Wednesday, 22 June 2016

RELEASE BLITZ : KID by Marie James

Title: Kid
Series: Cerberus MC #2
Author: Marie James
Genre: Romance/Contemporary/MC
 Release Date: June 22, 2016



When Khloe Devaro’s best friend and fiancé is lost to the war in Iraq, she’s beyond distraught. Her intentions of joining him in the afterlife are thwarted by a Cerberus Motorcycle club member. Too young to do anything on her own, the only alternative she has now is to take Kid up on his offer to stay at the MC Clubhouse. As if that’s not a disaster waiting to happen, but anything is better than returning to the foster home she’s been forced to live in the last three years.


Dustin “Kid” Andrews spent four years as a Marine; training, fighting, and learning how to survive the most horrendous of conditions. He never imagined that holding a BBQ fundraiser for a local fallen soldier would end up as the catalyst that turns his world upside down. Resisting his attraction for a girl he’s not even certain is of legal age was easy, until he’s forced to intervene when her intentions become clear. All his training is wasted as far as he’s concerned, since none of that will help him when it comes to Khloe.

Will the self-proclaimed man-whore sleep with a woman in every country he visits as planned, or will the beautiful, yet feisty girl living down the hall throw a wrench in his plan?

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I take in every inch of him, noticing first his muscular arms and wide shoulders. I see part of a tattoo peeking out from the arm of his t-shirt. The tiny hint makes me want to see it all. I’ve always been partial to inked bodies, loving how a story can be told in ink rather than words.

His dark, brown beard is ridiculously neat, trimmed to perfection. It surrounds pouty, kissable lips. I can’t help but wonder if he has chest hair. I’ve always been attracted to very masculine men. I realize how much of a freak I am, staring at this stranger, itching to see the rest of his tattoos and wondering what he’d look like naked, how my fingers would feel caressing his skin.

Soothing brown eyes look back at me, almost pleading with me to change my views of the world. His hair is longer on top than on the sides, tousled and messy as if he’s been running his hands through it for hours. Sexy, this man is incredibly sexy. He has an edge of danger to him, but at the same time, he seems completely approachable. He’s a wash of contradictions.

“I’m sorry about your fiancé,” he says reaching his hand out to take mine.

I pull away immediately, unable to hide the quiver in my lip at the mention of Alec.

“Don’t,” I say unsure of what the word is in reference to. Don’t touch me. Don’t mention the death of my best friend. Don’t walk out of here and leave me alone.

A few minutes of peace are all I’ve gotten since Alec’s death. A handful of times over the last couple of weeks my mind would shut down, and I forget, briefly, just how much I’ve lost. I got that reprieve looking at Kid until he ruined it by opening his mouth.

Why do people always feel the need to speak? Why verbalize the pain others are feeling? Sometimes just sitting, being available if needed is the best thing you can do.

“He’s my best friend,” I say on a choked sob. I have no idea why I’m telling him this. I don’t know why I feel the need to ease the hurt I saw in his eyes when I pulled my hand away from his touch. “Was. I lost my best friend.”

“Yeah,” he says, his voice full of sorrow. “I know what that feels like.”

I pull my eyes from looking at my own hands and look back at him. For the first time, I notice dog tags hanging around his neck. Small pieces of metal, unassuming for the most part, but I know they tell a story. Every soldier who wears them has one. It seems in a time of war, those stories get harder to tell.

Kid is young. I know he’s older than me. Even with an unmarred face and bright young eyes, he’s got an air about him that lets you know he’s seen more than most. He’s suffered more than most.

I immediately feel some sort of kindred-ship with him. I begin to shut the little part of myself down that he somehow forced me to open. He’s so young; there’s a good chance he’s still a soldier, and there’s no guarantee that any of them are safe. It’s best to just keep every one of them at a distance.

“You’re in the Army?” I finally manage to ask, angling my head at the tags around his neck.

I watch as he reaches his hand up and touches them as if he’s worn them so long he’s forgotten that they’re even there.

“I was in the Marines,” he answers quickly. “I’ve been out for a couple years now.”

“How old are you?” Was a soldier? No longer in the service? He doesn’t look old enough.


Six years older than me. I shake my head, knowing he sees nothing but a child sitting here in this bed. Not that I expect anything different, but I’m tired of being viewed as a child.


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Marie James: I’m a full-time, working mother of two boys and wife of 11 years. I've spent almost my entire lifetime living in central Texas, with only short stays in South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida. I've always wanted to write novels and just recently had the gumption to sit down and start one. My passions include reading everything under the sun and plotting out new books to write in the future.

Kincaid is my 7th book. I’ve also written the Hale Series, Love ME Like That, and a FanFiction named Psychosis, featuring up and coming cover model, Matthew Hosea, as the main character. This book was done for fun and all of the proceeds are going to charity. All of my books are currently available on Amazon.



