Monday, 27 April 2015

RELEASE BOOST - Wait! by Stacey Nash @givemebooksblog @staceynash

Title: Wait!
Series: Oxley College Saga #2
Author: Stacey Nash
 Release Date: April 20, 2015


Jordan Hays knows just how precious life is; that’s why he has his own mapped out. He’ll work to pay his way through university while he studies hard, regardless of the constant distractions. Because when it comes to becoming a nurse, he’s deadly serious. He won’t fail to save someone again.

But Hex Penton is way too similar to the sister he lost, and even though the only thing more fun than stupid dares is the crazy girl who sets them, Jordan needs to make a choice. Hex believes every moment is important; every opportunity must be taken, because you never know when the world will be yanked out from underneath you. With the foundations he’s based his life on shaken, Jordan must discover what’s more important: making sure Hex’s life isn’t wasted, or remembering how to live his.

It’s time to play truth or dare.

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Admiring my nails, which were longer than they’d ever been, I poured myself a liberal splash of vodka and mixed it with lemonade. Liquid courage, that’s what this was, and I’d only need one more then I’d be right to head downstairs to the party that was happening tonight. I didn’t bother with the stupid meet-and-greet the senior guy said I must to attend. Mum had only just left by the time five rolled around and I’d wanted to catch a quick nap since we’d had an early start.
From my window, I could see people filling the courtyard. The music blared loudly, dead opposite to the voices, I assumed. Everyone looked a little awkward, standing around, cradling plastic cups as if they were scared of each other. It wasn’t hard to pick out the seniors. They all rocked massive smiles and worked the crowd.
I tipped my head back and downed the drink in a single gulp. Well, only one way to make this crap downstairs bearable. Eeesh. The drink practically stole my breath. I must have made it a bit strong.
A quick look in the mirror and everything was in place—my hair looked pretty decent, shorts weren’t riding up my butt, and all the essentials were tucked away beneath my tank top. Everyone had said it was going to be freaking freezing here in Armidale, but so far it was like living in a sauna. The air felt thick and hot, and that sun had one heck of a bite. Good thing it was sinking now, so my shoulders wouldn’t burn. Again. They already stung from the rays they’d seen while we lugged my stuff in from the car this afternoon.
Right. I drew in a deep breath, and squared my shoulders. This would be a piece of cake. I tucked my room key into my bra and snuck one last look out the window at the courtyard below. People. Easy-peasy.
Before I could over-think the whole thing, I yanked open the thick wooden door and stumbled as it caught my heel on the way out. Good thing my Docs were solid. Those fashionable strappy sandals everyone wore this summer wouldn’t have saved my bony ankle from certain destruction.
All the doors in the hall stood closed, marking my dorm floor as dead empty. I’d heard voices earlier this afternoon, but whoever it was must be down there already. The resident senior had said there were three first years on this floor. It was a pity there was no way of telling which rooms were occupied. The other rooms would fill up later in the week when the senior students returned—right now only the resident seniors were here—so I’d find out who lived where soon enough.
Good God, I was still stalling—standing here, staring at closed doors like a freaking lunatic. Before I could conjure any more time-wasting thoughts, I stepped out of the hall and into the stairwell.
Music from the courtyard echoed all the way up the structure, bouncing off the concrete walls and tiled stairs as if they were made for this very purpose. The music wasn’t too bad. Not top forty, but not golden oldies either. Good party tunes.
As I emerged into the throng of it, I plastered on the friendliest smile I could muster. It turned out I didn’t need to seek out someone to make me look less alone, because my block senior, Jason Donagan, marched up to me with a mock scowl. “Where were you?”
I shrugged. “Sorry.”
“Well, you missed out on meeting the other freshers in our block.” He waggled a finger in a fake scold.
“Looks like you need a drink.”
“Ahh, yeah. That’d be great, thanks.”
He disappeared into the crowd, which wasn’t as thin as it had looked from my window. People were scattered around in small groups, looking awkward. Some girl caught my attention from over by a wooden picnic table. Dark hair that almost reached her waist swished as she swayed to the music, seemingly without notice, since her focus and smile were both set on me. Maybe she’d be a good one to start with. Before I could make a move, another girl bounced in front of me, grabbing my arm as if we were best buds. “I’m-Amber-and-you-have-awesome-hair.”
