Wednesday, 11 March 2015

RELEASE DAY BLITZ - Now Leaving Sugartown by Carmen Jenner @givemebooksblog @CarmenJAuthor

Title: Now Leaving Sugartown
Series: Sugartown #4
Author: Carmen Jenner
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 11, 2015


Pepper Ryan grew up the troublesome, spoiled child of a rock god. With her less-than-stellar parentage, and the bipolar disorder that has plagued her existence, to say this little firecracker is a handful would be the understatement of the century.

Sammy Belle spent more than half his life saving Pepper. He’d been her strength, her sanity, and the protective brotherly figure she never wanted to have.

They were never meant to be together.

They gave in anyway.

And just when Sammy thought he had everything he wanted, Pepper ran.

Now twenty-three, Pepper returns to Sugartown, a failed tattoo artist with one too many screws loose who’s down on her luck, wielding an ice cream van as beaten up as her heart.

Sugartown’s most coveted bachelor has always been content with the quiet life he leads until Pepper, the hellion from his past, returns to test his strength, his patience, and perhaps even his sanity. But two can play at that game, and Pepper is about to learn that Sam can give as good as he gets.

Can this good country boy survive Pepper’s cruel city world, or will the whole thing be put down to a bout of temporary insanity?

One thing is for certain:

He’s crazy about her.

She’s just crazy.

Warning: Intended for an 18+ audience. Contains sexual content, oodles of profanity, a firefighter so hot you may need a very cold shower, and one pink-haired crazy Harajuku girl.

Links to Buy


Also Available

#1 Welcome to Sugartown


#2 Enjoy Your Stay


#3 Greetings from Sugartown


 Author Bio

Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA TODAY Best Selling Author, doctor, pilot and CIA agent.

She's also a compulsive, flagrant prevaricator who gets to make things up for a living.

While Sugartown may not technically exist, Carmen grew up in a small Australian town just like it, and just like her characters, she always longed for something more. They didn't have an Elijah Cade, though.

If they did, you can be sure she would have never left.

 Author Links


COVER REVEAL: Coda by CD Reiss @CDReisswriter



By C.D. Reiss

Cover Reveal
Coda cover.jpg


Release Date: March 18th

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Did you want a pat little ending about Jonathan and I riding off into the sunset? Did you want flowers and stars? Man, I wish it was all soft filters and violins. I wish we could fight about who cleaned the bathroom or who was cooking dinner. But I knew I was never destined for simple contentment.

I almost committed murder for him. I almost tore us apart to save him. How do you get back on the horse after that? Because, I promise you, nothing is the same. Nothing.

I’ve earned our happily ever after. Now I have to survive it.

coda teaser.jpg
The Complete Submission Series
Eight book bundle of the Submission Series…
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About the Author
cd reiss new bio.jpg

CD Reiss is a USA Today and Amazon bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn’t pick up, she’s at the well, hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master’s degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere, but it did embed TV story structure in her head well enough for her to take a big risk on a TV series structured erotic series called Songs of Submission. It’s about a kinky billionaire hung up on his ex-wife, an ingenue singer with a wisecracking mouth; art, music and sin in the city of Los Angeles.

Critics have dubbed the books “poetic,” “literary,” and “hauntingly atmospheric,” which is flattering enough for her to put it in a bio, but embarrassing enough for her not to tell her husband, or he might think she’s some sort of braggart who’s too good to give the toilets a once-over every couple of weeks or chop a cord of wood.

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads | Pinterest | Intagram


Blog Tour - The Ragnarok Chronicles by Nicki J Markus @NickiJMarkus

Title: The Ragnarok Chronicles
Author: Nicki J. Markus
Length (print): 678
Genre: Fantasy Adventure/Mythology/Romance
Suitable: 16 years and above


For Ragnarok will be completed….
Nothing marks Cassandra out—except her visions. She’s only ever seen small, insignificant things. That is until the strange frost arrives.
With her normal life turned upside down, Cassandra is plunged into an extraordinary and terrifying world of Norse gods and rampaging giants, ancient feuds and broken prophecies.
A handsome stranger offers aid. But can Cassandra really trust him? More importantly, can she trust her own judgment when his slightest touch sets her heart and her body aflame?

