Monday, 22 June 2015

RELEASE BLITZ - Sloth by Ella James @givemebooksblog @author_ellaj

Title: Sloth
Series: Sinful Secrets #1
Author: Ella James
 Release Date: June 22, 2015


Dear A. –

I am writing to express my gratitude for your gift. There are no sufficient words, but please accept my sincerest thank you.

Yours, R.

She writes me back. I didn’t expect that.

She tells me she’s a lover of chicken pizza and video games, a hot sorority girl with the nickname Sloth. She wants to know something about me in return. She says I owe her.

This is how she saves my life. She doesn’t even know it. We’ve never even seen each other. But I need a reason. Just one reason to continue. She becomes mine.

The anonymity is good. She doesn’t need to know me, but I need her kindness. We both live our lives: a letter here, a post card there. For three years, I escape my demons. And then one day I’m pulled back in.

I’ve resigned myself to what I know is coming. Until the girl I’m spanking gives her safe word: Sloth.

And then the lie I’m living starts to unravel.


Sloth is an erotic romance. It’s a dark mystery, so if you’re sad, read another book. This one is real, and hard. Not that kind of hard. (That kind of hard, too). Consider yourself warned.
P.S. The book ends on a beach. That’s all I’m saying. As for an HEA, you’ll have to read and see.
P.S.S. Sloth is long as hell—about 500 pages. It was supposed to be short and quick. Instead it’s a behemoth that consumed its author for six months. As such, the price is going from $2.99 to $4.99 shortly after release.

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Author Bio

Ella James is a USA Today bestselling author who writes teen and adult romance. She is happily married to a man who knows how to wield a red pen, and together they are raising two children who will probably grow up believing everyone's parents go to war over the placement of a comma.

Ella's books have been listed on numerous Amazon bestseller lists, including the Movers & Shakers list and the Amazon Top 25 overall; two were listed among Amazon's Top 100 Bestselling Young Adult Ebooks of 2012.

To find out more about Ella's projects and get dates on upcoming releases, follow her on Facebook at and follow her blog, Questions or comments? Tweet her at author_ellaj or e-mail her at

Ella is represented by Rebecca Friedman of the Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency.

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Blog Tour: For The Win by Brenna Aubrey @BrennaAubrey

For the Win
Brenna Aubrey
Releasing: June 16, 2015

Millionaire bad boy Jordan Fawkes has problems. Big problems.
That molten-hot intern he hooked up with at Comic-Con is now his assistant. No one can know they’re the stars of the cosplay sex tape that broke the Internet.
Business school hopeful April Weiss has drama. Big drama.
Working under the CFO of Draco Multimedia should be the opportunity of a lifetime for her, but Jordan Fawkes is the boss from Hell—a sexier-than-sin boss from Hell who holds all the cards for her future career.
And then there’s the small problem of a certain video…

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Review by

* * ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review * *
Jordan is sexy, successful man and he reins over the financial department at Darco. a one night romp is a night he can't forget especially when the woman invading his thoughts his he new intern .
April is down on herself , she has a decitful mother and a ass of an ex boyfriend, so she decides to have a night of great sex with a stranger and tapes it. This tape goes viral and could mess up everything she's dreamed of , like the awesome intern postion at Draco but the kicker is the other party works at Draco so now both jobs and the reputation of Draco could be ruined.


He was kissing me. My boss. The man I loathed. That smoking hot dude in the swim trunks with the surfer’s bod. He was kissing me.
My lips were bruising and swelling from the pressure he put on them as he forced my mouth open and slid his tongue inside. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to resist that all-consuming tingling feeling that was starting at the back of my throat, slithering down my spine, coiling in my center like a traitorous snake. I may have been annoyed with him, but this kiss and his hold on me aroused me in seconds.
Jordan’s arm remained locked around my rib cage, pressing me against him. The other hand traveled down my back, sliding along the silky material of my dress to fondle my ass. A low growl rose in the back of his throat and suddenly I was finding it hard to remain standing.
In my mind, I tried to summon up the memories of all those times he sent me back to the coffee shop. Considering it was almost every damn day, you wouldn’t think it would be that difficult. But his smell—that hint of spice and sage and a salty tang—filled my nose, turning my insides into warm goo.
His breath was coming fast, and that mouth—those lips, that tongue—were doing wicked things to me. All at once I was aching, from my breasts to the dull throb between my legs. Aching with desire, hot, thick and heavy.
There was a fire in my belly that only he could put out. The feel of his solid abs against my rib cage, his hot arousal against my stomach. His mouth teasing mine and never letting up. Everything in my body trembled and everything inside my brain was taking a back seat to this new feeling of pure, seething lust.

Author Q&A
How did you come up with the idea for this story?

