Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Release Day: ONLY FOR US by Cristin Harber @CristinHarber


ONLY FOR US by Cristin Harber is available now! Be sure to grab the third part in Grayson & Emma's epic love story - and if you haven't read the first part yet, you can grab ONLY FOR HIM here!



The third installment of the Only series. Must be read in order. Grayson and Emma. First love. True love. And... they have a daughter. Abandonment is his curse. He left his woman, survived his team, and missed the moment most precious to a father. Until now. I didn't know you were killing yourself with work. I didn't know you're raising our daughter. So help me God, had I known, there is no military force on earth that would've kept me from you. Love needs to heal all, or they won't survive the collision of their separate lives. Emma must reach deep into her heart that is barely hanging on and find forgiveness. Grayson, wrecked with PTSD-filled nightmares, must prove that he's here to stay and able to rebuild his family against all odds. I need to say I love you. But what I mean is I love you--in a way that defies definition and exists only in a world that you and I are in. Only for Us is the third installment in the Only series. All novellas will release Spring 2015.
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  EXCERPT “I’ve done nothing for you to give me that trust, but I need you to anyway.” I’m not pressed against his chest anymore. The warmth that encapsulated me moments ago is gone, but I feel different. Life’s shifted—I’ve been hanging on this roller coaster for years, and now it’s as if we’re cautiously slipping toward smooth sailing. The lump in my throat eases, and my eyelids lift, my gaze falling on the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. “What do you say?” He inches closer. “I love you, Grayson.” Deep breath. “When it comes to us, I’m all in.”


ABOUT CRISTIN HARBER Cristin Harber is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author. She writes sexy, steamy romantic suspense and military romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller.

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Release Day Blitz for Wagers Gone Awry by Collette Cameron @Collette_Author

Wagers Gone Awry
by Collette Cameron
Series: Conundrums of the Misses Culpepper, Book 1
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date: April 7, 2015

Celebrate the release of Wagers Gone Awry
Tuesday, April 14th from 5:00pm - 10:30pm EST
Click the Party Banner to join!

Brooke Culpepper resigned herself to spinsterhood when she turned down the only marriage proposal she’d likely ever receive to care for her family. After her father dies, a distant cousin inherits the estate and becomes their guardian but permits Brooke to act in his stead.

Heath, Earl of Ravensdale is none-too-pleased to discover five young women call the dairy farm he won and intends to sell, their home. Desperate, pauper poor, and with nowhere to go, Brooke proposes a wager. His stakes? The farm. Hers? Her virtue. The land holds no interest for Heath, but Brooke does and he accepts her challenge.

Brooke loses, and her devastation is compounded when the cousin arrives, intending to haul the Culpepper misses off to London. Heath astounds himself and proposes in order to apply for guardianship of the other girls. Does Brooke dare marry the handsome stranger who’d been bent on compromising her? Will Heath regret his impulsive gesture, or will unexpected love flourish?

“Is someone at the door, Duffen? In this weather?”

The door swung open and revealed a striking blonde, wearing a dress as ugly and drab as the dismal day.

Heath’s jaw sagged.

Despite the atrocious grayish gown, the woman’s figure stole the air from him. Full breasts strained against the too small dress, tapering to a waist his hands could span. And from her height, he’d lay odds she possessed long, graceful legs. Legs that could wrap around his waist and…

Though cold to his marrow, his manhood surged with sensual awareness. He shifted his stance, grateful his long overcoat covered him to his ankles. He snapped his mouth shut. Evict this shapely beauty? Surely a monumental mistake had been made. Gainsborough couldn't be so cold-hearted would he?

The woman regarded him much like a curious kitten; interest piqued, yet unsure of what to make of him. Her dark blue, almost violet, eyes glowed with humor, and a smile hovered on her plump lips. The wind teased the flaxen curls framing her oval face.

A dog poked its snout from beneath her skirt and issued a muffled warning.

“Hush, Freddy. Go inside. Shoo.”

She neatly stepped over the portly corgi. The bodice of her gown pulled taught exposing hardened nipples.

Another surge of desire jolted Heath.

Disturbing. Uncharacteristic this instant lust.

Rainwater dribbled from the hair plastered to his forehead into his eyes. He swiped the strands away to see her better.

The dog skulked into the house. Just barely. He plopped onto the entrance, his worried brown-eyed gaze fixed on Heath.

Ebénè nudged him, none too gently.

He glared at the grinning buffoon peeking around the doorframe. The woman probably thought Heath a half-witted dolt.


A ruckus echoed behind her. She glanced behind her as four more young women crowded into the entry.

Blister and damn. A bloody throng of goddesses.

Surely God’s favor had touched them, for London couldn't claim a single damsel this exquisite, let alone five diamonds of the first water.

