Tuesday, 21 July 2015

COVER REVEAL: Resist by Heather C Leigh @HeatherLeigh_8

By Heather C Leigh

Full Jacket/Cover
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Meet Gavin in Heather’s newest M/M standalone romance!


Add RESIST to your TBR list at: http://bit.ly/1TLdUAZ
RELEASE DATE: August 9th, 2015

All Gavin Walker, bass player for the multi-platinum selling band, Sphere of Irony, wants to do is surf, play music, and occasionally get laid. The problem is that Gavin has a stalker. A potentially deadly one. The threats he receives always mention something about Gavin being gay, which isn't public knowledge since the record label wants to keep it quiet.

Mitch Hale used to track serial killers for the FBI. A live-changing incident led him to quit the bureau and start his own company providing computerized security for Los Angeles' wealthiest people. Mitch doesn't know anyone when he moves across the country from D.C. to California, and all he has for companionship is a pathetic string of failed relationships with women.

When Gavin's manager hires Mitch to find the stalker, the men instantly hate each other. Despite the constant fighting, attraction between the two blazes hot, confusing the former FBI agent. Spending time with Gavin forces Mitch reflect on what he's denied about himself for the last ten years. Listening to Mitch's plan to catch a madman thrusts Gavin's personal life out in the open for the entire world to see.

Can Gavin and Mitch stop fighting long enough to stop a stalker before someone gets hurt? Or will they stubbornly resist the feelings that develop when they're forced to work together?

This is book 3 in a 4 part series. It is a spin-off of the Famous Series. These can be read as standalones.

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“I need a drink,” I mutter to no one in particular.
Adam Reynolds must hear me complaining because he places what I assume is a Jack and Coke in my empty hand.
“Here you go, mate.” He grins and I can’t help but smile back. The man’s enthusiasm is infectious.
Gavin, the sourpuss, is currently glaring at me from across the room. So much for us being an item. In the car, Gavin’s excitement at pretending to be boyfriends to lure out his stalker and the accompanying smile he gave had me sprouting questionable wood for most of the drive. Now he’s reverted right back to being a little shit. Hot and cold.
“Thanks, but I’m working—”
“I’ll take it, honey.” Gavin swoops in, steals the glass, and downs half of it before I can blink. I stand there, paralyzed, while I watch his pink lips caress the edge of the glass. “Thanks, dear,” he snaps, pulling me from my gawking. Before I can reply he turns and stomps off to pout somewhere.
I’m annoyed at his attitude and the distance he’s kept between us tonight. What. The. Hell. No way is he going to up and disappear on me at another party. Especially after we paraded ourrelationship in front of the media to lure his stalker out of the shadows.
“Sorry guys,” I apologize to Adam and his wife, Ellie. I was happy to finally meet them both after everything Gemma had told me about the couple when I gave her Adam’s phone number last year. Now I have to cut our conversation short because of yet another Gavin Walker temper tantrum.
Weaving through the crowd at the club, I follow Gavin to the back hallway that houses the kitchen and bathrooms. Once I’m out of sight of the other guests, I grab a shocked Gavin’s upper arm and shove him into the men’s room.
“Hey! Quit being an asshole!” Gavin wrenches out of my grip, turning to sneer. “I’ll put you on your knees again, Hale!”
The thought of being on my knees in front of Gavin sends a flush of heat up my body. I can feel the fire in my cheeks and by the way Gavin’s eyes widen, I’m betting he can see it too.
“I’m not the one behaving like a brat!” I growl in a low voice. Ducking, I check to make sure no one else is in the stalls. Once I’ve made sure it’s clear, I lock the bathroom door.
“Brat?” Gavin shouts. “I’m a brat?”
“Yes, you’re a brat. Ever since we had our picture taken outside, you’ve been unbearable to be around!”
“You’re not the one whose entire life was just turned upside down out there!” he yells.
I step closer, more furious than I’ve ever been. “Are you kidding me? You are so unbelievably self-centered!” Those damn hypnotizing full lips fall open in shock. “I was just outed too, and I’m not even fucking gay!”
Without thinking, I grab either side of his head, digging my fingers into that thick, blonde hair, and crush my mouth over his.
And it’s the hottest kiss of my life.
Just, damn.