I had the idea for a cosplay sex tape story around the time that I was writing At Any Price and I was dying to get to it. I love taking weird set ups and giving them a geeky spin. I knew I was going to have to wait a few books (because Adam and Mia’s story became a trilogy) before I could write it. When the character of Jordan became fully formed in book 2 of the trilogy, I thought it would be a fantastic set up to put him in so he could learn a lesson about his player ways!

Where do you find your inspiration? 

Anywhere and everywhere—in books, TV shows, news stories or just the strange wanderings of my not-so-conventional mind. I figured out a long time ago that I don’t think like everyone else.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Time management! It’s very hard to do—to plan a book from beginning to end and know exactly when it’s going to be ready for publication. I’m still working on scheduling each and every little phase. My books require a team of editors and graphic artists working with me to make it the best it can be so coordinating all of that along with my own writing schedule has been a challenge!

What are your current projects? 

I’ll be working on the next Gaming The System novel, For The One, as soon as I can start it. But I plan to take a little time off to spend with my family earlier in the summer. And I have some shorter and collaborative projects up my sleeve as well.

Tell us about your first book. What would readers find different about the first one and your most recent published work?

My first book, At Any Price, has been beloved by many readers and I’m so grateful but I honestly do not feel it is my strongest work. I feel like I learn more and progress more in my craft with writing and with storytelling and so each book becomes better than the last one. At least I hope that’s the case!

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 

There is a lot of ground covered in this latest novel—namely sexual equality in the workplace, how women treat other women with regards to their sexuality and issues like slut shaming. The novel explores the nature of power and equality in a sexual relationship as well as the nature of that power balance at the office.

Does music play any type of role in your writing?

Yes for brainstorming purposes and it also helps me while I daydream about my characters—something that I do a lot of.  Every one of my books has a “theme song” which encapsulates the emotion and thematic elements of each couple’s love story. I usually share that with my readers shortly before releasing the book. My play lists and theme songs are on my web site listed on each book’s page.  The theme song for For The Win is “The Heart Wants What It Wants” by Selena Gomez.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your life?

Occasionally I’ll pick out elements of a characters’ background or their back-story from my own life or those of people I’ve known but no one character is based on any one person or event. I’m kind of like a knitter who goes to my box of yarn ends to pick something out and incorporate into my design. It might be the leftovers from a baby sweater I once worked on or the last project, a blanket, that I barely finished. Writing is a lot like that only with words—and my “yarn box” is actually my really weird brain. J

What books have influenced your life most?

Wow so many to name but the most impactful:  Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Persuasion by Jane Austen. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.

Are there any new authors that have grasp your interest?

There are so many talented indie authors!  I could name a ton of them but some of my favorites are Natasha Boyd, Marquita Valentine, M. Malone, Roxie Rivera… the list goes on and on. Check them out! Their books are sexy!

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Yes! I big huge THANK YOU for reading the books, caring about the characters and for talking about the books to your friends. You are so important to me and I’m grateful for your support. I have the best readers ever J

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

My website is the best place or they can try some of my work for free. My debut novel, At Any Price is currently free at all vendors. I have a novella available to borrow in the Kindle Unlimited program. It’s called It Was Always You.

Do you have a special time to write? How is your day structured writing-wise?

I work full time so my writing time is whenever I can slip it into the cracks between my work day and being Mom in the afternoons and evenings! I’m usually most productive in the evening after the kids are in bed or on the weekend when I can get it in!

Why did you choose to write Contemporary Romance stories?

I love writing love stories and setting them in the contemporary, geeky world.

What is for you the perfect book hero?

He’s sexy, strong, intelligent and deep. He’s handsome, perceptive and very, very much into his heroine.

When you start a book, do you already have the whole story in your head or is it built progressively?

My stories come to me layer upon layer. I get the groundwork down based on the plot hook, the situation and the barest bones of a background for the hero and the heroine. Upon that scaffold, I build more about them—fleshing out their histories, their attitudes, the why of how those attitudes formed and the protective barriers they erect to prevent them from finding love with the other character. I rewrite my stories at least four or five times before they are ready to polish up and share with the world. With each pass I add more layers, more motivations and more realism to make the characters and their world all the more believable.

When and why did you begin writing?

I started writing to shut my brain up! People lived and talked and dwelled in there and the voices wouldn’t stop. Yes, it sounds like I am certifiable but that’s actually how a storyteller’s mind works. Before the story comes out of a persons mouth or out through their fingertips, it has lived in that person’s brain for quite some time beforehand.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I think I’ve always considered myself a writer. It’s a “heart” type of thing. My brain has always drifted into daydream land where stories are manufactured. I’m of the school of thought that says “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.”  So…if a person thinks like a writer…

List three books you have recently read and would recommend.

Deep Blue Eternity by Natasha Boyd: Deeply emotional, hauntingly beautiful. The setting, the language and the characters are to die for!

