Monday, 23 February 2015

Something Missing blog tour shake- up

Blog Tour Shake-up

When Susan is left orphaned, she begins a harrowing journey through the care system. Left with both mental and physical scars, Susan approaches adulthood with a self-destructive impulse. However, there is hope in the figure of her childhood friend, Max; the first boy she ever kissed.

Now a grown woman, Susan returns to her childhood home of Winchelsea, where she hopes she will find the answer to the gap in her heart that she’s carried with her since she left. With Max by her side, she attempts to find the path her life should have taken, to build a home, to heal old wounds, and to finally create a family that will stop the terrible feeling of something missing.

But Max has a secret, one that risks destroying all hope of a happy ever after, unless they can find a way to heal one another.

Watch the trailer for ‘Something Missing’ below

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Susan breathed in deeply; even now the emotions were raw. “A long time ago he was my best friend; we were inseparable. From the age of like, two, we never went anywhere without each other. When my grandmother died he protected me from the pain. But after the funeral they came to take me away. Max wanted me to run away with him but I said no. We were just children. There was no way that we could have made it on our own.”

Hazel lives in the small town of Rishton in Lancashire. England, with her husband, three children, two cats, dog, rabbit and lizard. She fills her days dashing between school runs, pets and housework and at night she comes to life either writing or watching her favorite program ‘Supernatural’ (yes she is Supernatural obsessed)

Her road to writing started with a love for paranormal romance novels, and after finding a passion for tragic romance she set out on the mission to share her own story. After long nights writing and a lot of ‘Supernatural’ episodes she is finally ready to share ‘Something Missing’. Hazel loves nothing better than sitting with a cup of tea, a chocolate biscuit and a good book.

Keep an eye out on her social media sites for more work coming 2015 including her Anthology

Hazel Robinson at

Release Day - Honor by Rachel Rossano @RachelRossano

by Rachel Rossano
Series: Novels of Rhynan, #2
Genre: Medieval Clean Romance
Release Date: February 23, 2015

The Earl of Dentin excels in his position as Securer of the Realm. But the king’s order to pluck an orphaned child from a loving home unsettles Dentin. When a dark-eyed woman challenges his honor regarding the mission, Dentin finds himself unable to justify his actions or get her out of his mind. Something about her lack of fear intrigues him.

Lady Elsa Reeve attempts to avoid the marriage of convenience her brother and mother demand of her. She understands the need to pay off her brother's massive debt. She only wants her family to consider her wishes in the process.

As Elsa becomes further entangled in a snare of her brother’s creating, only one man defends her. But can she trust Dentin, her unlikely champion, and his motives? With a murderer on the loose, Elsa’s fate in jeopardy, and a traitor plotting against the king, Dentin finds his priorities shifting in an unexpected direction.

A smattering of raindrops cut my ruminations short. I studied the angry gray clouds just as thunder rumbled. I decided running for the keep would be better than waiting the storm out in the shelter of the maze tower. I gathered my skirts up and ran for the opening in the nearest hedge. Even running so hard my lungs burned and my legs ached, the downpour beat me to the shelter of the vargar keep.

Normally safe footing became treacherous in the sudden rush of water. Puddles and slick slate pavers slowed me more. Once gaining the half-open undercroft door, I plunged into the underbelly of the castle and pushed the heavy door closed behind me. Not bothering to check the corridor, I began wringing out my heavy rain-soaked skirt.

“Greetings, Lady Elsa?”

I jumped. It took all of my control not to cry out in surprise at the sound of the male voice. I lifted my head to find Lord Dentin standing not three feet away. He looked like he had just returned from a swim. Water coursed down his face and dripped from his clothes into a growing puddle on the stone floor. A partially dry wool blanket draped his shoulders. His hair, black with moisture, stuck out from his head at odd angles as though he had paused mid rub.

Yet, his eyes were bright and a twitch pulled at his mouth. “It is good to know I wasn't the only one caught in the sudden downpour.”

Suddenly realizing I was holding my dress up and exposing quite a bit of leg, I dropped my skirts. The slap of them hitting the wet floor echoed down the corridor. I flinched.

His eyebrows rose and an actual smile pulled at his mouth. It took years off his face, revealing the remnants of the mischievous rascal he must have been in boyhood.

“Don’t look so frightened. I won’t tell on you.”

Anger gripped my chest and my chin rose instinctively. “I doubt my mother would care, my lord. She has grown calloused in her despair of me. I beg pardon. I didn't see you there.”

His smile disappeared and his expression grew thoughtful. “I am a bit hard to miss.”

“True, my lord. I need to proceed to my rooms now and change.”

