WARNING: This is NOT a traditional love story. It contains disturbing subject matter, including themes of questionable consent for both male and female, as well as graphic sexual content. This is a work of fiction intended for a mature, 18+ audience only. The author neither endorses nor condones this type of behaviour.
After the devastating loss of her parents and subsequent depression, Olivia Brown decided a move from her parent’s family home in Cambridge to a house in London would give her the fresh start she so sorely needed.
Living off her inheritance, Olivia didn’t need to work, but she knew she needed something to make her feel like life was worth living. Painting was her one true love, but that wasn’t enough. So she started a part-time job in a bar, and the rest of the time she spent at a local soup kitchen, feeding the homeless. In the mornings, she bought hot beverages for her homeless friends, but there was one who never asked. This man, having the most facial hair she’d ever seen, the most captivating eyes she’d ever stared at, remained aloof. He never said a word to anyone, and never once looked her way. However, all this did was make Olivia want to find out more about this mysterious man hiding behind a face full of hair.
One perilous evening, her wish came true.
On the way back from working at the bar, Olivia was attacked. She screamed for help, relieved when her cries are answered...but surprised when she saw who her rescuer was. It was the eyes. It was the hair. It was none other than the mysterious homeless man.
That night, Olivia learned two things. One, his name was Kit, and two, Kit had skills… skills which didn’t fit a man living on the streets.
Day after day, Olivia slowly pushed the boundaries, coaxing out the man hiding behind the hair. Kit Chain wasn’t only trained like men she watched in movies, he was also the most beautiful. Bit by bit, Olivia managed to break down his walls, revealing secrets that would change her life. Secrets that would put both of them in terrible danger.
However, there was one thing about secrets...
Everyone had them.
I love Jaimie's books and I was excited to be able to read this one.
This book didn't disappoint, there is suspense, lots of twists and turns, and emotional heartbreak.
This is a dark read and you should read the blurb before deciding as it does contain elements that could be triggers.
We meet Olivia who has lived through enough torment and loss, that no one should deal with in a life. She has found the only way of dealing with all this is at the end of a bottle. Something changes and she decides that she should be doing more. She decides to help out in a soup kitchen, where she meets Kit a homeless man who then saves her one night. An unlikely friendship ensues.
This is truly a read that will have you guessing at every page, a book that you feel was written from the heart and a powerful read at that.
Jaimie has failed to disappoint yet again.
💖💖💖💖💖 A copy received on behalf of Obsessed by Books 💖💖💖💖💖

Chained by Jaimie Roberts is the reason why I adore standalone reads. It's full of depth, emotion, suspense and twists galore that keep you clutching your kindle till the early hours to know what happens next. I absolutely adored Deviant and Redemption so I was hoping for her to give my fix of darkness, vengeful emotions and misplaced agendas and she didn't disappoint.
The book follows Olivia, a solitary twenty year old who has faced the worst of what life can throw at you. Her Dad took his own life, her mother died from cancer soon after and her pampered, luxurious lifestyle is a distant memory now. She chose to be a recluse after seeking solace in the bottle immediately after her parents passing, but she now lives in London and works in a bar and a homeless soup kitchen whilst she contemplates how to fulfil her one mission that will bring her peace: finding the Shadow-man who haunts her memories, or so she thinks. Her 'uncle' is the one constant in her life from her past and his influence and power over her is one that sets your senses into high alert from his first mention. He is linked to her past but why and what are his intentions for her future?
Whilst volunteering at the soup kitchen she meets Kit; a reclusive man who peaks her curiosity. He's always around in the shadows and keeps a close eye on her. He saves her one evening and from that point on their forever connected but this is far from a simple romance plot line and Jaimie entices you into this deeply malevolent tale of greed, power and desire where the lines of family and morals are blurred when it comes to one person and what they want.
This book questions how much are you willing to risk to seek the truth and how far you are willing to go to get what you want. As the story unfolds we watch Olivia fighting against the fears of her past and the addictions of her present to be able see the light in her dark reality. Will Kit be the key to set her free or will he be another one of the monsters who keeps her in the dark?
I fear if I write more I will spoil the whole experience for you and this book has to be felt first hand; every twist, turn, revelation one page at a time. The pieces of the puzzle slowly come together and what is revealed will leave you reeling!!
This book by Jaimie questions: what is the price of love and how much does guilt and power drive people to do unquestionable acts of violence and malice?
~*~ read and reviewed on behalf of Obsessed by Books ~*~

