Friday, 17 April 2015


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Book Title: Lives Entwined
Author: Eve Newton
Publication Date: Nov. 23, 2014
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Alex Monaghan was doing great with his life until his new boss walked into it. Cassandra Bellingham was beautiful, young and successful, but little did he know she had another side to her that he couldn't understand and a mysterious, brooding lover, Rex, that he knew nothing about. He was drawn to her, as she was to him and even though she was forced to keep her secrets for a variety of personal and professional reasons, she remained torn between Rex and Alex. These two men who each gave her what she wanted, but in very different ways. As their involvement with each other got deeper, so did the twist. Love found and lost, a friend's betrayal, family with shady dealings, a housekeeper with a grudge and a broken man looking for his redemption but in the wrong place, sees six lives tangled together in an intricate web that nobody expected, and that changes all of their lives forever. Will it be for better or for worse? Contains scenes of light BDSM intended for mature readers only.
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**Sale Alert** Lives Entwined is currently on sale for $1.99 for a limited time!
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  Eve Newton Teaser 1 eve teaser 2    photo Author Bio-640x286_zpsftdnpqvm.gif AuthorPic2Eve is a UK novelist with a passion for anything paranormal & erotic. She loves Louboutins, good wine, and of course, a good book! Eve has always loved to read, anything Paranormal catches her interest, and writing has always been a passion of hers, so she decided to take the plunge and combine the two into a series of Paranormal Erotica novels. Eve has loads more ideas churning around in her head and can't wait to get them down on paper (or screen!). There are currently twelve books in the Forever series published, including a short spin-off. Eve plans to keep writing the series to Book 15, with one more spin-off novella. Eve has also released two volumes of The Early Years Series, the first book out of three in a new Paranormal series - Demon Bound (Bound Series, Book One), Erotic Romance novel's Lives Entwined and The Art of Deception and a short Bound Series Prequel. She hopes you will enjoy reading her books as much as she enjoys writing them!

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EXCERPT REVEAL : Third Debt by Pepper Winters @PepperWinters

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More Jethro & Nila?  Yes Please!

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Sneak Peek Excerpt
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I MEANT WHAT I said before.
I meant it with every bone in my body.
Someone has to die.
I still stood by that conclusion. Only, I’d hoped it wouldn’t be me.
Too bad wishes never come true.
I’d always wondered what it would feel like. How I would react, knowing that I’d failed. I’d lain awake so many nights trying to imagine how I would behave when my father finally had enough. I’d scared myself shitless fearing I wouldn’t be strong enough, brave enough, to face the consequences I’d lived with all my life.
But none of that mattered now. I’d done what I swore never to do and revealed myself. My father knew there was no changing me—he would come for me.
But so fucking what?
She’s safe.
That was all I needed to focus on.
I’d done my utmost to be the perfect son, but I’d been fighting an unwinnable battle. No matter how much I wished I could be like them—I wasn’t. And it was pointless to keep fighting.
Not anymore.  I’m done.

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“She healed me. She broke me. I set her free. But we are in this together. We will end this together. The rules of this ancient game can’t be broken.”

Nila Weaver no longer recognises herself. She’s left her lover, her courage, and her promise. Two debts down. Too many to go.

Jethro Hawk no longer recognises himself. He’s embraced what he always ran from, and now faces punishment far greater than he feared.

It’s almost time. It’s demanding to be paid.

The Third Debt will be the ultimate test...

Series Reading Order
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Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1) FREE

First Debt (Indebted #2)

Second Debt (Indebted #3)

Third Debt (Indebted #4)

PREORDER Fourth Debt (Indebted #5) NOW

About the Author:
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Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.

Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)

Her Grey Romance books include:

STALK Pepper: Website | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Blog | Goodreads


Predestined Hearts by Kelly Elliott and Kristin Mayer NEW COVER @author_kelly @author_kristin

Love has existed since the beginning of time. For Ashlin Thomas, love was an illusion that she desperately wanted to make a reality.

Returning home to Savannah, after her aunt’s death, Ashlin must deal with the harsh realities life has dealt her.

As Ashlin begins sorting through her aunt’s personal effects, she stumbles upon a journal. Not just any journal, but the words of her great great great grandmother, Sophia.

Two love stories intertwine with each other as Ashlin reads the beautiful words, written over a hundred years ago.

The intense connection Ashlin feels with Sophia begins to allow her to find herself. Never thinking love was possible for her, Ashlin now sees it is within her grasp.

But, life is never perfect. Life is never fair.

When faced with the decision that could change Ashlin’s future … will she sacrifice one love for another, or will her predestined heart lead her home?

