Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Author: Jessa Jacobs
Title: Irrationally His, The Collection
Release Date:  January 12, 2016
Publisher: Mad for Romance Publishing
Cover Designer: EDH Graphics
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Editor: Candice Royer
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The five titles in the Irrationally His series are brought together in one seamless read in Irrationally His, The Collection.

Chelsea couldn’t stand Travis ten years ago when her mother married his dad and moved to his ranch in Montana. The feeling was mutual. He stayed – she went to live with her dad. On the occasion of a week-long ten-year anniversary party, they meet as virtual strangers, and sparks still fly. The trouble is, where sparks fly, fire soon follows. Even though he’s too cocky, too arrogant, too flippant and a bum, she can’t keep her mind and soon her hands off of him. And even though she’s illogical, unfathomable and completely annoying, she’s all woman and irresistible to him.

Nothing but trouble can come from them acting on their desires. The question is, just how much trouble are they willing to tolerate for the sake of exploring how far their passion will take them?

What people are saying about the series...

Travis and Chelsea, described by one reviewer at the beginning as “an uncommitted, somewhat self centered man, and a directionless and slightly flakey woman” meet as virtual strangers on his father’s ranch, where his father and her mother are about to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary in opulent style. Undeniable chemistry versus misunderstandings, separation, and tragedy inevitably change and mature them. The question is whether they’re right for each other in the greater scheme of things. Only time and distance will tell.”

“You do know you’re trespassing, right?”
The voice startled me from a sound sleep and my eyes flew open to reveal what I at first thought was a vision straight out of my book. From my position, lying on my back, he looked too tall to be real, and the tight-fitting jeans, plaid Western shirt, and Stetson hat did nothing to dispel that thought. The expression on his face puzzled me at first. A wide grin revealed perfect teeth and belied the words he’d spoken.
I started to answer when I noticed his eyes flick from my face to my — oh, my God! My chest. My bare boobs. What the hell? I crossed my arms over myself and sat up in one motion. Looking around wildly for my shirt, I heard him speak.
“Looking for this?”
I hadn’t answered his accusation of trespassing, but I had plenty to say about him holding my shirt out of my reach. I wanted to cover way too much quivering flesh A-S-A-P. Thank God my lower half wasn’t naked. That would have been too much. Literally.
“Give me that, you bastard!” As I spoke, I lifted my face to glare at him. With a cocky grin, he tossed my shirt to me, but didn’t look away. “You could at least turn your back while I put this on.”
When he didn’t, I snarled, “You’re no gentleman.”
“Didn’t say I was,” was his laconic reply.
When he still didn’t turn away, I had no choice but to let one arm move to retrieve the shirt, and then to expose my boobs to his gaze again as I lifted my arms to pull the shirt over my head. Although I was covered, it wasn’t much better as the shirt was a bit too small, and in my haste to cover myself, I’d skipped the bra. A quick glance downward made me groan. In the now-chilly air under the shade of a tree, my traitorous nipples were in full evidence under the thin fabric. As was my belly. I sucked it in.
I was at a severe disadvantage in my sitting position on the ground, so I stood to look him in the eye. It wasn’t usually a problem for me, at my five-eleven height. Nevertheless, I had to look up several inches to meet his. “I’m not trespassing.”
He quirked one eyebrow, the challenge clear. Then he looked pointedly at my chest again.
I crossed my arms. “My mother is married to the owner of this ranch.”
His eyes widened. “Is she? How nice for you.”
“How long were you standing there getting an eyeful before you woke me?” I asked. I was about two seconds from punching this asshole in his pretty face.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he answered with a slow drawl.  “Ten minutes? Fifteen?”
“You bastard!” I exclaimed again. “I assume you work for my step-dad. I’m going to have you fired.”
“You assume wrong, Chelsea,” he said.

Like you, I'm a reader. When I read a good story with characters I can connect with, my everyday existence fades into the background as I enter a world that may contain exotic locations, adventure and excitement. And, if I can be totally honest with you, in my favorite stories I can fall in love for a while with an impossibly gorgeous guy who is the best lover imaginable.