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Incite (Book One) The Sphere of Irony Series

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1GTREwg
Google Play: http://bit.ly/1ImHM3N

Strike (Book Two) The Sphere of Irony Series

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1KfjR7v

About the Author:
Heather C Leigh
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After growing up in New England, I currently live just outside Atlanta, GA.
I love the Red Sox and hate the Yankees.
I love hot, sexy romance novels, but hate long, drawn out misunderstandings as a plot line.
I love book series, but hate cliffhangers.
I love alpha males, but hate when they borderline on abusive.
Mostly? I love love love chocolate.

Stalk Her: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Cover Reveal - The Fate of Her Dragon by Julia Mills @juliamills623

The Fate of her Dragon- banner

The Fate of Her Dragon

(Dragon Guards #9)
by Julia Mills
Coming August 11th, 2015

WLK synopsis

  The Fate of Her Dragon

Alicia crept through the forest, careful not to run into any of her sisters, her mother, one of the other witches, and most definitely a Dragon Guardsmen. It wouldn’t do to try to explain why she was traipsing all over the countryside before the sun had even risen. Not that she was really going anywhere near the entire countryside. In all actuality, her destination was always the same, a cave on the far side of the clearing that had been sealed tight with a huge boulder.
Her daily, sometimes twice daily, hikes had started the day after they’d come to stay with the Blue Dragons. It began with a dream that she couldn’t get out of her head. One that reoccurred every night, twice if she woke up, she tried to ignore it and return to sleep. Always starting and ending the same way. A haunting scene inside what she could only imagine was a deep cave. The scratchy, heavily-accented voice of a man calling her name over and over. He searched for her as if his life depended upon it. She could feel his panic always coupled with his absolute need to find her. It ended just as abruptly as it had begun and always left her feeling as if she’d somehow failed him.
How do you fail a man you’ve never met?
The worst thing was the dream would then begin again like a recording stuck on a loop. Every once in a while to break up the monotony, she would catch a glimpse of the side of his face, the slope of his broad shoulders, or if he ran in the opposite direction, his bare feet that were cut and bruised as if he’d climbed mountains without shoes. Unfortunately, nothing that gave a real clue as to his identity.
Alicia had tried calling out to him to no avail. He never answered or gave any indication he could hear her. She’d tried every spell or charm she knew of, and a few she’d looked up when Kyra had let her peruse her library, to stop dreams but nothing worked. Her mystery man still came to her and left her feeling as if she’d somehow failed him.
The dream was taking over every aspect of her life. There were even times it came to her during the day while she was zoning out doing dishes or pulling weeds in their ‘almost living’ garden. When she wasn’t trying to avoid sleeping and dreaming, she was searching for anyone that knew anything about the sealed up cave, just sure that whatever had been locked away in its rocky interior held the solution to her dilemma.
The only thing the young witch knew for sure was that if she didn’t get a good night’s sleep soon, she was going to go bat-shit crazy and that was not a good look on anyone.

WLK Author Bio

Julia Mills - author_pic

Mom of two rockin' girls, Reader of everything, Author of The Dragon Guards series and many more surprises to come!
I am a sarcastic,sometimes foul-mouthed, not afraid to drink a beer, always southern woman with 2 of the most amazing teenage daughters,
a menagerie of animals and a voracious appetite for reading who recently decided to write the storied running through her brain. I read my first book, Dr Suess' Cat in The Hat by myself at 4 and was hooked.
I believe a good book along with shoes, makeup and purses will never let a girl down and that all heroes of all the books I have ever read or will ever write pale in comparison to my daddy! I am a sucker for a happy ending and love some hot sweaty sex with a healthy dose of romance. I am still working on my story but believe it will contain all of the above with as much SPICE as I can work into it. CHEERS!

