Monday, 20 April 2015

Release Day Blitz: Spark by Erin Noelle! @authorenoelle

Title: Spark Author: Erin Noelle Genre: Mature New Adult Release Date: April 20

Spark-FOR-WEB   synopsis I’m failing. My younger brother is getting worse, and my job – my duty – is to help him at all costs. We’ve tried everything modern medicine has to offer and nothing works. Nothing. Deciding to turn to unconventional treatments, we end up at Fire-on-the-Mountain, a holistic resort deep in the Rockies. In our search for medical marijuana, I find beautiful, free-spirited Hudson Shavell – a girl who may not only hold the key to heal my brother, but to fix me as well. Even though I can’t afford distractions right now, she’s all I can think about. All that I want. It’s funny how everything can change with one little SPARK. 72603-add-to-goodreads-button  
** $2.99 special release price for the first 48 hours **
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Spark available now
Hudson “Hey, stud man. We haven’t even been here an hour and you’ve already got the hot chicks flocking to you. I’m impressed.” Smirking, he ruffles the back of my new friend Caleb’s sandy-colored hair, his twinkling green eyes still locked on mine. The cute, freckle-faced kid cranes his neck up to look at him with a big, goofy grin. “Well, I learned from the best of the best.” “That you did, lil’ bro. That you most certainly did,” he repeats lowly, obviously referring to himself. The taunting smirk transforms into a full-blown, I-get-girls-to-drop-their-panties-at-will smile, and I subtly grab ahold of the chair in front of me, steadying myself from whatever craziness is happening inside of me while praying my tights are immune to his allure and stay up on my hips. Okay, so maybe he’s a wee bit full of himself, but he did call me hot, so I’m willing to forgive a little cockiness. It’s not until Mary says, “Crew, stop being an arrogant ass and properly introduce yourself to this nice girl. Her family owns the lodge,” that I realize I haven’t spoken a word or stopped staring at him since he walked in. God, I must look like a complete idiot. Closing my jaw, which had evidently dropped open sometime during my gawking session, I force out the improper thoughts swirling in my head—a rarity for me—and turn on my best hostess face, extending my arm in his direction. “Hi, I’m Hudson Shavell.” Those are the only words I can manage, because when he takes my hand in his, all of the nerve endings in my fingers and my palm fly into hyperdrive, shooting a jolt of energy straight up my arm and throughout the rest of my body. “Nice to meet ya, Hudson Shavell. I’m Crew Elliott, the arrogant ass for a son,” he jokes, his Southern drawl endearing, while holding onto my hand a few seconds longer than necessary. “I’m glad you got to meet the sweet son first, but don’t let that innocent face fool you; he’s more of a heartbreaker than I could ever dream of being.” “Shut up, Crew!” Caleb exclaims, playfully punching his older brother in the ribs. “Don’t be cock-blocking me. Even if Hudson here isn’t digging my chili, have you looked around and seen the rest of her sisters? They’re smokin’ too, man.” Unable to hold back, I burst out laughing as Mary flicks her younger son on the ear and shakes her head in disbelief, mumbling something about having boys. Meanwhile, Crew is scanning the dining room, obviously searching out my other smokin’ sisters, which puts a damper on my short-lived amusement. I know at least one of them will be all over him before the night is over, and seeing how I’m going on a date with someone else, I can’t very well call dibs on him, or whatever my sisters usually do when they all see a cute guy they’re interested in. Never before have I cared much to find out how this process works, but I’m guessing it’s not like food. I suppose licking his face real quick to mark him as mine for when I get back wouldn’t be appropriate. “Hudson! Hey, Hudson, your date just got here! Doug’s got him cornered in the lobby,” Cheyenne calls out from behind me, emphasizing the word ‘date’ with the sugary-sweet voice she only uses when she wants something. And unfortunately, I know exactly what she wants right now. I twist around at the waist, careful not to snarl my nose up at her, and tip my chin in acknowledgement. “Thanks, sis,” I bite out. “I’ll go save him.” Turning back toward Mary, Crew, and Caleb, I twist the corners of my lips up in an apologetic smile. “Excuse me. It was a pleasure meeting you all, and I’m sure I’ll see you around quite a bit during your stay. