Sunday, 27 September 2015


♥* Cover Reveal & Giveaway *♥* Tenaya Jayne's Burning Bridges @TenayaJayne

Title: Burning Bridges
Author: Tenaya Jayne
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: 30-Nov-15
Series: The Legends of Regia #4
Publisher: Cold Fire Publishing LLC 
Cover Designer: Erika Doucesse 
Editor: Finish the Story

The deadly game continues…

Kidnapped, tortured, and used as bait, Forest’s life hangs in the balance as Copernicus moves forward to claim the throne. In the shadows, an army of slaves waits to deal Regia’s new republic a killing blow. 

In the bloody aftermath of the first strike, a wave of rage builds through the races. No one is ready to lie down and hand Copernicus what he wants, least of all Syrus. 

Lives will be lost, reluctant heroes will rise, and past flames will be rekindled. But no matter what, Syrus won’t let Forest die.

“This dream is heartless,” he mumbled. “I want to wake up.”

The word heartless stung her. What did he mean by that? 

“Why do you want to wake?” she asked. 

“I want to be free of you, but you never let me go. I’m so sick of this torture. Dreams and fantasies are all I have, and they are not enough. They only leave me with this constant pain…Flesh and blood, that’s what I want. Since I can’t touch you, I wish you would go away. Leave me to my hopeless desolation and let me go numb to your memory.” 

“What if you had me again? Not a dream, but me?”

A feral sound rumbled deep in his chest and the depth of his eyes bottomed out, pulling her down. “I don’t think you could handle what I would do to you.” His hands clenched. “I don’t know if I could handle what would happen…I think if I had you in my arms again…we both might break.”

Other Books in the Series

Forbidden Forest
The Legends of Regia, Book 1
Forbidden Forest is currently a FREE download, with 377 five-star Amazon reviews.
Amazon: US I UK I AU I CA 

Forest Fire
The Legends of Regia, Book 2
Available Amazon: US I UK I AU I CA

The Legends of Regia, Book 2.5
Available Amazon: US I UK I AU I CA

Dark Soul
The Legends of Regia, Book 3
Amazon: US I UK I AU I CA

Nationally Bestselling author Tenaya Jayne has always walked a shaky line between reality and fantasy. A nomad by nature, she's lived all over the US, and now resides happily in the Midwest, with her husband and sons. She's an advocate for Autism awareness and women trapped in abusive relationships, and feels everyone has too much pain to not enjoy an escape into a fictional fantasy world. Her passions include reading, independent and foreign films, cooking, and moody music. For more about Tenaya and her books, visit

#eNovAaW Women of Words Book Blitz. @DaleFurse @mudflatbks

Walk With Me by Cardeno C Audio Tour @CardenoC

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WLK synopsis

Walk With Me - Audio CoverWalk With Me: Home Collection

When Eli Block steps into his parents’ living room and sees his childhood crush sitting on the couch, he starts a shameless campaign to seduce the young rabbi. Unfortunately, Seth Cohen barely remembers Eli and he resolutely shuts down all his advances. As a tenuous and then binding friendship forms between the two men, Eli must find a way to move past his unrequited love while still keeping his best friend in his life. Not an easy feat when the same person occupies both roles.
Professional, proper Seth is shocked by Eli’s brashness, overt sexuality, and easy defiance of societal norms. But he’s also drawn to the happy, funny, light-filled man. As their friendship deepens over the years, Seth watches Eli mature into a man he admires and respects. When Seth finds himself longing for what Eli had so easily offered, he has to decide whether he’s willing to veer from his safe life-plan to build a future with Eli.
*Walk With Me is set in the Home series where the books are linked by theme or world. They are independent and can be read in any order.

Ebook Links


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WLK Author Bio
Cardeno C - Logo
Cardeno C. - CC to friends - is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few "awwws" into a reader's day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno's stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever- after sunset.
Cardeno's Home, Family, and Mates series have received awards from Love Romances and More Golden Roses, Rainbow Awards, the Goodreads M/M Romance Group, and various reviewers. But even more special to CC are heartfelt reactions from readers, like, "You bring joy and love and make it part of the every day."
WLK Giveaway

Audible copy of Walk With Me by Cardeno C.

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Release Blitz for Damaged & Dangerous by A.J.Downey.