Previous Books in the Series

Dragon Guards  

Her Dragon to Slay (Dragon Guards #1)
Her Dragon's Fire (Dragon Guards #2)
Haunted by Her Dragon (Dragon Guards #3)
For the Love of her Dragon (Dragon Guards #4)
Saved By Her Dragon (Dragon Guard #5)
Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard # 6)
Fighting For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard # 7)
Her Dragon's Heart (Dragon Guard Series Book 8)
Box Set 7 Books JLM WEB 05292015
Box Set (books 1-7)

WLK Giveaway

Enter to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card !!

presented by 

Christmas Pets and Kisses

RELEASE BLITZ: Occupational Therapy by Abi Aiken & Rozlyn Sparks @RozlynSparks @lovelusterotica

Title: Occupational Therapy
Authors: Abi Aiken & Rozlyn Sparks
Series: Billionaire Dominance Book 2
Genre: BDSM

Buy Links

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Being a bad girl billionaire means never having to say you’re sorry. Even when your behavior veers from Queen Bitch into Hell on Heels. And until now, nobody has ever held Christina Pocock accountable for her actions.
But Master Sweet is no “slap it and see” Dom. He knows Christina’s desire to push the limits and arrogant demand for punishment is a distraction from a much deeper issue. And he has the perfect lesson to drive home the true value of being a sub.



Stalker Links for Rozlyn Sparks

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Stalker Links for Abi Aiken

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Release Blitz hosted by Love, Lust & Erotic Pleasures
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♛♛ NEW RELEASE ♛♛ Title: Carolina King (Drive Me Wild #2) Author: Gwendolyn Grace @lovelusterotica @AuthorGGrace

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Title: Carolina King (Drive Me Wild #2)
Author: Gwendolyn Grace
Genre: Contemporary/Erotic Romance

“Ms. Grace’s writing is again entertaining, easy to follow, thoughtful, and deliciously sensual. And also hopelessly addictive.” ~ DJ



Jonna Fox has made it her business to know everything about Mack King and it didn’t matter that he was her brother’s rival. For the last four years, he has dominated the sport of illegal street racing and was the undisputed Carolina King. Racers respected him, emulators hated him and women couldn’t resist him. There was a dangerous edge to Mack which only fueled Jonna’s attraction, but the problem was he had no idea she even existed.
No longer able to ignore her full-blown obsession, Jonna decides to make herself known to Mack. As soon as he spots her boldly moving through the crowd wearing a short skirt, and sexy high heels he wastes no time taking the bait. Except one incredibly hot and passion filled night would never be enough—for either of them.
Jonna learns that underneath the heavy weight of his crown there is so much more to Mack and the life he leads. Racing is everything to him, but in order to stay on top he succumbs to activities that have serious consequences. When a myriad of poor choices result in a situation which threatens to strip Mack King of much more than just his title, he must decide either to give up the life that has defined him or the girl who brings light to his darkness. Which will Mack choose and will it be easy as he thinks to walk away?


This was a great book in addition to the Carolina King series. I really loved reading about Mack in this one. He was totally a alpha bad boy in this one. I really loved reading him in the first Carolina King book he was an amazing character. Gwendolyn Grace creates a great series where all the characters are great. This book will hook you on the first page.

Jonna Fox is a tough as nails chick who doesn't put up with all the drama. She has two older brothers who look out for her. Mack King is a race car driver doing the back roads. He has had it rough he and his brother grew up with a dad who was in prison and a mom who worked a lot to keep her kids well off.

*** review provided by Obsessed by Books ***




Carolina Hurricane (Drive Me Wild #1)

Amazon US | Goodreads


After looking at the cover and reading the blurb of Carolina Hurricane I was instantly hooked. This was a new debut author for me to read. I really liked the story especially about it being about racing cars. Which was something totally different to read for me. I overally enjoyed reading Carolina Hurricane. This book was very entertaining with some hot and fast relationships going on here.

