looks me over and smiles. His face is covered in scruff and dirt licks his skin. “I approve.”
There’s an arrogance surrounding this man, and I have the urge to silence him.
“You approve of what?” I ask and cross my arms defensively. My eyes narrow, unpleased.
“I approve of you joining me in the bathhouse. Though I admit you look pretty clean already. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised.” He reaches out to touch a strand of my blonde hair and I swat his fingers away and force his arm down to his side.
“You’ve lost your mind.” My grip on his wrist is forceful, showing him who’s boss.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asks, glancing down at my hand still holding his wrist.
About the Author

Ravyn is a sassy, fun-loving, and adventure-seeking young woman. She loves to travel and can’t wait for her next vacation,
Ravyn writes romantic erotica. She began writing romance novels in college, spending her down time either reading a book or writing fiction. Please don’t make her choose between the two, she loves them equally.wherever it might be. She has been published professionally since 2013. You can find her young adult books