Sunday, 19 July 2015

Blog Tour: Revenge by Susan Horsnell @susanhorsnell

by Susan Horsnell
Blog Tour
Victorian Western Romace

 Amazon PB  

The Glenmore Family come to the assistance of a young girl who has been beaten and horse-whipped then left to die on the track leading to their ranch. She is taken to their ranch to recover; the outlaws responsible for her beating keep watch in the hopes they can recapture the girl and obtain the information they are sure she has. The search for the outlaws becomes a matter of urgency when murder, shootings, robbery and beatings affect the Glenmore Family. Rangers are brought in and the assistance of local Indians is sought. A story about the most tender love; as well as murder, greed and intrigue.


George and James dropped back to re-join their father and as they discussed ranch business they kept their eyes on Laura up ahead. She had just crossed the tree line and had disappeared from their sight. Joseph had just opened his mouth to call her to stay in sight when they heard her blood curdling scream. 
The three men wasted no time spurring their horses into a gallop and headed in the direction the scream had come from.
Laura had dismounted and was on the ground next to a small bundle which rested half on and half off the track. Tears flooded her cheeks and she was shaking uncontrollably. When she spotted her father she jumped from the ground and raced towards him. Joseph was off his horse in a flash and folded her into his arms. While she buried her face in her father’s chest George and James dismounted and moved to check the small bundle which they could now see was the body of a young girl.
“Pa, you better come fast!” called George.
Joseph peeled Laura away from him and reached inside his pocket for a cloth to wipe her tear stained face. Holding her hand he guided her to a nearby rock and gently encouraged her to sit. He grabbed his canteen of water from his saddle bag and handed it to her “Drink Laura. Don’t move darlin’ we’ll be right over here” She gulped thirstily from the canteen while she continued to sob.
Joseph approached his sons and couldn’t stifle the gasp which escaped him as he looked at the ‘bundle’ for the first time. He could now see it was a young girl, about the same age as Laura. Her clothing had been torn to the waist and across the once creamy skin of her back were at least two dozen bloody welts.
Joseph removed his hat and immediately began firing off instructions to his shocked sons. “James, fetch blankets, water and as many clean cloths as you can find! George, hobble the horses so they don’t wander. Keep an eye out for Ben with the board so he doesn’t run over us”
The boys answered in unison “Yes, Pa!” and raced off to complete their tasks.
As the boys followed his orders Joseph assessed the young girl’s wounds further. I will get the bastards who did this! he vowed to himself.
Just at that moment, Ben, the youngest son, drove up with the buckboard and their supplies. Seeing his family moving around ahead, his father attending to something on the ground, he brought the horses to a stop.
 “Ben! We have a badly injured girl. Clear a space in the buckboard and lay some blankets so when we are ready we can take her home to Ma!” called out James.
Ben jumped down and began re-arranging the rear of the buckboard. “What’s happened James?”
“Not sure yet, we just came up on her. Pa and George are with her now”
Where’s Laura?” asked Ben concerned for his sister.
“Just over yonder on a rock. She’s very upset, was her that found the girl! After the board is ready go sit with her, I need to get these supplies to Pa”
James hurried back to where Joseph and George were waiting with the girl. “Ben’s arrived Pa, he’s clearin’ a space in the buckboard and is going to calm Laura”
“Thanks son. She is bad. Looks like she has a broken leg from the angle it’s at, a broken arm and all them welts, cuts and bruises!” We need to patch her up as best we can and get her to Ma”
“She’s lost a lot of blood Pa” commented George “Will she make it?”
“I don’t know son but we will do our best for her”
“Who would do this?” asked an angry James to no-one in particular.
“I have no idea” answered Joseph “but I intend to find out and get this little girl some justice!”
“Buckboard’s ready” shouted Ben
“Go find four pieces of wood to splint an arm and a leg” called George “be as quick as you can”
“On my way” called Ben running into the trees.
Joseph removed the lid from a canteen he’d been handed and poured water onto a cloth. As gently as he could he began to clean the wounds and only then could they see the extent of the damage from the vicious attack.
With her back wounds cleaned up a little the three men gently lifted her onto a blanket which was spread on the ground, turning her over as they did so.
They inhaled deeply when they saw the girl’s face. Both of her eyes were swollen shut. She had a large cut over one eye which would require stitches. Blood had seeped into her raven black hair and congealed which left her hair in a sticky, tangled mess. Her lip was split and her cheek badly bruised. Dirt and dust had combined with blood from her wounds to form a muddy mess over much of her body.
George quickly covered her with a spare blanket to protect her dignity but couldn’t help noticing her perfectly formed breasts and slim waist which brought a stirring to his loins.
Goddamn it George! What’s wrong with you? You are looking at a woman’s breasts and getting randy when you should be more concerned with her injuries! And you’re s’posed to be courtin’ Marybeth!
Joseph took clean cloths, doused them in water and proceeded to clean her face.
“Where do you want these Pa?” asked Ben holding up four good sized sticks.
“I’ll take them. Thanks Ben” said James “Go sit with Laura”

