TITLE: His Angel (The Angel Trilogy, #1)
AUTHOR: Kimberly Blalock
GENRE: Contemporary Romance, Erotica
RELEASE DATE: December 31st
When Evan Young walks into Abigale Hayes’s life she falls; mind, body, and soul for the man she thinks he is, having no idea that the secrets he holds in his hands will destroy the girl she is. Abby must decide how the truth will affect the relationship that has her craving more with every breath she takes and how she will take revenge into her own hands. Evan will die to protect Abby and will kill for her too. The events that unfold will change who Abigale Hayes is forever.
Buy Links:
His Angel is $0.99 cents only through December.
Review by Nadia Chief Obsessive Pimpette
~*~ Obsessed by Books arc given in exchange for an honest review ~*~
Where to begin...this is a full on read. I did not put it down until I had finished and now I'm disappointed as I can't continue the story. I need the other two books, but I get ahead of myself.
Abby is "His Angel," tragically being the lone survivor of a car accident that took her twin she has fought the encroaching darkness grief has left within her. Guilt at being the one that lived tinges her day to day thoughts and makes her cautious. Recently deserted by her enigmatic fiance Marco she is trying to find her place in the world. Decisions to follow her dreams and be a writer, risking being disowned by her Father or becoming a doctor to be who her sister was destined to be. Abby is naive to her own beauty and her blind to her inner strength.
Amy her bubbly, take no prisoners BFF, waltzs back into her life and is determined to make Abby see there is more to life than Marco. Amy is Abby's rock, supporting her and giving her the push she needs in tough times. She adds much warmth and depth to the story. A casual set up gives Evan the opportunity he's been dreaming of...
Evan...phwoarrrr! Sorry got lost in a day dream of him in his snug t-shirt, rippling muscles, piercing blue eyes...awww I'm drooling again! Have I mentioned his dimples!?! Ok so you can tell I'm team Evan. The man is dark, in control and has some demons travelling on his back. Fighting between his secrets that he knows will tear his Abby apart and his all consuming love for her we watch as fate takes the decision out of his hands.
This is more than boy meets girls, insta lust then a happily ever after after a few bumps along the way. This story has real twists and turns, undercover agents, bad ass sidekicks and a Cartel or two. There are some dangerous characters that have been introduced and I fear we will see more of them in the next book. The secrets and the lies all begin to unravel and ultimately this is just the beginning as Ethan provides her with the devastating truth.
A powerfully written, suspense filled read that left me breathless and needing more. I fear the flames of destruction are only going to burn brighter in the next one...but I can't wait to find out!
A 4.5 star read.
Review by Wendy Book Obsessed Pimpette
* * * obsessed by books arc given for an honest review * * *
This book is wow!!!!!!!
Abby has suffered love and loss, which has cause her to put up walls , she wants to break free and live life her way for what she wants without the guilt, and with her best friend Amy giving the push, she might be able to do it. Amy is head strong spit fire, we all need an Amy in our lives. well than there Ethan oh Ethan, Ethan, he is sex on a stick. He truly cares and lives Abby, but will the demons of the past ruin their future. I truly loved this book it had everything love, heart ach, drama, suspense, sex. it was truly amazing can't wait for the next one.
Kimberly has been writing since she was a young girl growing up in Kansas City, Mo. Reading and writing has always been a big part of her life. She enjoys a world she can get lost in while reading a good book. A wife and mother to four beautiful children she decided she wasn’t busy enough. She spent some time chasing down fugitives as a bounty hunter then laid down her hand cuffs and finished her college degree in nursing.
Kimberly loves discovering new music to jam out to and loves anything that’s different. Her many interests include Google, you heard it! Google. If you need to know any unusual or interesting fact she has searched it and can recite it. Her motto is: Why be the same as everyone else when you can stand out?
When Kimberly isn’t writing or playing superhero for her children, she takes care of her patients as a Registered nurse in the field of hospice.
Author links
Twitter- @kimblalockAngel
Amazon author page