Gainsborough had some lengthy explaining to do.

* * * * *

“My lord, this way if you please.” Miss Culpepper motioned to the doorway the girl dressed in green disappeared into earlier. “We’ll give you a moment of privacy to dry yourself and exchange your coat for Papa’s. It’s rather worn, I’m afraid, but you should be a mite more comfortable than wearing yours.”

The trio filed through the entrance, slender as reeds, each of them. A natural physical tendency or brought on by insufficient food? Mayhap both.

Heath followed, guilt’s sharp little teeth nipping at his heels. He glimpsed the tray as Miss Brette arranged it on a table before the fireplace. How they could be charitable he didn’t know, and had their situations been reversed, honesty compelled him to admit, he mightn’t have been as hospitable. Not much better than their snake of a cousin, was he? The notion left a sickening knot in his middle and a rancorous taste on his tongue.

Actually, the foul taste might be a spot of mud he’d licked from his lip. Pray God the dried crumb was mud and not some other manner of filth.

“Let’s give his lordship a moment, shall we?” With a wan smile, Miss Culpepper ushered her wards from the study.

Frenetic whispers sounded the moment they left his sight.

Heath made quick work of exchanging the jackets. The one he donned smelled slightly musty and a hint of tobacco lingered within the coarsely woven threads. Too big around, the garment skimmed his waist. The Culpeppers didn’t get their height or svelteness from Mr. Culpepper’s branch of the family. Heath tugged at a too-short sleeve, and his third finger sank into a moth hole.

What brought this family to such destitution?

* * * * *

Bestselling, award-winning author, Collette Cameron, has a BS in Liberal Studies and a Master's in Teaching. Author of the Castle Brides Series. Highland Heather Romancing a Scot Series, and Conundrums of the Misses Culpepper Series, Collette writes Regency and Scottish historicals and makes her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and five mini-dachshunds. Mother to three and a self-proclaimed Cadbury Chocolate chocoholic, Collette loves a good joke, inspirational quotes, flowers, trivia, and all things shabby chic and cobalt blue. You'll always find dogs, birds, quirky—sometimes naughty—humor, and a dash of inspiration in her novels.

Her motto for life? You can’t have too much chocolate, too many hugs, or too many flowers or books.

She’s thinking about adding shoes to that list.

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Release Blitz for Roxy by Stevie J. Cole @givemebooksblog @steviejcole

Title: Roxy
Series: Pandemic Sorrow #3
Author: Stevie J. Cole
 Release Date: April 7, 2015


My life had been no fairy tale. Actually, growing up, it had been something more like a nightmare, which is why I ended up so hard. When you don't want to hurt having the ability to be numb is your best defense mechanism. And for a long time all I was doing was existing.

Jag Steele, the lead singer of the international rock band Pandemic Sorrow, was the epitome of everything I despised: arrogant, entitled, but the thing I hated most about him was that he was an addict. Drugs had been the demon that had ruined everything in my life, and anyone who had a love affair with them pretty much made my stomach turn. It brought up memories I wanted to stay buried. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly a fan of Jag.

Funny thing is, people aren't always who you expect them to be. Never in a million years would I have thought the night I meet Jag would have any significance on the rest of my life, but it did.

I found out that sometimes something that screams utter destruction might actually be your saving grace. Some people may say our story is too screwed up to be a romance, but for two broken people, we made the pieces fit together perfectly.

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Author Bio

I love writing (obvious since I'm on here, right?) I don't have a specific genre - I just write whatever story manifests itself inside my brain.

Writing is like therapy. There is nothing else that I can lose myself in the way I can a story.  It amazes me that words can take you away from reality and leave you in a dazed state once you've finished.

Aside from writing, I love sloths and mythology. I kind of have a thing for vampires, because let's face it, something about the fact that they fight the urge to bite your neck and drain the life from you is rather sexy. I have an irrational fear of the zombie apocalypse. I honestly cannot imagine a more horrifying way to go than by being ripped to shreds by a mass of mumbling, decaying, and oozing corpses with clicking teeth. Ugh! I just shuddered typing it.

Now the boring basics: I'm married with two wonderful children. I grew up in the south listening to a ton of grunge rock. Me and my sister have an obsession with going to concerts and getting front and center. We often fight over who can get the most swag from the band. I have an unhealthy obsession with Russell Brand's mind, and the smell of crayons is the most soothing smell there is.

I hope if you read my work that you will enjoy it. After all, writing is the most amazing magic trick of all... it puts the reader in the mind of the writer (kind of creepy if you think about it). It's scary inside my brain, watch out!

I hope you love my little worlds as much as I do.

Xx- Stevie J

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