Monday, 14 September 2015

RELEASE BLITZ PACKET - Protect and Serve Anthology @givemebooksblog @authorjmmadden @sharonlhamilton @amitycross @stacygreen26 @authorjamie @alliekadams @HildieMcQueen @cherylbradshaw @CarraCopelin @bennett_jenna @DStewartauthor

Title: Protect and Serve Anthology
Authors: Various
 Release Date: September 14, 2015

Introducing Protect and Serve, a collection of EXCLUSIVE, NEVER RELEASED novellas from 11 amazing authors, including NYT and USA Today bestsellers!
From rookie cops to special ops, this collection celebrates all that Protect and Serve.

J.M. Madden - Her Secret Wish
Sharon Hamilton - True Navy Blue
Amity Cross - Rebel (A Men of The Underground Novella)
Stacy Green - Shots Fired (A Cage Foster/Delta Detectives novella)
Jamie Lee Scott - Uncertain Blue (an Uncertain Novella)
Allie K. Adams - Brace for Contact
Hildie McQueen - Tea, Theft and Scones
Cheryl Bradshaw - Dead of Night
Carra Copeland - Lilah By Midnight
Jenna Bennett - Overcome
Danielle Stewart - Running from Shadows

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J.M. Madden - Her Secret Wish
Rachel Searles, a former Marine Pilot, normally did the rescuing, so she’s a little off balance when Denver PD officer Dean West comes to her aid in a crash. He’s incredibly handsome, seductive and threatens all her natural defenses.
Dean West is intrigued by the warrior woman with pain in her eyes. As she adjusts to her new life, he wants to be a part of it. Will he be able to surmount her fears and convince her to take a chance with her heart?

Connect with J.M. Madden

Sharon Hamilton - True Navy Blue (Novella)

Zak Chambers grows up in the shadow of a home grown hero he’s always being compared to. But even heroes can be unlucky, and when the legendary SEAL sacrifices his life overseas, Zak is moved to follow in his footsteps.

His fast and furious fling in high school, Amy Dobson, is still the wild child daughter of the local Chief of Police, doing her best to excise her demons by partying with half the male population of their town. She barges back into his life and Zak finds he is powerless to resist her. They explosively reconnect one last time before he ships off to the Navy.

But will it be enough to save her from terrorists and for a happily ever?

Sharon’s next book, SEAL Brotherhood Band of Bachelors: Lucas, is on preorder now:

Connect with Sharon Hamilton

Amity Cross - Rebel
(A Men of the Underground Novella) 
Kane “Rebel” Sturgess is the newest fighter at The Underground, an illegal cage fighting racket that’s bad news…and big money. He’s set to make his fortune with the only thing he’s ever been good at. Fighting dirty.

He’s got no job, no family, no ties and this is his ticket to an easier life. Winning a Championship in this place could mean better and more honest things for a guy like him.

Enter Charlotte “Charlie” Croft, undercover detective with the Victoria Police, tasked with bringing an end to The Underground. She’s got her work cut out for her considering most of her fellow cops are taking bribes on the side from the ringleaders. The only chance she’s got is if she heads in undercover and immerses herself in the life. She needs to get close to her targets, collect evidence and pounce…all without being found out.

What she doesn’t expect is to fall for one of the fighters. A handsome, dangerous, bad boy with a rap sheet longer than War and Peace. A fighter who goes by the name Rebel.

There’s only one thing he’s interested in cracking, and it isn’t The Underground. It puts Charlie in an impossible position and she’s got to make a choice before she winds up in a body bag.

Her heart or her career. She can’t have both…or can she?

Connect with Amity Cross

Stacy Green - Shots Fired
(A Cage Foster/Delta Detectives novella)

Cage Foster is finishing up a long shift as a criminal investigator for the Adams County, Mississippi's Sheriff department. He's eager to go home to his fiancé and new baby when a report of shots fired at a friend's historical antebellum home changes everything.

When Cage arrives at Magnolia House, he discovers a victim on the front lawn and realizes his friends are still trapped inside. A domestic dispute between two guests has gone horribly wrong, and the hostage negotiation team won't arrive before the situation explodes.

With time running out, Cage must sneak into the house through the long forgotten tunnel once used to shuttle slaves back and forth. Once inside, his only hope is a surprise attack, but the old house has tricks of its own.