So, maybe it won't come as a surprise that in my books you'll find hot alpha male book-boyfriends, sassy heroines who are much more clever and beautiful than I am, and stories I hope will make you laugh and cry while reading them, as I did while writing them. Oh, and some scenes you may want to role-play with your lover.

If you'd like to know more about me, my books, or special offers for free reading, please check my website at www.jessajacobs.com.

Tough Luck

tough luck (a stepbrother romance) by christa simpson - release blitz banner TOUGH LUCK
A Stepbrother Romance by Christa Simpson
For readers 18+ ONLY
Strong Athletic Man Fitness Model Torso Showing Six Pack Abs. Is
Even if it means we’re wantonly destroying our family . . . I can’t resist him. I know it’s not right to pine for this man, but he’s the one wielding all the power, controlling my body with a single menacing look. He tells me I can be his dark little secret and I’m honestly having a hard time saying no. I’m Izzabelle Spade, the good-girl librarian: organized, anti-social, your average “by the book” kind of girl. Dustin Miller is off limits, with that naturally tanned skin, impossibly dark eyes and broad shoulders. Untouchable, to a girl like me—usually. But not anymore. When I screw up, a beautiful chaos ensues. I demand a do over, but he has something else in mind. I know I should say no—absolutely not. I should turn around, walk away and never look back. But what do you think happens when he’s a “get what I want, when I want” kind of guy and what he wants is me? Goodreads


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Fashion Beauty Girl. Gorgeous Woman Portrait

If you're on YouTube, join Christa and listen to her playlist for this book!


