Tuesday, 12 July 2016


Title: The Arcadia Falls Chronicles Omnibus (books 1-6)
Author: Jennifer Malone Wright
Genre: YA Paranormal Sale Price: $.99 (Reg. 4.99)
Dates of promo July 11th-16th
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Blurb: A war is brewing between the hunters and the vampires and Chloe is determined to strike against the vampires before they have a chance to attack. Unfortunately, her plan goes all wrong and results in a massive takeover by the undead. This group of unlikely heroes have the power of elements, magic and strength on their side. They have even recruited one of the original vampires to help aid in their mission. But will it be enough? Will society ever go back to normal now that the world knows that vampires truly exist? The Arcadia Falls Chronicles is the continuation of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter. Following the format of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter, The Arcadia Falls Chronicles is serialized into several novella-length stories.
Jennifer Malone Wright is best known for her short story series, The Vampire Hunter's Daughter. Other works include the follow up to The Vampire Hunter's Daughter series called The Arcadia Falls Chronicles, The Graveyard Guardians series, and her vampire novel called Savior. Jennifer also co-authors a series called Once Upon A Zombie Apocalypse as well the Beary Tales series. She resides in the beautiful mountains of northern Idaho with her husband and five children where she practices preparing for the zombie apocalypse. Just kidding! But seriously, between the craziness of taking care of her children, Jennifer has little time left for herself. The time she does have left, usually leading far into the night, is spent working on her beloved fiction or chatting with her equally crazy friends. Jennifer also loves coffee, has a passionate affair with red bull, wishes the sushi were better where she lives and dances while she cleans.
Author Links: Website: www.jenniferwrightauthor.com
Follow Jennifer on Twitter
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I was on autopilot now.
Open the door, get out, fight, kill … survive.
I stepped out of the car and a blast of hot, muggy, Louisiana air hit me, causing a sheen of sweat to instantly appear on my skin. The breeze didn’t do anything to help matters, it only made things worse by catching my hair and making it flutter around into my eyes.
My guns were both drawn as I moved out from behind the car door to face the men who awaited us at the bridge. They had blocked the entrance into New Orleans with their trucks and stood in front of the vehicles with their assault rifles aimed at us.
The men were in military uniforms, right down to the Kevlar and flack vests. Dark sunglasses covered their eyes, but the dragon tattoos on their right cheeks stood out, prominently displaying their loyalty to the Vampire Council. I counted eight men in uniforms. There were six of us, but that didn’t mean anything when we were up against assault rifles. It looked like Alice was going to have to do a lot of the heavy lifting for us to get out of this one.
“Set your weapons down and put your hands in the air!” The loudspeaker guy repeated.
I knew better than to look at my comrades, a good Hunter always kept her attention on the target. We had known this was coming long before we arrived, so we were somewhat prepared.
I felt more than saw the shimmering bubble of Alice’s shield silently slip around me. I knew without looking that the shield was large enough to cover the whole group.
Drew and Luke stood to my left and Gavin was directly behind me. Alice, Oscar, Zander and Christina were to our right, having pulled Zander’s truck up on that side of the Escalade. It had been decided ahead of time that none of us were going to part with our weapons. We couldn’t chance losing our only guns since there was no way for us to get any more at the moment.
“Now!” the loudspeaker guy demanded.
None of us complied with his repeated order, so the next order was to his soldiers. “Fire!”
The noise was unbelievable, I’d never in my life heard anything like it except for in the movies. The soldiers pulled the triggers on their weapons and I wanted to cower, but I forced myself to stay put and not to move. I knew everyone else was doing the exact same thing. We had to trust Alice’s shield.
