Friday, 29 July 2016

Here's an exclusive scene from Ryan Michele Vipers Creed MC CHALLENGED

We are so thrilled to bring you an exclusive scene from Ryan Michele, set in the world of her Vipers Creed MC series! If you've ever been curious about the inner workings of a motorcycle club, and the bond between them, you do not want to miss this exclusive look!


challenged coverAbout CHALLENGED

Lust, love, and second chances. Growing up in the fast-paced and rough life of a motorcycle club wasn’t easy. Cleaning up the mess his father had made of Vipers Creed meant sacrifice. Cade ‘Spook’ Baker had given up everything to bring the club life back to what it was supposed to be: a family. The choices he made were not what he wanted, but they were necessary for the club as a whole. Second chances rarely came to Spook, so when his Trixie walked boldly into his clubhouse, the decision was made. Trixie would once again be his, this time for good. Trix Lamasters was raised by a master—a master con. All grown up, she made her life solid by making it about her club, Sirens. But one bad business decision brought her to her knees, forcing her to call on the one person she had sworn she would never trust again. Pasts have a way of not staying there. Things that were buried deep have a way of finding themselves in the light of a new day. Could something that had once crashed and burned for Spook and Trixie find a way out of the wreckage? With the odds against them, can they find a way to overcome the challenges, or will it all blow up in their faces? **Due to content, mature audiences only.**
Get your hands on CHALLENGED:



