Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Sale Blitz for SOUL OF A MAN by Jamie Begley @jamie_Begley

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Dark Souls #1
Jamie Begley
Re-Released Oct 28th, 2015
Young Ink Press

Cara, a powerful Moirae, finds herself stranded on Earth made human by an enemy of her mother, Fate. Lost and alone, she is forced to accept the reluctant help of Jericho Hawk. Jericho is determined not to become involved with Cara, even as their sexual attraction for each other cannot keep them apart. When Cara's Cousin Grimm appears and proves Cara's crazy stories are actually true, he must overcome the horrors her mother is responsible for to gain an eternity with the woman he has come to love. 

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"I was born in a small town in Kentucky. My family began poor, but worked their way to owning a restaurant. My mother was one of the best cooks I have ever known, and she instilled in all her children the value of hard work, and education.
Taking after my mother, I've always love to cook, and became pretty good if I do say so myself. I love to experiment and my unfortunate family has suffered through many. They now have learned to steer clear of those dishes. I absolutely love the holidays and my family puts up with my zany decorations.
For now, my days are spent writing, writing, and writing. I have two children who both graduated this year from college. My daughter does my book covers, and my son just tries not to blush when someone asks him about my books.
Currently I am writing five series of books- The Last Riders, The VIP Room, Predators MC, Biker Bitches, and The Dark Souls.
All my books are written for one purpose- the enjoyment others find in them, and the expectations of my fans that inspire me to give it my best.”

Want more of the Dark Souls?

Release Blitz for The Art of Stealing Forever by Stella London. @givemebooksblog

Title: The Art of Stealing Forever
Series: The Art of Stealing Hearts #3
Author: Stella London
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: October 28, 2015


Charles St Clair’s secret is out. My billionaire art collector boss has been hiding a double life - and now he wants me in on the deal.

I’ve never been one to break the rules, but there’s something about him I can’t resist.

It’s thrilling. Intoxicating.

Sexy as hell.

But how far can we go before someone gets caught?

I’m going to find out.

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Author Bio

Stella London is a romance lover turned newbie author. After a childhood spent traveling in Europe, she now calls New York City her home - but still keeps a flame burning for those sexy foreign accents. She loves strong coffee, new shoes, and handsome men in a well-cut suit.

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Release Blitz for Renovation by Kim Loraine @givemebooksblog @kimloraine2

Title: Renovation
Series: Golden Beach #2
Author: Kim Loraine
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Women's Fiction
 Release Date: October 28, 2015


Valerie Peters is done with bad boys. She’s ready to start living for herself. When sexy firefighter Donovan Miller rescues her from near-drowning, she quickly realizes he’s everything she shouldn't want.

Donovan’s reputation has kept his nights interesting and his ring finger empty. One night stands have served as a way to distract himself from the terrifying flashbacks of the fire that killed his partner.

When one night isn’t enough for either of them, Valerie has to choose between keeping her heart safe and loving the bad boy.

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Donovan Miller braced his arms on the side of the pool as he pushed himself out of the water. His limbs trembled slightly from exertion. He reached for his towel and caught sight of the swimmer a few lanes away. She was tiny. Her body moved smoothly through the water, mesmerizing him as she rotated back and forth. He could tell she was an experienced swimmer by the consistency in her strokes. As he toweled off, he admired the curves of her body. Alarm bells rang in his head when he realized she was rapidly approaching the wall and showed no sign of slowing.

"Hey! Hey! Watch out!" he shouted as he ran toward her lane, hoping desperately to intercept her.

With a dim thud, her head hit the side of the pool. He watched as her eyes rolled back and she sank under the water.

"Shit! Shit!"

Jumping into the swimmer's lane, he pulled her to the surface, attempting to immobilize her neck as much as possible. He assessed her pulse and checked to make sure her airway wasn't compromised.

"Call an ambulance," he barked at the dumbstruck lifeguards headed in their direction.

She floated in his arms, eyes closed, bleeding. He took a moment to feel thankful he'd seen the effects of blood mixed with water before. Even a small amount of blood can look like a murder scene when water is added. He held her while they waited for the ambulance. He stroked her hair and checked her pulse again, disconcerted by the feeling of her soft skin under his fingers. Her eyes fluttered open, affording him a concerned glance before she winced in pain.

"What happened?" Her voice was thin and raspy.

"Shh, don't try to move, sweetheart. You slammed into that wall pretty hard."

"I . . . mmm . . . lost my count."