Title: Wicked Intentions
Series: Steele Security #4
Author: A.D. Justice
Genre: Romantic Suspense
 Release Date: June 22, 2016


A ruthless killer is on the loose, threatening an innocent woman’s life.

Painful secrets from Rebel’s past will be exhumed and put on full display. Desperation drives him to save the only woman he’s ever loved.

Tragedy strikes in the most unexpected ways, reducing once strong walls to mere rubble.

One man’s breaking point is where another man finds his stride.

True love can’t be bound.
Not by time.
Not by distance.
Not by measure.
But can it flourish?

It's been said good triumphs over evil and love conquers all. But can a foe be defeated if the lines between good and evil are blurred?

When the dust settles and the smoke clears, the last man standing wins. Can Rebel overcome the Wicked Intentions that have ensnared him?

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Author Bio

A.D. Justice, USA Today Best Selling Romance Author

A.D. Justice is the USA Today best selling author of the Steele Security Series (Wicked Games, Wicked Ties, Wicked Nights, Wicked Intentions), the Crazy Series (Crazy Maybe, Crazy Baby), the Dominic Powers series (Her Dom, Her Dom's Lesson), and Intent, a standalone novel.

When she's not writing, she's spending time with her own alpha male character in their north Georgia mountain home. She is also an avid reader of romance novels, a master at procrastination, a chocolate sommelier, a twister of words, and speaks fluent sarcasm.

A.D. Justice can also be found on Facebook (, Twitter (@adjustice1), Website (, or by email at

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Title: Shopping for a CEO's Fiancée
Series: Shopping for a Billionaire #9
Author: Julia Kent
Genre: Romantic Comedy
 Release Date: June 22, 2016


We skipped right over the whole fiancée thing and went straight from girlfriend to wife.

At least, I think that's what happened. I woke up after my brother's Vegas wedding reception with my luscious girlfriend in bed with me. We're both wearing wedding rings.

So is her coworker, Josh.

And our Vegas chauffeur, Geordi.

Who the hell am I married to?

Unraveling this mystery will be as difficult as figuring out why Amanda and I are having panic attacks over the thought of being husband and wife.

Or, whoever we're actually married to.

Oh, ^%$#.

It's true that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, with one exception:

If she's my wife, we'll make it work.

If she's not?

I'll make it happen.

Get the 9th book in Julia Kent's New York Times bestselling romantic comedy series as Andrew and Amanda sort out their wild Vegas night...and the rest of their lives.

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“We’re not—you don’t really—we can’t be—”


She laughs, but it’s a brittle sound. “Come on. We didn’t actually have a wedding last night.”

“We didn’t? You’re sure?” I perk up. Great. She remembers last night. I squeeze my eyes and try to recall something—anything—that happened after Declan and Shannon said their goodbyes at the reception last night.

“I’m, well, I mean...” Twisting in my arms, she looks at me with those big, wide, trusting eyes, her left hand splayed against my bare chest, digging in where the robe has separated. “You don’t remember what happened?”

My voice drops with uncertainty.

Hers goes up.


“Quit joking.”

“Not joking.”

“We both can’t remember any part of last night?”

“When does your memory end?” I ask.

Mascara is streaked along the corner of her eye, and any makeup she wore last night currently resides somewhere on my skin or on the bedsheets. I can only imagine what I look like.

Amanda, though, is gorgeous. In my arms and looking at me with a perplexed expression, biting her lower lip while she flips through the filing cabinets of memory in her mind, and—

“I don’t know.”

I sit up. “You’re the fixer.”

“I know! But I remember saying goodnight to Shannon, hugging Declan, and then—poof! Nothing.”


“That’s when my memory ends, too,” I say, my skin beginning to crawl. “I know one thing: we did not have a foursome.”

“And I soooooo did not sleep with Josh. He’s gay. The man can’t handle watching a birth video. A real-life vagina would send him into cardiac arrest.”

“I know my heart pounds whenever I see yours,” I whisper. She gives me a reluctant smile, in spite of her hangover.

“That was baaaaaad,” she groans.

“All signs point to the sex question being put to rest. Worst case, all we did was sleep with each other,” I note.

“Worst case? Buddy, sleeping with me is best case. Best case. Always best.”

That was an unfortunate choice of words on my part. Before I can do damage control, she speaks.

“What if we are?” she hisses.

“Are what?”

Her eyes dart to mine.


Also Available


Author Bio

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge, and new adult books that push contemporary boundaries. From billionaires to BBWs to rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every book she writes, but unlike Trevor from Random Acts of Crazy, she has never kissed a chicken. She loves to hear from her readers by email at

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Coming June 30th

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What happens when an unrepentant Cleat Chaser meets the player of her dreams?

Nikki Graves has a history of going through the baseball roster with an eye for talent--the kind of talent that keeps things spicy between the sheets. But, once she meets Braden Bradford, catcher for the Ravens, her talent scout days are done. He's the one.