Wes ‘Stiff’ Collins lived life on the wild side. He worked from the moment he knew what the word meant, always making the best of every situation. There was nothing about his past he would change. Without a real family except his brother Xander, Stiff joined the Vipers Creed Motorcycle Club, and they taught him what it was to have people he could depend on. When his past crashed into his present, he vowed to protect the club that had always been his steady, even if it meant turning his back on the woman who had given him life. Chelsea Miller’s life was simple: work, take care of her family, and save for the future. Everything was about having a goal and a plan. However, when her sister ended up battered and bruised on a diner floor, everything she thought was in her past suddenly threatened her future. In a moment, she had a new goal, everything else be damned. She would protect her family … at all costs. Stiff and Chelsea’s worlds collide in an explosion of determination, strength, and lust. Will they give in to temptation, or will conquering each other be too steep a price? Two people not afraid to put in the work will either overcome everything in their paths or finally crumble under life’s troubles they can’t escape, all in the name of family. **Due to content, mature audiences only.**
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**Prequel to Challenged & Conquering**
Time seemed to stand still at this time of night, the time just before closing but not quite midnight. The time when your feet ached so badly they screamed at you to sit down, yet you knew, if you did, you wouldn’t get back up to finish out the night. Huffing out a breath, I watched the clock. Tick, tock. Each second passed as I wished and hoped for customers to come in to keep me busy before I closed out the night. Only an hour to go before I had to clean up and go to bed alone. As if fate heard my wish for once in my life, the bell above the door chimed, and the air in Charlie’s Diner suddenly thickened with their presence, compressing, making the space feel smaller. It happened every damn time they came. I thought at one time it was just the age of this place, the low ceilings or something, that made it small. Nope. It was them: the five grown, hulking, badass men who each stood tall, proud, and screamed trouble. The Viper’s Creed Motorcycle Club, namely Spook, Boner, Stiff, and Dawg. Each man was over six-feet tall, and each exuded a commanding presence. Small town chatter was always buzzing with different stories of the men, Charlie included. It seemed people were divided over the club. Some spoke their praises of helping little old lady Pearson with her groceries in the car, while others swore they were criminals. Me, well, I was nothing more than a waitress at a diner, trying to keep my head above water. I didn’t really care what the men did or didn’t do. When they came in, which I had to admit was pretty regularly, they were always excellent tippers. At the end of the day, that was all I was concerned with. Rolling my shoulders back and stiffening my spine, I found the confidence I needed to handle the sheer amount of testosterone in the air from the men because they were all sexy. Each and every one of them: Spook with his beard and jet black hair; Boner with his tousled, sexy hair that looked like he had just rolled out of bed; Stiff with his bald head, tall bulked frame, and sexy as hell demeanor, making my girlie parts tingle; and Dawg who was sexy with his long dark brown hair that curled around his ears. “Hey, guys, have a seat anywhere you like. I’m on my own tonight, so anywhere you go, you’re stuck with me,” I greeted them as I made my way to the end of the counter and rounded it. “You say alone?” Dawg asked. I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering why he had used such a sharp tone. I left it alone, though, sighing as I kept my pace while they settled into their chairs. Stiff caught my eye as he flipped his chair around backward then promptly straddled it. He was always a toss up. One never knew what Stiff would do except flirt. He was notorious for it. “Rickie was working the grill and had a family emergency about twenty minutes ago. Night shift,” I explained. “It’s usually me and the cook after ten-thirty on the weekdays when it ain’t busy.” “Charlie know about this?” Boner asked. “Nah, that’s between them when Charlie sees the time clock,” I said. The truth was that Charlie probably wouldn’t know, but I wasn’t a rat. Pulling my scratch pad out of my apron, I clicked my pen, ready to take the guys’ orders. Stiff watched me carefully, a little too carefully. So much so that I felt a blush crawl up my neck and heat cover my face, no doubt reddening my pale skin. “We’ll be here till you close up.” The deep baritone of his voice shot straight to my belly. “I’ll tail you home.” “That’s not necessary. It’s happened before. I’m all right, Stiff.” Boner looked at Stiff then me. Before he could speak, Stiff met my eyes. “Not happenin’ again, Chelsea. You wind up alone, you call the clubhouse. No need for you to be here by yourself.” The guys all looked at Stiff as if he had grown two heads. He was a womanizer; I had heard all the stories. Why did he give a shit about me being alone? Then again, the guys, all of them, had always been friendly to me when they came in. This was no different, and it was sweet in a badass sort of way. The door chimed, and in walked two college-age girls, giggling like they were at some pop star concert. “Be right with y’all. Sit wherever,” I greeted then looked back at Viper’s Creed. “What’ll it be? Gotta get started.” I gave them a small smile while I quickly scribbled their orders as the girls approached. They were overly done up in enough makeup to make a drag queen jealous. “Pick a seat,” I reminded them as if I hadn’t said it two seconds ago. “Let me drop the fries, and I’ll be back to take your orders.” “We’re here for them.” The darker-haired girl pointed at Stiff and Boner, biting her lip. I was sure it was meant to be sexy, but it failed. I didn’t have time for this. “Then I’ll get to work on gettin’ ’em fed while y’all get to work on gettin’ their dicks wet.” I rolled my eyes. “Spunk, Chelsea. You got spunk.” Dawg laughed. I didn’t look back. Instead, I headed behind the wall to the kitchen area where I mocked the girls continually in my mind while I dropped fries in the hot oil. When the fryer quieted, I had to stifle my gasp as I overheard the brazen women. “Like, what made y’all wanna be part of a club?” one of them asked in that valley-girl-wanting-to-be-seductive-and-failing tone. The men laughed loudly, and then Dawg was the first to answer. “We ain’t a club. We’re fuckin’ family.” “You kn-know, TV makes it so h-hot,” the other girl began. “Wh-what’s the appeal?” There was the sound of someone smacking the table hard, and I jolted. “Pussy. All the pussy we can handle,” Stiff taunted, and I couldn’t help the way my heart thudded in my chest painfully. “Thing is, bitches like you come in here, thinking you can be a part of something like this. You don’t know shit, and you ain’t shit. Your only place is sucking my cock when I feel like having it sucked. Got plenty of mouses for that, so move the fuck along. We got dinner to eat.” I couldn’t see the table from where I was flipping burgers for their patty melts, but I heard Spook after I made out the squeal of one of the ladies. “Don’t ever fucking touch my leather. I’m Vipers’. I’m not yours, and you’re not mine. Like my brother said, move the fuck along.” Spook could be intimidating on a regular day, but the ice in his voice now had me on edge to even take him his plate. Those two dimwits didn’t seem to get it, though. “We could be your dessert,” one of the women said. If I didn’t have a spatula in my hand with hot grease on it, I would have smacked my head. The sound of a chair scraping back against the floor assaulted my ears before Boner said, “We’re not interested. Even on your knees, on my cock, or licking the motherfuckin’ floor, the two of you don’t make the cut. Move on.” Hell, I fully expected them to at least take the girls out to the parking lot and fuck them. At least, that would be par for the course according to the talk of the town. On a humph, I heard the girls exit. I shook off the words and worked on my task of plating the men’s food. Dawg laughed. “Can you believe that shit?” “We live by a code and die by a code. Bitches don’t know shit unless we tell them. Pussy doesn’t get you by,” Boner stated as I dumped the last of the fries onto their plates. “If we wanna see pussy, I’m sure we can head over to Sirens. Heard it’s got a new woman in charge.” The tone in Stiff’s voice made me wonder if they really did frequent the strip club in town. “Order up!” I yelled out of habit before I took the plates burning into my skin out to the sexy patrons. I really had to get my head out of my ass where Stiff and all of Vipers Creed was concerned. It wasn’t my business and never would be.  

