Monday, 23 March 2015

Release Day Blitz for The CEO by Niquel #theCEO @givemebooksblog @authorniquel

Title: The CEO
Author: Niquel
 Release Date: March 23, 2015


I will RIP your heart out...

Don’t let the dress fool you. I am the CEO of a billion dollar corporation named Quinn National. I set my own rules and do what I want, WHEN I want. I’ve devoured any male or female that has crossed my path and I refuse to FAIL.

I wasn’t always this hard, so shut off from the world. I actually loved a man once, but I quickly realized that love makes you weak and I don’t DO weak—anymore. I’ve learned three cardinal rules to be successful in life. Number one: Do NOT get attached to ANYONE. Number two: Lock up my heart and throw away the key.

And number three: SEX is power. To keep the power, you do things you’re not always proud of. I’m Sheila Quinn and I’ll show you what it takes to be the BOSS.

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Author Bio

Niquel is the author of The Forbidden Series, The Teacher’s Pet Series, and her newest project, The CEO will be out this spring. Boston born and raised, she’s attended two colleges for 3D Animation and Graphic Design. She’s been independently published for over a year now and has no intention on slowing down anytime soon. When she’s not busy entertaining her two daughters and supportive significant other, you can find her sipping her double cup of coffee, writing, or chatting with friends online.

Author Links


Retribution by K.A. Robinson @karobinsonautho

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When Claire walked away from Cooper, she thought she was doing the right thing, the safe thing. Marrying Robert was supposed to solve all of her problems. Unfortunately, Claire’s view of Robert changes from perfect to terrifying when she sees a new side of her husband—a violent side. The last person she expects to save her is Cooper. When he does, they form an alliance to bring Robert down for not only hurting Claire, but for the death of Robert’s first wife and Cooper’s mother, Marie. As Claire digs deeper into Robert’s past, she learns some truths that can never be forgotten. Suddenly, Claire is in danger, and Cooper is the only one who can help her. Enter the world of Claire, Cooper, and Robert as new alliances are formed, relationships are shattered, and feelings simmering under the surface are suddenly brought to light. Can Claire survive the truth long enough for Robert to finally face retribution for his past?   RetributionReleaseDay   RetributionTeaser

JAX by Kelly Gendron ♥ Blog Tour @kelgendron

Jax tour banner
Title: Jax (Breaking The Declan Brothers #1)
Author: Kelly Gendron
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 17, 2015
“Some boys can get rough, some don’t always listen when you tell them to stop, and some boys, they’re just monsters. You gotta be careful who you play with…” ~ Jax Declan
I’m a tease, always have been. In my teens, Jax Declan tried to warn me about staying away from the bad boys. The only boy I ever wanted was Jax. But, no matter how much I tried to play with him, he rejected me. I haven’t see Jax Declan in years. A couple friends and I are going back to the Bayou for the summer. A little older now, and a bit wiser, I’ve decided that I’m going to find my teenage crush and I’m going to break him. This summer Jax Declan will play with me. But the closer I get and the more I learn about the reserved, discreet, and sexy Jax Declan. Well, I’m starting to think that Jax Declan might just be one of those bad boys he tried to warn me about all those years ago.  
Buy The Book
Jax cover

Review by Ally Obsessive One Clicker

** ARC provided by Obsessed by Books for an honest review **

This was the first time read for my by this author. I didn't know what to expect when I started reading Jax. I am so glad that I got a chance to read this it was amazing and hot and sexy. I was hooked on the first page and couldn't stop reading Jax.

Emmie and her friends head home back to Texas. Where she meets Jax and his brothers. While growing up they all were friends. Emmie had the hots for Jax. Jax and Emmie explore more of their feelings that they didn't get to do while they were growing up. Jax was worried about the age difference between the two of them.

I loved Jax and his brothers they were so hot. Jax is the first in the Declan Brothers series. Can't wait to see what happens next in the series.
About The Author
Kelly’s motto ~ "Bad boys, give 'em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!" And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy? Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels. When she's not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she's out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people. Website | Facebook | Twitter | Google | Goodreads | Newsletter | Amazon
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love p

Cover Reveal for Warrior by Nicole Blanchard. @givemebooksblog @blanchardbooks

Title: Warrior
Series: First to Fight #1
Author: Nicole Blanchard
Cover Design: Cover It! Designs
 Release Date: June 9, 2015


I thought it was just one night.

