Sunday, 10 April 2016


Catching Summer
L.P. Dover
(Second Chances #6)
Published by: Loveswept
Publication date: April 5th 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense
Former nurse Summer Jacobs has seen her fair share of suffering, but she never expected tragedy to hit so close to home. After watching her husband die in the MMA ring, Summer spends the next two years fighting her way through the darkness. The last thing she needs is another hardheaded athlete turning her life upside down. But that’s exactly what happens when she meets a gridiron star who’s as skilled at stealing hearts as he is at snagging passes.
Carolina Cougars wide receiver Evan Townsend usually has no problem winning fans, so he’s intrigued when Summer shoots down his go-to plays for winning a woman’s attention. Never one to back down from a challenge, Evan turns up the heat, setting off sparks that neither can deny. But as his slow seduction begins to chase away Summer’s pain, he gets the feeling that someone is desperate to keep them apart. Now Evan will do anything to protect her—because he never misses a chance to make a perfect catch.
Once out the door, I breathed a sigh of relief and slowed my pace. “Come on, Summer, stop acting like an idiot.”
“Talking to yourself now?” Evan teased from behind.
I stopped mid-step and closed my eyes. “Do you enjoy provoking me?”
When he circled around me, I opened my eyes. “Not really, but I do love seeing you blush. I didn’t realize I had that effect on you.”
“You seriously are full of yourself, aren’t you?” How could I be so stupid? There was no way in hell I could hide my face now. I didn’t want him to know how flustered he made me.
Chuckling, he shook his head and kept his gray eyes solely on mine. “I’m really not. I was just hoping to hear your laugh again. I guess I didn’t get enough of it yesterday.”
“So, this is you flirting with me? What do you expect to gain from that?”
He took a step closer and smiled. “For starters, I was hoping to persuade you to come to my party after the game Saturday night.”
My heart thumped wildly in my chest. I could feel the sweat pouring down my back. “Like what? A date?”
“Only if you want it to be. I just figured I’d save you the trouble of having to ward off my teammates. I can name three of the guys who are interested in you. My threats to stop their advances can only go so far.”
“What if I didn’t want to go to your party? I can easily just tell them I’m not interested.”
He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. “You could, but that doesn’t mean shit to these guys. They’ll keep hounding you until you give in. They love the chase.”
“Just like you,” I retorted with a smile.
“What can I say? I’m relentless when I want something.” I sucked in a breath and bit my lip. Did he really want me like that? The thought made everything inside of me tighten. It was too dangerous to think of him like that.
“So are you trying to save me from your friends or are you really wanting me to join you? I know how you guys work, and I don’t want to be a part of some game you’re playing to get girls.”
His grin faded, gaze hard. “I don’t play games, Summer. I may have in the past, but I would never do that to you. Have I ever given you the impression that you can’t trust me?”
Sighing, I shook my head. I felt like such an idiot. “No, and I’m sorry for being presumptuous. It’s just . . .” I paused and bit down on the side of my cheek.
“It’s just what?” he asked in all seriousness.
“It’s just this is all new to me. All I’ve ever known is Austin. Being around you makes me nervous. I’m not like the girls you’ve brought into the restaurant. If it’s sex you want, you can forget it. I’m not one of your groupies.” For a second there, I thought he was at a loss for words, but then he belted out in laughter. Ouch, that hurt. “I’m glad I could amuse you.”
When he straightened up, he took off his hat and ran his hands through his hair. And again, my heart sped up at the sight. Shit. “Damn, you are a fiery one. And just so we’re clear, I’m not trying to fuck you or trying to put another notch in my belt. Believe it or not, I’m actually interested in something else.”
“What is that, exactly?”
“I don’t know, but I’m hoping you can help me figure it out.” Grabbing my hand, he pulled me toward his truck. “Let’s go.”
Catching Summer Promo 6

Author Bio:
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, L.P. Dover, is a southern belle residing in North Carolina along with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she even began her literary journey she worked in Periodontics enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries.
Not only does she love to write, but she loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes, white water rafting, and you can't forget the passion for singing. Her two number one fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime and those songs usually consist of Christmas carols.
Aside from being a wife and mother, L.P. Dover has written over seventeen novels including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, the Gloves Off series, and her standalone novel, Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read is romantic suspense and she also loves writing it. However, if she had to choose a setting to live in it would have to be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.
L.P. Dover is represented by Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency.


