Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Author: Jessa Jacobs
Title: Irrationally His, The Collection
Release Date:  January 12, 2016
Publisher: Mad for Romance Publishing
Cover Designer: EDH Graphics
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Editor: Candice Royer
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The five titles in the Irrationally His series are brought together in one seamless read in Irrationally His, The Collection.

Chelsea couldn’t stand Travis ten years ago when her mother married his dad and moved to his ranch in Montana. The feeling was mutual. He stayed – she went to live with her dad. On the occasion of a week-long ten-year anniversary party, they meet as virtual strangers, and sparks still fly. The trouble is, where sparks fly, fire soon follows. Even though he’s too cocky, too arrogant, too flippant and a bum, she can’t keep her mind and soon her hands off of him. And even though she’s illogical, unfathomable and completely annoying, she’s all woman and irresistible to him.

Nothing but trouble can come from them acting on their desires. The question is, just how much trouble are they willing to tolerate for the sake of exploring how far their passion will take them?

What people are saying about the series...

Travis and Chelsea, described by one reviewer at the beginning as “an uncommitted, somewhat self centered man, and a directionless and slightly flakey woman” meet as virtual strangers on his father’s ranch, where his father and her mother are about to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary in opulent style. Undeniable chemistry versus misunderstandings, separation, and tragedy inevitably change and mature them. The question is whether they’re right for each other in the greater scheme of things. Only time and distance will tell.”

“You do know you’re trespassing, right?”
The voice startled me from a sound sleep and my eyes flew open to reveal what I at first thought was a vision straight out of my book. From my position, lying on my back, he looked too tall to be real, and the tight-fitting jeans, plaid Western shirt, and Stetson hat did nothing to dispel that thought. The expression on his face puzzled me at first. A wide grin revealed perfect teeth and belied the words he’d spoken.
I started to answer when I noticed his eyes flick from my face to my — oh, my God! My chest. My bare boobs. What the hell? I crossed my arms over myself and sat up in one motion. Looking around wildly for my shirt, I heard him speak.
“Looking for this?”
I hadn’t answered his accusation of trespassing, but I had plenty to say about him holding my shirt out of my reach. I wanted to cover way too much quivering flesh A-S-A-P. Thank God my lower half wasn’t naked. That would have been too much. Literally.
“Give me that, you bastard!” As I spoke, I lifted my face to glare at him. With a cocky grin, he tossed my shirt to me, but didn’t look away. “You could at least turn your back while I put this on.”
When he didn’t, I snarled, “You’re no gentleman.”
“Didn’t say I was,” was his laconic reply.
When he still didn’t turn away, I had no choice but to let one arm move to retrieve the shirt, and then to expose my boobs to his gaze again as I lifted my arms to pull the shirt over my head. Although I was covered, it wasn’t much better as the shirt was a bit too small, and in my haste to cover myself, I’d skipped the bra. A quick glance downward made me groan. In the now-chilly air under the shade of a tree, my traitorous nipples were in full evidence under the thin fabric. As was my belly. I sucked it in.
I was at a severe disadvantage in my sitting position on the ground, so I stood to look him in the eye. It wasn’t usually a problem for me, at my five-eleven height. Nevertheless, I had to look up several inches to meet his. “I’m not trespassing.”
He quirked one eyebrow, the challenge clear. Then he looked pointedly at my chest again.
I crossed my arms. “My mother is married to the owner of this ranch.”
His eyes widened. “Is she? How nice for you.”
“How long were you standing there getting an eyeful before you woke me?” I asked. I was about two seconds from punching this asshole in his pretty face.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he answered with a slow drawl.  “Ten minutes? Fifteen?”
“You bastard!” I exclaimed again. “I assume you work for my step-dad. I’m going to have you fired.”
“You assume wrong, Chelsea,” he said.

Like you, I'm a reader. When I read a good story with characters I can connect with, my everyday existence fades into the background as I enter a world that may contain exotic locations, adventure and excitement. And, if I can be totally honest with you, in my favorite stories I can fall in love for a while with an impossibly gorgeous guy who is the best lover imaginable.

So, maybe it won't come as a surprise that in my books you'll find hot alpha male book-boyfriends, sassy heroines who are much more clever and beautiful than I am, and stories I hope will make you laugh and cry while reading them, as I did while writing them. Oh, and some scenes you may want to role-play with your lover.

If you'd like to know more about me, my books, or special offers for free reading, please check my website at www.jessajacobs.com.

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