“By all means. I would not wish you to grow ill. I anticipate an animated conversation at the evening meal.” He stepped back a bit, offering half the narrow hall for me to pass.

I gathered my skirts, keeping the edge just above the floor this time, and stepped through the gap. Then straightening my back and shoulders, I strode down the corridor to the servant’s staircase.


I paused instinctively, but I didn't turn around. He approached, his boots making squelching sounds on the stone.

“Have this.” He wrapped the wool blanket around my shoulders without actually touching me. It smelled of smoke, rain, and dog, but his residual warmth radiated from it. The heat felt heavenly on my chilled skin. “You need it more than I do.”

Then before I could voice my gratitude, he strode toward the kitchen calling for someone named Reginald.

“Thank you,” I whispered. Clutching the fabric to me, I dropped the pretense of dignity and ran for the stairs. If I was caught in this state of dress, my mother would never let me out of her sight again.

Book 1: Duty: First Novel of Rhynan

Rachel Rossano is a happily married mother of three children. She spends her days teaching, mothering, and keeping the chaos at bay. After the little ones are in bed, she immerses herself in the fantasy worlds of her books. Tales of romance, adventure, and virtue set in a medieval fantasy world are her preference, but she also writes speculative fantasy and a bit of science fiction.

Her Fallen Protector Release Day Launch @nicholesevern

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It's release day for Her Fallen Protector by Nichole Severn!! I am so excited to share this new paranormal romance with you!! Nichole is sharing new teases with us and giveaways, so be sure to check out all of the info!
Blogs Taking Part in the Release Day Launch
teasergraphic1 teasergraphic2 Her Fallen Protector Synopsis: Her-Fallen-Protector-500 (1)When a trio of demons kidnap Vdarra Jansen, her normal life is ripped away. Her abductors claim she is the “lost heiress” of the Underworld, and the commander of the mighty Army of Duemos. They don't seem to care that she knows nothing about the Underworld, or that she only remembers the last ten years of her life...   Former archangel Jacob will do anything to bring back his lost love’s memories. But if he succeeds, it could mean the end of the world. Torn between love and duty, Jacob will do whatever it takes to save her.   Jacob and Vdarra must learn to trust each other, and push aside old hurts to find their way. They are in a race to find the one thing that will decide Vdarra’s, and the world’s, fate – the lost Seal of Solomon. It will mean choosing between innocent lives ...and their hearts.
teasergraphic3 Nichole Severn Bio: NicholeSevernAuthorPhotoOriginally from Las Vegas, Nevada where she spent most days at her grandmother’s house watching X-Men, Married with Children and The Simpsons, Nichole Severn migrated to the Salt Lake City valley to live life as scandalous romance author. She graduated with a degree in psychology from Utah Valley University and resides with her very supportive and patient husband, as well as her terrorist of a toddler, in Sandy, Utah. When she’s not writing, she’s constantly injuring herself running, rock climbing, practicing yoga, and snowboarding. Website | Email | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Pinterest  

 Enter Nichole's giveaway!!

Saving Erica Blog Tour @JacquiAviet

Saving Erica
by J.A. Melville

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Erica Rothman looked to have it all. Beauty, a successful modelling career, overseas travel, money and a handsome boyfriend or did she? Looks can be deceiving.

After fleeing the UK and her violent, abusive boyfriend she gave up modelling and came home to Australia to lick her wounds after Liam had attempted to kill them both in a car accident during a fit of jealous rage.
She wanted to keep what had happened to her a secret from her family until her brother Nathan accidentally learns the truth.

When he takes her to see the project he and his business partner and friend have bought to make money on, it seemed innocent enough until she meets his friend.

Zane Harrison is gorgeous, sexy and everything a woman could ever want in a man. He was probably used to having women fall at his feet. That’s exactly what Erica did when she met him; she literally fainted at the man’s feet.

The attraction is there and he could be the perfect man for her but is it too risky to get involved with him? Can she escape the horrors of her past? Will she ever be able to overcome just what it is about him that affects her so much?

                           Buy Links:


This book is a sequel to Taming Eric but set 15 years later. It is a standalone novel and it is not necessary to read Taming Eric first.


Erica let herself into her parents’ home, the home she’d lived in from birth and listened for a moment to the laughter and voices coming from the dining room. It was Christmas Eve and she was late for the family dinner. Not that her family knew that since she hadn’t been able to guarantee she’d make it home for Christmas anyway.

It was just lucky that filming had finished early and she’d been able to get a seat on the first flight out of London. Someone had cancelled making a seat available and although she’d been stuck with an economy seat and jammed in between a quite large woman and a man who had spent most of the flight trying to chat her up, it had been worth it to get home that little bit quicker. She knew she could have called Daddy and he would have sent the company jet but she wanted to surprise her family when they really weren’t expecting her.