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call. Our cell numbers are listed in the welcome packet in your cabin.” Then, without introducing Cheyenne to the group, which I know she’s eagerly waiting for, I spin on my heel and hurry out to the lobby to rescue Beckham from the wrath of my dad’s inability to shut up, wondering why this day of all days Crew Elliott walked into the lodge. It’s almost like a sick joke from the gods. Finally, after hearing my boy-crazy sisters for years, never understanding what all the hype was about, I’m introduced to someone who turns my insides to a liquefied, chaotic mess at the mere sight of him, only to be yanked away and put in the arms of someone else. Awesome-sauce.   trailer
what people are saying 5 stars of beauty, touching every single emotion in the eloquent way only Noelle can.
~ S.E. Hall, NYT Bestselling Author
Poignant and timely, the subject matter of Erin Noelle's Spark is both thought provoking and heart wrenching. 5 stars to a romance that is so much more than a simple love story.
-Carey Heywood, NYT & USA Today Bestselling Author
Noelle really shows her breadth as a writer in Spark––funny, sexy, sad, witty and poignant––all in exactly the right places. Set among the grandeur of the Colorado mountains and caught in the middle of legalized marijuana, ski bunnies and hipsters, Spark is not only a story about young love, but conviction, strength, and the meaning of family. A five-star, do-not-miss, full-of-feels new adult read!
~Rachel Blaufeld, Author of the Electric Tunnel series and Redemption Lane
Erin Noelle has a way of drawing you into a story and you just don't want to leave. You can smell the air, touch the characters and become one with her words. Granted, Erin has a way of making your chest clench, find it necessary to scream and grab a tissue.
~Joanne Schwehm, Author
Bottom line is ... Erin Noelle hit this one out of the park. She gives you EXACTLY what you want when you want it, like she was in my brain, piecing together the perfect new adult novel. Like she was like "I wonder how Ashley would feel about this" and then WHAM she gives it to me ... you will love, you will cry, you will be broken, you will be empathetic, you will be ANGRY AS FAAAK, and you will be put back together in a way that only Erin can ...
~Ashley Suzanne, Author
Just finished reading an ARC of Spark by Erin Noelle!!! Wow!! This book kept me up all night reading. I'm telling you now that Spark is a definite must read that will have your emotions running wild and falling in love with Crew, Hudson and everyone else that you'll meet. Thank you, Erin!! ☆☆☆☆☆
~Victoria Ashley, NYT Bestselling Author
  author bio erin noelle Erin Noelle is a Texas native, where she lives with her husband and two young daughters. While earning her degree in History at the University of Houston, she rediscovered her love for reading that was first instilled by her grandmother when she was a young child. A lover of happily-ever-afters, both historical and current, Erin is an avid reader of all romance novels. Her titles published include the Book Boyfriend Series, the Dusk ‘Til Dawn Series, Translucent, Conspire — co-authored with SE Hall, Surviving Us, and MILF: Wrong Kind of Love. Her books have been a part of the USA Today Bestselling list and the Amazon and Barnes & Noble overall Top 100.
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Release Day Blitz for The Exposé 3 by Roxy Sloane. @givemebooksblog @Roxy_Sloane