"It's gonna be okay."

She frowned, eyebrows pulling together. "Can I get up now?"

"There's an ambulance on the way. They'll be here in a minute. We need to wait to move you. I want to get you on a spine board and in a neck brace." He smiled and locked eyes with her. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Valerie. Valerie Peters." Her face pulled into an adorable frown again. "Don't call me sweetheart. I don't even know you."

Author Bio

Kim Loraine is the author of the “Golden Beach” series, including “Restoration” (2015) and “Renovation” (2015). She started writing at a young age, scribbling down song lyrics, short stories, and poems she was too afraid to share with anyone. Busy working as a music teacher in her Pacific Northwest hometown, it wasn’t until her family of four picked up everything and moved to beautiful Japan that she decided to finally take the plunge and send her characters out into the world.

The central theme in Kim’s books is self-discovery, whether that is found through taking risks, breaking down walls, or admitting mistakes. Kim likes to write characters that seem like someone you actually know, who find that life is a journey not without its challenges.

When not writing Kim spends her time with her husband, chasing around their crazy kids, exploring Japan, and binge-watching Doctor Who on Netflix.

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Release Blitz for Obsessed by NJ Flatman @givemebooksblog @njflatman

Title: Obsessed
Series: Addicted to You #3
Author: NJ Flatman
Genre: New Adult
 Release Date: October 28, 2015


Sometimes losing what matters the most…can lead only to being obsessed

Avery Bradfield has always been naïve and innocent, and living in the shadow of her best friend. It wasn’t until she met Spencer that she learned what true happiness felt like. But when Spencer left her heartbroken and her best friend Colby turned her back -- Avery was left to find a reason to hold on. In the process she discovered a side of herself that no one, including her, realized existed.

Spencer Phillips had known pain and loss throughout his life. It was memories of heartache that kept him from allowing anyone too close. At least until he met Avery Bradfield. Her innocent love changed everything inside of him, but he figured that out a little too late. A mission to bring her home found him facing his biggest fear-- another man-- and fighting for the only thing that matters in his life.

Both focused on forgetting who they’d once been, Spencer and Avery will discover a bond and passion that they have never before known as they fight to find their way back together. Only one thing can keep them apart-- the demons they are both trying to hide.

Join Avery Bradfield and Spencer Phillips as they venture through a love that tests their limits, pushes them through their fears and shows them that sometimes addiction takes on many forms.

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Author Bio

NJ Flatman, known to most of the world as Jenni, lives in Michigan and is an author of romance and erotic romance that borders on the dark side.

Writing since she was old enough to hold a pen to paper (yes she’s THAT old), she has crafted many stories and poems over the years. She has spent the past decade making a living as a ghostwriter before gaining the courage to dive into the Indie world and publish her own books.

Her first book, Consumed, was released to the public on June 5, 2015. It is the first in a series of five books. The second, Forbidden, released on August 15. 2015. Obsessed, Addicted and Bound will release in October 2015, December 2015 and February 2016 respectively.

She feels that a quote by Stephen King best describes her views on romance, especially in her writing.

"Love isn’t soft, like those poets say. Love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close."

It is this belief that guides her writing, leading her to tackle topics that aren’t always happy and easy going. She believes that a real love survives all of the adversity and that’s what she hopes her books show.

When she isn’t working the day job or pouring her heart and soul into her own books, she tries to enjoy the little things in life and make the most of every day with her daughter, friends and loved ones.

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Until Forever Comes by Cardeno C. Audio Edition @CardenoC

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WLK synopsis

Until Forever Comes: Mates Collection

A sensitive wolf shifter and a vicious vampire challenge history, greed, and the very fabric of their beings in order to stay together until forever comes.
Plagued by pain and weakness all his life, Ethan Abbatt is a wolf shifter who can't shift. Hoping to find an honorable death by joining his packmates in a vampire attack, Ethan instead learns two things: Draining his blood releases his pain and his wolf, and he has a true mate: a vampire named Miguel.
More than four centuries old, strong, powerful, and vicious, Miguel Rodriguez walks through life as a shadow, without happiness or affection. When a young shifter tells Miguel they're true mates, destined to be together, Miguel sends him away. But Ethan is persistent, and being together comes so naturally that Miguel can't resist for long. The challenge is keeping themselves alive so they can stay by each other's side until forever comes.