Author Bio

I grew up in the Western Suburbs of Sydney in the 50's and 60's and have always been a fan of Cowboys, Indians and Outlaws.

During my years as a nurse I would write down ideas and when I retired five years ago I finally published my first book - The Glenmore's: Revenge. This developed into a four part series.

Since then I have published a further eleven Western Romance books and one contemporary. My westerns are set in Texas, USA during the 19th century and my contemporary in Sydney, Australia.

When I am not writing I enjoy walking our dogs with my husband and travelling.

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BLOG TOUR: Satisfaction (Club X4) by K.M. Scott @KMScottromance

Blog Tour

Satisfaction (Club X4)

K.M. Scott

Satisfaction Cover

About the Book

Return to Club X one more time… Cassian March finally found a reason to give up his player ways. Crazy in love, he and Olivia are ready to take the next step and make it official, but just when life is perfect is exactly when everything can slip away. Stefan March has lived in the shadow of his two older brothers for too long. With Shay, he sees a chance to finally be the man nobody thinks he can be. But old family wounds have a way of opening up, and sometimes love may not be enough to heal them. Kane Jackson knows a good man would be by Abbi’s side as she prepares to give birth to their child, but he’s not a good man. Or at least that’s what he thinks. Willing to do anything to protect her, he hides himself away so he can’t hurt her. Abbi still believes in him, but will her love be able to overcome years of him being told he’s only meant to hurt? The three brothers of Club X have all that money can buy, but will they find the happiness each of them wants more than anything else in the world?

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Fall Into Me: Book 2 ----->

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About the Author
KM Scott
A resident of Scranton, PA. K.M. Scott is a New York Times and USA Today Bestseller of contemporary romance stories. A writer for all her life, she finally decided to take the plunge and seek publication in 2011. Under her Gabrielle Bisset pseudonym, she writes erotic paranormal and historical romance, but in 2013 she decided to branch off into contemporary romance.
Loving what she does, her contemporary romances are filled with steamy sex, great dialogue, and happily ever afters that stay with the reader long after they finish her books.

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FREE book Billionaires in Disguise / Rock Stars in Disguise by Blair Babylon