Title: The Exposé 3
Series: The Exposé #3
Author: Roxy Sloane
 Release Date: April 20, 2015

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Review by Ally Obsessive One Clicker

*** ARC provided by Obsessed by Books for an honest review ***

Wow oh wow what a series this is. I love these books they keep you hanging and wanting more. Roxy Sloane did not disappoint. Love Dax and Zoe they were scorching hot and wow the sex scenes were hot and steamy.

The Expose 3 continues right where the 2nd left off. It continues the story of Zoe trying to get her big break into the journalism world. Zoe's secret's are revealed and Dax is pissed at her for lying to him.

Wow these two were great together and loved how the story keeps you glued to the pages. I didn't want it to end now I have to wait til the 4th one to see what happens with Zoe and Dax

Also Available




My secret is out — and the stakes are higher than ever. 

One night with Dax Ryan and my cover is blown, but I can’t walk away. It’s not just the incredible, filthy things he does to my body; I’ve betrayed his trust, and I need to make it right. 

But each new question only gets me in deeper. And every sexy encounter with Dax makes me want him even more.

This is dangerous. Thrilling.

And I can’t stop.

Graphic Designer: Jay Jay

Author Bio

Roxy Sloane is a romance junkie with a dirty mind. She lives in Los Angeles with her hot ex-military hubby and her two kids. She loves writing sexy, complex stories about pushing the boundaries and risking it all.

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Graphic Designer: Jay Jay


Cover Reveal for Little Moments by Madison Street @givemebooksblog @madisonstauthor

Title: Little Moments
Series: Second Chances #2
Author: Madison Street
Cover Design: Lindee Robinson Photography
 Release Date: Spring 2015



Think back to the exact moment when you fell in love for the first time.

That split second. That precise moment.

Can you remember it?

I can remember the day as if it were yesterday: from the light blue dress she wore, to her golden locks curved along her shoulders, down to the shocking tingle when our fingers touched. It was the happiest day of my life, and yet she didn’t even know I existed.

What if you had the chance to relive those moments? Would you take it?

I’ve waited almost ten years for her and my time has finally come.

This split second, this precise moment will change her life forever.

Available Now

“Intense. Mind-Blowing. Emotional. Haunting. Shocking. Twisted.”




Holding on tight against my chest, I fight through the pain as the heated flames burn. Reaching the stairwell, I jet up the stairs keeping balance as the building continues to tremble. Jumping for the top of the stairs, I land on the platform. The boy cries out as fear exudes from his face. Panic swarms my thoughts but I push them out. We are going to make it.
A loud explosion bellows from beneath us and a fiery blast erupts. The blast blows me off balance sending me straight into the wall. The boy slips from my grasp as I fly through the air slamming into the wall. The impact knocks the wind out of me as the dizziness clogs my head. Debris from the sixth floor crumbles onto the stairwell as the bannister starts to break away from its hold. I search for the boy, noticing him on the ground unconscious, still wrapped in my jacket.
Coughing profusely I hoist him back in my arms, sealing the mask back on his face. The SCBA beeps again, notifying the three-minute mark. Scanning for the hall window, a sliver of moonlight illuminates the hallway.
Hosting us off the ground, one arm holds the boy, while my other grabs hold of the radio. With a raspy voice, “Almost there Cap.”
“The ladder is waiting for you guys. Step on it!”
With careful steps, I make way to the window. In an instant, the building rumbles around us. Flames from inside the apartment melt the walls and bursts into the hallway. The boy yells out as I tighten my grip around him.
Large amounts of debris falls behind us and crashes into the ground, creating gaping holes in the floor. Violent tremors shake the wooden frames as I struggle to keep balance. A shining light blinds through the hall window as it blasts open with Carter peeking inside, “Roman!”
The sound of the cracking floor creeps around me and I look down to see it’s completely tearing apart. My heart beat stops as I lay eyes on the child and then Carter. In a split, I rip the mask off the boy and hoist him up, readying to toss him into Carter’s arms.
As the ground starts to disappear from underneath me, I use all my strength to hurl the boy, tossing him into Carter’s grasp. A smile curves along my lips as Carter catches him. And with the sight of the boy safe, the floor gives way and crumbles beneath me.
The roaring plea of Carter’s voice is the last sound I hear as I fall into oblivion.

 Copyright 2015: Madison Street

Author Bio

Madison Street was born in New York City and was raised in the Bronx, where she resided until she was 17 years old. After 9/11, Madison joined the United States Navy to serve her country.