It took me a second to make out what she was saying, she spoke so fast. I fingered the blue tips of my shoulder-length brown hair. The colour had been freshly applied this morning. “Thanks.”
With her arm hooked through mine, she piloted me toward the largest group of people, which held the dark haired girl. She gave me a massive smile; her and Amber must already be friends.
“Hey everyone,” Amber cooed, “meet my new friend …”
“Hex,” I answered.
“Hex,” she mimicked. “Where are you from?”
“Umm …” It wasn’t a trick question, so why was I stumbling? “North.”
“Ahh, a coastie.”
“Not quite, it’s more inland—”
The other girl extended a slender hand. “McKenzie. Second year applied science. I’m on the social committee, so I could crash o-week.”
Jason reappeared and passed me one of the plastic cups everyone else seemed to have. I shot him a grateful smile and swallowed its contents in two gulps.
Jason whooped. “Looks like you’ve been here before, Hex.”
The evening wore on much the same, meeting new face after new face. With so many names I’d be lucky to remember two or three come morning. Amber remained glued to my side, and after only an hour in her company I was certain we’d wind up good friends. The girl sure was fun and seemed to draw in a crowd with her bubbly voice.
The drinks flowed steadily, but there wasn’t so much that people got plastered. The music lulled and a song I knew well blared to life. I grabbed Amber’s hand and pulled her up onto one of the long wooden picnic tables in a corner of the courtyard. She squealed the second she realised what I was up to, and in three seconds flat had her hands above her head, her eyes closed, as she shimmied her body like a pro. I’d definitely found a new friend. Someone wolf whistled below us, but I drowned them all out with my singing.
When the music ended a chant filled the air.
He-ex. He-ex. He-ex.
I grinned as I took a plastic cup some guy held up to me. Amber joined in the chant and it was obvious they wanted me to drink. I yelled, “Bottom’s up,” and tipped the entire contents of the cup into my mouth. Amber’s name came next and she followed my lead, giving the people what they wanted.
My legs felt the effects of my earlier drinks, but it was all good. Until Amber decided it was time to climb down. She stumbled to the side, and we both grabbed hold of each other at the same moment, me saving her from falling. She laughed as if it were the funniest thing ever. A laugh that was the most contagious I’d ever come across. I burst into a fit of giggles as we both stood there, clutching each other by the arms.
Another cup of beer appeared in front of me. The hand holding it, attached to a random guy I hadn’t met. I accepted the drink with thanks, a giggling Amber still clinging to my side.
It took a good few minutes before we finally pulled ourselves together. Sucking back a lungful of hysterical laughter-stopping air, I stepped down off the table and right into the personal space of a six-foot-odd hunk of solid muscle. My drink splashed out of the cup, its cool liquid trickling down my arm. Blue eyes regarded me with a deadly seriousness that shouldn’t be seen in a face that handsome.
I held his stare for a long minute.
There was no way I would back down to a guy. His jaw clenched and my god, it was as chiselled as any A-grade movie star’s. A peppering of jet-black stubble gave him a rugged edge, or maybe that came from his shaggy hair. But boy, he needed to give it up already. He continued to stare as if he were waiting for me to apologise. God only knew how I’d offended him. A quick check proved my feet weren’t stomping his toes, nor had my drink landed on his shirt. He wore low-slung jeans and a plain grey T-shirt, both of which fitted his toned body perfectly.
I raised my right eyebrow.
That made both of his dip.
I held out my free hand and he took it. “I’m Hex.”
“Hex?” His nose screwed up.
“Yes, Hex.”
“Weird name.”
“No weirder than your attitude.”
“You should slow down.”
“Excuse me?”
He dipped his head toward my almost-empty plastic cup. “With the drink. You should slow down.”
“And you should piss off.”
Who did this guy think he was? Probably some member of the anti-fun brigade, and that was too bad, because damn, his whole look was amazing.
A laugh burst from him so suddenly, I flinched, and realised our hands were still clasped. “Jordan,” he said, as if he’d remembered he hadn’t given me his name.
“Well, the pleasure was all yours, Jordan.” I retracted my hand. “Don’t party too hard, now.”

