Tuesday, 28 June 2016


Title: Dream Girls Series
Author: Carrie Thomas
Genre: New Adult Romance
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Follow best friends, Piper, Stephanie and Nicole on their journey into womanhood, falling in love, and a future they've all dreamed of. This is the complete series in a box set.
Dream Girls: Piper: Piper Allen is looking to spread her wings and unfortunately, her podunk hometown in Missouri is stunting her spiritual growth. Moving to Dallas to finish up college with her two friends, Stephanie and Nicole, she hopes to challenge herself to reach new heights. Her bohemian ways allow her to float through relationships frequently and with ease; when there are no strings attached, there is no chance of being hurt.
Texas rancher, Moye McKenzie, is a no nonsense, good ol' boy, who doesn't play games where matters of the heart are concerned. When this straight-shooter walks into Piper's life, sparks fly and tempers flare. Wanting to give her the life she deserves, Moye has to show her that getting hurt can happen whether you're holding onto the reins or not.
Dream Girls: Stephanie: Looking to take that first responsible step into adulthood, Stephanie Garner is working toward her college degree in secondary education while serving drinks at a bar to pay the bills. As an ex-gymnast and cheerleader, she might have guys falling at her feet, but she’s a firm believer in monogamy. Even though she has options, serial dating is not her thing.
Her best friend and roommate, the ever charismatic Cole Banks, likes to use his charming smile and silver tongue to his advantage. The more ladies the better; as long as Ms. Right Now doesn’t expect breakfast in the morning. It’s quantity over quality for this bachelor, until he realizes he wants more out of life. Starting a career he can be proud of is a step in the right direction to becoming the man he eventually wants to be.
The lines blur between these roommates almost daily—filled with stolen glances, cuddling, and front flips—but fear of losing their friendship holds both of them back from taking a chance on love. The path of least resistance is not only best for their precarious living arrangement, but for their friendship as well. If they’d just listen to their gut, maybe they’d discover the forever kind of love everyone dreams about.
Dream Girls: Nicole: Nicole Garrett, a self-proclaimed nerd, has had her future planned out for years. Taking chances has never appealed to her on any level, but growing up means adapting to change and accepting that life moves on no matter what. With her best friends, Piper and Stephanie both starting families of their own, Nicole finds herself concentrating harder on her plan to become a doctor, leaving little time for anything else, other than working at the local pub to help cover her living expenses. There is nothing worth more to her than making something of herself—unless you count Corey Tate.
Corey Tate isn’t a self-proclaimed anything. He doesn’t care enough. But ask anyone who has ever been around him and they’ll tell you he’s a bad-boy-recluse, who has a somewhat short fuse. He works hard and plays harder. Even though he has no clue what is involved in having an authentic relationship with a woman, Nicole Garrett has him curious enough to consider trying. Having zero experience in relationships proves to be a challenge for him, both mentally and emotionally.
Timing is everything, right? How much time has to pass before the moment is lost? Two years of knowing glances, private talks, and a connection that surprises them both, come to a head when Corey draws a line in the sand. Can these two very different people find their way to a love that can last forever, or will their own flaws ruin what could have been? If Corey and Nicole could get out of their own heads, they might just find out the difference between falling in love and being in love.
Author Bio:
Carrie Thomas is the author of young adult and new adult romances. When she’s not writing or reading, you can find her traveling the U.S. or stalking her favorite bands. She lives in the South with her husband and two sons. Aside from traveling, any time spent with her family she considers a good day. She’s a firm believer that book lovers should stick together.
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Other books by Carrie Thomas:
Dream Girls: Piper - http://amzn.to/28YwNmv
Dream Girls: Stephanie - http://amzn.to/292WDES
Dream Girls: Nicole - http://amzn.to/292WmSe

