Friday, 8 July 2016

BOOK BLITZ : DOOMSDAY LOVE by Shanora Williams

Title: Doomsday Love
Author: Shanora Williams
Genre: MMA/Second Chance Romance
Release Date: June 15, 2016


When we were ten, he treated me like a friend.
When we were eighteen, he wanted nothing to do with me.
And now that we are twenty-two, he longs to claim every single inch of me.
He was wild—untamed.
And I, a reckless girl, who loved too hard.
But, what we had was special.
I was his serenity and he my protector.
Drake was consumed by my love…
but he also took advantage of it…
He’d broken my heart—left me hanging for years.
He ruined us.
And, now, he’s back.
He wants me.
And I want to hate him, I really do.
But, who am I kidding?
No one can deny Drake Davenport.
You can’t hide from the almighty DOOMSDAY.
Because he is a fighter.
And, just like me, he loves hard.
He never loses and he will fight as hard as he can if it means winning me back.

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I rushed for my car, unlocking it with the key fob on the way. Before I could pull the door handle and get inside, I heard the crunching of gravel and then a hand came down on the window, slamming my door closed.

I gasped as the same hand wrapped round my arm and squeezed it with slight pressure. He whirled me around and pressed my back against the cold door.

Bold green eyes focused on mine, pink lips so close I felt my belly swirling with heat. His hands went outside my head, pressing on the car.

He smelled good, so good, sweet pine, sweet earth. His jaw was locked, hair on his forehead, breathing deeply through his nostrils.

“I’m trying to fucking save you from me, Jenny.”

“I don’t need you to save me from you.” My breathing accelerated with his.

“Why the hell do you need to be friends with a guy like me anyway?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I don’t have to. I just… want to.”

Sighing, he brought one hand down, roughly running it over his face. He was aggravated with me, frustrated, but like me, he couldn’t let go. He hated being away.

“What is it that you want, huh?” he bit through clenched teeth. “What is it, Jenny? You want me to talk sweet to you? Is that it? You want me to tell you some bullshit about how I’m actually a good guy deep down, how I secretly wish to be with you too, but my life won’t allow it—our lives, wont allow it?”

His questions were rhetorical, but they spoke to me. There was truth behind them. He was opening up and he didn’t even realize it.

Suddenly, his face straightened, and he moved in closer, pressing his crotch into my belly. I stilled when his hands came to my face and he clasped it, keeping my eyes on his.

Breath shallow, I watched as his eyes narrowed. He studied me like a piece of artwork, like I was some intricate masterpiece that no one could figure out. The kind of masterpiece that is too beautiful to replicate—too unique to pass by without a thorough glance.

That same torment and confliction from the previous week ran deep in his eyes again. He hated this, but liked it just a tad bit more.

“Fuck,” he breathed. “Fuck, Jenny.”

“What?” I finally spoke, my voice hardly a whisper.

“That’s what you want, isn’t it? All of that shit I just said is exactly what you want.”

Author Bio

Shanora Williams is a twenty-something that creates authentic romantic stories that, may or may not, make you question what a “Happily Ever After” truly is. After hitting the New York Times and USA Today bestsellers list at the mere age of nineteen, Shanora ventured further into the creative writing world, working even harder to create unique and memorable romances for all to enjoy. She currently resides in Waxhaw, North Carolina and is the mother of one amazing boy, in love with her devoted man, and a sister to eleven.

When she isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her family, binge reading, or running marathons on Netflix while scarfing down anything sweet and salty.

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BLOG TOUR : CLEAT CATCHER by Celia Aaron and Sloane Howell


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What happens when an unrepentant Cleat Chaser meets the player of her dreams?

Nikki Graves has a history of going through the baseball roster with an eye for talent--the kind of talent that keeps things spicy between the sheets. But, once she meets Braden Bradford, catcher for the Ravens, her talent scout days are done. He's the one.

Braden has never met a woman like Nikki, and he can't get enough of her smart mouth and big heart. But life isn't always as direct and certain as the connection between Braden and Nikki. When family objections and career trajectories begin to crowd the plate, will Braden be able to keep his catch of a lifetime?