~*~ Obsessed by books arc given in exchange for an honest review ~*~
"You. Are. Mine. Don't ever forget that, Livy. You've been mine since the day you were fucking born. Don't ever disobey me again."
Who is Uncle? Who is the Shadowman? And who exactly is Olivia? Step into a mysterious, cloak and dagger world of half truths and carefully veiled undercover plots. Smoke and mirrors with a very James Bond esque quality to this story, this is a what the hell I have just read type book. Throughout your mind is trying to piece together the jigsaw pieces to make a pretty picture that make sense but the reality is quite awe inspiringly horrific. Greed and lust over rules all decency and drives wealthy powerful men to go above and beyond all boundaries of morality to ensure they gain what they desire. Abusing their power to feed their own inflated egos lives are destroyed as if they mean nothing.
Olivia hasn't had things easy, a child of wealth and luxury she has been derived of human kindness and love by her parents who kept her at arms length. Suddenly set adrift without them after finding her father dead at his own hand with her mother passing soon after due to cancer Olivia seeks solace at the bottom of a bottle. Her addiction breaks her and Uncle steps in at her weakest. Saving her from herself Uncle becomes more than just a father figure, lines are blurred and he is her new addiction. Strangely conflicted by her emotions and wanton desires Olivia knows she is a slave to his will, completely under his control. Haunted by the Shadowman of her youth her fear of him is used to empower Olivia and she uses her need to find him to motivate her. Working at a homeless kitchen and a bar part time, she finds a surrogate family in the lost would that rely in her. One solitary man captures her interest and he quickly becomes her new addiction. Who is the man behind the facial hair with the soulful eyes that have hold so much hurt?
And so unfolds the story of a lost girl trying to find her way home to happiness. Overcoming her fears and unravelling the secrets and lies of her childhood and slaying the monsters that are determined to keep her a prisoner of her addictions. This is a cleverly crafted intriguing tale of raw passion that hits hard and deals with controversial plot lines that mange to perfectly balance the dark with the light. How can something that feels so good be so wrong? This story will tie you up in knots, have you screaming for answers and the truth really does set you free! Kit and Olivia have such a tentative beginning that soon combusts. The chemistry between them is off the charts. Uncle and his obsession with Livy is also darkly alluring and shamefully just as sizzling a definite guilty pleasure!
This is a uniquely different read that made a refreshing change. It made me think and question but equally I was cheering for Kit and Olivia as I fell in love with their love story. Ian, the guys from the homeless shelter are all really fabulous characters and I hope we see more of them.
A four and a half star mind blown read.

WARNING: Contains strong language and sexual references.
“Livy, what have I told you about drinking too much?”
I started laughing. “Oh, come on, Uncle. Just a little more. I promise I’ll be good.”
“You’re only eighteen, Livy. You drink more than I do.”...
Uncle stared at me intensely. Even as shit-faced as I was, I could see he was a man of whom to be afraid. I knew his power. I also knew the power he had held over my father…and that was saying something.
I leaned over him, trying to snatch the bottle from his outstretched hand. He was teasing me and I didn’t like it. I was desperate for more Jack Daniels. It was my road to numbness… A road I visited as often as I could since my parents died.
“Please, give me more.” I leaned over again, but Uncle stretched his arm even further away. By now, I was practically on top of him and caught a whiff of his sexy aftershave. “I’ll give you a blowjob if you let me have my drink back.”
He laughed. He actually laughed. I hated that. “What the fuck do you find so funny?”
Uncle stopped laughing and looked at me sternly. “Livy, don’t ever raise your fucking voice to me again. You got that? I fucking own you. Remember that. One day, you’ll see. One day, when you’ve got your shit cleaned up and are ready for me, I’ll be there. For now, you must learn to know your place. Show some fucking respect.”
My mouth was dry as I tried to swallow. “S…s…sorry,” I stuttered.
Uncle looked at my expression and his own softened. He leaned forward, brushed his lips across my forehead and sighed. “You smell like a brewery, Livy. You’ve got to stop moping around the house all day. You need to focus your mind on something and get better. I know you have it in you. You always were my favourite girl.” He tilted up my chin to meet his eyes. He was showing me his kind eyes today. The eyes I thought might love me a little. “What is it you want?”
Closing my eyes, I tried to think. All I wanted was…nothing. I didn’t want to think or feel anymore. I just wanted nothing. I was sick of seeing my dad’s lifeless eyes staring back at me. Sick of fucking everything.
“I want a drink.”
Uncle sighed, obviously unpleased, and pushed me off him. “Where are you going?” I asked, watching him head for the door. He still had my bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand.
“I’m going home, Livy.”
I started panicking. “What about my drink?”
He slammed the door behind him, making me jump. I had no Jack Daniels left in the house.
At that moment, I got angry. Picking up a glass ornament, I threw it at the door and screamed, “Fucking arshole!”
I slouched down and sobbed for the loss of my drink. I could still feel, and needed something to take the edge off. Only Jack could do that for me.
Jack was my best and only friend.
Jaimie Roberts was born in London, but moved to Gibraltar in 2001. She is married with two sons, and in her spare time, she writes.
In June 2013, Jaimie published her first book, Take a Breath, with the second released in November 2013. With the reviews, Jaimie took time out to read and learn how to become a better writer. She gets tremendous enjoyment out of writing, and even more so from the feedback she receives.