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About Ryan Michele

Ryan Michele found her passion in making fictional characters come to life. She loves being in an imaginative world where anything is possible and has a knack for special twists readers don’t see coming. She writes MC, Contemporary, Erotic, Paranormal, New Adult, Inspirational, and many more romances. And whether it’s bikers, wolf shifters, mafia, or beyond, Ryan spends her time making sure her heroes are strong and her heroines match them at every turn. When she isn’t writing, Ryan is a mom and wife living in rural Illinois and reading by her pond in the warm sun.




Title: Mistrust
Author: Margaret McHeyzer
Genre: Young Adult
 Release Date: July 29, 2016


From New York Times bestselling author Margaret McHeyzer.... 

I’m the popular girl at school.
The one everyone wants to be friends with.
I have the best boyfriend in the world, who’s on the basketball team.
My parents adore me, and I absolutely love them. My sister and I have a great relationship too.
I’m a cheerleader, I have a high GPA and I’m liked even by the teachers.
It was a night which promised to be filled with love and fun until…something happened which changed everything.

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Dragging myself out of the gymnasium and down the hall, I try and get to the side double-doors. But with no one here to help me, it's difficult. I need to sit for a moment out on the steps leading to the back field and gather myself.

My legs become heavier as I get to the doors. The cyclone happening inside my head is growing thicker while my vision is so unclear I can barely make out any objects.

Stumbling down the first step, I barely recognize where I am.

“What’s happening?” I think I say.

There’s a cacophony of dense sounds; a combination of white noise, mumbling, and a beat which doesn’t make sense.

My eyes are now so heavy I can barely open them and my legs are completely weighted as I attempt to make my way down the stairs. I think I’m going to pass out.

Author Bio

There's something about the written word that is pure magic.

Possibly it's the fact there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, and they can create something so beautiful or so empowering they're capable to change our lives.

How important is it that we break suit and stretch our minds?

I like to think of myself as 'unique'. My stories aren't for everyone, and sometimes I may push what you believe to be 'normal'.

Normal is subjective.

I prefer to be known as a person who's never been 'bound by custom' but is 'unique by choice'.

I hope you do read and enjoy my stories.

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Title: Refresh
Author: S. Moose
Genre: New Adult/Romantic Suspense
 Release Date: July 25, 2016


What's left when perfection is gone?

Perfection slipped through Caroline Spencer's fingers. One moment she had it all, and then it was gone. All she has left are her memories, her pain, and her close friends.

And Mason Ryan was not part of her plan--wasn't even on her radar. After all, he was her husband's best friend. But now that her husband is gone, he's the only person who understands her, feels what she feels, and knows her inside and out.

Together, they try to rearrange the shattered pieces of their pain.

Sharing their grief pulls them closer together--closer than either of them want to admit and Mason won't allow himself to fall for his best friend's widow. Ultimately, he's holding the one secret that will destroy Caroline--a secret he cannot even bear himself.

Will they find a way to refresh their lives when the pain of the past won't dissolve?

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"Let me add," she says with a smirk, "sex and Mason are like desserts."

"What?" I burst out laughing.

"Now listen to me. Sex and Mason are like desserts. There are many sides of Mason and sex consists of different positions all of this like dessert. You see a dessert case and there's everything from fruit tarts to red velvet cake to brownies."

"I'm getting hungry now, thanks."