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“This is so not my color.” I spun in the dressing room mirrors, all three reflecting the pink confection of a dress my mother had picked.
Over the years, the Graves had suffered plenty of hardships—when the good caviar was out of season, when that one maid failed to do proper hospital corners when she made the beds, or even that time when Kerfuffles, Mom’s prized Dandie Dinmont Terrier, destroyed my father’s autographed baseball from the ’56 World Series where Don Larsen threw a perfect game. Each time there was a setback, the Graves rallied in the only way we knew how. We shopped.
I wasn’t into it like Mom, but if buying me new clothes got her off my back about Braden—and finally gave me some breathing room—I was all for it. I couldn’t go back to the apartment, not until I knew what my course of action would be. So, a day of shopping didn’t sound so bad while I mulled things over.
“I think you look lovely in it.” My mother walked around, her critical eye examining it from every angle.
“What will I wear it to? My quinceañera?”
“I’m sure you have plenty of weddings to attend next spring. In this, you’ll outshine the bride.” She smiled.
“Yes, Mom, because my goal is always to ruin the bride’s special day by flouncing around in a sherbet-colored dress and flashing my panties at all the boys, including the groom.” I stepped down from the modeling podium and walked into my separate changing area. I didn’t mention that I had, on plenty of occasions, bagged a groomsman or two at my friends’ weddings, often using similar tactics to what I just described.
Mom gave an over-dramatic sigh. “Stop being difficult, and try on the next dress.”
“This one is the newest from the Valentino line.” The snooty shopping assistant reassured my mother that she was, for certain, buying the most expensive shit in all of Saks. “I wish I could have been at the runway show. It was faboosh, beyond transcendentine, positively luxotic.”
“Those aren’t words,” I muttered and fought the zipper on my mother’s next selection. This one wasn’t so bad. It was a sky blue sheath that fell mid-thigh and had an interesting peasant-top ruffle at the bust line.
I walked out and stood on the podium as the assistant—a man wearing more makeup than I owned—flittered about and crowed about the fit.
Mom took a swig of the complimentary champagne. “Cyrano, she looks like a barmaid.”
I smiled at myself in the mirror. “It’s my favorite one so far. Tit-tastic.” If a dress made it look like I had actual breasts that were bigger than a teacup, then I was sold.
“An excellent choice. The bodice is ahead of its time. I have a feeling peasant will be in three years from now.” Cyrano—if that was actually his name—twirled one side of his too-thick mustache and affected a lisp that screamed “flamer.” But he wasn’t fooling me. I’d seen him checking out my tits and ass while I modeled my dresses. He was straight, but likely knew that pretending to like the dick was the surest way to get commissions in a Saks dressing room.
Let’s test this theory. I smirked and headed back into the changing area. After yanking my zipper halfway down, I called, “My zipper is stuck. Cyrano, a little help?”
He pushed through the white curtain and let it fall behind him. His eyes took in my bare back and bra strap.
“I can’t quite get it.” I smiled at him in the mirror.
“Allow me, mademoiselle.” He gripped the zipper and pulled it down easily. “There we are.”
I let the dress fall to the floor and turned to face him. His gaze froze on my tits, then lowered to the lace over my pussy.
I plucked at the edge of my panties, pulling them away from my hip. Then I looked at him through my lashes. “Do you think I’d have to go without panties in that dress. Did you see a line?”
He licked his lips. “I-I think—” His voice had lowered two octaves in the space of ten seconds.
When I saw his boner at war with the front of his skinny pants, I laughed. “So busted. Quit ogling my pussy, and go entertain my mom.”
“What?” He cleared his throat and raised his voice into a nasal pitch again. “Oh, vaginas are so icky. I would never—”
“Tell it to your boner.” I crossed my arms over my chest and gave his crotch a pointed stare.
He dropped the act. “Look, I make good money this way, okay? When I played it straight, women never took my style advice. Style is my life, and this is the only way I can be around it and make money at it. Please don’t say anything.”
Guilt filtered through me, and I dropped my arms. “I’m not judging. Well, I’m not now, anyway. I was just messing with you.”
He smiled a little. “What gave me away?”
“Your roving eye.”
“I’ve been trying to work on that, but when I see a beautiful woman.” He gestured at me. “I can’t help it sometimes.”
An idea struck me like a wild pitch. “You get the inside scoop on designer clothes and what the customers come in here looking for all the time, right?”
He ran his thumbs up and down his bright pink suspenders. “Yeah. It’s kind of my job.”
“I’ll tell you what—wait, what’s your name?”
I rolled my eyes. “No, your real name.”
His shoulders drooped. “Cyrus.”
“Okay, Cyrus. You agree to let me interview you for my magazine, and I won’t tell everyone what a true pussy-fiend you are. Sound like a deal?”
“Magazine?” He twirled his mustache.
“I work for Style and Substance.”
His eyes lit up, and he grabbed my upper arms. “Are you shitting me?”
I shook my head. “Not even a little shitting. Not so much as a shart.”
“Yes!” He nearly shouted. Then he ran his hands down my arms. “Sorry about that. It’s just, that’s my favorite fashion mag. It’s so down-to-earth but also classy beyond belief.”
His enthusiasm had my mind whirling in all different directions, but first things first.
“Good.” I plucked one of his business cards from the front pocket of his plaid shirt. “I’ll be in touch, Cyrano.”

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Celia Aaron

Celia Aaron is the self-publishing pseudonym of a published romance and erotica author. She loves to write stories with hot heroes and heroines that are twisty and often dark. Thanks for reading.

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Sloane Howell

Sloane Howell lives in the Midwest United States and writes dirty stories. When not reading or writing he enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, playing with the dogs, traveling, and engaging his readers on social media. You can almost always catch him on Twitter posting something goofy.

Visit his web page to sign up for his mailing list to get updates on new releases, promos, and giveaways. Thanks for reading.