IF I TOLD YOU by Jennifer Domenico

Title: If I Told You   
Author: Jennifer Domenico
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
He's the sexiest man I've ever seen.
He strong, confident, and loyal.
He's everything to me,
And I'd rather die than lose him,
Which is why Flynn Buchanan is my best friend.
But lately, things have changed.
We changed.
I can feel the shift--the difference.
I'm starting to wonder...
What if I told him that what I need,
What I want,
Is him?
She's the sexiest woman I've ever known.
She's fiery, smart, and has my back.
She's been there for me through it all.
I can't imagine a second of my life without her,
Which is why Brooklyn Ames is my best friend.
The only woman I want,
And the only one I can't have.
But lately…
I'm starting to wonder...
What if I told her that all I want,
All I desire,
Is her?
One day, many months ago, Jennifer Domenico went to sleep and a beautiful love story played out in her dreams.
When she awoke, she felt compelled to write it down. So she did. The result was her first novel, Turn Towards the Sun and a writing career was born.
Ms. Domenico lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with her very Italian husband, a dog that adores her, two cats that tolerate her, and a wicked sweet tooth.
Author Links:
Pinterest: pinterest.com/jendomenico
Instagram: jendomenicowords
Buy Links:
Other books by Jennifer Domenico:
The Sunflower Trilogy -
~Book One: Turn Towards the Sun - http://amzn.to/295Odi4
~Book Two: After the Rain - http://amzn.to/292RLiR
~Book Three: Forever in Bloom - http://amzn.to/292RyfI
Have my Heart- A Novella - http://amzn.to/292S1yk
Beautifully Twisted - http://amzn.to/295OdP2
Chasing Desire - http://amzn.to/28ZlYik
Londyn Falls - http://amzn.to/295Orpg
Break Me Down - http://amzn.to/28Z8aSY

BLOG TOUR : DIRTY SEXY CUFFED by Carly Phillips & Erika Wilde


Dirty Sexy Cuffed by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde Series: Dirty Sexy #3 Release Date: June 21, 2016 Genre: Contemporary Romance


"Scintillatingly sexy. Phillips and Wilde deliver a sinfully hot story you won't soon forget!" K. Bromberg, NY Times Bestselling Author

"The love story Phillips and Wilde crafted was rare, dipped in a reality so natural and organic it held my heart from the very first page." Audrey Carlan, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author

  CUFFED cover  


Are you ready to get Cuffed? As a cop, Levi Kincaid is all about discipline and control . . .in the bedroom, and out of it, and he's always been very careful about choosing women who abide by his rules. Hot sex and intense pleasure? No problem. Emotional commitment and forever promises? No way. But he never anticipates falling for a blue eyed angel who makes him want to cuff her to his bed and do dirty, sexy things to her. And that control of his? It doesn't stand a chance against Sarah Robins, the one woman he can't resist . . .  