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WLK Author Bio

Cardeno C - Logo
Cardeno C. - CC to friends - is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few "awwws" into a reader's day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno's stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever- after sunset.
Cardeno's Home, Family, and Mates series have received awards from Love Romances and More Golden Roses, Rainbow Awards, the Goodreads M/M Romance Group, and various reviewers. But even more special to CC are heartfelt reactions from readers, like, "You bring joy and love and make it part of the every day."

WLK Giveaway

Audible copy of Until Forever Comes by Cardeno C.


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New Cover Reveal of The Barrier Between by Stacey Marie Brown @S_MarieBrown

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Zoey’s life has taken a dramatic turn. Only a few months ago she was a Collector working for the a secret part of the government called the Department of Molecular Genetics (DMG), tracking and collecting fae. Her life had been changing and improving with a partner she loved and a sister she adored. Now all that is gone—Daniel murdered by a fae, and Lexi killed when the Seattle area is devastated by a powerful, magical electrical storm. Zoey herself is altered by her association with the Wanderer, Ryker, in life-changing way. Zoey discovered she was an experiment from the very company she worked for. She could die at any moment of a threatening defect—taking Ryker’s magic with her. In a race against time, Ryker and Zoey set out to find a way to transfer his powers back before it’s too late. Their journey takes them to the rainforests of South America, dealing with those who are after something Ryker possesses and who will stop at nothing to obtain it for themselves. What Zoey and Ryker discover can destroy them or tear them a part for good.    
Haven't started reading the Collector Series yet?

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  Zoey Daniels has been tossed from foster home to foster home, where she grows up fast and tough. When she is placed in her “last-chance” home, she finds a reason to stay and turn her life around: her foster sister, Lexie, who is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Zoey will do anything to keep her safe. After high school, Zoey is hired by a special government agency, the Department of Molecular Genetics (DMG), where she meets the other reason to remain: Daniel, her co-worker. The man she loves. But there is something unique about Zoey. She can see fae. Because of this, the DMG hires her to work as a Collector: catching, researching, testing, and using the fae to save human lives. The work never registers on her sympathy radar. She was raised to think of fae as beasts that feed on humans and want to destroy them. When devastation hits Seattle, Zoey's whole world is turned upside down. The electric storm connects her to a ruthless fae, a Wanderer named Ryker, whose dealings expose them to even more trouble and danger. They embark on a journey, running and hiding from both the government and fae, both of which threaten their lives and those they love.
About Stacey Marie Brown

Stacey Marie Brown is a lover of hot fictional bad boys and sarcastic heroines who kick butt. She also enjoys books, travel, TV shows, hiking, writing, design, and archery. Stacey swears she is part gypsy, being lucky enough to live and travel all over the world. She grew up in Northern California, where she ran around on her family's farm, raising animals, riding horses, playing flashlight tag, and turning hay bales into cool forts. She volunteers helping animals and is eco-friendly. She feels all animals, people, and environment should be treated kindly.

Pre-Order Blitz for Keeping The Tarnished by Bradon Nave @BradonNave

Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Release Date: Nov. 3, 2015
Johnny Tregalis leaves home the minute he turns eighteen, but he’s the only one who knows why…

Arriving in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Johnny has nothing—not even a plan. Local veterinarian Jackson Everett notices the boy, who reminds him of his own teenage son, and offers him a bed for the night.

Meeting Jackson’s wife Graye, his son Jared, and four-year-old daughter Bryce, Johnny sees a family he could never imagine. He’d been raised by his abusive father after his mother disappeared with his younger brother, and he’s sure he’ll be packed off to a shelter in the morning. He can’t believe it when he’s invited to stay indefinitely.

Johnny refuses to discuss his traumatic past as he attempts to fit in…

The Everetts try to help the profoundly troubled teen, but he seems to be at the mercy of his own mind. He’s held captive by flashbacks, excruciating night terrors, and a mounting inability to distinguish delusion from reality. How can he possibly recover, go to school, have friends…have a life?

Physical scars only hint at deeper psychological devastation…

As the shocking truth comes to light, Johnny struggles to overcome years of abuse, poverty, and despicable horrors to become part of a real family, but is he strong enough to defeat his demons? The Everetts realize Johnny’s journey is now their own, but they face a daunting task.

How much sacrifice is too much when all you can hope for is keeping the tarnished?