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BLOG TOUR : TORN (Lords Of The City) by Alice Ward

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Torn Cover
Noah Stafford wants me. All of me.
Sleek and formidable, Chicago is an empire, controlled by the men and women who rule from the upper floors. Beneath grey skies, there’s an order to the city, but when office hours are over, a scorching heat pulses within its walls that has nothing to do with the sun.
An adventurous and quirky graduate from Milwaukee, I’m unexpectedly offered a job interview at Stafford Scientific after a sabbatical in the jungle steals my heart. I never expected to meet Noah Stafford, the billionaire founder. Dressed in a sharp designer suit that flaunts his ripped muscles, Noah draws me to him with a power I’m unable to control. But there’s a problem.
With his sandy blond hair and impossibly bright green eyes, Noah has a face I can love... because I already have. I’ve fallen for his twin brother, Corey, a rebel who lives on the edge. Torn between the two, I must decide to follow one brother’s rules, or run wild with the other.
When I’m looking into the same face, the same eyes… same heart... how can I choose?
Alice Ward is the author of the New Adult series, RECKLESS.
Reading and Writing romance is her passion and she writes with her true heart.
Living in Miami, the beach is her favorite place to relax with her laptop and write her next spicy romance.
However, when she is not reading or writing romance, she also enjoys being with her beautiful family.
-- Shannon Hunt (Owner) & Michelle Dare (Operations) Once Upon An Alpha / Alpha Author Promotions Sinfully Sexy, Fierce When Challenged, Our Best Alpha Book Boyfriends Sent with MailTrack Sent with MailTrack


Title: Something Great Series
Author: M Clarke
Genre: New Adult
Model: Drew Leighty
Photographer: Michelle England Delavara
Cover Designer: Laura Hildago

Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Blurb: * This is a New Adult romance novel recommended for ages 18+ due to sexual content and mature subject matter.

She didn't know what she was missing...until he found her.
Maxwell Knight was dangerously good-looking, seductively charming, and definitely
trouble. He was everything Jeanella Mefferd did NOT need now.
Fresh out of college, life was predictable and comfortable for Jeanella. She had the
strength of her friends, the security of her job, and she was dating a reliable
man; it was all smooth sailing. That was until one night, when she met someone
who made her feel things she'd never felt before--dangerous, heart pounding,
breathless heat. Never imagining she would see him again, Jeanella has no idea what to do when fate steps in and thrusts Maxwell Knight into her life, just as things were
beginning to change around her. When she lands her dream job and travels to New
York for Fashion Week, can she focus on her career instead of on Maxwell?
Will she ignore all the danger signs and jump straight into his arms; or would she
miss out on the chance of finding something great?
Something Great
Blurb: Sometimes falling in love means letting go of the past…
Jeanella’s confidence and trust in Max continues to grow, and life seems to be on track. Then Crystal decides to pursue a sexual harassment lawsuit, and Jeanella’s world turns upside down. Once again, she wonders if she will ever be enough for Max. Jeanella is forced to make a decision; stay and fight for her man or leave him for good.
Becky's unexpected friendship with Matthew continues to blossom, as they try to define the boundaries of their relationship; but a one-night stand threatens to ruin it all. As Matthew’s feelings for Becky grow, he’s torn between guilt and heartache over his deceased fiancée. Can Becky break through his wall and help him heal?
Something Wonderful
Blurb: A heated moment.
Desperate decision.
Life altering choices.
Max and Jenna are forced to test their relationship. Will they be able to embrace the challenges life throws their way?
Secrets can ruin the foundation of a relationship. Will Matthew choose to withhold vital information from Becky that could consume her with doubt about their future?
When it comes to love, Something Great can turn into Something Wonderful, but can it be Something Forever?
Something Forever
Some nights have passion, some waves leave you wet, but everything is sexy at Knight Fashion Magazine...
From the International Bestselling, Reader's Favorite Award winning author of My Clarity; M. Clarke has readers plunge into the depths of romance and desire with Rachel and Jackson’s story.
No one said breaking up was easy, but escaping to Kauai only adds to Rachel Miller's confusion when fate collides her with Jackson Clark. He’s everything Rachel wants—confident, charismatic, and in charge—but his past catches up to them, creating rough waves that seems impossible to calm. Will their love for each other be strong enough or will it crash against the shore?
Something Amazing
As Jax and Rachel start their lives together, finally engaged and living in Los Angeles, all seems right with the world until Chloe wants to enter their lives again. She wants to be closer to her son, Jace, and in order to keep the peace, Jax agrees. Unfortunately, trouble seems to be swirling in the air when Rachel’s high school crush enters their lives; meanwhile Chloe proclaims to be pregnant.
Rachel is left questioning whether Jax is the one she wants to live happily ever after with, while they are left pondering who could be the father of Chloe’s baby. Could their relationship be strong enough to surpass these obstacles or will this mean the end of Jax and Rachel's love.
Something Precious
International Bestselling, Award-Winning Author Mary Ting/M. Clarke resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing her first novel, Crossroads Saga, happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl. When she started reading new adult novels, she fell in love with the genre. It was the reason she had to write one-Something Great. Why the pen name, M Clarke? She tours with Magic Johnson Foundation to promote literacy and her children's chapter book-No Bullies Allowed.
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