Amazon     iBooks    Barnes & Noble   Kobo

A light rap on the counter brought my attention to the man in front of me. He had dark-brown hair that was tousled about in disarray. His warm brown eyes melted through me. The five o’clock shadow from the stubble on his face showcased his strong jaw line. He was sinfully gorgeous and I could feel my insides turn all gooey from the sight of him in front of me.
My mouth was dry as he looked at me expectantly. In that moment, it was as if something within me altered and changed. I couldn’t explain it.
Get it together, Ashlin.
“I’m sorry. It’s been a long day. Can you repeat what you said?” My voice came out fairly normal, which I was proud of, versus the crazy energy I felt pulsating within me.
He gave a gentle look; it wasn’t cocky or knowing, but only sweet. “Is there anything I can get you?”
Smiling back, I responded, “I’ll have the beef stew and a water.”
“Good choice. Coming right up.” He rapped his knuckles on the counter as he walked off to the left.
I wasn’t paying attention to how his white shirt was rolled up to his elbows. Nope. And I wasn’t paying attention to how his khaki pants hugged him in all the right places. Nope. And I for sure wasn’t staring at him as if he would be sex on a stick. Nope.
Seriously get it together, Ashlin. My life has turned inside out and the last thing I need to be thinking about is sex.
The man turned back toward me and I looked up at the television screen that was above, hoping I wasn’t caught ogling the bartender. I need a life, seriously. Time passed and before I knew it, a steaming bowl of beef stew with a little plate of bread was set in front of me.
It smelled delicious. “Thank you.”
The bartender smiled. I glanced back to my stew as I ate.
He responded, “You’re welcome.”
Taking a bite, it was one of the most delicious stews I had ever tasted. I moaned in appreciation.
“It’s that good, eh?”
I licked my lips and felt heat creep up on my face. Not realizing I had closed my eyes, I tentatively opened them and glanced at the bartender, who was looking at me more intensely than before. “Oh, I did not mean to do that out loud.” Picking up my napkin, I dabbed the corner of my mouth. “Give my complements to the chef. It’s incredible. I’d love to get the recipe.”
He leaned on the counter. “I’ll let the chef know. I know him pretty well, and I’d say if he could get that type of reaction out of every beautiful woman who ate the stew, he’d serve it all the time versus only on special occasions.”
The bartender moved a little closer to me and I smiled at his playful face while wanting to reach out and trace that devastatingly handsome jaw line. Conspiringly, he whispered, “I’ve heard that the recipe is a family secret. You’d have to marry the chef in order to get it.”
I giggled as he winked at me. “Okay, if I get that desperate to have it, I’ll know to bring a ring and my bended knee.”
He chuckled and stood. “So, what brings you to Savannah?”
“Is this where I lay all my troubles on the line for the bartender to listen and give advice?” I teased with him as I cocked my head.
He shrugged as he mixed a drink. The bar was otherwise vacated except one person at the end who nursed a beer. “I happen to listen and give advice for free on Wednesday’s.”
My smile was wide. There was something magnetic about this man and I didn’t want our conversation to end. “Well, it’s a good thing it’s Wednesday.”
“Yes, it is.” 

Gazing around the room, I searched for Daniel. My father and mother were busy talking to Mr. and Mrs. Stowe along with two other couples, whom I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing. A young gentleman had been talking my ear off and I was in desperate need of fresh air.
Turning to him, I asked, “Will you please excuse me? I am in need of some fresh air.”
“Shall I join you?” he asked.
I quickly shook my head. “No. No, that will not be necessary. I have a slight headache and need some time alone.”
Nodding his head, he smiled and took a step back, giving me a quick bow. Returning the polite gesture, I began toward the kitchen. One look over my shoulder showed my mother watching me intently. I’m sure she was distressed at the idea of me wandering off and being late to sit down for dinner.
Somehow managing to find my way to the back gardens, I smiled and inhaled a deep breath. All I smelled were azaleas. I walked along the cobblestone pathway that intertwined among Magnolia trees and some of the most amazing flowers I’d ever seen. My mother would be green with envy were she to lay her eyes upon this colorful garden.
“It goes on forever,” I whispered.
“One can easily get lost back here.”
I stopped the moment I heard his voice. Closing my eyes, I placed my gloved hands on my stomach to calm the butterflies. Inhaling a deep breath through my nose, I slowly blew it out as I turned to face him.
Daniel. His eyes widened and he licked his lips. I raised the corner of my mouth and bowed slightly. Daniel walked up to me and smiled, causing my knees to shake. For a moment, it felt as if the earth was moving and I fought to stand upright.
He took a step closer to me as his eyes moved about my face. When they landed on my lips, I instinctively licked them. His eyes were ablaze with fire. I took a step back as he took another step forward. My breathing increased as I felt something I’d never felt before.

Kelly Elliott is married to a wonderful Texas cowboy who has a knack for making her laugh almost daily and supports her crazy ideas and dreams for some unknown reason...he claims it's because he loves her!
She’s also a mom to an amazing daughter who is constantly asking for something to eat while her fingers move like mad on her cell phone sending out what is sure to be another very important text message.
In her spare time she loves to sit in her small corner overlooking the Texas hill country and write.