Milliseconds later the rounds silently lodged themselves into the invisible barrier, then dropped down, ending their assault with the pinging sound of metal against pavement.
I stood behind our protective shield, watching the bullets stop mere inches from me and then fall to the ground. Holy crapola, of all the crazy stuff I’d seen and done in my short lifetime, that was the scariest.
“What the hell!” one of the soldiers shouted, obviously confused as to why we were all still standing.
Again, we’d anticipated their moves. We knew that there would be a stall when they realized that their guns couldn’t harm us. Gavin took that as a cue and stretched out his arms, palms facing upward. He closed his eyes and tilted his face to the sky.
Mistaking Gavin’s pose as a gesture of surrender, the soldiers resumed their shooting. These guys were making it blatantly clear that they didn’t want prisoners, they wanted death.
What Gavin was doing, however, was far from surrender. The gently moving waters of the river suddenly began to quake and shift, rising into waves as Gavin’s power took hold.
The soldiers were too intent on us, their targets, to look around them and see what was happening. So they didn’t see the giant waves growing high into air on each side of the bridge.
They continued to shoot at us despite their confusion. “Keep firing,” the loudspeaker guy ordered. The other soldiers glanced at each other, but followed direction.
The shield held, withstanding the force of all the gunfire. I watched the waters rise up into the air and hoped to God that it would continue to hold. I glanced over at Alice and found her standing calmly with her eyes closed, blocking out the world around her so that her concentration wouldn’t be disrupted. If her concentration fell, so would the shield.
The waters around the bridge had finally reached about thirty feet high when Gavin lifted his arms straight up, reaching to the heavens. The huge waves of water suspended there, waiting for Gavin to tell them what to do. Then, grunting like he had been holding all the weight of the water, Gavin swung his arms downward, his whole body lowering into a kneeling position as he did so.
The water crashed down onto the bridge like a tsunami. The soldiers in front of us didn’t suspect a thing as the river water fell onto them with its full weight of thousands of pounds.   
A cry of triumph resounded from our small group, myself included. I raised my guns into the air and yelled right along with them as we watched the soldiers disappear into the murky water.
Nothing so magical had ever happened to me as watching all that water hit the shield. It was like being inside of a fish tank. The entire world vanished, aside from what we could see in the bubble. Thank goodness, Alice had included the vehicles within the protection of the shield.
We waited for the area to clear, watching the water slide down the outside of the barrier. The time it took was probably less than one minute in real time, but it felt like freaking forever to me.
Gavin had returned to his normal stance, but was gently moving his hands and forcing the water over the bridge to clear the way.
When the majority of the water was gone, I visually searched every inch of space I could see, hoping that the wave had taken most of the soldiers with it. But, the first sign of life that I saw was an angry soldier trudging toward us. He had no weapon, most likely having lost it when the wave hit.
“Drop the shield,” I ordered.
I heard a sigh of relief as Alice let the shimmering bubble fall, exposing us to the soldier and any others who happened to be out there. For me, there was always a decision when it came to weapons. I had my fire, which was a constant inner force begging to be let out. So, as this man steamrolled toward me, I felt the urge to roast his ass. Instead, I pushed back the fire and raised one of my guns. He was in full military gear with the flack vest and Kevlar helmet, so I aimed for the neck.
Again, the remorse of killing a human being and not a vampire sat heavy in my stomach. I didn’t like this at all, not one little bit. But, like before, this guy was going to kill us if I didn’t do something. Kill … or be killed. That was the bottom line.