I'm feeling good after finishing the free drink, and I think I've got a handle on these shoes. Battling for bravery, I spin around and get to my feet, ready to go ask this man all the questions I’ve practiced in my head three times over. I strut across the room, knowing his eyes follow my path. I can feel it. It sets my body on fire as my hips sway to the rapid beat of my heart, my legs feeling a little like my favorite brand of jelly. Suddenly, mid-stride, knowing that he’s watching, I forget how to walk. I stumble over my own two feet and tumble onto all fours, skidding my knee and landing in a sticky puddle of lord knows what not far from his feet. My driver’s license falls out of my bra and goes sliding across the grimy floor as the crowd starts to hollow out around me. This is my worst nightmare come true. People start to point, laugh, and stare. I crawl across the floor to grab my photo ID and stuff it back to where the sun don’t shine, wishing I could crawl into a hole and die. I pray that I get trampled by the dancers, while gathering enough courage to look up, but as an upbeat song ends, a snippy jack ass makes a comment that leaves me frigid. He flips my skirt up with the toe of his shoe. Why did I wear this stupid getup, again? Cringing, my eyes fall back to the floor. I’ve got myself in a hell of a predicament here, or so I thought until a pair of big shoes walks up and stops next to me. Look at the size of them feet! Shit is about to get real. “Is there a problem here?” The depth of the threat in his voice sends a delicious shiver down my body. I can't see him, but I see the way the problem scurries away and how the other men wither into the darkness. It’s him. It’s him! I know it’s him. Him must have a really nice view of my ass right about now, and I wonder whether he likes it. The way he blocks everyone else’s view makes me feel protected, like he wants me and he doesn't like to share. “Look at me,” he orders. When I do, he's standing above me, with a flock of other men scurrying away. I feel incompetent in his presence—like a total blonde—sitting on my heels and apparently incapable of forming a complete sentence. He serves me a smile and extends a hand in a friendly gesture. “Can I at least help you up?” he asks, with the most deep and sensual voice. In a daze I take his hand, gazing into stormy grey eyes with a swirl of darkness. He pulls me to my feet. He’s tall—very tall—and clean cut, with dark hair and mysterious eyes. A girl could get hypnotized by those eyes. He catches my smile and lets me study him. Then, with a wink, he plucks me from the dance floor and takes me to the nearest open bar table. He doesn’t let me go until I’m being tucked into a seat. I pull my skirt under my thighs and settle onto the chair he offers. He takes the seat across from me and smiles before hollering across the table. “You okay?” A nervous laugh reaches my mouth, but I refuse to let it out. “Yeah, I’ll be okay.” A piece of light brown hair falls into my eyes when I glance down at the table. I brush it aside and fold my lips together. “I did that once, it doesn't tickle.” My mouth drops open as I take in another look at his striking features. “Tripping in high heels?” He laughs. “Falling on my ass in public. It’s usually a sign of a good time.” I wouldn’t know. “I don't suppose your ass was hanging out, too.” I cringe from the memory, even though I still have a bruised knee and a sticky hand as an unwelcome reminder. “No, I don't think it was. But my ass has had its fair share of public nudity.” I laugh anxiously. What I would do to see that rock hard ass. “Maybe I should save that story for another time,” he says, noticing how intrigued I am by his conversation. I smile softly and nod in agreement as a blush warms my pale cheeks. “Are you here alone?” It seems like a bold question, and I should probably lie. “Yeah.” I search for something brilliant to add to the conversation. “You?” His sexy, narrow eyes peek out from beneath the curve of his ball cap. “My brother.” I nod, feeling a little less comfortable in the situation. I wonder if his brother is just as big and beautiful as he is. I sigh, scrunching my eyes to adjust the annoying film over my eyes from the contacts. This guy is tall, dark, handsome, well-dressed—way out of my league. The thought crosses my mind: this is probably only happening because he pities me, because I am here alone. What was I thinking coming here tonight? I feel like such a fool. “You look like you could use another drink.” Do I now? Perceptive, he is. I don’t know where I find my nerve, but while I’m here— “Are you buying?” Before I even have a chance to seek out a waitress, one is standing at his side. “What can I get for you?” She smiles at him seductively. I could learn a thing or two from this girl. Her shirt is a little tight in the chest; the buttons near her cleavage are busting at the seams. I bet he likes that. But he only looks to me when he speaks. “Two bottles of Bud, please.” The waitress waits for him to make eye contact with her, but he doesn't. In fact, his eyes never leave mine. He wants to order for me? I’m game, because being under his gaze is a heady cocktail that I’m not ready to give up just yet. I’ve never reaped this kind of attention from a man before. I must have done something right. “Are you from around here?” he asks me, with a quizzical expression on his face. His voice fluctuates with curiosity and his dark eyes shine with interest. He leans in toward me, and our small table in this crowded room is suddenly feeling very intimate. “Born and raised, unfortunately. You?” He shakes his head and takes a long draw from his beer, polishing it off before answering. “Naw. I'm only in town for the weekend. A family thing. But I'd rather not talk about that tonight.” I nod with relief. “I respect that.” A pleasant silence passes between us. I’m all shy smiles and he’s all sex-god on steroids. Just sitting at his table has my heart racing and breaths cut short. I’ve never felt so attracted to a non-fictional man. Beautiful sexy young adult attractive and sensuality pretty brun “What about you? Let's talk about you,” he suggests, being a man of few words. That makes me super nervous. I never talk about me. I talk about authors and articles and books, but me? No. “There's nothing much to talk about.” He gets up from his seat and pulls a chair over from the table next to us, stealing it without asking and sliding up beside me until our knees are touching and his arm is hovering behind my back. His fingers skim over my shoulder, tracing the fallen strap of my bra. Everywhere his fingers pass, a wake of tingles follow. Air slips between my lips hurriedly and a coolness creeps along my skin. Nerves. It has to be the nerves. “I don’t believe that for one second. You look like a woman with stories.” The deep seductive sound he makes with his voice is making it hard for me to breathe. “I do?” Only one thing is certain: I’m drinking way too fast for a girl who had planned on driving herself home, and yet my beer disappears shortly after it's placed in front of me. I chase it with another Bud. Talking becomes much easier after that. I probably say more than I should, but I’m feeling good—real good—especially when he touches me. And, since I don’t expect to do anything like this ever again, I’m going to make the best of it. It’s not until I polish off another bottle of Budweiser that I start to feel the full effects of drinking too much alcohol. He notices my surprise. “Drink much?” “Once a year,” I admit, then slap my hand over my mouth for giving away how plain and boring my ordinary life is. Little did I know, that was all about to change. Copyright 2015 Christa Simpson

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Christa Simpson is a Bestselling Romance Author who entertains her readers with protective alpha males and sassy heroines. She writes sexy new adult romances loaded with passion, suspense and sarcasm. In her free time, she loves reading, writing, music, movies and dancing. Christa is a small town girl, living in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, with her husband and two beautiful daughters. She’s a dreamer and has always believed you can do anything you set your mind to. Author profile June-13

Please visit her website: http://christasimpson.com

Author of . . .

