Monday, 23 February 2015

Enslaved by Evangeline Anderson Book Blitz @EvangelineA

Enslaved by Evangeline Anderson
(Brides of the Kindred #14)
Publication date: January 31st 2015
Genres: Adult, Romance, Science Fiction
Enslaved is book number 14 in the Brides of the Kindred series. It is a plus-length novel of around 168,000 words
Anything for you Mistress…
Thrace S’ver is an unwilling slave. Drugged and bound, he is taken to the Flesh Bazaar and put up for sale to the highest bidder. But this is not the first time Thrace has been on the auction block—he has a past full of horrors he doesn’t intend to repeat. Desperate to be free, he swears he’ll kill whoever buys him.
Lonnara Trin is the Captain of a merchant ship from the all female planet of Zetta Prime where sexual relations with a male are considered unnatural and wrong. She has no use for males personally, but she needs a big, muscular slave or her business will suffer—Thrace fits the bill.
Soon Mistress and slave are embroiled in a desperate conflict which draws them intimately together. To her surprise, Trin actually begins to have feelings for her slave. And though Thrace swore to be free, he finds himself devoted to his new Mistress. When their differences threaten to tear them apart, Trin tries to grant Thrace his freedom. But she doesn’t realize that his heart has already been…Enslaved.


Enslaved Excerpt #3

There was an empty swinging seat to Lady Tam-tam’s right, right beside the giggling couple, but when Trin moved to go to it, their hostess raised a hand to stop her.
“Wait, Lady Trin. Through some oversight by the door guards I don’t believe you were announced as we came into the reception hall.”
Trin’s mouth went dry and her palms began to sweat.
“Oh, well that’s all right, Lady Tam-tam. I don’t mind, really,” she said, trying to smile.
“But I do.” Lady Tam-tam got a mulish expression on her face. “You’re my special guest—you must be announced! And there is no time like the present. Guard!” she said and one of the guards in orange and purple livery rushed over at once.
“Yes, my Mistress?”
“Announce Lady Trin at once. Yes—right here will do,” indicating the open spot in front of the table. “And see that you speak nice and loudly so everyone can hear.”
Trin had never been a particularly shy person but she felt she wanted to melt into the ground when the guard turned and bellowed,
“Announcing Lady Trin, the special guest of our hostess and the mistress of all our hearts, Lady Tam-tam of Dreaming Hills!”
Trin made a brief bow to all those assembled but she knew she couldn’t be seated yet. Thrace was standing right beside her, waiting for her signal. But somehow she couldn’t give it.
“Well, go on my dear,” Lady Tam-tam hissed behind her. “Have your love-slave make obeisance to you. Then the feast can begin.”
She looked at Thrace, her heart pounding. Goddess, I can’t do this in front of all these people. I can’t
Thrace seemed to understand her trouble—the way she was frozen to the spot and unable to move, unable to give him the correct signal to make obeisance to her.
“Mistress,” he murmured and bent towards her. But instead of getting on his knees at once, he leaned forward and cupped her breasts. Bringing them to his mouth, he laid a soft, gentle kiss on each nipple, making Trin bite back a gasp. His breath was hot through the thin lace and her nipples, already erect from the slight chill in the air, were suddenly tight, aching little points at the ends of her breasts.
From behind her, she heard Lady Tam-tam give a murmur of approval but Thrace wasn’t done yet—he knelt before her and put his hands on her waist. He looked up at her, holding her gaze with his own, and then pressed his mouth carefully to the tiny triangle of turquoise lace at the center of her mound.
This time Trin couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her as his hot breath caressed the curve of her sex. She could feel his open mouth pressing against her outer pussy lips and his eyes were half lidded with desire as he looked up at her and kissed her—kissed her as though he wished the panties weren’t in his way.
Trin wanted to look away but she couldn’t—she was caught in that silver-blue gaze and unable to get free. As he nuzzled close and pressed deeper so that she felt her pussy lips parting under the thin material, she couldn’t help remembering the things he’d said about tasting her, about how he longed to lap her juices right from the source…

Evangeline Anderson is a registered MRI tech who would rather be writing. She lives in Florida with her husband and son and enjoys reading, writing, baking, and playing Diablo II. (She has a barbarian named Giggles and a necromancer named Jimbo.) Despite her goofy hobbies, she writes smoking hot paranormal, sci-fi, and BDSM erotica

Author links:

GIVEAWAY Blitz-wide giveaway (US & UK only) 2x $10 Amazon Gift Cards


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