Author Bio

Stacey Nash writes adventure filled stories for Young Adults in the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. She loves to read and write books that have a lot of adventure, a good dose of danger, a smattering of romance, and KISSING! Hailing from the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, she loves nothing more than immersing herself in the beauty and culture of the local area.

Author of the Collective Series and the Oxley College Saga.

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KISSING MADELINE by Lex Martin ♥♥ RELEASE BLITZ @lexlaughs

Title: Kissing Madeline (Dearest, #3)
Author: Lex Martin
Release Date: April 27, 2015
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Cover Design by: Krista Ritchie
  What’s the worst thing about wanting a sexy NFL football player? Everyone else wants him, too. After catching my boyfriend getting deep-throated by a skanky cage girl, I’ve learned my lesson – never date a professional athlete. Never. Besides, I have more important things to worry about, like not blowing my shot to make it as a broadcast reporter. I won’t let anything get in my way, not even the new “it boy” of the NFL and my hot-as-hell neighbor. What's the worst thing about getting death glares from his new neighbor? It doesn't make him want her any less. I’ve worked my ass off to make it to the pros. The last thing I need is the complication of a relationship, especially since my last one was a total train wreck. But I can’t stop thinking about the feisty girl next door with the smart mouth. And I’d love nothing more than to show her what to do with that mouth. Friends with benefits might be the best idea he’s ever had. Or the worst.   Kissing Madeline is a companion novel to DEAREST CLEMENTINE and FINDING DANDELION. Each book is a stand-alone.   KM_wildcat

Review by Wendy Book Obsessed Pimpette

**ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for a honest review**

omg this book is awesome, the whole Dearest series is amazing , this is the third in the series. we get to visit Daren again and see what his life after Clementine is like. He is a up a come NFL pick and on one of his most important days, draft day Veronica his girlfriend doesn't show. Well Daren decides then that his not doing relationships anymore he's just working on him, but that's until he runs into Maddie. Maddie is a fire cracker inside, on the outside she well kept, quite, sweet and career driven, so much so that she doesn't realize her boyfriend is cheating til she walks in on him getting a blowjob, no dating athletes never again. When the one thing you tell yourself you will never do feels so right can you allow yourself your wants, desires. Maddie and Daren have instant chemistry both don't want serious but when something is so right, so perfect how can you fight it. Daren is so sweet his afraid of hurting her, cause there is no time for relationships, Maddie is afraid of being hurt, can she trust again. This was my favorite so far. You could read each as a stand alone but with all the great characters being brought together in every book why would you want to, plus it really helps to bring the stories together. definitely a must read. hope to read more from Lex Martin.