Gabriel’s Inferno by Sylvain Renard: My first book by this author, I loved the take on the forbidden professor-student relationship with the literary elements of classic literature and art interwoven within the story.

Hero by Samantha Young : I love everything she writes—sexy, emotional and authentic.

Tell us something that people would be surprised you know how to do.

I speak fluent French as a self-confessed Francophile. I try to use it every chance I can get J

Will you write more about these characters?

I definitely think there is more in store for Jordan and April. Some threads were left open to explore in future books as a secondary storyline, but I think Jordan and April may get another book. They were so much fun to write—their chemistry is explosive and the tension between them electric. Most especially, I loved their banter. They got high marks from me in the banter department!

About Brenna Aubrey:
I’m a USA TODAY Bestselling Author of contemporary romance featuring geek culture. My bestselling romance series, Gaming the System, is available in eBook and print format across all vendors.
When I’m not dreaming up people and worlds and writing them down, I’m also a mom, wife, teacher, avid reader, a proud geek-girl, a self-confessed gaming addict, a French-speaking Francophile, lover of nature and beautiful sunsets.

For more information on the Gaming the System Series:


Finding Immortal Blog Tour @elwicker

I am pleased to bring you the cover & trailer reveal for Finding Immortal, Book #2 in the Bearwood series by E.L. Wicker



Add-to-Goodreads-ButtonAfter losing the love of her life, Ilia Rose will do anything to feel Nathaniel’s presence, even if it means freezing or drinking copious amounts of alcohol. When she learns that Alex is tracking down the remnants of Sol’s army to deliver his own style of justice, she rushes off to find him. On an alcohol induced killing spree, Ilia and Alex receive information that sends their hopes soaring, thus beginning a race to discover the truth about Nathaniel’s death. Unfortunately, for Ilia, the truth may prove far more dangerous than any enemy she has ever faced.

If you haven't read book #1 yet, Fractured Immortal, it's free over on Amazon.

About The Author

EmE.L. Wicker lives in Hampshire, England, with her husband and two daughters. Her debut book, Fractured Immortal, was released in December 2014, and in June 2015 was short listed for a Self published and Small press award. She is a regular contributor to YATopia, Whiskey, Wine, and Writing, as well as a co-host for the Whiskey, Wine, and Writing web show. E.L. Wicker is a New Adult junkie, with a stack of NA books a mile high on her TBR list and a stack that could possibly stretch to the moon in her already read list. You can find her on Twitter, Facebook, and her blog. She also regularly sets up new blogs and designs logos and banners for people at no cost.

Release Blitz for Mirage by Alice Tribue @givemebooksblog @AMTribue

Title: Mirage
Series: Mirage #1
Author: Alice Tribue
  Release Date: June 22, 2015


I'm the woman your husband thinks about while he's on top of you at night...
At least, that's how I tell the girls I hire to think.
Being an escort is no easy job, and being a madame is no easier...

I'm in the business of selling fantasies and dreams to million dollar clients, and if you think what I do is harmful to society, then think again. (If it wasn't for me, there'd be a lot more unhappy and unproductive businessmen and a lot more drug addicted prostitutes in the world)

I guard privacy and secrets with my own life, and I've never slipped up or got caught, not once.

But there's something about the man I just met, something that makes me uneasy, especially since he's interested in me...

And he's offering me a whole lot more than anyone ever has before...

I'm just not sure if this is a risk worth taking--if letting him into my life is the right thing, or if the red flags I'm currently seeing are real or another mirage...

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Author Bio

Alice Tribue lives with her husband and daughter in New Jersey. She has a bachelors degree in communications and is currently working on her masters degree. She spends most of her free time reading, writing, and when the weather permits lounging out on a beach.

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Cover Reveal PULSE by L. Hayes @Hayes_Writes


About the Book

Pulse (Cover)
Title: PULSE
Author: L. Hayes
Genre: New Adult
Disclaimer: This work contains explicit sexual content, language, and delicate subject matter. It's intended solely for mature readers.
At twenty-two-years-old, Mia Holloway's life is up in the air. Her graduation from UCF is looming over her head like a bad hangover. Her long-term boyfriend has up and left her for some Tinder fling, and when sudden chest pains send her straight to the ER – that's just icing on the cake. At thirty-two-years-old, Cardiologist Dr. Alex Greene has what most would call a perfect life: respect, money, and a sleek high-rise loft in the city. But since the departure of his unfaithful Ice Queen of an ex-fiancée, Alex also secretly longs for the one thing he's been missing – connection. When Dr. Greene and Mia meet, as patient and doctor, something undeniable clicks. Forbidden, dangerous, foreboding. The kind of uncontrollable lust that threatens to tear both their worlds apart. Pulses will rise. Hearts will be broken. Because an affair like this doesn't happen in real life. Until it does.