"When are you going to face the fact that this chick just isn't into you?" Levi Kincaid glanced across the dark interior of the unmarked SUV to his partner, Nick Catalano, who was alternating his attention between navigating the road and making sure Levi saw his smart-ass smirk. It wasn't the first time his friend had given Levi shit about his request to stop by Circle K on their way back to the station after their shift ended. For the past two months they'd been assigned to the DUI Strike Force in the area, which made stopping by the mart convenient. Seeing and flirting with Sarah Robins was just an added bonus. "She's totally into me, so that's not the issue," Levi refuted confidently, not at all bothered by Nick's ribbing. There were many times he'd caught the tempting way Sarah looked at him when she didn't think he was aware of her. And there was no mistaking the attraction between them she was so determined to fight. He just hadn't figured out why yet. But he would. "Then what's the problem?" Nick persisted—this from a man who was all about instant gratification when it came to women, while Levi was more . . . selective. "I'm not sure yet," he replied honestly. Truthfully, he was having a hell of a time getting past that wariness of hers, which only made him more curious about who Sarah Robins was— and where she'd come from. Admittedly, his interest in her had nothing to do with him being an inquisitive cop, and everything to do with him wanting her, in a deeper way than any female had gotten to him before. He just had to get her on the same page as him. Levi wasn't normally the type of guy who'd continue to pursue a woman who'd already turned him down half a dozen times. A smart man would have cut his losses after the first rejection, but from the moment he'd looked into Sarah's sweet, soulful blue eyes, he'd felt a connection that only seemed to grow stronger every time he saw her. And he certainly didn't miss the irony of that realization, when he was a man adept at maintaining strict control of his emotions—in all aspects of his life. "This is a shit part of town," Nick said, stating the obvious, which brought Levi's thoughts back to the present. "As soon as we're off this DUI task force, I don't want to drive through this part of Englewood unless it's for a call, so close the deal with Sarah already." "Winning a woman over takes time, Catalano," Levi said easily—especially one as wary as Sarah. "Though that's something I wouldn't expect you to understand." "Hell, no," he agreed with a quick, player's grin. "That's too much fucking work when there are plenty of women who take one look at this uniform and are instantly willing and eager to bend over and drop their panties. Trust me, getting laid, and regularly, is not an issue for me." Levi had plenty of offers; he was just more particular about his bed partners. He didn't do one night stands, but he didn't do long term committed, either. The few women he'd dated and allowed into his private life were looking for the same thing he was—a mutually satisfying physical relationship without any emotional involvement. More importantly, they were willing to let him be in control during all aspects of sex. And Sarah, from everything he'd learned so far, didn’t strike him as the type looking for long term either. Which made his pursuit easier for him to justify … and live with. Arriving at the Circle K, Nick turned the SUV into the deserted lot. He drove past the gas station area and stopped in front of the convenience store instead of parking the vehicle. "I noticed the back tire was low at the DUI check point," Nick said, explaining why he hadn't pulled into one of the many empty spaces in front of the mart like he normally did. "While you run inside and do your thing, I'm going to drive around back and fill the tire up with air. I'll meet you out front when you're done." "Sounds good." Levi released his seat belt and opened the door. "You want anything?" Nick grinned. "Yeah, I'll take a root beer and a Snicker's bar." "You got it." Levi hopped out of the truck, and while his partner drove off and disappeared behind the building, he headed toward the store. Out of years of habit, he glanced around the area, looking for anything, or anyone, who might be out of place. Especially in this part of town. But it was a quiet evening, and there weren't any other cars or people around, which wasn't unusual for a late Tuesday night. He walked into the store, and to his immediate left was the main counter and two registers. Sarah was sitting on a stool reading a magazine, and as soon as she heard someone enter, she looked up. Her bored expression immediately transformed to one of pleasure as a genuine, happy-to-see-him smile curved her soft, lush mouth, which never failed to make him think about slowly licking his tongue across that full lower lip before kissing her, or how that mouth would feel sliding down the length of his cock as she looked up at him from a kneeling position on the floor at his feet. Heat and desire mingled in his belly, and lower, as he strolled toward the counter. Yeah, he'd stored up five long week's worth of the hottest, most sinful fantasies of Sarah, in some of the most erotic scenarios he could imagine. Those dirty thoughts had come in handy when he'd lain in bed, hard and aching and needing relief. With his hand wrapped tight around his dick, those decadent visions playing through his mind never failed to alleviate his lust. But the relief was always temporary. He wanted the real thing. He wanted Sarah, her body soft and warm beneath his, and her willing to give herself over to him in all the ways he desired. And that kind of trust took time. And patience. Both of which he had in abundance.

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Buy Links:

Amazon / Amazon Universal / Paperback / iBooks / B&N / Kobo / GooglePlay


Check out the other Dirty Sexy books!

Each can be read as a Standalone

Dirty Sexy Saint Amazon US / Amazon UK / iBooks / B&N / Kobo / Google Play


Dirty Sexy Inked Amazon US / Amazon UK / iBooks / B&N / KOBO / Google Play


Meet Carly Phillips:

Carly Phillips is the N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of over 50 sexy contemporary romance novels, including the Indie published, Dare to Love Series. She is happily married to her college sweetheart, the mother of two nearly adult daughters and three crazy dogs. Carly loves social media and is always around to interact with her readers.
Sign up for Carly’s Newsletter. Sign up for Blog and Website updates. Sign up for Text Updates of New Releases. Friend Carly on Facebook. Hang out at Carly’s Corner! (Hot guys & giveaways!) Instagram / Twitter / Website

Meet Erika Wilde:

Erika Wilde (aka Janelle Denison) is the USA Today bestselling author of over 50 contemporary romances for multiple print publishers.

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RELEASE TOUR : TANGLED SIN: A Dark Realm Novel by Georgia Lyn Hunter



Title: Dark Mafia Prince
Author: Annika Martin
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance
 Release Date: June 28, 2016




Don’t look at me like that. So trusting.