Will Cage be able to save his friends, or will he become yet another victim of a furious husband hellbent on punishment?

Connect with Stacy Green

Jamie Lee Scott - Uncertain Blue
(an Uncertain Novella)

When he was just a kid, Dane Briggs spent his summers in Uncertain, at his uncle's house on the lake. Now he's back in Uncertain, as a rookie cop. During his first week on the force, he's reunited with his childhood crush, Claire Hamilton. She's one of the people arrested during a drug bust. Dane feels a sense of responsibility he can't explain, and wants to save her. Can Dane save someone who isn't ready to be saved?

Connect with Jamie Lee Scott

Allie K. Adams - Brace for Contact
Leaving is easy…

As an agent in the State Bureau of Investigation’s Narcotics Unit, it’s Norman “Nash” Ashford’s job to track down the drugs destroying his city and get them off the street. He’s one of the best narc agents the SBI has. Even with his talent at tracking, he’s never been able to find the one that got away—the brightest star to have ever blinded him. Nash has been trying to track her down ever since she walked away half a decade ago.

TREX Cadet Michaela “Mike” Starr is pulled from training on a matter of national security. Her ex-boyfriend has intel vital to the success of a find and is refusing to deliver, so TREX sends her in to persuade him to divulge his source. The man she ran away from is now her target.

Coming back is a whole other story.

Nash and Mike must work together to overcome their past, all while trying not to make the same mistakes. Instead, they make all new ones. Will they get it right this time?

Connect with Allie K. Adams

Hildie McQueen - Tea, Theft and Scones

Random thefts are rampant in Whisper, Georgia and Abbie Adams, the owner of Sweet Magnolia Tea shop decides to step in and help investigate. After all with the Whisper Festival about to take place, the town doesn't need this hanging over their collective heads.

It's more complicated than she expects, as everyone seems to be hiding something. From the new hunky veterinarian to the town's mayor.

Just as Abbie gets closer to solving who the random thief is, she becomes the prime suspect.

Connect with Hildie McQueen

Cheryl Bradshaw - Dead of Night

On the outside, the Bancrofts are an ordinary, squeaky-clean family. No frills. No scandals. When matriarch June Bancroft is fatally stabbed after a weekly Sunday dinner, all eyes are on her daughter-in-law Wren who was seen fleeing the house with the bloody knife. Is Wren really the killer, or is a dark, scandalous family secret to blame?

Connect with Cheryl Bradshaw

Carra Copeland - Lilah By Midnight

Lilah Canfield has one last chance to save her career as a country music performer with a performance at Billy Bob's Texas in Fort Worth. Bad thing is the worst snow storm in a century has hit the Texas Panhandle making passage on the highways dangerous at best and closed at worst. When her motor coach slides off the road into a snow bank outside her hometown of Mistletoe, Texas, will Lilah make her gig and save her career? Or will she give it all up for a second chance at love?

Two years after the death of his wife, Sheriff’s Deputy Jack McCommas is ready to move forward for himself and his eight year old daughter. When he and a friend stop to help the folks in a stranded motor coach, he can't believe Lilah Canfield's standing in front of him and is literally shocked to realize the old spark is still there when they touch. He uncovers a plot to sideline Lilah’s career and realizes he has a dilemma. If he solves the mystery and she chooses her music, will he be able to let her go a second time? Or will he try to convince her to stay in Mistletoe?

Connect with Carra Copeland

Jenna Bennett – Overcome

The last thing Carmen Fuentes wants, is another encounter with a rapist.

She couldn’t get away from Key West fast enough after the trial of Stan Laszlo. Attending the Miami Police College gave her time away from her hometown—away from the stares and whispers, from the pity and the people who thought she’d probably done something to bring it on herself. It also gave her a chance to get on her feet again, to find purpose to her life and some meaning in what happened to her.

But when she envisioned a future in which she helped catch other predators before they could hurt other women, she’d seen herself doing it from a safe distance, behind a desk at the Key West Precinct. Not dressing up in the kind of skimpy outfit she hasn’t worn since before the trial, and hitting the Miami nightspots trying to catch the attention of a serial rapist preying on young Hispanic women.