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SALE BLITZ : The Big O by HJ Bellus .99 cents

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THE BIG O by HJ Bellus
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Series: The Virgin Diaries, #1 
The ocean...October, outdoors, orange... All O's that sneaky damn letter.

I need the O. Crave the O, even dream about the bastard.

My name is Olivia and this is my virgin diary. Yep, at the ripe age of 24 I'm single and O-less. And to top it all off, with a shiny cherry,

I'm a first grade teacher.

Not much hope meeting Prince Charming in my workplace.

I live with my hyper Yorkie and wild imagination. And I despise the letter O.

Follow Olivia Olander in her wild and hysterical journey as she hunts down the elusive O.

She may hate the obscure O now, but Officer Oren O'Brien hasn't lit up her world.

Will Olivia ever learn to love the O or be cursed with its lingering presence the rest of her life?

Find out in the virgin diaries.


The walk seems to have worn out Pedro. He lays perched at the bottom of my bed soaking up the little bit of sunlight streaming through the window. I forgo eating due to nerves and pour a glass of wine after nearly elbow dropping the top of the bottle to get the cork out. Who knew a simple machine was so damn difficult to use?
At first the tartness of the wine makes me shiver but then soon, a sweet spray dances over my tongue.
“Not bad,” I say to myself and down the glass.
The stage is set. A hot bubble bath, a full wine glass, bottle of wine, light mood music, candles, and then…the massive purple plastic cock who is about to give me my first screaming O. I locked Pedro in his kennel because there’s no way I could handle him watching me rub this one out or at least try to.
The water stings my skin as I sink down into the tub. My favorite sweet scent of bubble bath assaults my senses as I melt back into the tub. I sip down another glass of wine, relaxing even more with Norah Jones singing in the background. I was smart enough to keep the bottle in reaching distance for refills.
My fingers can barely wrap around the girth of the vibrator. How in the hell is it supposed to fit inside me? I giggle to myself when I realize I’m holding the damn thing like a microphone near the tip of it.
“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the virgin diaries starring Olivia Olander who’s currently O-less and in desperate search for The Big O.”
I belly laugh like a crazed idiot after my entertaining stance. I down one more glass of wine and then dial up Scout for one last burst of encouragement.
“Scout,” I purr into the phone.
“Sup, ho-bag?”
“Just floating in the tub, slamming wine, and about to get it on with Tony the Tiger.”
She squeals a tone deafening pitch into the phone before creating any coherent speech. “I’m so proud of you, O. Just make sure to get used to the vibrating speeds before full insertion and once in, set the twirl mode to level three and you’ll be flying high.”
I feel like I should be taking notes instead of nodding and sipping my adult grape juice. The influences of the wine have me fully accepting her advice instead of flushing with embarrassment and running away.
“I think I got this, Scout.”
“Get it, girl.” She laughs into the phone. “How much wine have you pounded?”
“Like only half a bottle, but it’s one of those jumbo ones.”
“You do realize that’s like three bottles in one, right?”
“Is that bad?” I belch before getting out the last word.
“Don’t drink anymore and just get down and dirty.”
A beep sounds on my phone. I pull it away to look at the screen. “Gotta go, Scout, Hot Cop is calling me.”
“O don’t you dare take it.”
“Bye.” I click over to the next call, giddy as a little kid in a candy shop.
“Hello.” I try to purr in my sexiest of sexy voices.
“Hey Olivia.” His rich voice sends shivers down my spine and I swear they land right between my legs. I tingle.
“Everything okay? I swear there were cop carzz everywhere.”
Shit, did I just slur one of my words into the phone? I sit up a bit taller in the water and try to pay attention. The cool air perks my nipples right up.
“All is good, Olivia. There were two different things going down, that’s why there were so many cars everywhere.” He pauses and I hear the cracking slam of a few doors shutting.
“What are you doing?” I ask out of curiosity.
“Just got home and ready to crash, but felt bad the way I left you today.”
“I get it. It’s your job. No worries. I’m not a needy person, Oren.”
“Just trying to be a gentleman to my new non-dating friend.” His voice muffles for a second and then becomes clearer.
“What are you doing now?” I ask.
“Just took my shirt off, getting ready to kick my boots off, and drink a brewski before hitting the hay.”
“So you’re topless?” My nipples stiffen instantly picturing Oren shirtless.
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “You interested?”
Oh those tingles intensify to a mind numbing state. I can do this. I can really do this with Oren’s voice fueling my desire.
“Duh,” I promptly reply.
“Give me a second. Oh, and Olivia, we still on for Friday?”
“Fucking A we are.” I slap my hand over my mouth when the bold words fly out. Note to self: less wine.
His deep chuckle vibrates through the phone. “The answer I wanted.”
“Before we say goodbye, give me a second.”
“Okay, I need to whiz real quick.”
Holy shit, he’s about to be holding his big gigantor wiener in his hand. Baby Jesus, don’t let him be packing light.
“Alrighty then, I’ll be right back.”
I set down my cell phone on the edge of the tub and stare down Tony. And then sing “Let’s get it on” to him. It’s the biggest move of my life and I’m about to become a full-fledged woman and if things do ever go further with Oren, I’ll be ready.
His deep voice snaps me out of my hypnotic stare with Tony.
“I’m here,” I holler. I down the remaining wine in my glass grab my phone and then Tony with the other hand. “Thanks for the call tonight, Officer Hot Cop.”
I plunge Tony down into the water, fumbling for the buttons. His edges are a bit more rigid then I remember as I try to softly rub him up and down my clit. It’s the first step to strum my clit-tar.
“Oren, you there?”
It’s silent on his end; boy, he must have a huge bladder or maybe tired out from holding up his monster cock.
“Oren?” I try again while still strumming away and by the way, it’s an awful feeling. Very abrasive indeed.
My phone begins to vibrate in my hand and then furiously twirls while vibrating. I pull my phone from my ear and come face to face with fucking Tony the Tiger. I was talking to a damn vibrator with the tip of the cock to my ear.
“Oh fuck,” I squeal, pulling my phone from between my legs, soaked in my favorite scent of bubble bath and dripping water.

