How do you defeat an enemy
that knows your every thought … even as you think it?
I thought watching my Werewolf boyfriend
get arrested for murder was the worst experience of my life. But then I was
knocked out and dragged off to a cell of my own by the very people who were
supposed to protect me from danger.
thought being held prisoner in solitary confinement for weeks on end was the
worst experience of my life. But then a visitor came, and I realized I’d been
wrong all along. There are worse things than torture and death. Much worse.
He wants my blood. More than that, he wants to get
into my head. To use my bond to control his army, to wipe the world clean of
anything with dirty blood. I can’t let that happen, but if I don’t he’ll kill
every single person I’ve ever cared about—beginning with my Werewolf pack.
The prophecy said I would have to make an
impossible choice, but I must be doing this wrong—so far every choice I’ve made
has only led to more pain and danger and death. Hunters are pitted against
Werewolves and I’m alone in my war against Gordon Steppe. I can’t fight him off
anymore; all I can do is try to keep him out of the important places. And I’m
failing at even that.
thought the demons were out there, clearly marked and clinging to the shadows.
But they’re not. The monsters are within the ranks of those sworn to protect.
The enemy is among us.
Broken Blood, book 5 in the Dirty Blood series is NOW Available!
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COLD BLOOD (Dirty Blood #2)
Sometimes Family Can be the Death of You
Wood Point Academy is not at all what I expected.
For one thing, it looks like a cross between military school and
Buckingham Palace. Everyone stares, the floors shine so bright you can see your
reflection in them from a mile away, and no one smiles.
At least I’ve got plenty to take my mind off the fact that my
psycho cousin, Miles De’Luca, keeps calling and declaring his love and
promising to come for me just as soon as he’s destroyed anyone standing in our
way. Wes isn’t going to like that idea. So between Miles, Wood Point’s evil
welcoming committee, and the drill sergeant hottie trainer from hell, I just
keep asking myself, how did I end up here?
Excerpt Reveal Exclusive
Blood Bond
Deleted scene: Chapter
hybrids through Wes’s eyes:
The smell of death coated my throat. I swallowed
against the acrid taste of it and stared at the scene before me. We were too
late. These people had been dead at least a day, probably two.
I nudged a tent pole with
my toe. The fabric lay in heaps on the ground in a messy circle around the
remains of a campfire. Clothing lay strewn about, bloodied and shredded.
Miscellaneous items such as water bottles, purses, and cell phones littered the
dirt-packed ground.
“There’s nothing here.”
Cord wandered between bodies, stepping haphazardly. She’d pulled her hair up
off her neck, but her cheeks were still flushed.
The humidity in Louisiana
was enough to make my eyes water. I’d taken to travelling in nothing but a pair
of shorts and flip flops. The backseat held a pile of t-shirts to pull on
whenever I needed to enter a public place, but the heat made it impossible to
stand the fabric for long. Besides, I’d lost way too many shirts these past
weeks. On a hunt like this, there was rarely warning before the need to shift arose.
Nor any time to undress beforehand. At least this way, I only lost my shorts.
“We’re not even close
behind them, Wes. This is pointless.” Cord sounded irritated—more so than
I sighed and shoved my
hair back from my forehead. “I can see that,” I said, the words curt and
biting. I didn’t want to be here any more than she did, but if not us, then
who? If CHAS found the hybrids first they’d end up exactly like these innocent
humans I stood in the midst of. Bloody. Dead. Left to rot.
“Let’s go,” I said,
turning on my heel and heading for the car. I opened my phone as I emerged from
the trees, heading for my car still parked at the shoulder.
No traffic passed while I
waited for the call to connect and I didn’t expect any to. Not all the way out
here. The people we’d just found had been guests of a remote campground. They’d
been such an easy target. Probably had no clue what had hit them.
Cord joined me as I hung
up with emergency. “Did you report it?” she asked in a bored voice. She pulled
the visor down and checked her reflection in the mirror then used her hand to
wipe under her eyes where her eyeliner had smudged.
“Yeah, they’ll take care
of the bodies. It’ll probably make the news. Animal attack. Nothing we can do
about that now short of burying them ourselves.” Cord shot me a look, letting
me know the chances of that happening. “Right. Let’s get going.”
I started the engine and
shifted into gear, easing us onto the narrow two-lane highway. Trees rose up
above us, coating the cliff’s edge and closing us in. Normally, this sort of
scenery would tug at me, urging my wolf out of the tightness of the car and
into the wide open. I ignored the pull of the outdoors and focused on the road.
The pull I felt toward Frederick Falls, toward Tara, was greater, by far, than
any urge I felt to linger here.
“Where to, now?” Cord
“Jack should be done
meeting with our contact by now. Let’s see if he’s heard anything new.”
“And if not?” I didn’t
answer. Cord huffed out a breath. “We both know he’s not going to hear anything
solid. If we were going to find them, it would’ve happened already. Face it.
They don’t want to be found.”
“We can’t just stop.” I
kept my eyes on the road and worked the muscle in my jaw. It was a nervous
habit from way back. One Fee hated and always fussed about. Her voice rang in
my head and I forced my teeth to relax.
“Why? Because she won’t allow it?”
Cord’s response came out
twisted with disdain. I ignored it, as I always did with Cord. I knew that deep
down she didn’t despise Tara nearly as much as she wanted me to believe. If she
did, she wouldn’t have protected her at Wood Point. Not even for me.
There were chinks in her
stance on Tara, ones I planned to keep chipping away at until she came around.
If not for my sake, then for Tara’s. I knew it bothered her that Cord disliked
“Because Tara’s right.
They deserve a choice,” I said.
“Are you sure about that?
You saw what they did back there, right? Mayhem. Violence. Half-eaten bodies.
That sound like someone who needs a choice to you?”
“They may not all be
monsters,” I said quietly.
As usual, whenever this
subject came up, something deep in my gut tightened. I wouldn’t allow someone
else to be labeled by what they were any more than I wanted someone doing it to
me. So I would continue to hunt. Even though I secretly wished she’d just call
me and demand I give up and come home to her. Because I wouldn’t do it unless
she asked. But God, I wanted to.