THE TWISTED SERIES (Sassy New Adult Romance)

Book 1: Twisted (FREE!) ~ Book 2: Twist & Turn Book 3: A Twist of Fate ~ Book 4: Twisted Desire twist & turn banner

THE DESTINY SERIES (Contemporary erotic romance)

Book 1: Finding Destiny (FREE!) Book 2: Beautifully Broken Destiny Series banner TOUGH LUCK (A Stepbrother Romance)

Be social and visit one of her author pages!

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Waiting For Wyatt by SD Hendrickson

Title: Waiting for Wyatt
Author: SD Hendrickson
Genre: Contemporary Romance/ New Adult
 Release Date: January 12, 2016


“The dogs that deserved a chance, the guy who needed a second, and the girl determined to save him.”

My name is Emma Sawyer.

I met Charlie and Wyatt on the same sultry, summer day. It was unexpected, leaving a feeling in the pit of my stomach like the time I drove too fast over Beckett Hill. The moment happened out of nowhere, all fast and quick and a little strange. Or maybe that was just Wyatt’s personality.

It was Charlie that brought us together. Little Charlie with those ridiculous ears. I found the dog, waiting in a pool of his own blood. Waiting for someone. Waiting for me.

Now Wyatt, he wasn’t waiting for anyone. At least that’s what he said, except I saw something different in the broken guy all alone out in the woods. I knew he needed me before he knew it himself.

Wyatt with his hidden dimples. Wyatt with his warnings to stay away. He was a hard lump of coal, ready to burn everything around him. The more he burned, the more it pulled me into the pain I saw etched on his troubled face.

I wanted to help Wyatt. I wanted to save him like he had saved all the Charlies in the world. He told me not to fall for him, but I did anyway. I fell hard and fast and deeply in love with Wyatt Caulfield.

But that was before I knew his secret.

Author Note: Waiting for Wyatt is the love story of Wyatt Caulfield and Emma Sawyer, which also features rescue animals. It’s a 112,000 word standalone, Contemporary Romance / New Adult Novel.

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Author Bio

SD Hendrickson received a Bachelor's of Science in Journalism and Public Relations from Oklahoma State University. She lives in Tulsa with her husband and two schnauzers. Currently, her days are spent teaching computer software to oil and gas companies. The Mason List was her first novel and it was nominated for Goodreads Choice Awards – Best Debut Author 2015.

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It's Sexy, Its Dirty, It's Too Hot To Handle

Title: Too Hot To Handle
Series: Bad Boys (Zero to 60) #10 
Author: Susan Arden
Genre: Military Western Romance/Erotica Humorous
Release Date: January 12, 2016


A wedding. An airport.
A girl on the run.
And a Marine in need of salvation.

Margo Santero

Riding in a rodeo with a pack of adrenaline-hyped cowboys isn't what it was cracked up to be. When my mom died, I found out the hard way everyone has a price. And trust is a commodity. This isn't the life I envisioned, but neither is the demented offer my step-uncle tosses my way. With a sick threat, he ups the ante, forcing me to bolt. One day I'll fix Axel for good. For now, I've gotta a run.

Rod McLemore

She stormed into my life. A beautiful hurricane with dark secrets, blinding curves, and a smart-mouth I should kiss into submission. She's on the run and needs my help. Not that she listens. But if it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to make her mine. Even if it means I have to lie, cheat, deal with her horse from hell... Or get out my M9. Won't be the first time I’ve pulled the trigger.

STORM WARNING: This is a seismic erotic romance, detailing a barely-legal runaway and a dirty-talking McLemore. If a fiercely protective aka alpha-male cowboy lights your fire, then you've come to the right ranch.