Yet that’s exactly what Detective Will Murphy offers. A chance to help catch a sexual predator, and to prove—to Will and herself—that when she took the oath to serve and protect, she wasn’t just mouthing words.

But can Carmen handle another encounter with a rapist? Can she trust Will to have her back? And can she put the past behind her and move toward the future, a future that might include Will?

Connect with Jenna Bennett

Danielle Stewart - Running from Shadows

As hard as he tries, Roark Miller can’t forget the cases he worked as a homicide detective in Detroit. The haunting images are blazed into his mind. When he crosses paths with a victim ten years later, the details of her beating and the murder of her boyfriend come crashing back to him. Now Demi's life is in danger again and Roark must act fast to save her from a past she’s not willing to admit even exists. She can’t face the truth and he can’t stop hunting for answers, but their love might be the only thing to keep them both alive.
Connect with Danielle Stewart



Devils Dust SALE banner
Title: THE SCARS THAT DEFINE US (The Devil’s Dust, #2)
Author: M.N Forgy
Genre: MC Romance
Published: October 31, 2014
The Devil's Dust MC has a list of new threats to the club's lifestyle. Dani, to prove her loyalty, is trying to embrace a part of herself that she never knew existed until now. A sinful beast lurking beneath her surface has been awakened and is ready to eliminate anyone that stands in its way. Looking at her stained hands, she rinses the blood from them. She resigns herself to innocence lost and welcomes her thirst for more blood. After a breathtaking turn of events, Shadow is looking at life in a different perspective. Not knowing who he can trust or who he can forgive has left him feeling desolate and alone. As Shadow is laying behind his rifle, he wonders if he can pull the trigger to eliminate the threat. He takes a deep breath and squeezes the trigger, the rifle recoil ignites the fuel that drives him. Retaliations will be required. Boundaries will be shattered. Redemption will be lost. Betrayal so deep, yet they still yearn for one another. Can Shadow overlook Dani’s transgressions? Can Dani overlook the mistrust that Shadow has placed upon her?  
Title: THE FEAR THAT DIVIDES US (The Devil’s Dust, #3)
Published: March 8, 2015
Road Captain of the Devil’s Dust Motorcycle Club, Bobby has the scars to prove just how dangerous his life is. He gives the world he knows hell and loves every moment of it. Wearing a panty-dropping grin along the way, his fierce life has never been a problem for him, until her. Jessica is the only female who has him distracted in his game. After taking him to bed, she’s the only woman to tell him to take a hike. Waking with her gone, he can’t resist her pull. He’s seen the marks on her body, ones which tell the horrors she’s lived through. He’s also seen the fear in her eyes when she lets herself become weak to his advances. Bobby has a decision to make. Can he help Jessica, or will it mean giving up his carefree life? Jessica, also known as Doc, lives life in fear. Years back, she ran to the Devil’s Dust for protection, seeking the demise of her abusive, dominant husband. Her mind and soul tortured by her past, she can’t allow herself to move forward. The only thing in her sight is her daughter’s safety. Even if she has the attention of one particular tattooed biker, she can’t succumb to his charm and drag her daughter back into a world of danger, no matter how much he thinks he can save her. Mistakes will be made. Fears will be faced. Pain will be remembered. Can Bobby and Jessica survive the dangers they bring upon themselves?
Sale299 TFTDU  
The Devil’s Dust Series
What Doesn't Destroy Us (Devils Dust, #1) - FREE!
The Scars That Define Us (Devils Dust, #2) - 99¢
The Broken Pieces of Us (Devil’s Dust, # 2.1)
Love That Defies Us (Devil’s Dust, #2.2)
The Fear That Divides Us (Devil's Dust, #3) - $2.99
The Lies Between Us (Devil's Dust, #4)
About the Author
M.N. Forgy was raised in Missouri where she still lives with her family. She's a soccer mom by day and a saucy writer by night. M.N. Forgy started writing at a young age but never took it seriously until years later, as a stay-at-home mom, she opened her laptop and started writing again. As a role model for her children, she felt she couldn't live with the "what if" anymore and finally took a chance on her character's story. So, with her glass of wine in hand and a stray Barbie sharing her seat, she continues to create and please her fans.
You can follow M.N here ...
love 2

RELEASE BLITZ - The Trials of Guinevere DeGrance by L.B. Dunbar @givemebooksblog @lbdunbarwrites

Title: The Trials of Guinevere DeGrance
Series: Legendary Rock Stars #5
Author: L.B. Dunbar
Genre: Rock Star Romance
 Release Date: September 14, 2015


Don’t judge me. I know you want to, but let’s get some facts straight in my defense.