I knew he was about to leave for a year – no chance for a future.

But our one night together would create memories for a lifetime.

Our paths crossed again, but I had lied, kept a secret from him, one he would never forgive me for.

But my secret was about to be ripped open. Displayed for the world on national news. And I had only one way to repair the damage.

I had to trust the man I lied to.

The man I never got the chance to make a life for.

The only man who could save what we had created together.

Author Bio

Nicole Blanchard lives in Florida with her daughter, and their menagerie of animals. She quit college to chase her own fairy tale that spanned the course of three continents and contained it’s fair share of dragons. Now, she owns her own business and pretends to be an adult.

She survives on a diet of too many books and substantial amounts of root beer and slim jims. When not reading, she’s lavishing attention on her family or inhaling every episode of Charmed and Sex in the City.

Author Links



Ryan Ringbloom - Fake Boobs Tour. @RyanRingbloom

New Adult Contemporary Romance.

Tori Albert is eighteen, her confidence level is zero. Her life experience…also zero. She’s a girl lost in the shuffle, hiding in the shadows, craving attention. If only someone, anyone, would notice her, maybe life would improve. 

Grant Donovan can’t stop noticing Tori, but she is young, inexperienced and naïve. She is also his best friend’s younger sister. Grant knows the best thing he can do is just walk away. So why the hell isn’t he walking away?

When a late night knock lands across her bedroom door, Tori knows what stands behind it could end in disaster…but how many time does opportunity come knocking?

Just when she thinks her luck is finally changing, the assurance Tori believes she has finally found is taken away. With new assets and a new goal in sight, Tori will soon learn her new found confidence isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Unfortunately, some things you just have to learn the hard way. 

*Contains Mature Content

Review by Wendy Book Obsessed Pimpette

* * ARC received on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review * *

this was a quick read but loved it. Tori is a 18 year old who doesn't feel pretty even in a room full of guys . she very, skinny, and has no boobs and she know guys go for the boobs. There one guy who stands out to her he's always nice, sweet and looking out for her but she really hadn't seen him til they spend time together.
Grant is one of jakes (tori brother) best friend, he has always been around tori but just recently he has started to see her differently but that can't be. Right before they leave for college tori and grant spend time together and feelings grow but that can't be.

on a visit home for the holidays tori and grant cross that line and things happen tori falls in love and just before she decides to tell him somthing happens and he ends things. tori doesn't know why.
she back at school and decides change is good and that's what she does hair, eyes and even boobs. she starts turning heads but is she happy, is she over Grant. does grant want to rekindle what they have. loved this book. 5 out of 5

Ryan Ringbloom is a YA/NA author who lives for anything Romance. The passion, love, angst, awkwardness… she loves all of it. When Ryan needs a break from reality she sneaks off to read a romantic story or write one of her own. Drinking coffee, reading Tweets and hugs from her five year old are the best part of her day.

Release Blitz - Lady of the Flames by Barbara Monajem @BarbaraMonajem @BPICPromos

Lady of the Flames
by Barbara Monajem
Series: A Most Peculiar Season
Genre: Regency Historical Paranormal Romance
Release Date: March 23, 2015

Magic is fraught with peril—but so is love.

Lord Fenimore Trent’s uncanny affinity for knives and other sharp blades led to knife fights, duels, and murderous brawls. Five years ago, he faced a choice: marry Andromeda Gibbons, the woman he loved, or find a safe, peaceful use for his blades by opening a furniture shop—an unacceptable occupation for a man of noble birth. The choice made itself when Andromeda turned to another man. The furniture shop prospered, but now Fen’s partner has been accused of treason. In order to root out the real traitor, he may face another unpalatable choice—to resort to the violent use of his blades once again.

Once upon a time, Andromeda Gibbons believed in magic. That belief faded after her mother’s death and vanished completely when Lord Fenimore, the man she loved, spurned her. Five years later, Andromeda has molded herself into a perfect—and perfectly unhappy—lady. When she overhears her haughty betrothed, the Earl of Slough, plotting treason, she flees into the London night—to Fen, the one man she knows she can trust. But taking refuge with Fen proves to mean far more than getting help—it means learning to believe in love, magic, and the real Andromeda once again.

“It’s time for bed now,” Fen said.