She stopped for a moment to check her appearance in the mirror over the hall stand and noticed the dark circles under her blue eyes, a blue that vivid they appeared almost purple under some lighting. Her auburn hair hung down one shoulder in a plait that finished just below her full breasts and she ran her hands down over her dress trying to smooth out the creases after being crammed in a plane for so many hours.

Slowly she moved towards the dining room, smiling as the voices grew louder the closer she got. Nathan was telling them something about his and his girlfriend Taylah’s last holiday together. Apparently she had managed to lock herself out of their room while only wearing a towel and Erica grinned to herself when everyone burst out laughing.

She made it to the dining room doorway and got her first look at her family in three months. Alice was there as were Beverly, Tom and Maggie but her eyes shifted past them to the tall figure of her Father standing by the window. Even in his early 50’s he was still a very attractive man and to her he was her hero. She loved her Father, she always had. He had been her protector, her savior and the person who could never say no to her.

Nathan was seated at the table, the light shining on his strawberry blonde hair with Taylah by his side; her dark almost exotic looks a complete contrast to him.

Brooklyn and Charlotte occupied another couple of chairs at the table and Erica noticed Brooklyn had somehow talked her parents in to letting her get a nose piercing if the diamond glinting in it was any indication. At 15 they were looking so much more mature than she remembered but the phones in their hands as they texted or were on Facebook proved that they still had some maturing to do yet.

Her Mother was seated up the other end of the table, looking her usual unruffled self, her auburn hair the exact same color as Erica’s twisted into some elaborate knot at her nape.

Erica smiled at the sight of them all together, all the people she loved most in her life. Suddenly her Mother looked up and saw her standing there and a wide smile transformed her face at the sight of her eldest daughter.

“Erica, darling, you made it.” She stood up with her usual grace. Her Mother’s mention of her name was enough to draw the attention of everyone else and the chatter stopped briefly before everyone started getting to their feet to come and greet her.

Before anyone reached her, she saw her father coming towards her with that long stride of his and he caught her up, swinging her around and around in his arms despite her protests and squeals at him.

He lowered her feet to the floor and pulled her into his arms for a hug, holding her tight and Erica realized at that moment how much her father had missed her. They’d been inseparable until her career had started to take off and now she was often gone for weeks or even several months at a time. Lately it was months and months in between visits back home.

“Daddy.” She said and that was all she could say as the tears started to fall and when she finally pulled back enough to see her father’s face, he had tears rolling down his cheeks too.

“I missed you so much Daddy.”

“Not as much as I’ve missed you sweet pea.” He told her huskily before hugging her tightly to him again.

Erica knew her father hated her job. She’d heard often enough about how he used to only date models years ago before Mum’s time. He’d found them shallow and self-centered so he had found it hard to accept that his own daughter had gone on to become a highly successful model.

He’d never once tried to stop her and had always been supportive and going by the collection of her professional photos hanging around the house, he was proud of her despite her career choice. Technically she hadn’t intended to get into modelling but it had been the fairy tale beginning for her. After being spotted at sixteen and talked into having some studio shots taken the rest as they say was history.

She had become an extremely wealthy woman from modelling but all that money didn’t mean much when her personal life was one huge mess. She had come home not just to see her family but to lick her wounds and recover from the physical and emotional damage done to her by her ex-boyfriend. She didn’t dare tell her father about what Liam had done to her. She just wanted to spend time with her family and try to push the whole horrible nightmare to the back of her mind.

With a huge grin on her face she pulled out of her father’s arms and turned to greet the rest of her family, her arms spread wide. “Well come on then, is Daddy the only one pleased to see me? Where’s my hugs?”

Her Mother stepped forward, a wide smile on her face, her arms outstretched and Erica walked into her embrace, dropping her head on her shoulder as she breathed in her Mother’s familiar vanilla scent. Before she could get too comfortable though, she was pulled into Nathan’s arms and given a hug that tight, she winced. She fought to keep the pain from her expression because her pain was from more than his big bear hug embrace, it was pain from bones that were still healing. She didn’t want anyone to see that though so she struggled to mask her reaction from her family. She didn’t want anyone to know what had happened. She just needed time to get over this with the people she loved most around her. She needed time to forget what Liam had done to her. God, just thinking about him sent a shiver through her and Erica pulled away from her brother and with a false smile on her face she said. “I’m starving. Can your poor old daughter and sister get something to eat before I collapse?”

With bursts of laughter and Nathan teasing her about her not being entitled to anything more than a lettuce leaf given she was some big shot model, her family cleared a spot for her at the table.