One of her favorite things to do is go for hikes around her property with Gus....her chocolate lab and the other man in her life, and Rose, her golden retriever. When Kelly is not outside helping the hubby haul brush, move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for her that day, you’ll find her inside reading, writing or watching HGTV.

Kristin Mayer is a wife, a proud mother, and a full-time Analyst and Import Manager. Since an early age, she has always enjoyed reading and writing. While visiting her father one weekend, he suggested that she should take up writing again. With family and a career, she didn’t give it a lot of thought, until a story entered her mind and wouldn’t leave. It just kept forming and developing over a couple of months.

At the beginning of 2013, she decided to sit down and write it all down, but she kept it to herself. One sentence developed into two, and before she knew it, she had the makings of a novel.

Kristin tries to live life to the fullest during every moment. She loves to travel and meet new people. She holds a degree in International Business and uses it daily in her job. Kristin now adds “author” on her list of jobs, and feels very blessed and thankful.


 Brought To You by:

Exposed (Book #2 in Russkaya Mafiya/Oath Keepers MC) Sapphire Knight


Exposed (Book #2 in Russkaya Mafiya/Oath Keepers MC) Sapphire Knight 17th April 2015 AbbeysBlank ButtonCameron I cared about fun. I cared about getting through school and my future with the mafia. That is until I was wrecked by London Layla Traverson’s secret and a grimy biker. Cain I cared about my bike, fighting and my club- The Oath Keepers MC. Well, up until I saw London Layla Traverson’s icy blue eye’s again. London I had to get to Tennessee to help Emily as fast as possible. She was in trouble and I knew what was coming for her. No one had any idea I had a secret of my own. A secret that was big enough to change our lives. Who knew with Cameron and Cain, our secrets would all become Exposed. This is book 2 in the Series. Secrets MUST be read first! Black and white photo of two passion girls11117511_10204003685108697_2110324823_n “I can’t fucking deal with this shit right now.” I run my hands through my hair and pull at the ends. Now I understand why Tate’s always doing it. If he’s dealing with stressful shit like this, I can see the appeal of pulling your hair out.
“Oh, you ca
n’t fucking deal? No big surprise there, Cameron! Anytime we talk about anything remotely serious you take off so you don’t have to deal with it. You don’t have to run this time, I’m fucking going to the apartment. I’m sick of you being such a fucking pussy when it comes to serious shit.” I just stand in the middle of the room and watch her throw her stuff in her bag quickly and don’t move to stop her. She pulls her bag toward the door but stops and looks back at me. I stay quiet and blink at her.
“Fuck you, Cameron Wentworth,” she says seriously then walks out the door. Fuck me indeed.
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Secrets (Book #1 in Russkaya Mafiya/Oath Keepers MC) Amazon US Amazon UK Kobo Nook Google Play 


Sapphire Knight is the author of Secrets, Exposed, and is working on book three- Relinquish. Her books all reflect on what she loves to read herself.
Sapphire is a Texas girl who is crazy about football. She has always had a knack for writing, whether
it is poems or stories. She originally studied psychology and that has only added to her passion for writing. She has two boys and has been married for ten years. When she’s not busy in her writing cave, she’s busy playing with her three Doberman Pinschers. She loves to donate to help animals and watching a good action movie.

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Release Day Launch: A Taste of Bliss by Adrian R. Hale @adrianrhale

A Taste of Bliss Synopsis:
All Bliss Kaufman wanted was a sandwich and a nap after a grueling day beautifying this week’s bridal party. So when abartender with a panty-melting grin offers her dinner and a ride on his motorcycle, Bliss swerves from her plans for one unexpected night with Talan McGregor. Just one. It was never supposed to go further. But once isn’t enough for Talan who returns demanding more--and his timing couldn’t be worse.

A life-changing diagnosis forces Bliss to abandon her carefully crafted plans. Even though she can make anyone beautiful with enough makeup and hair product, she can’t fix everything with her 50-pound bag of beauty tricks. Bliss is starting to think she might need Talan after all, but letting him in means cracking open her heart and embracing a life without asafety net.

After all, love is life’s greatest complication, and might just be worth the risk.
*Due to sexual content and graphic language this book is intended for readers 18+*

Adrian R. Hale Bio:  
Adrian R. Hale loves sugar and spice and everything nice--so of course she loves a good happy ending, in fiction and otherwise.

When she’s not writing, she is making people beautiful as a hair and makeup artist, or trying to run off her overconsumption of sugar. A born and raised California girl, she now resides in Austin, TX with her husband and fur babies.

Playing with her imaginary friends is as common to her now as it was when she was a child; the only difference is now she lets other people know about them through her writing. She would love to hear from you or

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