Andromeda’s eyes widened, but mercifully she was too exhausted to try any of her wiles on him. Not that she seemed so inclined at the moment, but earlier, when their eyes had met for a few seconds, he’d wondered. Oh, how he remembered kissing and licking those lovely feet—and stopping right there, for if he hadn't, his tongue would have wandered elsewhere and feasted indeed.

He knew for certain that she remembered it, too.

But he also doubted that she could undress by herself. “There are no women here, so I suppose I’ll have to unlace your stays.” He knew he sounded surly but couldn't help it. Time was when he’d wanted nothing more than to love this woman forever.

“If you don’t mind,” she said stiffly, standing up, hissing as her injured feet touched the rug. She pulled a small reticule from the top of her stays and set it on the dresser. “If I can put up with it, surely you can, too.”

He swore under his breath and went behind her to undo the hooks at the back of the gown. Quickly, he unlaced her stays and stood back. “I’ll give you something of mine to wear. It’ll be too big, but you need more than a shift.” He went over to his chest of drawers, pulled out a nightshirt, and tossed it onto the bed.

This would not be comfortable or easy, but they both had to sleep. “There’s a chamber pot under the bed. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He went to the door. “Call me when you’re ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“To go to bed.” She frowned, and he added, “When you've changed into the nightshirt and used the chamber pot and done whatever else you have to do. There’s a hairbrush on the dressing table if you need it.”

“Very well, but why would I call you?”

“So I can come to bed, too,” he said.

She was already pale with fatigue, but now she went stark white. “You can’t come to bed…in here…with me!”

Considering the way she’d thrown herself at him five years ago, this should be hilarious. It wasn't. It made him want to swear and throw things. “I have nowhere else to sleep.”

“No other bedchambers?”

“One, but it belongs to my valet.”

“No settee? No sofa?” She clenched her small fists.

“Only chairs. And before you ask, we’re out of sofas in the shop, too.” A damned good thing, because he didn't relish sleeping in the showroom for all his workers to find in the morning. “I need what little sleep I can get. The next few days are going to be hell in too many ways.”

If she took that as an insult, so be it. She put her hands on her hips and tried to look fierce, but her lip trembled.

He relented a little. “Don’t be a fool, Andromeda. We’re not going to do anything we shouldn't.”

She narrowed her eyes. “No, we certainly are not.”

Lord, what a fiasco. “Then what’s bothering you?”

“I won’t be able to sleep at all if you’re naked!”

He burst out laughing. Was that all that bothered her?

“It’s not proper,” she shouted, crimson with rage. The fire crackled, sounding as angry as she. “It’s not right!”

“Hush,” he retorted. “Someone might hear you.”

“Just because I’m now completely ruined doesn't mean I should be treated like a trollop.”

Where had she got that idea? He’d thought he was treating her rather well. “I won’t be naked, you idiotic girl,” he said. “I’ll wear what I have on now.”

“It’s still not right,” she said. “I’m unmarried. I can’t share my bed with a man.”

“In case you have forgotten,” he said between his teeth, “it’s my bed, and I don’t want you there, either.” He lit a candle from the branch on the dresser and went to the door. “But unless you wish to sleep on the floor, that’s the way it will be.” He left the room, shutting the door behind him.

by Ally Obsessive One Clicker

~~ ARC provided by Obsessed by Books for an honest review ~~

This was a first time reading a historical romance novel. I really enjoyed reading Lady of the Flames. This was a fast read and enjoyed every minute of it. Lady of the Flames was action packed and hooked me on the first page.

Losing her magic Andromeda feared for her life and runs to the only guy that she knew Fen. Fen is a furniture maker and likes to keep busy.


Barbara Monajem grew up in western Canada. She wrote her first story, a fantasy about apple tree gnomes, when she was eight years old, and dabbled in neighborhood musicals at the age of ten. At twelve, she spent a year in Oxford, England, soaking up culture and history, grubbing around at an archaeological dig, playing twosy-ball against the school wall, and spending her pocket money on adventure novels. Thanks to her mother, she became addicted to Regency romances as well. She is the award-winning author of several Regency novellas, many of which include elements of magic, and the Bayou Gavotte series of paranormal mysteries. Apart from writing, she loves to cook (especially soups), and the only item on her bucket list is to be successful at knitting socks (which she doesn't expect to achieve). She lives near Atlanta, Georgia, with an ever-shifting population of relatives, friends, and feline strays.