Harley has a smart mouth and she is one tough chick. She had it rough and doesn't trust anybody. She is in a relationship with Mack that she is trying to get out of. Drew Fox is a race car driver he is also one hot dude.

Can not wait until the second book comes out. This is a fresh new series to look forward to reading.

*** review provided by Obsessed by Books ***


Gwendolyn Grace is a contemporary and erotic romance writer. Her debut novel True made Amazon's Top 100 best selling list in Women's Fiction. She loves writing steamy stories full of emotion, love, and a little bit of angst but promises wrap it all up with a happy ending somehow. When not daydreaming about fictional characters, she tries to be a fairly decent wife and an attentive mother. In her spare time, she is a blogger and book reviewer however writing has been her passion for as long as she can remember.










Signed copy of Carolina Hurricane & $10 Gift Card
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Release Blast for RELEASE ME by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers @Amy_KRogers @AnnMarie_Walker

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$50.00 Amazon eGift Card

Chasing Fire #2
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Releasing July 21st, 2015

The second in the "seriously sexy and sinfully steamy"* Chasing Fire series, about a pain too deep to forgive and a passion too hot to forget...

Alessandra Sinclair knows that Hudson Chase is the last man she should want. The boy from the wrong side of the tracks has grown into a man who would do anything to get ahead, even if it means breaking Allie's heart. But whenever she's near him, the attraction between them is undeniable. And now that they're working together, keeping her distance from Hudson is almost as impossible as keeping her feelings in check...

Hudson already lost Allie once and he refuses to lose her again. He's determined to use their new business partnership to rekindle the spark he knows is still there. Only the closer he gets to winning her over, the clearer it becomes there are still secrets that could tear them apart for good...

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As Allie watched the Chicago River flow into Lake Michigan, she thought about the last time she’d seen Hudson Chase. It was the morning she’d uncovered the truth about his plan to take control of Ingram Media. She stared unseeingly at the gray horizon and her thoughts began to drift back to that day. Hudson standing in his foyer, a towel slung low around his hips as water dripped onto the hardwood floor. He’d begged her to let him explain, but what explanation could have possibly justified his lies and betrayal? She’d refused to hear him out, and while in her heart she knew it had been the right decision, the look on his face as the elevator doors slid closed that morning had haunted her ever since.

Behind her the conference room door opened with a soft click and the low murmur of voices told her the other board members had begun to filter into the room. But instead of greeting them and engaging in the sort of sympathetic small talk that had consumed the past few days, she remained by the windows, enjoying the last moments of calm before the eventual storm.

There was a sudden flurry of activity outside the meeting room, and instinctively she knew he had arrived. A wave of anxiety rolled through the pit of her stomach, but she took a deep, calming breath. These board meetings, while infrequent, would be inevitable. The sooner she got used to seeing him in this setting, the better.

She turned around, and a moment later Hudson Chase strolled into the boardroom. The hum of quiet conversation ground to a halt and all heads turned as one to assess the corporate raider who’d quietly amassed the second largest percentage of Ingram shares right out from under their noses.

The sight of him nearly took her breath away. Wearing a charcoal suit, white shirt, and silver-gray tie, he looked every bit the powerful, in-control CEO. But Allie knew the passion that burned behind those eyes, and when she looked at his dark, unruly hair, she knew he’d run his fingers through it just before stepping into the room. He moved with measured grace, his muscles flexing beneath his perfectly tailored suit. Allie knew every inch of that body intimately, how it felt beneath her touch, how it moved over her . . . inside her. She knew the man, not the corporate myth. He was the one who she’d fallen for. He was the one who’d broken her heart.

Though thousands of miles apart, Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers. 

Amy K. Rogers

Ann Marie Walker

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