  DEAREST CLEMENTINE (Dearest, #1 - Clementine & Gavin) Amazon | Nook | Kobo | Paperback Dearest ClementineTwenty-year-old Clementine Avery doesn't mind being called bitchy and closed off. It's safe, and after being burned by her high school sweetheart and stalked by a professor her freshman year of college, safe sounds pretty damn good. Her number one rule for survival? No dating. That is until she accidentally signs up for a romance writing class and needs material for her latest assignment. Sexy RA Gavin Murphy is more than happy to play the part of book boyfriend to help Clem find some inspiration, even if that means making the name of research, of course. As Gavin and Clem grow closer, they get entangled in the mystery surrounding a missing Boston University student, and Clem unwittingly becomes a possible target. Gavin tries to show Clem she can handle falling in love again, but she knows she has to be careful because her heart’s at stake…and maybe even her life.   FINDING DANDELION (#2 - Jax and Dani) Amazon | Nook | Kobo | Paperback Finding Dandelion Official Cover When soccer all-star Jax Avery collides with Dani Hart on his twenty-first birthday, their connection is instantaneous and explosive. For the first time in years, Jax isn’t interested in his usual hit-it and quit-it approach. But Dani knows better. Allowing herself a night to be carefree and feel the intensity of their attraction won’t change anything when it comes to dealing with a player. So when Jax doesn’t recognize Dani the next time he sees her, it shouldn’t be a total shock. The fact that he’s her new roommate’s brother? That’s a shock. Dani doesn’t regret that night with Jax, just the need to lie about it. Since her roommate has made it clear what she thinks about her brother’s “type” of girl, the last thing Dani wants is to admit what happened. Jax knows he’s walking a fine line on the soccer team. One more misstep and he’s off the roster, his plans to go pro be damned. Except he can’t seem to care. About anything… except for the one girl who keeps invading his dreams. Despite Jax’s fuzzy memory of his hot hookup with his sister’s friend, he can’t stay away from her, even if that means breaking his own rules. But there are bigger forces at work–realities that can end Dani’s college career and lies that can tear them apart. Jax realizes what he’s losing if Dani walks away, but will he sacrifice his future to be with her? And will she let him if he does?  
About the Author
Lex Martin writes new adult novels, the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever afters. When she's not writing, she lives a parallel life as an English teacher. She loves printing black and white photos, listening to music on vinyl, and getting lost in a great book. Bitten by wanderlust, she's lived all over the country but currently resides in the City of Angels with her husband and twin daughters.
Connect with Lex
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Release Day Blitz for The Exposé 4 by Roxy Sloane. @givemebooksblog @Roxy_Sloane

Title: The Exposé 4
Series: The Exposé #4
Author: Roxy Sloane
 Release Date: April 27, 2015

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Graphic Designer: Jay Jay

Also Available





She’s torn my empire apart. Now, my secrets are out — but I still don’t know who I can trust.

Somebody is after me, and they don’t care who they hurt to get their way.

I have to protect her.

I need to possess her.

It all ends tonight.

*The fourth and final part of the explosive serial!*

Review by Ally Obsessive One Clicker

*** ARC provided by Obsessed by Books for an honest review ***

Wow oh wow what a great read in book 4 of The Expose series. I really loved and enjoyed reading this series I was so hooked on them since the first book. Roxy Sloane did a great job on creating a great fun filled sexy series that left you breathless and wanting more from this great author.

The Expose 4 picks up from book 3 where we find Zoe trapped in her apartment and someone is trying to kill her and make it look like an accident. Dax is still trying to find out who is sending notes to his club and threatening him and exposing his secrets to the public.

I really enjoyed reading about Dax and Zoe and their arguments that they kept having. The sex scenes were off the charts left me wanting to read more and more. I hope that we will see more of Dax and Zoe in the future again. I loved these two characters they were made for each other and was happy on how the end of book 4 finished.


Graphic Designer: Jay Jay

Author Bio

Roxy Sloane is a romance junkie with a dirty mind. She lives in Los Angeles with her hot ex-military hubby and her two kids. She loves writing sexy, complex stories about pushing the boundaries and risking it all.