Book trailer

Buy Links:

Amazon US (Kindle):
Amazon UK (Kindle):
Amazon AU (Kindle):
Barnes & Noble (NOOK):
Kobo (EPUB):
Amazon US (Paperback):ök-Chronicles-Nicki-J-Markus/dp/0994234600
Amazon UK (Paperback):ök-Chronicles-Nicki-J-Markus/dp/0994234600
The Book Depository (Paperback):ök-Chronicles-Nicki-Markus/9780994234605

About the author

Nicki J Markus was born in England in 1982, but now lives in Adelaide, South Australia with her husband. She has loved both reading and writing from a young age and is also a keen linguist.
Nicki launched her writing career in 2011. She published works through Wicked Nights Publishing and Silver Publishing before both companies closed their doors. She is now self-publishing some of her works.
Nicki also writes M/M fiction under the alternate pen name of Asta Idonea and has had several short stories published by Wayward Ink Publishing.
Nicki works as a freelance editor and proofreader and in her spare time enjoys: music, theatre, cinema, photography, sketching, history, folklore and mythology, pen-palling, and travel.
Social media links

Cover Reveal: Never Too Late by Micalea Smeltzer. @givemebooksblog @msmeltzer9793

Title: Never Too Late
Series: Willow Creek #2
Author: Micalea Smeltzer
Cover Design: Regina Wamba (Mae I Design)
 Release Date: April 21, 2015


I’d never met anyone quite like Mathias Wade.

He was brooding and arrogant, but I loved him anyway.

Together we were wild and uncontained—a hurricane raging.

Then I had to leave, and words were exchanged that could never be undone.

But now I was back, and Mathias better watch out, because this bitch wasn’t finished with him.

Game. Set. Match.

All is fair in love and war, right?

Mathias Wade, the lead singer of Willow Creek, is used to getting everything he wants. Except for Remy Parker—the one that got away. Childhood friends that grew into more, Remy was the one constant in his life until she moved away. In anger, he lashed out and broke the only girl he ever loved. With temptation around every corner Mathias drowns his sorrow in women and alcohol. When the band returns to their hometown for the holidays the last thing Mathias expects is to run into Remy—but she’s back, and she’s not done with him.

Remy never forgot Mathias or the pain he caused her. When she moves back to the place she grew up to take care of her ailing grandma her heart is set on revenge. She’s determined to make Mathias fall in love with her all over again—only this time she’s going to break his heart.

But Mathias never stopped loving Remy—and she soon discovers that her feelings haven’t disappeared either.

Can two people too stubborn for their own good overcome their own demons and find the love they always deserved?

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Also Available



I jumped up on the counter and he moved to stand in front of me, bracing his hands beside my hips. I kicked my legs against the cabinets like a little kid as he stared down at me intensely. I wasn’t sure what he was looking for in my eyes, but he must have found it, because he cupped my cheek and leaned in.
“This feels like when we were younger,” he whispered. “Like no time at all has passed.” His words echoed my previous thoughts.
I closed my eyes, feeling his breath fan across my lips.
God, I’d missed him.
It didn’t seem possible to miss someone I’d grown to hate, but I did.
I was pretty sure that when someone like Mathias came into your life they were impossible to forget.
He was like the sun, burning so bright that even once he was gone I was still blinded.
“Did you ever miss me?” I asked. “Even once?” I held my breath, waiting for him to explode—because that was Mathias. He could be nice one minute and an asshole the next. I wouldn’t put it past him to kick me out for my question.
Instead he surprised me by leaning in impossibly closer and nuzzling my neck. “Always.”

Author Bio

Micalea Smeltzer is a bestselling Young and New Adult author from Winchester, Virginia. She’s always working on her next book, and when she has spare time she loves to read and spend time with her family.