I am just a simple country girl getting one story out of my head at a time. I was raised in small town, USA and still reside there with my husband and children. I am a huge country music fan and am inspired by it everyday. I live and love country life, and you will find those elements in my books. I also adore strong and brave lead female characters, and strive to be a courageous and independent woman in everyday life. In my opinion, life is no fun without a good sense of humor, sprinkles, cheese whiz, and candy. It is the simple things that warm my heart.
Live life your way, 
HJ Bellus

THE QUEEN'S VIPER by Lesley Donaldson

Title: The Queen’s Viper
Author: Lesley Donaldson
Genre: fantasy, urban fantasy, historical fantasy, contemporary fantasy
Publisher: Aquhorthies Publishing
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Blurb: Viper is a Blessed One, a Daoine Tor who feeds upon aeir, the life-magic of humans. In Tudor England, she meets Princess Elizabeth and discovers a mysterious amulet that stirs repressed memories. Viper elevates Elizabeth to the English throne to enhance the Kingdom's life-magic and find the amulet. The immortal seeks her kindred, only to encounter a malevolent enemy who imprisons her. Centuries later, Viper inexplicably emerges into 2012 London. She enlists the help of her Foundling, Mouse, and his eclectic cadre of human helpers, to overcome supernatural and man-made threats to her freedom as she seeks revenge upon her nemesis, Annys, and the descendants of the mortals who helped her...starting with Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen's Viper re-imagines Celtic folklore in a story that interweaves history and modern day in a gripping urban fantasy, featuring a complex anti-hero who scoffs at glittery fairy wings.
Bit of extra info: This story is told with two timelines - contemporary and Tudor/Elizabethan history in alternating chapters. SPOILER - There are also "Easter eggs" through the story which lead to book 2.
Warnings: mature themes, violence, sex, strong language
I write books and save lives. I throw axes for fun, and a vampiric unicorn who farts rainbows inhabits my soul.
Between 12 hour nursing shifts and 24 hour parenting shifts, I redefined myself as an authorpreneur with my first book, "Growing A Rainbow: The Premature Journey of a Two Pound Hero." I'm a mother of a former super-preemie with special needs, an often companionable wife, Canadian registered nurse, traveler and hobby medievalist. My debut fiction is "The Queen's Viper," an urban fantasy set in Elizabethan and modern London, with a grimdark spin on UK folklore. I'm also the co-author of "From Blog to Book," published by Publisher P.S.
Sales of "Growing a Rainbow" support The Canadian Premature Babies Foundation. Author Links:
Buy Links:
Print copies can be purchased from the publisher directly from the time being via

BLOG TOUR for Luke's Absolution by KL Kreig. @klkreig


Luke's Absolution by K.L. Kreig is LIVE! Sinners Welcomed.



