Alexis Riddley spends her day’s knee deep in the grind of corporate America, but her love of reading is what pushed her to put pen to paper. Bringing to life the stories that once existed only in her head. Alexis loves the outdoors, adventures, and music. Oftentimes music is the catalyst or the trigger for memories, and emotions that she uses in her writing. Alexis rarely watches television, but is a total comic book freak, superheroes, the whole lot of them. She is obsessed. Alexis is willing to try anything, at least once, as long as it keeps the soul free and the mind open. She is a kid at heart who refuses to let age define her and limitations contain her. Alexis is a romantic, with a twisted mind and sexy imagination. She still believes that happy endings exist, just that sometimes they do not come in the pretty packaging you may have expected.
Cover Reveal
Title: Synister: The Push Series, Book 1
Genre: Contemorary Romance
Release Date: August 2, 2016
As I took the steps to the stage I soaked in the moment, allowing the feeling and emotion to fill the void. I knew their love for me was only temporary, but it was enough. Enough to keep me going forward, and enough to sate any desire for permanency. This was my reality, all I was capable of feeling. A brief encounter with a sea of nameless faces, the anonymity kept them from seeing me for who I really was at my core. To them I was Synister Smith, and god damn it they loved me.
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