1. I love Arturo King

2. Arturo left me behind.

3. I was lonely.

4. Lansing was an old friend.

5. I love Arturo King.

Did you burn the fictional damsel in distress that cuddled and kissed her best friend when her fantastical boyfriend disappeared for months? No, you didn’t. You sympathized with her loneliness before you read ahead to make sure the boyfriend was coming back to her. Loneliness is not a crime. It’s cruel to be alone, but not a crime, the last I knew. If it is a crime, I’ll light the match to ignite myself for what I’ve done. Goodness knows, I’m burning up with guilt as it is. In my defense, I want my story to be told before I’m judged too harshly. Arturo King might be a rock legend, but he and I are human. We make mistakes. We made mistakes. Do we need to suffer for all of eternity because of them? I hope not. The jury still seems to be out, though. The greater question is: Is it possible to rekindle our love, when the past could burn us all?

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Also Available








If I ever wondered what the pits of hell felt like, I sensed my current position was similar to being in the fiery depths. The orange-yellow glow danced before me; blinding me to the man I knew was on the other side of the flames. His face was melting, fading in the fumes that surrounded and flowed from the heat. I sensed the wooden walls of the barn structure were crackling and eventually would crumble, but I continued to stand as if frozen. There would be no chance to freeze under the circumstances. If anything, I should be melting slowly to form a puddle on the floor. My skin felt as if it would peel off of me, one droplet of sweat at a time.

The blaze started in an attempt to gain Arturo’s attention. The boy wanted to impress his father: a rock god who stubbornly ignored his son, as he had done over a year ago in this same barn. The Barn. The place of inspiration for Arturo King and his band, The Nights. The place where they performed their magic through music. The place that marked where history was made.

I continued to stare through the flames that separated us. I could see that his lips were moving; calling or shouting out to me, but I couldn’t hear over the roar of the fire. His face was warped in my vision, drifting with the bright light that framed his head filled with dark waves and a jaw covered thicker than before. His brown eyes looked black as they stared back at me. I was trapped. The flames formed a wall between me and my beloved; a man I loved more than anyone. A man who I hurt more than I ever intended. A man who hurt me with his mysterious disappearance and lack of communication.

I didn’t move. Allowing the heat to consume me, I decided this might be my fate. Death by fire was how the adulteress was punished in ancient times. Of course, in romance novels a hero comes to the aid of the persecuted. My mind flashed to another man. He had been a hero to a little girl trapped within a burning building. He had been my hero, as well, when I was kidnapped in a drugged induced haze. He was someone I should not have been thinking of.

I continued to watch the movement of Arturo’s mouth. The roar of the flames was all that I heard. It made music to my ears, drowning out the accusations.

How could I do it? How could I be with another man?

The world seemed to stop as I struggled to give my answers. In contrast, it came alive in an orange glow that spread rapidly along the old wooden floor. My back was now against the warmth of the stones behind me. It was almost like I imagined a brick oven would feel. The ancient fieldstones were absorbing the heat and reflecting it back within the cramped space. Wood crackled above my head. The ripping sound only assured me that my end was eminent. The walls were catching and the barn was doomed to collapse.

Suddenly, I heard my name. The voice that screamed to me was clear, familiar, and not the voice that should have called for me.

“Guinie, turn around and reach up your hand,” he shouted down to me. It was like an angel spoke to me from the heavens. I couldn’t break my gaze on Arturo, but he was gesturing above me. His expression showed he clearly recognized who was over me, who was calling me. His eyes found mine through the flames and he nodded once. Then he looked away and I quickly spun reaching upward blindly. My eyes were dry, boiled orbs within their sockets. The smoke so thick, I confused it for fog. Stretching, my fingers connected with those reaching down for me. One hand was clasped, the opposite wrist encircled, and up I went into the freshness of the cool summer afternoon air. The scent of pine and lake water burned my smoke encrusted nose and I gasped for more oxygen. It was like I’d been drowning. A brief sensation I’d had a year ago in the water of that lake below.