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Demons. Regrets. Absolution.  Luke has lived on the wrong side of the law since he was seventeen. His hands are stained and his soul is black, but the worst sin he's committed is falling in love with his brother’s girl. Then he met her. Addy Monroe is pure, innocent and stubborn as an ox. Even though he doesn’t deserve her, Luke will stop at nothing to have her. But just when happiness is within his grasp fate rips her away, reminding him once again that there is no absolution for sinners. Will Luke be able to let color fill his blackened soul? From the first time Addy saw Luke Colloway over ten years ago she wanted him. Addy has been attracted to rough, crude, inked bad boys with a bike planted securely between their thighs and wicked promises falling from their lips her entire life. Every one of them has let her down. Every one of them has broken her heart. Every one of them has put her second. She's never going to let that happen again. When Luke promises her a future, will Addy let him in only to have her heart broken again? Book 3 in a 4 book series. Each book features a different brother and each can be read as a STANDALONE. To get the full Colloway Brother experience, however, it's most enjoyable to read in order. ***Mature readers only, 18+. Features alpha men with foul language and penchant for hot sex. 12755359_529269077234623_658038335_o

 it was amazing

This was a good book by this author. I really liked reading about the Colloway Brothers. The writing was really good and loved the story a lot. I love these kind of books they are so much fun. I really loved reading about Luke Colloway he was my favorite out of the brothers. This book is a emotional roller coaster ride but it is worth reading Luke's Absolution. Great series!

*** review on behalf of Obsessed by Books ***

Pick up all of the Colloway Brothers!

forsaking gray cover

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About the Author:
I’m just a regular ol’ Midwest girl who likes Game of Thrones and am obsessed with Modern Family and The Goldbergs. I run, I eat, I run, I eat. It’s a vicous cycle. I love carbs, but there’s love-hate relationship with my ass and thighs. Mostly hate. I like a good cocktail (oh hell…who am I kidding? I love any cocktail). I’m a huge creature of habit, but I’ll tell you I’m flexible. I read every single day and if I don’t get a chance…watch the hell out, I’m a raving bitch. My iPad and me: BFFs. I’m direct and I make no apologies for it. I swear too much. I love alternative music and in my next life I want to be a bad-ass female rocker. I hate, hate, hate spiders, telemarketers, liver, acne, winter and loose hairs that fall down my shirt (don’t ask, it’s a thing).
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Eyes Open Blog Tour @rachel_caid

Keep them shut.
Block out the pain.
No one sees the truth.
Until him.
He wants too much.
He wants it all.
He wants me to live with my
Eyes Open.

 really liked it  
* * ARC given on behalf of obsessed by books for an honest review * *

Yay, I was so glad to get Christine story. We meet her in Healing and knew there was somthing deep going on with her that keep her from giving 100% of herself to Craig and Craig isn't sure what she's hiding and Christine is afraid once he sees the scars hell run so how can he get her to let go and give them a chance. omg I loved this story and rooted for these two from the start. definitely a must read.


Healing (Finding Home #1)

 Released Aug 14, 2015

After a devastating loss, Anna Johnston has finally gotten the pieces of her life to fit back together and has created a comfortable pattern for her and her son, Roman. Trying to protect both of their hearts, Anna has given up on dating accepting that she will never completely heal from losing Roman's father.

Noah Evans just got out of a relationship based on lies and isn’t looking for anything permanent. New to town, he and his friend and business partner are focused on finishing their new remodel and making money. One boys’ night out introduces him to Anna and all of that changes. Noah wants something real; a place to call home.

He might be pushy, but Noah is determined to get what he wants. Just as Anna and Noah start to come together, someone from the past comes back to cause trouble.

Can Noah convince Anna to take a chance on him and break free from the pain of her memories? Will Anna look past what she cannot change to see a future that includes Noah.

Due to explicit sex scene, 18+ please

Hi! I’m Rachel, and I am a lover of all books romance!

While my books are contemporary romances, my favorite genres are paranormal romance and suspense romance. Maybe one day I will have the courage to try those :)

I am a mother to two amazing boys, wife to my best friend, and herder of two dogs and three kitties. We live in rural Missouri and absolutely love being outdoors, tending to the acreage we built our home on.

I am also a complete coffee-addict, with no plans for rehab or any sort. So give me a good book, a pot of coffee and call me a happy girl!

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