Brooklyn and Charlotte dropped kisses on her cheeks when she sat down. Erica took the plate of food from her mother’s hands that seemed to have miraculously filled itself and began to eat. The constant noise and laughter from her family was both comforting and familiar to her. She realized just how much she’d missed it, how much she’d missed them. Being back with them like this would help for a short time at least. She could forget about the past, forget about the pain and try and push the hell Liam had put her through from her mind.

About J.A. Melville
From my teenage years, all I wanted to do was become a writer one day. Even now as an adult woman with a partner and three children who are not so little anymore, I've always lived with my head in the clouds, a dreamer, often amusing myself with my own imagination. It might have taken me awhile to finally live my dream, but I did it. I hope to one day be good enough to stand beside the many talented writers out there who have kept me entertained with their wonderful stories over the years. I live in a sleepy country town in Tasmania, Australia with my partner and three children plus our 4 cats, dog and cattle. I've had to overcome many emotional obstacles along the way to get to this point and attempting to self-publish a book does tend to make a person feel like they've thrown themselves in at the deep end of the pool. Here's hoping some of you actually like what I write and save me from drowning in the deep end as I probably forgot to mention, I can't swim.

Where to findJ.A. Melville

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Cover Reveal for Hindsight by Leddy Harper & Marlo Williams @LeddyHarper

_______ Hindsight

✦ Hindsight by Leddy Harper & Marlo Williams is live on March 9th! ✦

Check out the gorgeous cover of this romantic suspense novel! Enter the RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY for a $50 Amazon Giftcard and more here! Add Hindsight on Goodreads here!


leddy synopsis
You always hear about the moment right before the end when you see your life flash before your eyes. Some people have even said they had experienced heaven as they headed for the bright light in that one split second before everything went blank. But there isn’t a way to know if they spoke of the truth. Not until you’re actually there, in that moment, that one moment just before the curtains of life are drawn closed after what becomes your final act.
I can tell you firsthand if that is true. I experienced it. Taking my bow as the curtains slowly closed. I reached out and tried to stop them, but I was helpless to stop it. It’s weird, the roller coaster of emotions you go through when you’ve reached your journey’s end.
As I lay on the cool tile, random thoughts ran through my mind. They astonished me, considering the seriousness of my situation. I had no idea where the random thoughts even came from. It was probably because I knew I was fading. I could tell by the blood that formed in pools around my body. My time on earth was coming to a close.
So much blood. So much pain. So many regrets.
So did I experience it? The flashing of life or the whiteness of heaven? Not in the way people have made it sound, but I did see it. It served the purpose of showing me where it all went wrong. It proved to me why I was alone and cold, dying on the bathroom floor. It reminded me that as humans, we make choices, good or bad, and we must live with the consequences.
Hindsight. They say it’s twenty-twenty.
That’s the truest statement I had ever heard. Moments of my life flooded my mind, all of them going back in time, serving as a roadmap to the beginning.


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✦ Enter the AMAZING giveaway from Leddy Harper and Marlo Williams! ✦
Up for grabs.... $50 Amazon gift card and multiple signed paperbacks!

Hindsight is co-written by Leddy Harper and Marlo Williams!
All about Leddy:
Leddy Harper had to use her imagination often as a child. She grew up the only girl in a house full of boys. At the age of fourteen, she decided to use that imagination and wrote her first book, and never stopped. She often calls writing her therapy, using it as a way to deal with issues through the eyes of her characters.
She is now a mother of three girls, leaving her husband as the only man in a house full of females. The decision to publish her first book was made as a way of showing her children to go after whatever it is they want to. Love what you do and do it well. And to teach them what it means to overcome their fears.
All about Marlo:
Marlo Williams has been an avid reader since the ripe old age of nine. She'd read all the time to the point her mom thought there was something wrong with her.
When Ms. Williams was in her teens she started feverishly writing books. Writing was more fantastic than reading and she found her imagination had no bounds. She would submerge herself in her room for hours and hours just writing on lined paper in her notebook.

Click on any of the sites below to follow Leddy Harper!Facebook | Website | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads
Click on any of the sites below to follow Marlo Williams!Facebook | Amazon | Goodreads

Click on any of the retail sites below to purchase other books by these authors!
Purchase Home No More by Leddy Harper: Amazon | Goodreads
Purchase Benevolent by Leddy Harper: Amazon | Goodreads
Purchase Corporate Calculation by Marlo Williams: Amazon | Goodreads
Purchase Corporate Nightmare by Marlo Williams: Amazon | Goodreads
Purchase Death Drop by Marlo Williams: Amazon
Purchase Death Spiral by Marlo Williams: Amazon | Goodreads

Hosted by TOJ Tours, from TOJ Publishing Services, Inc.