During the deployments, Madison constantly wrote short stories and she discovered her passion for writing. You will find Madison always on the computer, whether she's on Facebook, designing websites, messing with Photoshop, or writing for her blog.

Besides writing, her second passion is music and dance. Even though she's a terrible singer, she’ll still belt it out in the shower, especially if the song is her jam! She currently resides in Virginia with her husband of 8 years, 2 children, a dog, and a cat. She is so excited to start this amazing journey and is honored to be part of such a compassionate and loving community.

Author Links

Cover Reveal for Retribution by Mandy Lou Dowson. givemebooksblog @GoldyFecknLocks

Title: Retribution
Author: Mandy Lou Dowson
Genre: Dark Romance
Cover Designer: Tell Tale Book Covers
 Release Date: May 4, 2015


Three people irrevocably linked. 
A remorseless killer. 
A shady businessman. 
A woman caught in the cross-fire.

Braxton Alexander is a beast without remorse; a vessel filled with hate. Imprisoned for the murder of the one girl who loved him, now he is free, and hell bent on taking all of his pent up rage out on one person in particular.

Brycen Cole knows he must stop Braxton from taking everything he has and turning it to ash.

Gemma Woods has loved Brycen for years, but ever so slowly the happiness she once felt in the arms of her lover has turned to fear and resentment.

Braxton has one goal, one thought, and one mission – destroy Brycen Cole, by any means necessary. 
He will not stop. 
He will not fail. 
Like a juggernaut, he will keep coming, destroying everything in his wake.

Brycen runs a successful corporation and provides a lot of pay-checks; he also has a shady past and a dark talent for hiding things.

Gemma spots the wolf in sheep’s clothing but cannot stop gravitating towards him again and again.

What happens when the lines between good and evil become blurred? 
What happens when the one you love is the one you should fear?
What happens when the one you fear becomes the only one you can trust?

Pre-order Links


Author Bio

Mandy Lou Dowson was born and raised in a small town in Ireland, in 1983, and at this stage in life, she's pretty sure the town won't let her leave. Family is a huge deal to Mandy. She has three wonderful children (most of the time), and two Siberian Huskies who are each as naughty as the other – in fact, she's sure they egg each other on in silly cartoon voices when nobody is looking.


“Climb out the window and get covered in mud.”

“No, I did it last time. You do it!”

“R'uh, r'oh, here SHE is. Shhh.”


When she's not writing, reading, or plotting her next book -- or, you know, world domination – , she likes to relax with a few glasses of wine and some karaoke. You can usually find her procrastinating on social media of some sort, chatting to fans and talking nonsense.
Mandy started reading at quite a young age and her appetite for the written word has only increased with time. It would not be at all surprising to find her reading anything and everything from shampoo bottles to Edgar Allan Poe.
She is the author of three different genres of romance books. The Moon Bound series, which is in the Paranormal Romance genre, and is gathering rave reviews, and the Taboo series, which is Contemporary with a hint of the forbidden, the first of which has gathered very mixed reviews across the board, from one extreme to the other.

She has also made a foray into Dark Romance recently, with her first title in the genre, Retribution, releasing in Summer 2015.

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Release Day Blitz for Wait! by Stacey Nash @givemebooksblog @staceynash

Title: Wait!
Series: Oxley College Saga #2
Author: Stacey Nash
 Release Date: April 20, 2015


Jordan Hays knows just how precious life is; that’s why he has his own mapped out. He’ll work to pay his way through university while he studies hard, regardless of the constant distractions. Because when it comes to becoming a nurse, he’s deadly serious. He won’t fail to save someone again.

But Hex Penton is way too similar to the sister he lost, and even though the only thing more fun than stupid dares is the crazy girl who sets them, Jordan needs to make a choice. Hex believes every moment is important; every opportunity must be taken, because you never know when the world will be yanked out from underneath you. With the foundations he’s based his life on shaken, Jordan must discover what’s more important: making sure Hex’s life isn’t wasted, or remembering how to live his.