Alexis Riddley spends her day’s knee deep in the grind of corporate America, but her love of reading is what pushed her to put pen to paper. Bringing to life the stories that once existed only in her head. Alexis loves the outdoors, adventures, and music. Oftentimes music is the catalyst or the trigger for memories, and emotions that she uses in her writing. Alexis rarely watches television, but is a total comic book freak, superheroes, the whole lot of them. She is obsessed. Alexis is willing to try anything, at least once, as long as it keeps the soul free and the mind open. She is a kid at heart who refuses to let age define her and limitations contain her. Alexis is a romantic, with a twisted mind and sexy imagination. She still believes that happy endings exist, just that sometimes they do not come in the pretty packaging you may have expected.

Cover Reveal
Title: Synister: The Push Series, Book 1
Genre: Contemorary Romance
Release Date: August 2, 2016
As I took the steps to the stage I soaked in the moment, allowing the feeling and emotion to fill the void.  I knew their love for me was only temporary, but it was enough.  Enough to keep me going forward, and enough to sate any desire for permanency.  This was my reality, all I was capable of feeling.  A brief encounter with a sea of nameless faces,  the anonymity kept them from seeing me for who I really was at my core.  To them I was Synister Smith, and god damn it they loved me.

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Title: Love and Grace
Genre: Sweet Romance
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Blurb: This collection of sweet and inspirational novellas has an uplifting love story for everyone. These stories bring a touch of grace to romance, and a touch of romance to your heart.
Our twelve authors have collaborated to bring together this collection. Each story relates to dyslexia in some way, and the full proceeds from all the stories benefit Gracepoint – A School for Dyslexia. This box set is our collective gift of love and support to you and the children Gracepoint serves.
Can a town save a marriage? Will a high school reunion offer a second chance at love? Can a man with a secret and a woman afraid of being hurt learn to trust? Can a girl running from her past escape her heart? Will a woman trapped in the past discover the true importance of family? Can unexpected love become the best present ever?
You’ll find hours of enjoyment as well as a satisfying ending to each story. No cliffhangers and no partial novels are offered here, just an escape into worlds of love, families, and grace.
Tag Line: Romance for the soul, a gift from the heart
Participating  Authors & Titles:
ONE AUTUMN LOVE by Lindi Peterson
MONTANA BORN by Hildie McQueen
LETTERS TO RACHEL  by Airsick Phoenix
WHERE YOU BELONG by MK Smith and Lori Freeland
BROKEN WINGS by Alexandrea Weis
SECOND CHANCES by Walt Mussell



Love Between the Covers
A Documentary Film
Written, Produced & Directed by: Laurie Kahn
Releasing July 12th, 2016
Distributed by: The Orchard

Love stories are universal. Love stories are powerful.  And so are the women who write them.

Love Between the Covers is the fascinating story of the vast, funny, and savvy female community that has built a powerhouse industry sharing love stories.  Romance fiction is sold in 34 languages on six continents, and the genre grosses more than a billion dollars a year -- outselling mystery, sci-fi, and fantasy combined.  Yet the millions of voracious women (and sometimes men) who read, write, and love romance novels have remained oddly invisible. Until now.

For three years, we follow the lives of five very diverse published romance authors and one unpublished newbie as they build their businesses, find and lose loved ones, cope with a tsunami of change in publishing, and earn a living doing what they love—while empowering others to do the same. Romance authors have built a fandom unlike all others, a global sisterhood where authors know their readers personally and help them become writers themselves. During the three years we’ve been shooting Love Between the Covers, we have witnessed the biggest power shift that has taken place in the publishing industry over the last 200 years. And it’s the romance authors who are on the front lines, pioneering new ways to survive and build communities in this rapidly changing environment. 

Watch Now

The Official Trailer

Director/Producer LAURIE KAHN’s films have won major awards, been shown on PBS primetime, broadcast around the world, and used widely in university classrooms and community groups. Her first film, A Midwife’s Tale, was based on the 18th century diary of midwife Martha Ballard and Laurel Ulrich’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book A Midwife’s Tale. It won film festival awards and a national Emmy for Outstanding Non-Fiction. Her film TUPPERWARE! was broadcast in more than 20 countries, won the George Foster Peabody Award and was nominated for a national Best Nonfiction Director Emmy. Kahn previously worked on Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, The American Experience, FRONTLINE’S Crisis in Central America, All Things Considered, and Time Out. She’s a resident scholar at Brandeis’s Women’s Studies Research Center.

For more information on the film, http://www.lovebetweenthecovers.com/ 


Title: Edge of Glory
Series: Friendship, Texas #1  
Author: Magan Vernon
Genre: Sports Romance/Romantic Comedy
 Release Date: July 12, 2016


"Welcome to Conti's. I'm Lia and I'll nguhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I froze. Directly facing me was Olympic swimmer, Jay Morningstar…and I just made an idiot of myself.

The rest of the table looked up to see my standing there with my mouth practically gaping. His coach, who I recognized from TV interviews, and even two other swimmers from the Olympic team. They didn't say anything, they didn't even blink.

"Uh…I mean…"

I couldn't even put together my words and Jay Morningstar was just staring at me with that Wheaties box smile and those icy blue eyes. 