Like you think I’m not a monster.

Like I won’t wrap your hair in my fist and bend you to my will.

Like I won’t sacrifice you, piece by piece, to save my brother.
I’m the most dangerous enemy you’ll ever have because every time you look at me, you see somebody good. That friend who died.
And when you look at me like that, I die again.

I spent years making myself invisible.
A good girl, apart from the noise.
Then you came back, beautiful and deadly in your Armani suit.

Don’t look at me like you still know me, you say.

But I remember your smile and those sunny days.
Before they lowered your small casket into the ground.

Before they told us the prince was dead.

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Annika Martin is a NYT bestselling author who enjoys writing dirty stories about dangerous criminals! She loves helping animals and kicking snow clumps off the bottom of cars around the streets of Minneapolis, and in her spare time she writes as the RITA award-winning author Carolyn Crane.




Title: Dirty Doms Box Set
Author: Various
Genre: Erotic Romance/BDSM
Release Date: June 28, 2016


Explore your kinkiest BDSM fantasies with Dirty Doms

Dirty Doms Box Set

Ten of your favorite NY Times, USA Today, and Amazon best-selling authors have delved into the world of BDSM Kink. Explore your darkest desires, and deepest secrets under the expert care of a sexy Alpha Dom. 

(Capture) Fantasy Surrender by Lori King
(Corporal Punishment) The Beauty and the Badass by Lucy Felthouse
(Orgasm Control) Secrets & Lies by Serena Akeroyd
(Impact Play) Sizzle by McKinlay Thomson
(Pet Play) Club Menage: Fifi by Tara Crescent
(Bondage) Binding Her To Him by TL Reeve
(Fire Play) Kaise by Jade Belfry
(Daddy Dom) Professor Knows Best by Juliet Braddock
(Sensory Deprivation) Deprived by Jordan Ashley
(Medical Play) Electric by C.P. Mandara

Spice up your night and indulge your kinks…


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Fantasy Surrender by Lori King

Rachel Morgan lives every woman’s fantasy with her four cowboy husbands. Each man exemplifies something she’s always wanted in a man, and they treat her like a queen. As they approach their five year wedding anniversary, the guys have asked her what she’d like to do to celebrate, but she’s nervous about telling them the truth. It’s insane to want to be chased again, right?

This is a capture fantasy and explores a man hunting down his woman and ravishing her.

Connect with Lori King

The Beauty and the Badass by Lucy Felthouse

From the moment Alexei Miles sets eyes on the kickboxing instructor at his new gym, he’s enthralled. She’s strong and sexy, and he senses something in her that speaks to his deepest desires. Bored of meaningless one-night stands, Alexei vows to find out more about the beautiful badass. He hopes his senses are correct—that her desires will match his own, and that his period of unsatisfying sexual encounters is over.

Zoe Harrison notices the new guy as soon as he walks into the gym—difficult not to, really, given he’s a six-feet-plus gorgeous Viking. As well as being attractive, he awakens something deep inside that she’d almost forgotten about. Men that can handle Zoe’s busy lifestyle are few and far between. Add to that her very specific sexual appetites and it’s little wonder she’s been single for so long. Is the Viking about to change all that?

This story explores corporal punishment in a BDSM setting.

Connect with Lucy Felthouse

Secrets & Lies by Serena Akeroyd

Meg's love life was missing a spark until she discovered her need to be dominated. When her fiancé shared the same kink, she thought all her birthdays had come at once, and then she came to learn their relationship was one big fat lie.

Gabe has loved Meg for years, watching her from afar, and always wishing he'd been the one to date her first and not his brother. When he has the chance to have Meg in his bed—even better, tied to it—it's an opportunity he can't refuse.

With disastrous consequences.

Can Gabe make Meg realize she's the one woman he's always wanted? But once secrets and lies have wormed their way into a relationship, is it impossible to establish the firm base of trust needed between lovers, and more importantly, between sub and Sir…?

This story features orgasm control in a BDSM setting.

Connect with Serena Akeroyd
Website / Facebook

Sizzle by McKinlay Thomson

Elisa is a shy, quiet, bookish woman with one huge problem. She has a crush on the hot Dom living next door and he doesn’t even know she exists.