It’s time to play truth or dare.

Links to Buy


Also Available



Admiring my nails, which were longer than they’d ever been, I poured myself a liberal splash of vodka and mixed it with lemonade. Liquid courage, that’s what this was, and I’d only need one more then I’d be right to head downstairs to the party that was happening tonight. I didn’t bother with the stupid meet-and-greet the senior guy said I must to attend. Mum had only just left by the time five rolled around and I’d wanted to catch a quick nap since we’d had an early start.
From my window, I could see people filling the courtyard. The music blared loudly, dead opposite to the voices, I assumed. Everyone looked a little awkward, standing around, cradling plastic cups as if they were scared of each other. It wasn’t hard to pick out the seniors. They all rocked massive smiles and worked the crowd.
I tipped my head back and downed the drink in a single gulp. Well, only one way to make this crap downstairs bearable. Eeesh. The drink practically stole my breath. I must have made it a bit strong.
A quick look in the mirror and everything was in place—my hair looked pretty decent, shorts weren’t riding up my butt, and all the essentials were tucked away beneath my tank top. Everyone had said it was going to be freaking freezing here in Armidale, but so far it was like living in a sauna. The air felt thick and hot, and that sun had one heck of a bite. Good thing it was sinking now, so my shoulders wouldn’t burn. Again. They already stung from the rays they’d seen while we lugged my stuff in from the car this afternoon.
Right. I drew in a deep breath, and squared my shoulders. This would be a piece of cake. I tucked my room key into my bra and snuck one last look out the window at the courtyard below. People. Easy-peasy.
Before I could over-think the whole thing, I yanked open the thick wooden door and stumbled as it caught my heel on the way out. Good thing my Docs were solid. Those fashionable strappy sandals everyone wore this summer wouldn’t have saved my bony ankle from certain destruction.
All the doors in the hall stood closed, marking my dorm floor as dead empty. I’d heard voices earlier this afternoon, but whoever it was must be down there already. The resident senior had said there were three first years on this floor. It was a pity there was no way of telling which rooms were occupied. The other rooms would fill up later in the week when the senior students returned—right now only the resident seniors were here—so I’d find out who lived where soon enough.
Good God, I was still stalling—standing here, staring at closed doors like a freaking lunatic. Before I could conjure any more time-wasting thoughts, I stepped out of the hall and into the stairwell.
Music from the courtyard echoed all the way up the structure, bouncing off the concrete walls and tiled stairs as if they were made for this very purpose. The music wasn’t too bad. Not top forty, but not golden oldies either. Good party tunes.
As I emerged into the throng of it, I plastered on the friendliest smile I could muster. It turned out I didn’t need to seek out someone to make me look less alone, because my block senior, Jason Donagan, marched up to me with a mock scowl. “Where were you?”
I shrugged. “Sorry.”
“Well, you missed out on meeting the other freshers in our block.” He waggled a finger in a fake scold.
“Looks like you need a drink.”
“Ahh, yeah. That’d be great, thanks.”
He disappeared into the crowd, which wasn’t as thin as it had looked from my window. People were scattered around in small groups, looking awkward. Some girl caught my attention from over by a wooden picnic table. Dark hair that almost reached her waist swished as she swayed to the music, seemingly without notice, since her focus and smile were both set on me. Maybe she’d be a good one to start with. Before I could make a move, another girl bounced in front of me, grabbing my arm as if we were best buds. “I’m-Amber-and-you-have-awesome-hair.”
It took me a second to make out what she was saying, she spoke so fast. I fingered the blue tips of my shoulder-length brown hair. The colour had been freshly applied this morning. “Thanks.”
With her arm hooked through mine, she piloted me toward the largest group of people, which held the dark haired girl. She gave me a massive smile; her and Amber must already be friends.
“Hey everyone,” Amber cooed, “meet my new friend …”
“Hex,” I answered.
“Hex,” she mimicked. “Where are you from?”