What was I supposed to say? Sorry I just made a weird noise, it's just that I have a poster of you on my wall where you are wearing nothing more than your gold medals, a smile, and a pair of man panties?

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Snow in Texas didn’t happen.

The weather report said that we were supposed to get significant snowfall, but I told Jay that the weatherman was usually wrong so there was nothing to worry about.

This was one of the first times that Jay was going to hang out at my house and nothing was going to ruin that for me.

Or so I thought.

I'd cleaned everything from top to bottom a million times over and made sure my parents would both be at the restaurant along with Sonny.

Jay was just coming over to watch a movie, but I couldn't wear my usual "lounging" gear of sweatpants. It took me forever to figure out what to change into after school and put on extra deodorant.

Staring at myself one last time in the mirror, I thought I could pull off looking half way decent. I smoothed out my sweater and touched up my lip gloss.

Okay, so maybe I wasn't a Christy Quinn with a great fashion sense, but hey, a sweater and jeans weren’t that bad.

The doorbell rang and I bolted down the stairs only to feel something warm and squishy underneath my sock-clad feet.

I winced, not wanting to look at what I stepped in, but as soon as Nonna's goat walked into the foyer, I knew it was exactly what I thought it was.

"Nonna! What is Capra doing in the house?"

Nonna shuffled into the foyer and looked down at my feet then at Capra, swatting him on the butt and swearing in Italian. Capra snorted and turned around, dropping another big pile of little pellet poops on the ground before she sauntered toward the living room.

I put my hand on my head and looked between the new pile of poop, the one on my foot, and the door where Jay was standing behind the stained glass door.

I didn't even have any time to panic. I whipped off my socks and turned, cracking the door open slightly, trying to put on my biggest smile. "Um, hey, Capra had a little bit of an accident, so I'm just going to clean it up before you come in. Okay?"

Jay raised an eyebrow. "Um. Okay?"

I shut the door again and then raced my socks to the laundry room, throwing them in the wash then moved as fast as I could to clean up the new piles.

I let out a deep breath before I opened the door again to see a smiling Jay. He always found a way to look better than me, no matter what he was wearing. His hair was still wet as if he just got out of the shower, or maybe the pool, and he smelled of soap and cool mint. I tried not to let my eyes wander at the way his thin black t-shirt clung to him with moisture still on his chest, but there is only so much a girl can resist.

Or maybe he was freezing and I was the jerk that didn't let him in because I was cleaning up goat poop.

Author Bio

Magan Vernon has been living off of reader tears since she wrote her first short story in 2004. She now spends her time killing off fictional characters, pretending to plot while she really just watches Netflix, and she tries to do this all while her two young children run amok around her Texas ranch.

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Title: Hello
Series: Dressing a Billionaire #1  
Author: Jamie Lee Scott
Genre: Romantic Comedy
 Release Date: July 12, 2016


With the same wicked humor USA Today bestselling author Jamie Lee Scott used to write her Gotcha Detective Agency mysteries, comes a whole new romantic comedy series, Dressing A Billionaire.

HELLO - Maisy Tucker, Texas born and bred, former "stylist to the stars" in sunny southern California, last seen living in her Jetta, wearing the same clothes for three days, and sporting an adult diaper.

Seen by, billionaire Hugo Popovits (a Duck Dynasty reject, wearing a graphic tee, board shorts, and camouflage Crocs) as Maisy's car dies in front on his at an intersection in Dallas.

Maisy needs a break, and a job.

Hugo needs a personal and wardrobe makeover.

Will a chance meeting give both Maisy and Hugo what they both need?

Or will it lead to a funny and unpredictable series of events that puts Maisy and Hugo at odds, while Maisy rebuilds her personal stylist career, and Hugo insists his “style” is just fine.

Hello - Dressing a Billionaire #1
Style - Dressing a Billionaire #2
Mine - Dressing a Billionaire #3

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I’d been on the road for three days, which meant I’d heard every song on my iPod about a hundred times, and I had way too much time to think, cry, scream obscenities at the universe, and contemplate my future. And yet by the time I’d made it to merely blocks from my destination, I still had no idea what the hell I was doing, or going to do next.