Title: Damaged & Dangerous
Series: The Sacred Hearts MC VI
Author: A.J. Downey
Release Date: September 27, 2015

She’s Damaged…
Dani Broussard never imagined that her life would turn out like this. She always thought that her grandfather would be there for her into adulthood and that her high school sweetheart, Jared, would be the man she would marry. That isn’t what happened though. Instead, her grandfather got sick and passed away before Dani saw the age of nineteen. It was just her and Jared until he hooked up with a local MC, The Suicide Kings… Then it was just her. Pig-Pen claimed her body, rules her life, but he would never hold her heart. Kept because of her looks and a particular set of skills unique only to her, Dani has been with The Suicide Kings for the last three years… three long damaging years. She hates it, all of it, the pain the humiliation, the fear… and as strong as Dani is, as clever as she can be, she is quickly finding that death may be the kinder, gentler option rather than live through any more of this hell.
He’s Dangerous…
Red-XIII is, and always will be, a Sacred Hearts man. But for now, he’s a Suicide Kings prospect. Tasked with providing intelligence on the King’s inner workings to his real club, Thirteen has been slowly, quietly and carefully dismantling the King’s operation from the inside out. The situation is dangerous, good thing Thirteen is a dangerous guy but even he can’t be everywhere at once and a couple of missteps have cost the Sacred Hearts dearly. Doubly determined to finish this with no more wreckage or damage to the SHMC, Thirteen is blindsided by his heart when he lays eyes on Dani. A pretty, little thing with long black hair and striking blue eyes. She slays him with one look from her damaged soul and now Thirteen has tasked himself with two missions… Take down The Suicide Kings and get both Dani and himself out alive.
For now those missions run parallel to each other but what happens if they ever end up at odds? The bigger question is, how can he get close to the VP’s Ol’ Lady as a Prospect and not get them both burned?

“How the hell you get that?” he demanded.

“Came through on my personal cell, someone mass-texted it. I have so many goddamned contacts, I didn’t realize I still had anybody from the club in it. No worries, my cover is secure. No one saw shit. I don’t leave things like that lyin’ around.”
D grunted into the phone, “Cops‘re still sittin’ on us. They still watching you?” he asked.
“If by ‘you’, you mean The Suicide Kings, then yeah. Unmarked tan cargo van when we pulled in from the run. It’s a good thing Gordy’s a paranoid fucker and sweeps for listening devices on the regular. Pretty sure they only got visual. They’ll get tired soon enough and fuck off onto something bigger and better.”
“Yeah. With our history, they ain’t investigatin’ or cryin’ too hard about our plight.” Dragon sounded both tired and downright pissed off at that. I didn’t blame him. Chandra deserved a lot better. Reave, too! Don’t get me wrong. But as a brother, you expect this shit to happen. No women and no children had been the SHMC motto from the beginning, even before our reformed ways. We did some gnarly and seriously rancid shit back in the day. Guns, drugs, gambling – you name it. But we always left the women and children out of it.

No prostituting, no hitting. Rape was liable to get your dick chopped off – which is why, no matter how fucking hard, no matter how often the Suicide Kings tried to get me to join in on one of their trains, it was no fucking dice. Because very rarely, if ever, were the chicks they were fucking at all clear-headed or into it.

It bothered me, a whole fuck of a lot, the way these animals treated their women and I found myself spilling it all. I told D everything I’d seen going on, everything I could garner about their operation, in effect, unburdening my soul from all the awful shit I’d been a party to in the name of the greater good. In the name of spying out our enemy. He was quiet for a long time on the other end and finally let out a sigh that made him sound like he felt every single year and every single mile. It’d been weeks since I last talked to him beyond a short text. The deeper I got in with these fuckers, the more I was around them, the less opportunity there was for full on communication.
“Do you need out?” he asked.
My thoughts drifted to Raccoon, to her sharp and calculating stare as she’d passed me my face mask.

“No man, I’m good. My work ain’t over yet. Not by a long, flat, mile. It’ll be done when every one of these fuckers is in the ground and the Suicide Kings ain’t nothin’ but the dust of fuckin’ memory.”

Text Copyright © 2015 A.J. Downey
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
All Rights Reserved

Trailer made with 100% stock free images and music made specifically for this trailer by
Luis Caballero at Caballero Music Ltd


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A.J. Downey is a born and raised Seattle, WA Native. She finds inspiration from her surroundings, through the people she meets and likely as a byproduct of way too much caffeine.

She has lived many places and done many things though mostly through her own imagination... An avid reader all of her life it's now her turn to try and give back a little, entertaining as she has been entertained. She lives in a small house in a small neighborhood with a larger than life fiancé and one cat.

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