Braden has never met a woman like Nikki, and he can't get enough of her smart mouth and big heart. But life isn't always as direct and certain as the connection between Braden and Nikki. When family objections and career trajectories begin to crowd the plate, will Braden be able to keep his catch of a lifetime?

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Kasey frowned, but then her expression lightened. “Say, Nik, you never gave me all the details from the lez experience you had in college. This game is boring as fuck. Entertain me with it.”
“It wasn’t really an experience. I just kissed a girl a little bit when I was drunk.” I shrugged as the first Ravens batter, Ramirez, strode to the plate.
“Not bad.” Kasey crossed her long, tan legs at the knee.
The guy sitting next to her gave her an appreciative up and down look, but her head was turned towards me so she didn’t see it.
“How much tongue are we talking?”
I closed my eyes and tried to remember the fall of my sophomore year, but it was hazy at best. I had way too much fun in school. “I think there was tongue, and she definitely felt me up over my shirt. I can’t remember if she ever went under, but I doubt it.”
“Nice.” Kasey set her beer down. “I think I need a reenactment. You know, to test you. Make sure you’re not running a game on Braden, pretending to be straight.”
I rolled my eyes as Ramirez swung and missed, strike one. “Not a chance. Besides, everyone knows I’m a Penis Flytrap.”
“Come on, just a little kiss.” She leaned closer as Kyrie snickered on my other side.
“No way.” I shook my head. “Braden would kill me.”
“I think Braden would be all about it. Just a couple of girls. One, his girlfriend, the other, like a sister to him. No harm in the two of us being friendly. Right, Kyrie?”
“Don’t drag me into this. I’m an innocent bystander.” She grabbed some more popcorn as Kasey’s confident grin surfaced.
I tried to ignore the hot blond trying to get into my panties. The next pitch was high and outside. Ball.
“Just a little experiment. That’s all.” Kasey’s tone turned wheedling. “It won’t count.”
“How many girls have you tricked into opening their legs for you like this?” I stared at her, not even close to falling under her spell.
She frowned. “Tons. What gives with you?”
“I love Braden.”
“Me too.” She moved closer, her big, pretty eyes open wide like the wolf’s in Red Riding Hood. “So how about you give me a little tit action as a sign of our love for him.”
Kyrie snorted.
“A little help here?” I turned to her.
“Nope.” She shook her head, a giggle falling from her lips. “I don’t get between Kasey and her prey.”
“Come on.” Kasey wrapped a lock of my hair around her finger.
I tried to keep the amused smile off my lips. “I’m trying to watch the game.”
Ramirez finally made contact, hitting a line drive and trucking it to first base.
Kasey didn’t even look. She kept her gaze on me.
I sighed. “Oh my God. If I say yes, will you leave me alone?”
She squealed. “Yes, I promise.”
“Fine, you can have a tit grope.” I’d taken many a tit grope from Kyrie, so this was nothing special.
She reached for the hem of my tank top.
“Hey!” I smacked her hand away. “Over my shirt and for no more than five seconds.”
“That’s it?” she pouted.
I tossed my hair behind my shoulder. “It’s that or nothing, you goddamn sexual predator.”
She smiled and licked her lips before focusing on my chest. “Fine.”
“Get to it.” I leaned back and dropped my elbows to the armrest, giving her maximum chest exposure.
She rubbed her hands together like she was Mr. Miyagi readying to fix Daniel-San’s leg. The guy sitting on her other side couldn’t take his eyes off us. I wondered if he was going to cream in his jeans.
“Here we go.” She hovered her hands over my chest as Kyrie shook with laughter next to me. “Luscious Nikki tits in three, two, one.”
“Hey!” Braden’s voice cut through the air.
I looked up and Kasey and I were on the kiss cam for the entire stadium to see.
“Kase!” I leaned forward, but that only pressed her palms to my tits.
The crowd went silent, and Kasey took the opportunity to give me a good squeeze. I smacked her hands away as the crowd went from silent to roaring with approval. I hid my scarlet face in my hands.
“Goddammit Kasey!” Braden was at the net yelling. “I’m going to kick your ass!”
I peeked through my fingers as a grinning Easton strode up behind him. “Come on, man. They’re just dicking around.”
“Kasey is a woman-stealer. She’s the devil!” He pointed a finger through the netting at Kasey, who was doubled over with laughter.
“I’m sorry.” I shook my head, my hands still covering my face.
“It’s not your fault. It’s the blond Satan sitting next to you!” The corner of his mouth twitched. He was holding back a smile.    

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Celia Aaron

Celia Aaron is the self-publishing pseudonym of a published romance and erotica author. She loves to write stories with hot heroes and heroines that are twisty and often dark. Thanks for reading.

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Sloane Howell

Sloane Howell lives in the Midwest United States and writes dirty stories. When not reading or writing he enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, playing with the dogs, traveling, and engaging his readers on social media. You can almost always catch him on Twitter posting something goofy.

Visit his web page to sign up for his mailing list to get updates on new releases, promos, and giveaways. Thanks for reading.

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