If you can't stand the heat, better not come near this nuclear fusion Western, 'cause baby you will get burnt!

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Author earnings from the sales for January 2016, will be donated to the amazing Semper Fi Fund, which helps wounded US Marines.

Too Hot To Handle, Book #10
also includes the prequel Never Say Never

Title: Never Say Never
Prequel for Too Hot To Handle
Series: Bad Boys (Zero to 60) #9
86-page prequel released Jan 5, 2016

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Pulling away from my mouth, she gazed at me, her pupils fully dilated. “I’m ready to come. Are you?”

“Margo,” I grunted, taking hold of her hands. I wanted to kiss every inch of her skin. “I’m going to take my time with you. Suck on your clit until you soak my mouth.”

“Let’s go somewhere. Anywhere.” She piloted my hands down between her thighs. “Fuck me. So hard you bruise me. Fuck me everywhere,” she begged. “So rough it hurts. Really. Hurts. Can you?”

“Yeah.” I captured her wrists.

We stared at each other. She asked me to hurt her. Something I’d never delivered to another woman, but with her everything was different. Margo unlocked a side of me that demanded I mark her. Even if it meant she’d experience pain mixed with pleasure. I got what she was after—I hungered to give her that and more, but not in my truck. We’d need hours…days. And a plan.

“Please,” she whimpered, her breath sweet against my mouth.

“Not here. The next time we fuck, I want you in my bed. Open and submitting to me. Baby, I’ll give you what you need. So much, you’re going to surrender completely to me. Or not at all.”

IT SMOLDERS, then you've come to the right ranch.
This girl wants it hard.
This man isn't going to let her get away.

Also Available

#1 Tempted by Trouble

#2 Twice Tempted

#3 Stephen McLemore – The Cowboy Rode a Harley

#4 Girls’ Night Out

#5 Brandon McLemore – Leather and Lace

#6 Collared by the Cowboy

#7 Rory McLemore – Breaking the Bad Boy

#8 Catch Y.O.U. 4 Xmas


Author Bio

After packing up and moving to Nashville, Susan married the man standing behind her at Starbucks. Her husband is an incredible guy who puts up with a fly-by-the-seat zany wife. Together, they support several charity organizations including RAINN.org, Diversity In Books, and a robotics program for children.

Susan loves comedy in all forms. And music—anything dance-able. You'll find her singing and dancing if she's in the kitchen and cooking. And speaking of things that sizzle, if romance starring a dirty-talkin’ sexy cowboy ignites your fire, then stay in touch via Susan's RED-HOT ROMANCE newsletter. Sign up for freebies, releases, and bad boy news!

Sunset at Lake Crane Release Blitz

Title: Sunset at Lake Crane
Series: Livingston Valley #1
Author: Casey Hagen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: January 12, 2016


Love, truth, and pain lie buried beneath the Sunset at Lake Crane . . .

Faced with a blackmailer’s ultimatum, 19-year-old Erynn O’Neal protects her lover by disappearing from his life. Brokenhearted, she vanishes—and takes a life-altering secret with her.

Grant Alexander crossed the line when he took former student, Erynn O’Neal, as his own a mere two months after her high school graduation. Knowing the truth revealed would shred his career and reputation, he accepted the risks in exchange for the promise of a lifelong love. A heartbeat later, Erynn abandoned him without a word.

Years pass as Grant and Erynn lead separate lives–he as a reclusive author, she as an ambitious reporter. Yet, despite scarred hearts, true love lost is never forgotten, and Grant devises a way to draw Erynn back into his sphere of passion. Their aching hearts begin a tentative détente, but old jealousies flare, devastating truths come to light, and Grant and Erynn must resurrect and overcome the painful secrets of the past if they’re ever to love again.

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He stood in front of his desk, tension radiating from the ri-gidity of his shoulders when he asked in a rough voice, “What’s his name?” At the change in Grant’s voice, Brewster sat up on his bed and glanced back and forth between them.


“You love him?”

She turned to him, hoping he would get the point when she said, “I do.”

She saw it. The flash of hurt before he masked it. “So it’s se-rious?”

“We own a home together.”