New Adult Rock Star Romance
from USA Today-Bestselling Author Blair Babylon!
For the first time,
this rock star romance novel
is absolutely FREE
What happens when a Rock Star in Disguise meets a Billionaire in hiding?
Georgie doesn’t know who she is dating.
At a high society wedding, Georgie Johnson is introduced to Alexandre de Valentinois, a hereditary duke of nothing who flies around the world on his private planes and describes himself as “one of those despicable, idle rich men.” Yet, when pressed, he sings at the wedding in a gorgeous, clear tenor that tugs at Georgie’s soul, and miraculously, he calms her paralyzing stage fright so she can accompany him on the piano, even though she thought she had left her classical music career behind when she went into hiding.
But Alexandre has a dark side. His name is Xan Valentine, and he’s the rock star front man for Killer Valentine. He’s famous, but his paparazzi-dogged lifestyle might expose Georgie and get her killed.
Alex said, so quietly, “Play something for me.”
Her hands stretched over the keys, and she tried to push them down to play even a major chord, but as soon as a key neared the break point, just when the hammer inside the piano was poised to strike the string, something in her mind shouted Don’t! and she couldn’t press it.
Alex asked gently, “Does Flicka know you’re worse?”
“I don’t see how she would. We’ve been out of touch for a few years.”
“But she knows that you’ve got—” he paused, obviously considering whether to say the terrible words, “a problem with this.”
“She must have forgotten about it,” rather than that Flicka had decided to punish Georgie in a spectacularly cruel way.
Maybe Georgie deserved to try to face her fears, melt into an incoherent puddle on the floor, and have everyone from her childhood and current best friends laugh at her failure.
It would serve her right.
But she would never be able to walk as far as the piano in front of all those people, so Flicka couldn’t have her poetic justice.
“Anyway,” she said, “I can’t do it.”
“I can help you,” Alex said.
“And how could you do that? Hypnotize me? Doesn’t work. Psychoanalysis? There’s nothing there.”
“Of course not, but I don’t want you to play for them.” He leaned across the piano again, and his hair slid from behind his shoulder and hung, reflected in the black gloss of the piano’s lacquer. “I want you to play for me.”
Georgie stared down at her spidery hands hanging over the black and white piano keys. “I can’t.”
He walked around the piano and stood beside her, his slim hip right beside her cheek. A faint, masculine scent wafted from his clothes, a cologne, something soothing like green herbs. She was acutely aware that she could lean about six inches over and unzip his fly with her teeth.
Alex said, in a low, soft voice, “Play the middle C.”
She laid her thumb on the white key right in front of her waist and held it there, but she didn’t push down.
Alex stroked her arm from her elbow to her wrist with the back of his hand, soothing her. “Play it.”
She told her finger to push down, and she let the weight of her arm fall on her finger that was curled above the keys.
Her finger collapsed and wouldn’t press the key.
Alex shook his head, and his long hair swished over his shoulders. He turned his hand over so that his palm was on her wrist, and then he slid his hand over hers, covering her fingers on the keys with his own. Calluses on pads of his fingers were hard on the tops of her fingers.
He stepped behind her, still not moving his fingers over hers. Warmth from his body drifted out of his suit jacket that opened around them, spreading over her bare back, and his cologne filled her nose like she was walking in the fields around Tanglewood.
He leaned over her, stretching his arms on both sides of her, caging her.
His whisper brushed the skin on her neck. “I’m not forcing you to do something you don’t want to. I’m letting you have what you want most, what you crave, but you dare not admit, even to yourself.”
“I’m afraid,” Georgie admitted, her voice breathy from fear at pressing that note and from his body so close to hers.
“Everyone is, in the beginning,” he said. “It can be terrifying to have an experience so desired, so primal, that you lose yourself. You have to trust me to take you through the place that terrifies you, to keep you safe, and to hold you until you emerge on the other side.”
Georgie couldn’t seem to catch her breath or move away from him. “We’re still talking about the piano here?”
Alex chuckled.
“Just the piano,” she said, but she leaned back, almost imperceptibly, maybe an inch, so that his mouth was so near her skin that his breath was a hot circle on her bare shoulder, and the scent of champagne in his mouth rolled down her skin.
“Let me do it for you, first,” he whispered.
Georgie closed her eyes, and the weight of his finger forced hers down.
A single note, a C, rang out of the piano and jarred against her skin.