Author Links


Single: Volume Two
Lyra Parish
Erotic Romance Serial
March 9, 2015
goodreads   Blurb Sometimes love can be cruel. Not that Roxane has fallen in love but the one man she found interesting has crossed from her personal life into her professional one which makes life complicated. Parker Williams doesn’t take no for an answer, not that Roxane would deny him anyway. He has his own set of rules that must be followed while hers are being crossed through like a to-do list. When a person falls in love, it’s supposed to be easy but it’s much more complex than either realized it could be. Roxane’s control is slipping along with every opinion she had about love. This time, it feels different. This time, it finally feels right. Slowly she realizes how much is at stake, but she is only concerned about losing one thing—her heart.  
"Are you fucking kidding me, Rox?" Stacey screamed into the phone. There was music blaring in the background, and I heard the clicking of a camera lens and loud flashes. I could only imagine how many umbrellas were set up for the shoot. She was at her next spread for Cover Girl, but decided to stop the presses just for me. "I wish I were," I said, remembering his lips on my thighs and the taste of him in my mouth. "He’s intoxicating." My words seemed to drift away into the open space of the car as I accelerated onto the 610 Loop. "Oh my god," she said. "The airiness in your tone, the pauses between your sentences—you fucking liiiiiiiiike him, don’t you?" I couldn’t admit that, not right now. It was too soon, way too soon. Actually, only hours after the incident, as I now termed it. I couldn’t even tell Stacey what exactly had happened, just that something had happened. Her imagination was dirty, so I’m sure she could figure it out with just a few hints. Honestly, if I even said a peep about it, or about how Parker Williams made me feel, she would be declaring her victory. I might as well just hand her the crown. The incident had shifted everything I once thought I believed, and everything I had tried to avoid. I couldn’t deny that when I closed my eyes, his face was the one I saw. Those piercing blue eyes were burned into my retinas. I knew the smile permanently attached to my lips existed for one reason. Or if one wanted to get technical, it was the messy brown hair, blue eyes, and that sexy voice that almost made my knees go weak. Oh my god. Was I having a revelation? Yes, I was having a revelation. Maybe I wasn’t in control of how I felt anymore? But that couldn't be. Not after being with someone only once. The chase was over, wasn't it? Fuuuuucccckkkkkk me! The heart was trying to control me, but I couldn’t let it. Even the heart had weaknesses. Love was the equivalent of stabbing a dagger into a heart and twisting. Okay, maybe it wasn't that dramatic, but it felt like it to me. "No. Of course not," I said after a long pause. I was lost in my thoughts, and Stacey, being the way she was, noticed. "I wish I could see your face right now, because I know you’re lying. I know you are trying to feed me lies, Roxane VanBuren, and I’m not having it. I want every single dirty little detail of what happened, and not just, ‘we moved to second base,’ got it?" A man’s voice yelled in the background about how models should get off their damn phones and actually work today. "I’ve got to go. Darrell is being such a douche. I swear his glitter panties are in a knot right now … but this isn’t over." More yells followed, and she said her goodbyes after cursing loudly that it was an emergency and people needed to shut the hell up. My heart raced at the thought of what was happening to me. I had to deny this at all costs. I couldn’t be in like. I had never fallen for someone so soon. No way. And if I started admitting it, even to myself, it would be trouble. I knew it sounded so silly to be in like, but it was the first step to love. All I could think of was that stupid childhood chant that we all sang to agitate people who were in like. Roxy and Parker sitting in a tree … next thing there would k-i-s-s-i-n-g, love, then a baby in a baby carriage. Hell no. No. There were no babies in my future.  
Single, Volume One
After failing miserably at love, Roxane VanBuren swears off men but not before her determined best friend shows her all the advantages of being single. After a wild weekend full of sex, old-flames, and secrets, Roxane is desperate to forget it ever happened. But she learns it isn't that easy. Since becoming the President of VanBuren Investments, she knows how important it is for her professional and personal life to remain separate from one another. If the two were to mix, the rumors could possibly ruin her reputation, which is bad for her and bad for business. To avoid that, Roxane allows rules to define and guide her every move. Unfortunately for her, Parker Williams is determined to break them all, one at a time.  
About the Author
Lyra Parish loves to write, travel, and sing obnoxiously loud at the top of her lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make her gush. She is a firm believer that a person can never have too many cats, cups of coffee, or read too many happily ever afters. When she isn't busy writing, she can be found sipping various beverages from her non-alcoholic drink buffet, pimp slapping excel spreadsheets, or riding her bike. Lyra currently resides in Texas with her glass blowing, guitar playing hubby and black cat.  
Connect with Lyra
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Release Blitz for Leddy Harper & Marlo Williams's "HINDSIGHT" @LeddyHarper

________________________________________________________________________ BANNER - BLITZ    

✦ Hindsight by Leddy Harper & Marlo Williams! ✦

Enter the RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY for a $50 Amazon Giftcard and more here! Add Hindsight on Goodreads here!