Somehow driving to Los Angeles from Dallas had been much prettier. The sky bluer, the hills, well, let’s face it, just as brown, there’s a drought after all. The route from the City of Angels back to the “Big D” lacked the same appeal.

It took me a full day to get the nerve to call my parents and tell them, “I’m coming home.”

“Great. Are you getting a hotel?” Mom asked.

“No, Mom, I’m coming home to stay.” The words caught in my throat and I cried.

“Oh,” she sounded terrified, not sympathetic.

“Can you tell dad?” I hiccuped through the sobbing. “But don't tell anyone else.”

She’d obviously called my best friends, because suddenly my phone blew up. I ignored it as much as possible. I refused to respond to the calls, messages, and texts, figuring I’d tell everyone at the same time, so I didn’t have to relive the story over and over.

By the time I’d hit the Dallas city limits my back ached, my knees throbbed, and my eyes needed toothpicks to hold my lids open, but I had only a few miles left to get to my parents’ place. If I could take both hands off the wheel and still drive, I’d put my hands over my face and scream into them.

Stopped at a light, just a few miles from home, the reality sank in. I’d left my career over a stupid guy. Three days ago I’d been in the most fake place in the world, and I loved it. This was home, real home, where even though I knew they cringed and prayed I’d only be staying for a few weeks at the longest, my mom and dad would welcome me with open arms, and I dreaded it. I waited for the light to turn green, wondering for the gazillionth time what I was going to do next.

A horn blared behind me, and I resisted the urge to roll down my window and flip them the bird. I stepped on the gas, and my Jetta died. No problem, this had happened before. It groaned and almost caught life, then nothing.


I tried again.


“No.” I slammed the heels of my hands against the steering wheel.

More horns blasted a symphony behind me. The urge to flip them off overwhelmed me, but I had a stronger urge to cry. I searched around the steering wheel and dashboard for the hazard light thingy. I’d never had to use it in the decade I’d owned the car. You’d think they put them in the same place on every car. I knew where it was on my mom’s Ford Edge. But no, stupid Volkswagen had to be different.

My hand trembled as I looked, because now I heard shouting as well as honking. Okay, stop, think. I tried to start it again. I heard a chug, chug, chug sound, but nothing actually happened. I grabbed my phone to call my dad, and as I picked it up, I saw the battery read one percent. By the time I got the number dialed, the phone would be dead. And with my car lifeless, I couldn’t charge my phone. Why the hell hadn’t I plugged it in when I’d started driving earlier that morning?

Ah, the triangle doodad, that must be the…I pressed the button. Both blinker lights blinked. Good, now maybe everyone would stop honking and hollering. Besides, we’d sat through the green, to another red light. I took a deep breath, then looked out my driver’s side window.

I screamed, “Holy shit!”
I kid you not, a Duck Dynasty wannabe stood outside my car. Full brown beard, matching hair falling over his shoulders, and surfer clothes, he may as well have had a sign that read “will work for food.” I shook my head. I needed some sleep. Real sleep, like three full days of uninterrupted sleep.

Author Bio

Jamie Lee Scott is the USA Today bestselling author of the Gotcha Detective Agency Mysteries. Originally from the Central Coast of California, Jamie was swept off her feet by a dashing Iowa farm boy and moved to the Midwest.

After several years of running a restaurant with her husband, she felt the urge to kill people. Rather than going postal, she began writing mysteries.

Jamie also writes screenplays for feature films and TV.

Her short film, No One Knows, was produced in 2012 and made its film festival rounds in 2013-14. It was nominated for multiple awards and won its category at Bare Bones Film Festival. In January 2015, No One Knows made its television debut on DirecTV, where it was voted Editor's Choice for ShortsHD. The short film has a two year contract with DirecTV, and will be shown periodically.

Along with her critically acclaimed Gotcha Detective Agency series, Jamie debuted her Uncertain series in 2015. 2016 is the year of romantic comedy for Jamie, with her Trilogy: Dressing a Billionaire releasing this summer. Book #1 – Hello Book #2 – Style Book #3 – Mine

Jamie lives on a farm with her family, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 horses. When she's not writing or reading, she's riding horses and competing at barrel races and making films.

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