"Oh shut up," Tonya laughs and continues with her ridiculous explanation. "These two things go hand in hand. So you can take your time and look at these yummy desserts the way you look at Mason and sex and then when you're ready you'll pick the best most delicious dessert and boom, you and Mason will be having boom boom time."

"I can't even with you." I laugh and wipe my tears from laughing so hard. "You're too much."
"Dessert equals Mason and sex. Remember, variety and different tastes!"

Author Bio

S.Moose is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, living in Webster, NY with her family, friends, and shorkie, Charlie.

A 2011 St. John Fisher graduate, S.Moose loves to read and write. She enjoys getting lost in the fictional world and creating a place where readers can fall in love and swoon over the cute boys she brings to life. When she isn't in her room in front of her computer or a book, she is with her family and friends being silly and enjoying life. She's romantic at heart and loves anything with a happily ever after.

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Title: Stay the Night
Series: A Day of Pleasure #3
Author: Cora Cade
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
 Release Date: July 29, 2016


She's everything he wants. Even when she can't see it.

After her last relationship ended in the hospital, Lainey Eversman ditched Ohio to start fresh in a sleepy North Carolina town. Her tiny apartment above the Drunken Duck may be cramped, but she’s ready to let her big dreams erase those bad memories.

When she sprains her ankle, she reluctantly accepts Chris Harper’s help to cut her last few ties to Ohio, though she dares not accept anything else from the sexy architect. The last thing she can trust is her instincts when it comes to men.

Chris knew the fiery Lainey was his one and only the moment he set eyes on her. If only she’d let him get closer than arm’s length. But their trip to Ohio cracks the walls shielding her vulnerability, and she finally, hesitantly, takes that last step into his arms.

It’s still going to be tough to convince her to give love a fighting chance—especially with an ex who won’t take “go away” for an answer.

Warning: Contains a small-town hero who’ll do anything to convince a skittish big-city girl that he’s a safe bet. Expect loyal friendships, sweet kisses, and hot, dirty sex in the great outdoors.

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Chapter One

The idyllic countryside of Lainey Eversman’s new home left a lot to be desired when you were under attack by mutant country spiders. Four weeks ago she’d purchased ten lakeside acres in the lush mountains of North Carolina. Currently she was standing on a rickety kitchen chair swatting at a horde of massive spiders crawling through a crack in her cabin’s ceiling. All the while wishing desperately she’d never left the confines of city life.

She was trying admirably to not freak out like a total pansy, but when a shower of leggy spiders fell in her hair she gave up the fight. Giving a little squeak she launched herself from the old wooden chair and began to dance around like a lunatic while brushing her hands madly through her hair.

After a brief tussle with her own ego, she finally gave up and headed for a real shower. The kind with water and soap. No one had to know she’d nearly had a meltdown over a few spiders. Those ten acres, so happily purchased a few weeks ago, had come with a tiny hunting cabin. One room encompassing a very small and formerly very dirty shower, a toilet, a kitchen sink the size of her favorite pair of shoes, and a mini fridge fresh out of the box, all in a twelve-by-twelve room.

At the time it had seemed like the perfect place to hang tight while she had a place built. In retrospect she should have taken her brother and his girlfriend up on the offer to make use of their guest room until the build was completed. She loved both Cal and Molly, but she had little interest in finding them in compromising positions all over the apartment. Given the pair of them, it would be near impossible to catch them doing anything but getting frisky.

The creepy cabin in the middle of nowhere was her home for the duration. It wasn’t so bad, aside from the bugs, the smothering summer heat, and the incessant nature noise. No one ever told her living in the sticks was loud. Since her first week in the cabin she’d been serenaded nightly by an orchestra of bullfrogs, crickets, and assorted evening critters. Every morning the birds woke her at first light. Eventually she’d adjust to the nature sounds, but to date she’d been averaging about six hours a night; not really enough to feel rested. Altogether leaving her just a little bit cranky from lack of sleep.

In theory living alone surrounded by nature was an amazing retreat, but in reality it was quite the adjustment for a city girl leaping into the next stage of her life.

After scrubbing all the spider particles from every square inch of her body she exited the shower and tossed on a pair of simple cotton panties and the thinnest tank top she could find. It was a beautiful August evening, but the heat of the day hadn’t dissipated enough to leave Lainey comfortable. The heat and humidity left her feeling sticky the moment she toweled off from the shower.