leddy synopsis
You always hear about the moment right before the end when you see your life flash before your eyes. Some people have even said they had experienced heaven as they headed for the bright light in that one split second before everything went blank. But there isn’t a way to know if they spoke of the truth. Not until you’re actually there, in that moment, that one moment just before the curtains of life are drawn closed after what becomes your final act.
I can tell you firsthand if that is true. I experienced it. Taking my bow as the curtains slowly closed. I reached out and tried to stop them, but I was helpless to stop it. It’s weird, the roller coaster of emotions you go through when you’ve reached your journey’s end.
As I lay on the cool tile, random thoughts ran through my mind. They astonished me, considering the seriousness of my situation. I had no idea where the random thoughts even came from. It was probably because I knew I was fading. I could tell by the blood that formed in pools around my body. My time on earth was coming to a close.
So much blood. So much pain. So many regrets.
So did I experience it? The flashing of life or the whiteness of heaven? Not in the way people have made it sound, but I did see it. It served the purpose of showing me where it all went wrong. It proved to me why I was alone and cold, dying on the bathroom floor. It reminded me that as humans, we make choices, good or bad, and we must live with the consequences.
Hindsight. They say it’s twenty-twenty.
That’s the truest statement I had ever heard. Moments of my life flooded my mind, all of them going back in time, serving as a roadmap to the beginning.


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✦ Enter the AMAZING giveaway from Leddy Harper and Marlo Williams! ✦
Up for grabs.... $50 Amazon gift card and multiple signed paperbacks!

Hindsight is co-written by Leddy Harper and Marlo Williams!
All about Leddy:
Leddy Harper had to use her imagination often as a child. She grew up the only girl in a house full of boys. At the age of fourteen, she decided to use that imagination and wrote her first book, and never stopped. She often calls writing her therapy, using it as a way to deal with issues through the eyes of her characters.
She is now a mother of three girls, leaving her husband as the only man in a house full of females. The decision to publish her first book was made as a way of showing her children to go after whatever it is they want to. Love what you do and do it well. And to teach them what it means to overcome their fears.
All about Marlo:
Marlo Williams has been an avid reader since the ripe old age of nine. She'd read all the time to the point her mom thought there was something wrong with her.
When Ms. Williams was in her teens she started feverishly writing books. Writing was more fantastic than reading and she found her imagination had no bounds. She would submerge herself in her room for hours and hours just writing on lined paper in her notebook.

Click on any of the sites below to follow Leddy Harper!Facebook | Website | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads
Click on any of the sites below to follow Marlo Williams!Facebook | Amazon | Goodreads

Click on any of the retail sites below to purchase other books by these authors!
Purchase Home No More by Leddy Harper: Amazon | Goodreads
Purchase Benevolent by Leddy Harper: Amazon | Goodreads
Purchase Corporate Calculation by Marlo Williams: Amazon | Goodreads
Purchase Corporate Nightmare by Marlo Williams: Amazon | Goodreads
Purchase Death Drop by Marlo Williams: Amazon
Purchase Death Spiral by Marlo Williams: Amazon | Goodreads

Hosted by TOJ Tours, from TOJ Publishing Services, Inc.

Broken Blood Release Day Blitz

How do you defeat an enemy that knows your every thought … even as you think it?

I thought watching my Werewolf boyfriend get arrested for murder was the worst experience of my life. But then I was knocked out and dragged off to a cell of my own by the very people who were supposed to protect me from danger.

I thought being held prisoner in solitary confinement for weeks on end was the worst experience of my life. But then a visitor came, and I realized I’d been wrong all along. There are worse things than torture and death. Much worse.

He wants my blood. More than that, he wants to get into my head. To use my bond to control his army, to wipe the world clean of anything with dirty blood. I can’t let that happen, but if I don’t he’ll kill every single person I’ve ever cared about—beginning with my Werewolf pack.

The prophecy said I would have to make an impossible choice, but I must be doing this wrong—so far every choice I’ve made has only led to more pain and danger and death. Hunters are pitted against Werewolves and I’m alone in my war against Gordon Steppe. I can’t fight him off anymore; all I can do is try to keep him out of the important places. And I’m failing at even that.

I thought the demons were out there, clearly marked and clinging to the shadows. But they’re not. The monsters are within the ranks of those sworn to protect. The enemy is among us.

Broken Blood, book 5 in the Dirty Blood series is NOW Available!

Enter Now for Your Chance to Win one of Two Amazing Prizes
The Grand Prize a Kindle Paper White
The Second Prize is a Wolf’s Tooth Necklace and Signed Swag from Author Heather Hildenbrand

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And for a limited time, Get COLD BLOOD (book 2) free!
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Cold Blood is your free gift!!

COLD BLOOD (Dirty Blood #2)

Sometimes Family Can be the Death of You

Wood Point Academy is not at all what I expected.
For one thing, it looks like a cross between military school and Buckingham Palace. Everyone stares, the floors shine so bright you can see your reflection in them from a mile away, and no one smiles.