Author Bio

L. Hayes is voracious reader and lover of words. When not immersed in pages, she's usually writing them.


Cover Reveal for A Kingpin Love Affair by J.L. Beck @readreviewrpt @authorJLBeck

Title: A Kingpin Love Affair (The Complete Collection)
Author: J.L. Beck
Series: A Kingpin Love Affair
Genre: Romantic Suspense/Erotica Romance

Best Selling Author J.L. Beck brings you a book series where the love is scorching hot, and the danger is just as intense...

A collection of three best selling books which will be available for ONE month only. This boxed set contains a new release, with a never before seen novella written strictly as a gift for J.L. Beck fans. That's FIVE books for less than a dollar!!

Plus if you preorder today you're entered in to WIN an IPAD MINI, paperbacks, giftcards, and other cool stuff. All you have to do is send proof of purchase to and you're entered in to win.

18+ ONLY due to mature themes, and matter. 


It was suppose to be a debt settled, just a price being repaid. 
Instead love was born ... from unpaid dues it bloomed.
See, that's the funny thing about love, you never expect it.


She was never part of the plan.
She was never to become anything.
She was simply a payment, and once the
debt was settled, she would be nothing to me. 


FBI Agent Devon Mitchell is trying everything 
he can to move on with his life.
Except he can't.
 After losing the one person he loved more
than life itself, he struggles to carry on with 
the guilt and burden of letting her go.


I wasn't a victim. I wasn't prey to the monsters
that lurked in the dark -- at least that's what
I told myself. Trouble had found me, I was sold to
the mafia by my family. I was now property of the drug 
cartel ran by the Russian Mafia, and to be sold to the
highest bidder. What happened was never to be expected. 


Infringed featuring Alzerro King, and Bree King from Indebted, and Inevitable.


Hosted by:

Release Blitz for Colton by Kelly Mooney @givemebooksblog @mooneymama1

Title: Colton
Series: Hadley #1
Author: Kelly Mooney
 Release Date: June 22, 2015


Colton Hadley has everything—except what he truly wants. Beset by overbearing parents and surrounded by sycophantic socialites hoping to sink their claws into his wallet, he longs for someone who wants him for who he is, not what he has. Enter Charlie. She’s smart, beautiful, brave—and homeless. She’s all wrong for him, but Charlie crawls into Colts heart like no woman ever before.

Having run from home to escape an abusive ex, Charlotte Ward just wants a new life…a quiet life…a safe life. She’s off to a bad start when she’s robbed of everything she owns, forcing her to sleep on the porch of an abandoned beach house. Enter the gorgeous next-door neighbor. Charlie doesn’t want to trust him, but Colt is kind, patient, persistent. Before long, she lets down her guard…and opens her heart.
With his parents interfering and her past catching up fast, will Colt and Charlie find their different worlds are too far apart? Or is their love strong enough to prove home is where their hearts reside?

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Author Bio

Kelly is a New Adult Romance writer residing in Upstate New York with her family. She grew up in Southern New Jersey by the Shore, which gave her the idea to write her first novel. She is the author of several YA novels and is now enjoying breaking out into the NA/Contemporary category. She loves to spend her time reading, cooking, playing with her kids and 2 obnoxious, drooly dogs.

She adores hearing from her fans, so please keep in touch. She continues writing love stories during her free time.
Feel free to email her at

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Book Blitz for Billionaire's Pursuit by Sloan Storm. @givemebooksblog @sloanstormbooks

Title: Billionaire's Pursuit
Series: Never Never Man #1
Author: Sloan Storm
 Release Date: March 25, 2015


Recently dumped by my ex, I found myself broke and jobless after five years of chasing stardom in Hollywood.

Desperate, I took the advice of my best friend and roommate, Katy, and started my own business in a last ditch effort to prevent a full on meltdown into bankruptcy.

Little did I expect my first client to be a man like Grey Sinclair. Young, rich and cruelly handsome, he had a reputation for making women squirm in his presence. When I first saw his image in a photo, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel an irritating stir in places I shouldn’t have.

Even so, if I failed at making a good impression on him, it could not only mean the end of my business but all my dreams as well. With that much on the line, I would have no problem keeping my urges in check.


This is the first book in a Billionaire Erotic Romance series presented in serial format. It is not a standalone.

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Purchase the other books in the series HERE

Author Bio

Sloan Storm is a verbally difficult, yet physically generous, writer who pens imaginative yarns based on dominant men and the women who challenge them.

As such, power plays and passion are the heart of each and every story. The writer's creative tendencies may drift as the mood strikes, but the essence of all tales told wind up back at the same place... the polarizing difference between the sexes.

After all, what else is there in life?

When not glued to a keyboard creating tales of whimsy, Sloan loves to talk to fans! If you want to connect, you can do it in any number of ways:

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