Being a half-mile down a winding lane in the middle of nowhere had its perks. Sitting on her miniscule porch in her underwear with her feet propped up was definitely one of them.

Well, until she saw a car’s lights turn off the main road and make its way toward the cabin. It could only be a handful of people. Her brother Cal, Cal’s girlfriend Molly, or more likely Chris. Chris the hottie architect that she’d met through Cal and Molly, who was contracted to redesign the coffee shop she’d purchased.

Given the light glow of a near full moon, Lainey guessed it to be nearly ten. Rather late for a business meeting. Finally, she determined it was Chris, as his sleek black car eased slowly closer until it was nearly ready to park next to her own car on the far side of the porch. Lost in her own thoughts, she was about to greet the hottie architect in her panties.


Launching herself to her feet in an effort to reach the front door of the cabin before Chris cleared the porch was easier said than done. In her rush she almost crushed a cricket with a poorly placed foot. Attempting to save the cricket’s life, Lainey lurched to the left and managed to trip over her own feet. Landing in an inelegant pile, she watched the cricket hop away unharmed.

As she was attempting to right herself Chris stepped into view and halted his progress at the foot of the porch.

Also Available



Author Bio

Nestled away in a small town in Ohio, I spend my days adding delicious books to my library, snuggling with my three rotten dogs, and debating the finer points of life with the dear husband. When I'm not tucked away with a book you can be find me tapping away at my laptop. With coffee. And my playlist.

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Title: Carter
Series: The Harlow Brothers #1
Author: Brie Paisley
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
 Release Date: July 22, 2016


She was the one for me.
The one that I knew would be mine forever until I made the biggest mistake. I pushed her away and I’ve regretted that decision ever since. I’ve tried to move on, tried to put the memory of her behind me, but she’s always consuming my thoughts. Now, she’s back in our hometown, trying to rebuild a new life. I know she’s keeping secrets. She tries to hide them from me, and I will do whatever it takes to prove that I’m the one she needs. Because Shelby Ross is the other part of me that I can’t live without and I refuse to let her go again.

He broke my heart.
I never thought I would be able to pick up the pieces he left behind. When he let me go, I ran away from it all, thinking it was the easiest thing to do. But, running has a price and I’ve paid it in full for years. Now, I’m back where it all began, back to putting my life together and starting over. It should’ve been easy, but Carter Harlow is reawakening long buried emotions that I thought were gone. He wants to make me his again. I can’t let that happen. He ruined me, broke me, and I’m afraid I’ll never survive it a second time around.

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It seems like a lifetime since I first met Carter Harlow.

We lived in the same small town where you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing a familiar and friendly face. I was five years old and he was six. I remember that day, perfectly. We were at school, playing outside during recess. The school year was almost up, and it was a hot sunny day. The kids in my class played chase, or were in the sandbox making sandcastles. I was sitting on the swing, in my own little world. I didn’t know how to swing yet without someone pushing me. My legs dangled, and I kicked the pebbled rocks with the tip of my shoes. I watched the other kids playing, seeing they all had a playmate. It made me sad and envious that I didn’t have that. All I wanted was someone to push me on the swing. I didn’t have any friends back then, and maybe Carter knew what a lonely little girl I was.

Looking back, I didn’t understand why my Mom didn’t want anything to do with me, or why my Dad always smelled funny. But, Carter didn’t make fun of my dirty clothes, or say anything about how I hadn’t bathed in a week. He walked right up to me, touched my hand holding tightly onto the chain of the swing, and looked right at me.

“I’m Carter. What’s your name?”

I squinted my eyes at him, wondering if he was about to comment on why I was alone. Most kids made fun of me because I didn’t have any friends. They would tease me relentlessly, but it seemed like Carter wasn’t like the other kids at school. “Shelby.”