💡 💡 AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT 💡 💡 Tia Louise @AuthorTLouise


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Tia Louise is the Amazon and International Bestselling author of the ONE TO HOLD series.
From “Readers’ Choice” nominations, to picking up USA Today “Happily Ever After” nods, to winning a 2014 “Lady Boner Award” (LOL!), nothing makes her happier than communicating with fans and weaving new tales into the Alexander-Knight world of stories.
A former journalist, Louise lives in the center of the USA with her lovely family and one grumpy cat. There, she dreams up stories she hopes are engaging, hot, and sexy, and that cause readers rethink common public locations...

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Paris fashions, Chicago nightlife, Secrets and lies... Welcome to the North Side. Marcus Merritt doesn't chase women. He doesn't have to. But when the spirited and sexy blonde who left him wanting more shows up in his office looking for work, little things like the rules seem ready to be rewritten. Amy Knight is smart, ambitious, and back home in Chicago to care for her mother. A courtesy meeting with one of the top lawyers in the city should be a boost to her career... Until the polished green-eyed player turns out to be the same irresistible “random” she hooked up with at a friend's wedding in Wilmington. Bonus: He's the brother of her older brother's new wife. What the hell?! Who's chasing whom? It all depends on the day. Or the night. A STAND-ALONE, ONE TO HOLD NOVEL. Contemporary/Erotic Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18. add-to-goodreads-button

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Short Prequel to OTC! (It's a fast & dirty way to meet Marcus & Amy and be all ready for OTC!)
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📖 📖 San Fran Golden Gate Author Event 📖 📖

Organizer: Nadine ~ Hooke Me Up Book Blog Promotions

Event: August 8th

Where: San Francisco, CA

Signing: 11:30 - 4:00

Website | Buy Tickets | Facebook Page | Hotel Info (Holiday Inn San Francisco - Golden Gateway)

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📖 📖 Naughty Nashville Author Event 📖 📖

Organizer: Hilary Storm & Julie Bailes

Event: August 29th

Where: Nashville, TN

Signing: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Website | Buy Tickets | Facebook Page | Hotel Info (Millennium Maxwell House Hotel)

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Cover Reveal: Turn of the Moon by L.P. Dover @LPDover


Turn of the Moon by L.P. Dover
(Royal Shifters – Standalone, #1)
Publication date: August 24th 2015
Genres: Adult, Paranormal Romance, Suspense

One girl. Two wolves. Promised to one. Destined for the other.
To escape the cruel, overbearing, Kade, the Yukon Pack alpha she’s been promised to, Bailey Whitehill flees her home in search of a new life, one of freedom where she can make her own choices. However, Kade will stop at nothing to make her his and begins the hunt.

As Bailey starts her new life, everything she’s known to be true, is not. Time is of the essence and choices have to be made or consequences suffered. Not only does Bailey fear Kade, but another danger lurks deep in the recesses of the forest. Unbeknownst to her, that danger is what she’s been searching for all along. At the turn of the moon, her fate hangs in the balance . . . and it’s up to her to make the right choice.

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, L.P. Dover, is a southern belle residing in North Carolina along with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she even began her literary journey she worked in Periodontics enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries.

Not only does she love to write, but she loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes, white water rafting, and you can't forget the passion for singing. Her two number one fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime and those songs usually consist of Christmas carols.

Aside from being a wife and mother, L.P. Dover has written over nine novels including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, and her standalone novel, Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read is romantic suspense and she also loves writing it. However, if she had to choose a setting to live in it would have to be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.

L.P. Dover is represented by Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency.
You can find L.P. Dover here:
Twitter: @LPDover

★*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.• Series Sale #ItsTimeForTheHunterToBeHunted #TMT @taylorville86 @AuthorNTownson

Series Sale
Can you believe it's been one year since Natalie and I published Corrupted - book one in The Manipulation Trilogy? Well, it has on the 21st July. I can't believe it. One year. Wowsers. It's been crazy, emotional, amazing. Out of this world!

To celebrate this we are putting The Manipulation Trilogy on sale.

Corrupted - FREE
Warped -  . 99
Avowed - . 99

Book Details

Title: Corrupted - The Manipulation Trilogy Book One
Authors: Alicia Taylor & Natalie Townson
Genre: Romantic Suspense.


