Monday, 27 April 2015

Release Day Blitz for Desolation by Bella Jewel. @givemebooksblog @BellaJewel73

Title: Desolation
Series: Jokers' Wrath MC #4
Author: Bella Jewel
 Release Date: April 27, 2015



The girl you all know as damaged. Quiet. Broken.

She doesn’t fit in. Nothing in her world feels right. She’s trapped in a spiral of darkness that seems to be consuming her day by day, until she sees nothing but an empty, black hole.

Her world is a broken place she can’t escape.

She has people around her who matter. Who love her. But it’s not enough. Not enough to break her out of the bitter despair she lives in.

Until Tyke.

He knows pain. He knows darkness. He’s sweet. He’s kind. But most of all…

He understands her.

Combining their demons doesn’t seem like the best plan. Everyone is against them. He deserves better. She deserves better. They’ll never work. They’re too broken. Too damaged. It’s a destructive combination that will only end in heartbreak.

He’s a biker. She’s a broken angel.

But in their desolation, they will find peace.

With each other.

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Review by Nadia Chief Obsessive Pimpette
 5 of 5 stars
~*~ Obsessed by Books copy given in exchange for an honest review ~*~

"Because you always save the ones you love."

Be prepared to leak from your eyes throughout this is just so beautifully written. This is Pippas story and it is filled with horror and despair, pain and misery. She relived her time in a dark place where even hope did not dare to linger. The story is told through Pippa as she is now and then when she was a slave. Her strength and bravery shine throughout her story although she doesn't realise just how resilient she really is. Pippa is ready to take the next step, no longer wishing to just survive she now wants to live. She wants the whole shebang; a man, a job, friends and kids.

Tyke, a damaged brother who is fighting his own demons, is her rock. He is her best friend and companion. Battling to regain his mobility after a tragic accident, Tyke lost himself to anger and depression for a while. His Broken Angel helped him to see he was wasting opportunities so now he's trying to be a better man. Their time together is delicate and precious, revealing her inner woman that is desperate to blossom under Tyke's careful caress but can he cross the friend zone? Unsure he can be the man she deserves he fights his instincts, trying to let her find someone better but all paths lead back to her. Can they solve their issues and be happy? 

This is an amazing story of finding your inner voice, grabbing what you want with both hands and screaming at world that there is nothing that will keep you from what you want. Pippa and Tyke have so much in common but will club business will keep them apart? Things never run smoothly for the MC and things get seriously messy.

We meet Raide Knox, Max and Rainer who I hope each get their own story as each of them are seriously hot! Rainer has his ghosts of slavery haunting him and I really wish he gets a happily ever after too. I loved this series and selfishly wish it would never end. The stories pull you in and suck you into the MC life; the sense of brotherhood, acceptance and belonging clear between the characters. With the right blend of action, drama, passion and emotion this series is a knock out!

A five star heart soaring read.

Review by Wendy Book Obsessed Pimpette

* * ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review * *
This story is awesome it's about taking a stand and being strong when it matters. Pippa is an amazing, strong female who has been through hell and even though she has insecurities about how strong she is, we get to see her explode. Pippa has truly ever loved one man , but she knows that he will never see her more than a friend. Tyke is amazing, he's going through some things right now. he was in an accident that crushed his legs and his not 100% and being a man that's hard to swallow but his strong for Pippa he tries to get her strength to come forward, and when it starts to he realizes just how much he cares for her. This was an awesome story, We have two people who love each other but afraid to admit it. I wanted to slap Tyke so many times for being bullheaded but that's what helped pippa, cause she got so mad at him. I loved this and all the characters but I can't help but love Ryder. Hope to see his story.
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Author Bio

Bella Jewel is a self published, USA Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon release. Since that time, she has published over five novels, gaining a bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland and is currently studying editing and proofreading to further expand her career. Bella has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013 she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. She plans to expand her writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

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