He stared at me for a moment, then asked, “Can I push you?” I smiled brightly and nodded eagerly. All I wanted was a friend, someone to play with me. Carter took his hand off mine, and walked behind me. He grabbed a hold of the chains, and began to push me. I remembered laughing loudly, loving how high he pushed me. I also remembered holding on tightly to the chains, and looking around the playground at the other kids. They didn’t pay us any mind, and I told Carter to push me higher and higher. He did as I asked, laughing right along with me. I finally had someone to play with, and I felt happy. For the first time in my life, I felt just like all the other kids. I felt normal. I remembered how in just a short amount of time, I felt accepted.

When the bell rang for us to go back inside, Carter slowed me down, and helped me off the swing. He held my hand as we walked back into the building, and I started to dread him letting my hand go, and heading back to his class. I didn’t want him to leave me. “Don’t worry, Shelby. I’ll see you after school.” He told me once we stopped at my classroom. I grinned, and nodded at his promise. That one simple promise meant the world to me, and even if I didn’t have any friends in my class, I knew I gained a new friend with Carter. When he met me right outside my classroom at the end of the day, I knew at the tender age of five, Carter would always keep his promises. Even though we’d just met, we shared a bond, something special.

Thinking about it now, I was way too young to understand the connection we had. There was just something about that sweet, young boy. He quickly became my best friend, and there was hardly any moments when we weren’t together.

Now that I’m older, I still don’t understand the connection we had back then. Even when Carter and his family opened their arms and home to me when I needed them the most. I still didn’t understand why he wanted to be around me. No one else in my family cared anything about me, and it was inevitable for me to fall head over heels in love with him. It didn’t happen suddenly. It happened slowly over the years, slowly changing our relationship into something I couldn’t live without. There are so many things I still look back on, and I try to figure out why Carter and I were so drawn together. Why, after everything we went through, he could just … let me go. I thought what Carter and I had was special, one of a kind. But, everything changed once Carter left for college.

When Carter Harlow broke my heart, I did what I knew best.

I ran.

Author Bio

Brie Paisley is a small town gal from Mississippi. She always wanted to write at a young age and was always filling journals with her thoughts and short stories. Brie started with the idea of Worshipped a year ago and with the encouragement of her husband and sister in law, she was able to write her first book. When she is not writing, you can find her reading a good book, painting, scrapbooking, or watching a good movie with her husband and her boxer.

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Title: Spectacular Rascal
(A Sexy Flirty Dirty Standalone Romance)
AuthorLili Valente
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Comedy 
Release Date: July 26, 2016


A Sexy Flirty Dirty Standalone Romance

F*ck being good. When you’ve been screwed over by Mr. Wrong, let a Spectacular Rascal show you how good it feels to be bad.

My best friend and boss at Magnificent Bastard consulting—get revenge on your ex or your money back—is the smooth, successful New York businessman type. But me? I’m the other guy—the one you don’t bring home to mama. The tattooed, rough-around-the-edges, 100% primal badass. I won’t pull out your chair, sweetheart, but I will pull your hair.

I’ve got what it takes to make sure your dangerous dick of an ex thinks twice before he knocks on your door again.

Or I thought I did, until I meet my latest client: Catherine Jones, a.k.a. Polka Dot Panties. Former college running partner, sexiest woman I’ve ever almost de-virginized, and the only girl I’ve never been able to get out of my damn head.

Now my one-that-got-away is looking up at me with those big green eyes, daring me to take on an ex as dick-ish and dangerous as hers.

Well, you know what they say—it’s all fun and games until you’re making out on top of a mobster’s limousine.

Soon Catherine and I are in deep. We’re on guard, on the run, and on top of each other every chance we get. But outsmarting her mobster ex is the least of my worries, especially when I start thinking our falling hard act isn’t an act at all.

But after all this time, can a guy from the wrong side of the tracks find his forever with the sweet and sexy polka-dot-pantied girl next door?

Warning: SPECTACULAR RASCAL is a stand-alone erotic romance told from the hero’s point of view. No cliffhanger. Lots of dirty talk.

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Also Available


Author Bio

U.S.A. Today Bestselling author Lili Valente has slept under the stars in Greece, eaten dinner at midnight with French men who couldn’t be trusted to keep their mouths on their food, and walked alone through Munich’s red light district after dark and lived to tell the tale.

These days you can find her writing in a tent beside the sea, drinking coconut water and thinking delightfully dirty thoughts.

Lili loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her via email at or like her page on Facebook

You can also visit her website:

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