I am going to marry a monster.
He is my everything.
He manipulates people for fun. He takes over their lives, consuming them. He dominates and crushes, ruling them, claiming their souls. No one can survive the games of Damon Hunt.
Before now. Before me.
I am Ella Knight. I am corrupted. My sister was a victim of Damon's games. It’s my turn to play now.  
Damon Hunt has been my sole focus, my everything for three years, since my sister’s death. I'll manipulate him. I'll take over his life, consuming and crushing him. I am going to take away his soul. Damon Hunt will not survive my games. I will win.
I hope.

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“Ella,” he rasps. “You’re gonna fuckin’ kill me. Sweet Jesus, baby.” He closes the distance between us in two strides. When he’s close enough, his hands grip on my hips and pull me into him. Our bodies clash, my blood ignites. Need washes through me. Damon’s scent envelopes me, he smells pure male. My chest heaves as I look up into his eyes, my breasts brushing against his chest with every inhale. “I can see everything, beauty. Every fucking thing. The rounded globes of your perfect arse, the mound of your pussy, the dimples at the back of your knees.” His hands move down to grip my arse cheeks. He squeezes roughly before pulling me into his hard cock. I moan as the move hits the perfect spot. “God, I need to keep you.”

Sweeter Excerpt 
“Morning,” he whispers into my neck as he nuzzles. I gasp at the soft stroke of his tongue on my neck. “I can smell you. I’ll have your scent stuck in my head all day. I need a taste.” He sucks my earlobe into his mouth as he nibbles me. “Just one taste. I have to have one taste.” The huskiness of his desire filled voice makes my knees weak. I melt into his body, letting the feelings he’s evoking within me take over.

Purchase Links 

Title: Warped - The Manipulation Trilogy Book Two
Authors: Alicia Taylor & Natalie Townson
Genre: Romantic Suspense.


I won’t be caught off guard again. I won’t let them win. They played the first round and won. Now it’s time for me to even the score. Damon and Leona will pay for their twisted games. Leona is first.
His touch repulses me. 
His fake affection disgusts me. 
He sickens me.
I need to get my head in the game. I need to be smart and break their bond to more easily crush them. Damon is clever. He knows what he’s doing. He’s been playing the game long enough.
He’s twisted. 
I’m warped.
It’s time to finally end this. 
Time to finally win.

Purchase Links: 

Title: Avowed - The Manipulation Trilogy Book Three
Authors: Alicia Taylor & Natalie Townson
Genre: Romantic Suspense.


Three years ago I vowed revenge. Now I'm married with secrets, desperate to get past them.

I set out to destroy the man I thought ruined my life. I never saw it coming when he turned out to be the love I couldn't live without.

Damon was my target, now I'm determined to keep him.

Will he be able to get past my confessions, and forgive my actions? Will I be able to forgive his? We've come too far to lose it all now. It's time to fight for us, fight for our happiness. 

Not every story is as it seems but it's time to avow our sins.

Both of us.

Purchase Links:


Alicia Taylor

Alicia Taylor was born and raised in the East Midlands town of Derby, England, where she lives with her family and mass of animals - she's a huge family and animal lover.
Writing powerful love stories and creating Alpha males with a dash of darkness has become a passion of mine, and I have many stories and characters swirling in my head that I can't wait to share with you all. Is it weird to have so many voices in my head? I'm not crazy, I promise... maybe a little bit.

Connect with Alicia

Natalie Townson

Natalie Townson is 33, a mother of one beautiful little boy and lives in Gloucester in the UK with her Husband. Corrupted is her debut novel that is a book one of the manipulation trilogy, that she co writes with Alicia Taylor. Warped is book two in the manipulation series. She has had a love of reading since a young age and her favorite authors are Sophie Kinsella, J.S.Scott, Melody Anne and Stephanie Meyer to name a few.
Connect with natalie