Midnight. Finally. The moments leading up to it had crawled slower than one of the maggots behind the kitchen trashcan, etching its way blindly through the coffee grounds and eggshells. He grabbed his weathered book bag full of a few clothing items and $188.00 in cash, and then stuck his leg out the window, arching his back as he felt his foot touch the ground outside. He pushed against the house, dragging his other leg across the bottom of the window frame as he lost his balance and fell backward to the ground. He didn’t care. He had been outside of this rundown shack a million times, but never had he been outside and free. Even if this freedom were short lived, and he went in the ground tomorrow, he owned it for this moment.

Quickly, he sprang to his feet, grabbed his bag, and began running in the direction of the cornfield near the end of the farmhouse drive.

The air was eerily still on this night. All was silent with the exception of a few chanting crickets and the occasional cry of the whippoorwill sounding out over the horizon. The moonlight illuminated the decrepit barn to the north of the house, as every single cornstalk in the field up ahead seemed to be reflecting the moon’s rays.

The yellow light bulb atop the wooden pole near the end of the drive was bright and buzzing in a calming manner. Several fat toads sat at the base, waiting for unfortunate insects to fall to the ground from their dizzy escapades near the globe at the top of the pole.

He ran past the half-built clubhouse his father and Uncle Doug had begun several years prior. He never understood if Doug was actually his uncle, but the men had wanted to build a ‘guy’s getaway’ for the three of them. He paid little attention to the details. He’d seen it all before hundreds of times, and he hoped to never see this place again.

Leaping over old car parts and garbage, he finally reached the corn. Although it wasn’t tall enough to hide him completely, it was all the cover he needed to make an effective escape. His heart raced wildly as he ran feverishly over the soft earth through the chest-high stalks. He began to smile through his heavy breathing, running—sprinting—excited as if he were scratching off the winning number on a substantial lottery ticket.

The prospects raced through his mind, and no adversity outside of his former confinements seemed to scare him. Starvation, disease, injury: nothing conjured concern except the idea of returning. He couldn’t go back, not now, now that a glimmer of hope had been resurrected.

As he bounded through the field like a fawn that had been mercifully released from the jaws of a predator, he felt as if he were being lifted off the ground; as if he were flying, and nothing in this world or the next could anchor him.

The taste of freedom was that of a bloodied lip, cornstalks, and the occasional mosquito; it was delicious. He knew he would leverage everything to maintain all he had in that moment, which was merely a tattered wardrobe, his father’s liquor-cash reserve, the worn clothing in the backpack, and a desperate desire to exist.

Hyper-vigilant and full of life, one would never have known only seven minutes prior he was a prisoner of technicality and his bedroom. Like a thief in the night, lowly and cunning, he darted through the cover, running on what seemed to be an endless rush of endorphins and adrenaline.
He was running for his life; this reality gave him wings.

The air was heavy and stagnant and seemed to fill his lungs with a thick, boggy perfume. He knew for certain that, if there were a higher power within the heavens, it would not have him come this far to go back. Even if he were found right now he knew he would die before he went back, and he would die a free man. Yes, a man. No longer a boy and no longer bound to his bedroom—to that shack—by the law. With a head full of dreams and the legs of a gazelle, he shot through the field, promising himself to never look back.



Bradon Nave was born and raised in rural Oklahoma. He attended a small country school during junior high and high school, and graduated with only three people in his class. After graduate school, he decided to devote his spare time to his passion of writing.Bradon currently lives in Piedmont, Oklahoma, with his wife and two young children. 

When he’s not writing, he loves running, being with friends and family, and being outdoors.

Cover Reveal: Tarah Scott DANGEROUS LIAISONS @TarahScott

Dangerous Liaisons by Tarah Scott

Date of Publication: December 26, 2015


Being an agent revoked her license to love . . . until she met the man sent to kill her.
Jesse Evans' most recent mission turns deadly when Colombian mercenaries ambush her and her informant. She races across the jungle to warn the Special Ops team she sent to save an American Senator's young daughter, but arrives just as the team is slaughtered by drug runners.
Within the hour, branded as the traitor who leaked the mission intelligence, Jesse Evans is now the most wanted woman in the world. She must prove she didn't sell out the team or her sister dies. Only one man can save them both, but that man isn't who Jesse thinks he is…and she can't afford to fall in love with him.

About Tarah Scott

Best-selling author Tarah Scott cut her teeth on authors such as Georgette Heyer, Zane Grey, and Amanda Quick. Her favorite book is a Tale of Two Cities, with Gone With the Wind as a close second. She writes modern classical romance, and paranormal and romantic suspense. Tarah grew up in Texas and currently resides in Westchester County, New York with her daughter.

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