My mind was clouded, but a passing image flashed of Arturo and me spinning in the blue water. He’d kissed me for the first time on that day then rolled us off the boat into the water in distraction. We were playful then. Not today. I heard his voice ringing in my head; his words enflamed with his bitterness.

How could I do it? Didn’t I love him? 

I balanced on hands and knees in the dry earth near the burning barn. My throat was hoarse from gassy fumes and screams. I called out his name one more time, and then the inevitable happened. The wooden structure collapsed.

Author Bio

L.B. Dunbar loves the original legend of King Arthur. Inspired by this classic tale, she pulled over to the side of the road to take notes when it hit her that if King Arthur lived today, he'd be a rock star. A lover of fairy tales, myths, legends, and anything with happily ever after, she loves to read and write contemporary romance. Her Legendary Rock Stars series is complete with the final tale: The Trials fo Guinevere DeGrance, but the story began with The Legend of Arturo King. She also wrote The Sensations Collection, which includes five stand alones based on the five senses in a small town setting near Lake Michigan. Raised on one side of that lake, she grew up in Michigan, but now lives on the other side, in Chicago. Mother to four, wife to the one and only, and teacher to hundreds of former students, she looks forward to sharing more stories in the future.

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RELEASE BLITZ- Jokers' Wrath MC Boxed Set by Bella Jewel @givemebooksblog @BellaJewel73

Title: Jokers' Wrath MC Boxed Set
Series: Jokers' Wrath MC #1-4
Author: Bella Jewel
 Release Date: September 14, 2015


From USA Today, International and Amazon bestselling author comes the complete Jokers’ Wrath series – four novels for only 99c!

Fall in love with them the same way the world did.


In darkness, we find danger. In danger, I find Beau. Ash is a prison guard, she's tough, she's strong and she never backs away from a fight. She takes her job seriously, she takes her training seriously, and everything in her life goes as planned. Until the day he is brought into the prison. She'll never forget meeting Beau 'Krypt' Dawson for the first time. He's a member of the Jokers' Wrath MC and it is said he killed an innocent family in the middle of a cafe, in cold blood. Deranged. Crazy. Psychotic. All those words describe the infamous Krypt, but Ash suspects there's far more to the quiet man than meets the eye. Secrets are being hidden by the club, information is being kept under wraps. Krypt is silent for a reason. Ash is desperate to know that reason. Continually fighting, Krypt is transferred to a high security prison. Ash is in charge. She's always prepared, always alert. Not even her skills will stop the club from ambushing them and taking back Krypt. Only Ash ends up right in the middle of it. They take her, too. Now she's stuck with a Motorcycle Club who are determined not to let her go. She's too much of a risk. Until the situation can be sorted, they send her and Krypt into the mountains together....alone. The dark, sexy, handsome biker will crawl into her soul and embed himself there. Changing her life forever. An epic, dangerous love will be built on the foundations of darkness.


"There's never been a time I've cared about anything more than my club. Today that all changed. Today I got you." Maddox is the President of the Jokers' Wrath MC. He's hard, he's determined and he's never had to give his heart over…until the day he found and saved Santana. Sassy and head-strong, she's given him a run for his money for a solid five years. Their tension has built and both of them have danced around a passion that's burning so deep in their souls, it's all-consuming. They want each other - they're just too stubborn to admit it. Heat, lust and sassy natures will have them fighting against what's real. She's feisty, he's stubborn. But everything will change the moment she gets her first taste of the rugged, broody biker. There's one problem with this story...Maddox has a secret. A secret he knows will crush Santana. It will take her life and spiral it out of control, sending them into a world of danger that will risk not only their lives, but everyone in the clubs, too. Will their love withstand the battle? Or will Maddox lose the only girl he's loved, forever?


There are a lot of things in this world that are easy to escape from. Having a son you didn't ask for isn't one of them. Mack is a nomad. He likes his own space and he struggles with emotion. His past is grey and his future looks about the same. That is until his ex-girlfriend dies and his son is handed over to him. A two month old baby he didn't know existed. Until now. His world comes crashing down around him.