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HEATH by Chelsea Camaron ♥ RELEASE BLITZ @chelseacamaron

HEATH Banner1
Title: Heath (A Roughnecks Short, #2)
Author: Chelsea Camaron
Release Date: April 20, 2015
“One day, I will be more than an item to be bought or sold, won or lost.” At fifteen, she was helpless. At eighteen, she was ruined. LoraLeigh Riffel fights every day to hold on to herself as she is tossed from the loser to the next winner, time and again. Heath ‘Hitman’ Thomas works hard and plays even harder. From tripping pipes to winning fights, his world is in his hands. When a battered and unstable woman is left at his doorstep for payment on a fight, every-thing changes in an instant. She is the prize, but is he willing to accept the payment?  
Copyright © Chelsea Camaron 2015
~LoraLeigh~ “Once upon a time…” my mom begins reading. The softness in her voice is a lullaby all its own. Sweet memories of a moment in time, these small blips in my existence are a silent torture all their own. “Lora—” She stops abruptly, most likely pulling her own hair out at the roots. “Fucking twat, where are you?” I listen as she continues to screech. “I know you took them. You took my candy, you little cunt. When I find you, I’m gonna claw your eyes out!” Did I imagine the bedtime stories? Is my subconscious playing tricks on me? Is this all some game, played in my mind? Where is the mom I had in my little girl dreams? The woman who once braided my hair and read me stories about castles and princes on white horses now lives to torment me. The last time she thought I hid her stash, she pulled my hair so hard it came out in a big chunk in her hand. Absently, I run my fingers over the still healing scratches on my face. Two days ago as she was tweaked out on God knows what, she attacked me, saying I was a zombie trying to eat her flesh. Rigging the string to the attic access door, I settle into my little nest. Today is the twenty-third. Any time after mid-month is when the stress level escalates. The welfare and food stamps have certainly run out by now. As soon as the first of every month comes, she trades the grocery card for cash. That very cash then pays for her stash while I live off my free breakfast and lunch at school each day. Tears fill my eyes. Summer is coming, and I know I will spend my days hungry and my nights hiding from whatever scumbag hangs out while she lives from one high to the next. “LoraLeigh, where did you put it?” she cries out desperately. “Please, baby girl, Momma needs her medicine.” The walls bang as she begins hitting them with her arms and head, trying to draw me out of hiding. “Dear God in heaven above,” I whisper as the tears fall down my face, “my friend at school, Tawnie, told me to believe in you. She says you protect little children. I need to be protected. Send me someone to take it all away. Please take me away.” I look to the darkened ceiling above me, hoping on some miracle there really is a God, and he will save me from my hell on earth.  
Purchase the Roughnecks today!
Maverick - Amazon US | Amazon UK
Heath - Amazon US | Amazon UK
Coming May 18th!
Lance (Roughnecks Short, #3)
Value, worth—these are things I don’t have. College degree, great job—none of that matters if you look in the mirror and can’t find anything to love. Structure, dedication, and determination are the traits that Candace Jones has survived and thrived on. When no one cares at home, it takes her self-drive to push and work her way through college. Life is funny while you’re growing up, and adulthood isn’t any easier than childhood. Little girl dreams are often destroyed before they can even begin. Lance ‘Rush’ Miller works hard and plays even harder. He lives life from one adrenaline rush to the next, from working as a roughneck to trick riding his street bike. He has it made and knows it. Two complete opposites are thrown together when Candace finds herself in need of a quick escape that Lance is all too willing to give her. What happens when firm resolve crashes into wild abandon?  
About the Author
Chelsea Camaron - author
Chelsea Camaron was born and raised in Coastal North Carolina. She currently resides in Southern Louisiana with her husband and two children but her heart is always Carolina day dreaming. Chelsea always wanted to be a writer, but like most of us, let fear of the unknown grab a hold of her dream. She realized that if she was going to tell her daughter to go for her dreams, that it was time to follow her own advice. Chelsea grew up turning wrenches alongside her father, and from that grew her love for old muscle cars and Harley Davidson motorcycles, which just so happened to inspire the Love and Repair and Hellions Ride series. When she is not spending her days writing you can find her playing with her kids, attending car shows, going on motorcycle rides on the back of her husband’s Harley, snuggling down with her new favorite book or watching any movie that Vin Diesel might happen to be in.