“Umm …” It wasn’t a trick question, so why was I stumbling? “North.”
“Ahh, a coastie.”
“Not quite, it’s more inland—”
The other girl extended a slender hand. “McKenzie. Second year applied science. I’m on the social committee, so I could crash o-week.”
Jason reappeared and passed me one of the plastic cups everyone else seemed to have. I shot him a grateful smile and swallowed its contents in two gulps.
Jason whooped. “Looks like you’ve been here before, Hex.”
The evening wore on much the same, meeting new face after new face. With so many names I’d be lucky to remember two or three come morning. Amber remained glued to my side, and after only an hour in her company I was certain we’d wind up good friends. The girl sure was fun and seemed to draw in a crowd with her bubbly voice.
The drinks flowed steadily, but there wasn’t so much that people got plastered. The music lulled and a song I knew well blared to life. I grabbed Amber’s hand and pulled her up onto one of the long wooden picnic tables in a corner of the courtyard. She squealed the second she realised what I was up to, and in three seconds flat had her hands above her head, her eyes closed, as she shimmied her body like a pro. I’d definitely found a new friend. Someone wolf whistled below us, but I drowned them all out with my singing.
When the music ended a chant filled the air.
He-ex. He-ex. He-ex.
I grinned as I took a plastic cup some guy held up to me. Amber joined in the chant and it was obvious they wanted me to drink. I yelled, “Bottom’s up,” and tipped the entire contents of the cup into my mouth. Amber’s name came next and she followed my lead, giving the people what they wanted.
My legs felt the effects of my earlier drinks, but it was all good. Until Amber decided it was time to climb down. She stumbled to the side, and we both grabbed hold of each other at the same moment, me saving her from falling. She laughed as if it were the funniest thing ever. A laugh that was the most contagious I’d ever come across. I burst into a fit of giggles as we both stood there, clutching each other by the arms.
Another cup of beer appeared in front of me. The hand holding it, attached to a random guy I hadn’t met. I accepted the drink with thanks, a giggling Amber still clinging to my side.
It took a good few minutes before we finally pulled ourselves together. Sucking back a lungful of hysterical laughter-stopping air, I stepped down off the table and right into the personal space of a six-foot-odd hunk of solid muscle. My drink splashed out of the cup, its cool liquid trickling down my arm. Blue eyes regarded me with a deadly seriousness that shouldn’t be seen in a face that handsome.
I held his stare for a long minute.
There was no way I would back down to a guy. His jaw clenched and my god, it was as chiselled as any A-grade movie star’s. A peppering of jet-black stubble gave him a rugged edge, or maybe that came from his shaggy hair. But boy, he needed to give it up already. He continued to stare as if he were waiting for me to apologise. God only knew how I’d offended him. A quick check proved my feet weren’t stomping his toes, nor had my drink landed on his shirt. He wore low-slung jeans and a plain grey T-shirt, both of which fitted his toned body perfectly.
I raised my right eyebrow.
That made both of his dip.
I held out my free hand and he took it. “I’m Hex.”
“Hex?” His nose screwed up.
“Yes, Hex.”
“Weird name.”
“No weirder than your attitude.”
“You should slow down.”
“Excuse me?”
He dipped his head toward my almost-empty plastic cup. “With the drink. You should slow down.”
“And you should piss off.”
Who did this guy think he was? Probably some member of the anti-fun brigade, and that was too bad, because damn, his whole look was amazing.
A laugh burst from him so suddenly, I flinched, and realised our hands were still clasped. “Jordan,” he said, as if he’d remembered he hadn’t given me his name.
“Well, the pleasure was all yours, Jordan.” I retracted my hand. “Don’t party too hard, now.”

Author Bio

Stacey Nash writes adventure filled stories for Young Adults in the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. She loves to read and write books that have a lot of adventure, a good dose of danger, a smattering of romance, and KISSING! Hailing from the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, she loves nothing more than immersing herself in the beauty and culture of the local area.
Author of the Collective Series and the Oxley College Saga.

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