Desperate, he hires a nanny. Jaylah has gotten herself into some serious trouble, so when she sees the job opening for a nanny pop up, she jumps on it. Of course she's not a nanny, but she figures she can pull it off. I mean, how hard can it be? She's thrown into a world of diapers, hourly feedings and a whole lot of laundry. She's also introduced to the most rugged, gorgeous man she's ever had the pleasure of meeting. The best part, he's the baby's father. The worst part, he's a biker. Their sexual tension is huge, but he's a hard nut to crack. She'll get in, though. She makes it her mission to break through the wall Mack has built so high around himself. Her world is about to spiral out of control, and she's taking Mack along for the ride.



The girl you all know as damaged. Quiet. Broken. She doesn’t fit in. Nothing in her world feels right. She’s trapped in a spiral of darkness that seems to be consuming her day by day, until she sees nothing but an empty, black hole. Her world is a broken place she can’t escape. She has people around her who matter. Who love her. But it’s not enough. Not enough to break her out of the bitter despair she lives in. Until Tyke.

He knows pain. He knows darkness. He’s sweet. He’s kind. But most of all…

He understands her. Combining their demons doesn’t seem like the best plan. Everyone is against them. He deserves better. She deserves better. They’ll never work. They’re too broken. Too damaged. It’s a destructive combination that will only end in heartbreak. He’s a biker. She’s a broken angel. But in their desolation, they will find peace. With each other.




Author Bio

Bella Jewel is a self published, USA Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon release. Since that time, she has published over five novels, gaining a bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland and is currently studying editing and proofreading to further expand her career. Bella has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013 she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. She plans to expand her writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

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RELEASE BLITZ - Caress Part One by Josie Litton @givemebooksblog @josielitton

Title: Caress Part One
Series: Arcadia #1
Author: Josie Litton
Genre: Contemporary Romance/New Adult
 Release Date: September 14, 2015


Welcome to the Arcadia, Manhattan’s most seductive address. For almost a century, the exclusive Art Deco apartment building overlooking Central Park has been home to passionate, star-crossed lovers. Now a new generation is about to discover the obsession and mystery hidden within its luxurious walls.

When Emma Whittaker returns to the building where she grew up, she wants only to gain a foot-hold in a city that has turned cold and hostile since her family’s fall from grace. Instead, she meets the one man who can shatter all her hopes or fulfill them beyond her wildest dreams.

Lucas Phelps is New York’s premiere realtor, the confidant of stars, tech moguls, and oligarchs, gatekeeper to the city’s most sought after properties, none more so than the Arcadia itself. At ease in the world of the wealthiest and most powerful, Lucas has long since hidden his true nature behind steely resolve.

But his deepest yearnings will return to haunt him when he and Emma cross paths. As they seek to unravel a decades-old mystery, they will discover that the betrayals of the past still reach into the present, endangering them and everything they could have together.

(Part Two will be released on Sept. 30, 2015 and Part Three on Oct. 14, 2015)

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“You’re Lucas Phelps.” I blurted the name out, unable to stop myself. I’d seen his photograph in “Fortune” and “Forbes”, and I’d watched him being interviewed on the investment shows that I got hooked on while completing the business side of my dual major. I’d just never expected to see him in the flesh, more or less, or to have felt him pressed so intimately against me.

“Guilty.” He crossed the broad width of the room with a few easy strides and came to stand directly in front of me. I resisted the urge to pull back and forced myself to look up at him instead.

That was a mistake. At a distance, he was formidable. Close up, his impact was such that only the burning of my empty lungs reminded me that I needed to breathe.

My throat went dry. It was all I could do to croak, “Why am I tied up?”

He crouched down in front of me so that we were more or less on eye level. I forced myself to stay perfectly still. The thought occurred to me that I was behaving like a small animal confronted by a fierce predator, not knowing whether I was to be devoured or merely played with.

I massively resented feeling that way. Life had thrown me some knocks but I was tougher than that. Tougher than him, if it came down to that.

He had choices.

I didn’t.


Author Bio

Josie Litton is the author of several NY Times and USA Today bestselling romances. She’s been reading romances ever since she was twelve years old and discovered a stash of (sweet) Harlequins in a used bookstore. She devoured them by flashlight and never looked back. Married to the love of her life, she has two grown children, a house she’d like to downsize, and a garden that is always in need of weeding because she’s too busy writing. Chat with her on Facebook and Twitter, and sees what inspires her on Pinterest.

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