Alex knows his curvy little neighbor watches him over the fence. He would like nothing more than to bang on her door, drag her back to his place, and show her he has just the right toys to keep them both satisfied well into the night.

When Alex and Elisa finally come together could a threat from his past derail their budding romance or will their desire continue to sizzle.

This story includes impact play in a BDSM setting.

Connect with McKinlay Thomson

Club Ménage: Fifi by Tara Crescent

Something’s wrong at Club Ménage...

After escaping an abusive relationship with her dominant, Fiona Clarke swore off submission for life. But when the private investigator is hired to solve a case of blackmail at the secretive Club Ménage, she finds that she hasn’t managed to leave her past behind.

Adrian Lockart and Brody Payne protected Fiona from her dominant, until the day they disappeared from her life without a trace. When they reunite at Club Ménage, can they convince Fiona to trust them again, and can they protect her from the danger that surrounds them on all sides?

This story explores pet play in a BDSM setting. No actual animals are involved.

Connect with Tara Crescent

Binding Her To Him by TL Reeve

Kennedy Le Roche, is on a mission.

A new drug has hit the streets of Reserve, Louisiana, and it is claiming victims at an alarming pace. The only clue she has is a BDSM Club on the outskirts of town. As a submissive, she’ll go undercover to ferret out who’s distributing the drug. But, there’s a catch.

Phoenix Dupree, is a police consultant by day and a Dominant by night.

When the police chief shares a case of utmost importance with him, he takes it. What he isn’t expecting is the identity of his submissive for the night, Kennedy Le Roche.

Feelings long since dormant resurface. Can Kennedy and Phoenix work together or will old wound prove to be too deep?

This is a bondage/restraint story and of lost love.

Connect with TL Reeve

Kaise: A White Card Story by Jade Belfry

Will this cold attorney allow the flames of passion to melt her heart of stone? Kaise didn't want love and certainly didn't have time for sex. That is, until she loses a major case and her trusted assistant all on the same day. Feeling sorry for herself and fortified by drink, she dials a secret number given to her by a friend. Things heat up when the call connects and she reaches an ultra-exclusive team of sexual trainers that are about to show her everything she never knew that she's been missing. Including perhaps the old flame she's never forgotten.

This story features temperature play in a BDSM setting.

Connect with Jade Belfry

Professor Knows Best by Juliet Braddock

Professor Justin Langford is on a mission to teach his star student Sloane Bradford a few lessons in her deepest, dirtiest fantasies. However, the last thing he needs is another college girl.

After a miscommunication separates them, fate reunites the reluctant lovers.

From swing sets to sex shops, Justin challenges Sloane to embrace a life filled with sippy-cups and spankings. Sloane has much to learn if she’s still intent on being his prized pupil.

Will Justin manage to control her rising brat enough to transform Sloane into Daddy’s Little Girl?

This story contains elements of age play and Daddy-Daughter roleplay.

Connect with Juliet Braddock

Deprived by Jordan Ashley

Heather Ross vowed after a decade of being controlled by her husband that she would never trust her heart with someone again. That is until her best friend moves in to help her through being a single mom. His gentle, playful nature made her remember what she always wanted in a man, waking desires she thought long buried deep in her soul.

Jack Stevens never imagined that moving in with Heather every fantasy and dream he’d concocted to get him through lonely nights would come true. The day Heather confessed her desire for him Jack swore he would use every tool in his arsenal learned as a Dom to help her trust him completely even with his own lingering skeletons.

Can Heather learn to trust Jack when she has been deprived of her true desires for too long?

Grab your tissues and learn to trust again with passionate sensory play.

Connect with Jordan Ashley

Electric by C.P. Mandara

“I am going to break you. That’s the whole purpose of this exercise. From the moment the door inside that room closes, I am not going to be Mr. Nice Guy. I am going to do everything in my power to hear you scream, and I won’t stop until I hear you beg for mercy. Do you wish to proceed on that basis?”

Today my name is Lois Reeves. I have an appointment with dominant “James Leverett” this morning, because my next assignment requires that I be a “submissive” and I have no idea what that entails. I’m about to find out… by jumping in at the deep end.

This story features medical edge play and electricity play.

Connect with Christina Mandara