He shook his head. “That’s not an answer.”

She held her hands up, palms out. “It’s the only one I have.”

He stalked her, a predatory gleam in his eye. She knew the look—in the right situation, that look alone could get her half-way to a mind-shattering orgasm. Something she hadn’t experi-enced since him. Talk about the wrong time to acknowledge that only he had the power to turn her inside out with pleasure, almost to the point of pain.

“And what about us?”

Her heart tumbled in her chest. She held eye contact. She needed him to understand. So that no matter how close he got, no matter what he did, she would not back down. “There is no us.”

“We kissed,” he whispered. His eyes locked on her mouth. She struggled to keep still and not squirm under his intense stare.

“You kissed me. There’s a difference.”

“You kissed me back.” He laughed without humor. “There’s something. At some point, we’ll have to address it.”

She took a deep breath and tried another tactic. “Aren’t you seeing someone? I mean, you went somewhere Saturday night, a sleepover.”

He smirked at her. “I see someone.”

“So it’s not serious?” The words were out before she thought about what she had done, and his smile grew. She’d showed an interest. She’d screwed up, and his smug expression said he was celebrating his victory.

“I don’t do serious.”

His tone invited no argument, but the reporter in her wanted to know. So did the woman. “Why?”

“I just don’t.”

It was her turn to smirk at him. “Now who’s full of it?”

“Don’t,” he bit out.

“Can’t handle it?”

With surprising speed, he spun toward her. He leaned his face within inches of hers, the muscle along his jaw jumping. “Can you, Erynn? Can you handle it?”

“Absolutely.” She stood her ground, leaning toward him with almost as much aggression as he’d leveled at her. “I don’t do serious because—” He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again she saw more agony in those their depths than she thought possible. “I’ll never give another woman enough of me that she has the power to gut me when she walks away. Not. Ever. Again.”

Author Bio

Casey Hagen is a debut contemporary romance author releasing her first book, Falling in Fiji, in October. She writes her stories from the dense, green wilderness of the Delaware National Forest, Middle of Nowhere, Pennsylvania. She’s a born and raised Vermont native with Ben & Jerry’s in her heart and real Vermont maple syrup pumping through her veins.

Over the years, Casey has dabbled in a wide variety of professions. She worked in the States Attorney’s office, created beautiful works of art as a florist, slaved to the public in retail, taught preschool (and potty trained eleven two-year-olds at the same time), and finally, she owned and operated her own residential cleaning business for over a decade. She is also the new Vice President of the Penn Jersey Women Writers Guild.

Casey is the proud mother of three girls, two of which are successful college students…yay! She resides with her youngest daughter, husband, and two cats. Her days are spent in her new office that she proudly admits they would need dynamite to blast her out of! When she’s not working she can be found chasing after her youngest with a camera (much to her youngest daughter’s embarrassment) or on the golf course with her real life hero!

Author Links

Kylie McDermott Owner/Manager Give Me Books Promotions ~ BLOG ~ FACEBOOK ~ TWITTER ~ ~ ONE-CLICK ADDICT SUPPORT GROUP ~ ~ GIVE ME BOOKS EVENT BLOGGERS FACEBOOK GROUP ~ Sent with MailTrack 6 Attachments Preview attachment RB Banner.jpg RB Banner.jpg Preview attachment Sunset at Lake Crane Ebook Cover.jpg Sunset at Lake Crane Ebook Cover.jpg Preview attachment Sunset at Lake Crane Full Jacket.jpg Sunset at Lake Crane Full Jacket.jpg Preview attachment Teaser 1.jpg Teaser 1.jpg Preview attachment RELEASE BLITZ PACKET - Sunset at Lake Crane.docx RELEASE BLITZ PACKET - Sunset at Lake Crane.docx Preview attachment HTML Sunset at Lake Crane RB.docx HTML Sunset at Lake Crane RB.docx Click here to Reply or Forward 1.36 GB (9%) of 15 GB used Manage Terms - Privacy Last account activity: 0 minutes ago Open in 1 other location Details Obsessed by Books Maria Lazarou's profile photo Obsessed by Books Maria Lazarou Add to circles Show details