At least I’ve got plenty to take my mind off the fact that my psycho cousin, Miles De’Luca, keeps calling and declaring his love and promising to come for me just as soon as he’s destroyed anyone standing in our way. Wes isn’t going to like that idea. So between Miles, Wood Point’s evil welcoming committee, and the drill sergeant hottie trainer from hell, I just keep asking myself, how did I end up here?

Excerpt Reveal Exclusive

Blood Bond
Deleted scene: Chapter One
Hunting hybrids through Wes’s eyes:

The smell of death coated my throat. I swallowed against the acrid taste of it and stared at the scene before me. We were too late. These people had been dead at least a day, probably two.
I nudged a tent pole with my toe. The fabric lay in heaps on the ground in a messy circle around the remains of a campfire. Clothing lay strewn about, bloodied and shredded. Miscellaneous items such as water bottles, purses, and cell phones littered the dirt-packed ground.
“There’s nothing here.” Cord wandered between bodies, stepping haphazardly. She’d pulled her hair up off her neck, but her cheeks were still flushed.
The humidity in Louisiana was enough to make my eyes water. I’d taken to travelling in nothing but a pair of shorts and flip flops. The backseat held a pile of t-shirts to pull on whenever I needed to enter a public place, but the heat made it impossible to stand the fabric for long. Besides, I’d lost way too many shirts these past weeks. On a hunt like this, there was rarely warning before the need to shift arose. Nor any time to undress beforehand. At least this way, I only lost my shorts.
“We’re not even close behind them, Wes. This is pointless.” Cord sounded irritated—more so than usual.
I sighed and shoved my hair back from my forehead. “I can see that,” I said, the words curt and biting. I didn’t want to be here any more than she did, but if not us, then who? If CHAS found the hybrids first they’d end up exactly like these innocent humans I stood in the midst of. Bloody. Dead. Left to rot.
“Let’s go,” I said, turning on my heel and heading for the car. I opened my phone as I emerged from the trees, heading for my car still parked at the shoulder.
No traffic passed while I waited for the call to connect and I didn’t expect any to. Not all the way out here. The people we’d just found had been guests of a remote campground. They’d been such an easy target. Probably had no clue what had hit them.
Cord joined me as I hung up with emergency. “Did you report it?” she asked in a bored voice. She pulled the visor down and checked her reflection in the mirror then used her hand to wipe under her eyes where her eyeliner had smudged.
“Yeah, they’ll take care of the bodies. It’ll probably make the news. Animal attack. Nothing we can do about that now short of burying them ourselves.” Cord shot me a look, letting me know the chances of that happening. “Right. Let’s get going.”
I started the engine and shifted into gear, easing us onto the narrow two-lane highway. Trees rose up above us, coating the cliff’s edge and closing us in. Normally, this sort of scenery would tug at me, urging my wolf out of the tightness of the car and into the wide open. I ignored the pull of the outdoors and focused on the road. The pull I felt toward Frederick Falls, toward Tara, was greater, by far, than any urge I felt to linger here.
“Where to, now?” Cord asked.
“Jack should be done meeting with our contact by now. Let’s see if he’s heard anything new.”
“And if not?” I didn’t answer. Cord huffed out a breath. “We both know he’s not going to hear anything solid. If we were going to find them, it would’ve happened already. Face it. They don’t want to be found.”
“We can’t just stop.” I kept my eyes on the road and worked the muscle in my jaw. It was a nervous habit from way back. One Fee hated and always fussed about. Her voice rang in my head and I forced my teeth to relax.
“Why? Because she won’t allow it?”
Cord’s response came out twisted with disdain. I ignored it, as I always did with Cord. I knew that deep down she didn’t despise Tara nearly as much as she wanted me to believe. If she did, she wouldn’t have protected her at Wood Point. Not even for me.
There were chinks in her stance on Tara, ones I planned to keep chipping away at until she came around. If not for my sake, then for Tara’s. I knew it bothered her that Cord disliked her.
“Because Tara’s right. They deserve a choice,” I said.
“Are you sure about that? You saw what they did back there, right? Mayhem. Violence. Half-eaten bodies. That sound like someone who needs a choice to you?”
“They may not all be monsters,” I said quietly.
As usual, whenever this subject came up, something deep in my gut tightened. I wouldn’t allow someone else to be labeled by what they were any more than I wanted someone doing it to me. So I would continue to hunt. Even though I secretly wished she’d just call me and demand I give up and come home to her. Because I wouldn’t do it unless she asked. But God, I wanted to.