Release Day Blitz for Desolation by Bella Jewel. @givemebooksblog @BellaJewel73

Title: Desolation
Series: Jokers' Wrath MC #4
Author: Bella Jewel
 Release Date: April 27, 2015



The girl you all know as damaged. Quiet. Broken.

She doesn’t fit in. Nothing in her world feels right. She’s trapped in a spiral of darkness that seems to be consuming her day by day, until she sees nothing but an empty, black hole.

Her world is a broken place she can’t escape.

She has people around her who matter. Who love her. But it’s not enough. Not enough to break her out of the bitter despair she lives in.

Until Tyke.

He knows pain. He knows darkness. He’s sweet. He’s kind. But most of all…

He understands her.

Combining their demons doesn’t seem like the best plan. Everyone is against them. He deserves better. She deserves better. They’ll never work. They’re too broken. Too damaged. It’s a destructive combination that will only end in heartbreak.

He’s a biker. She’s a broken angel.

But in their desolation, they will find peace.

With each other.

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Review by Nadia Chief Obsessive Pimpette
 5 of 5 stars
~*~ Obsessed by Books copy given in exchange for an honest review ~*~

"Because you always save the ones you love."

Be prepared to leak from your eyes throughout this is just so beautifully written. This is Pippas story and it is filled with horror and despair, pain and misery. She relived her time in a dark place where even hope did not dare to linger. The story is told through Pippa as she is now and then when she was a slave. Her strength and bravery shine throughout her story although she doesn't realise just how resilient she really is. Pippa is ready to take the next step, no longer wishing to just survive she now wants to live. She wants the whole shebang; a man, a job, friends and kids.

Tyke, a damaged brother who is fighting his own demons, is her rock. He is her best friend and companion. Battling to regain his mobility after a tragic accident, Tyke lost himself to anger and depression for a while. His Broken Angel helped him to see he was wasting opportunities so now he's trying to be a better man. Their time together is delicate and precious, revealing her inner woman that is desperate to blossom under Tyke's careful caress but can he cross the friend zone? Unsure he can be the man she deserves he fights his instincts, trying to let her find someone better but all paths lead back to her. Can they solve their issues and be happy? 

This is an amazing story of finding your inner voice, grabbing what you want with both hands and screaming at world that there is nothing that will keep you from what you want. Pippa and Tyke have so much in common but will club business will keep them apart? Things never run smoothly for the MC and things get seriously messy.

We meet Raide Knox, Max and Rainer who I hope each get their own story as each of them are seriously hot! Rainer has his ghosts of slavery haunting him and I really wish he gets a happily ever after too. I loved this series and selfishly wish it would never end. The stories pull you in and suck you into the MC life; the sense of brotherhood, acceptance and belonging clear between the characters. With the right blend of action, drama, passion and emotion this series is a knock out!

A five star heart soaring read.

Review by Wendy Book Obsessed Pimpette

* * ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review * *
This story is awesome it's about taking a stand and being strong when it matters. Pippa is an amazing, strong female who has been through hell and even though she has insecurities about how strong she is, we get to see her explode. Pippa has truly ever loved one man , but she knows that he will never see her more than a friend. Tyke is amazing, he's going through some things right now. he was in an accident that crushed his legs and his not 100% and being a man that's hard to swallow but his strong for Pippa he tries to get her strength to come forward, and when it starts to he realizes just how much he cares for her. This was an awesome story, We have two people who love each other but afraid to admit it. I wanted to slap Tyke so many times for being bullheaded but that's what helped pippa, cause she got so mad at him. I loved this and all the characters but I can't help but love Ryder. Hope to see his story.
Also Available




Author Bio

Bella Jewel is a self published, USA Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon release. Since that time, she has published over five novels, gaining a bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland and is currently studying editing and proofreading to further expand her career. Bella has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013 she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. She plans to expand her writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

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