Thursday, 31 December 2015

OnTour with @HeaBookToursPR @Charms0814 | #HBTPRM ★ ★ SURPRISE #CoverReveal + #PreOrder ★ ★ NOAH’S JOURNEY by #CAHarms




Series: Sawyer Brothers #3
Genre: Western Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Release Date: FEBRUARY 2, 2016

The years that were taken can never be repaid.

The memories stolen can never be returned.

But I had to move forward…for him, my son.

Noah had spent years wondering what he could have done differently. Wondering what he’d done wrong to make Stacey leave. The heartache from her absence and the what-ifs of their past eventually turned to anger—and then disgust.

It took years for him to move on, and once he did, his past came thundering back, revealing a secret.

A secret that would forever change his future.

Alena had waited for the chance to have more with Noah. He was an enigma, a man of mystery, yet she wasn’t quite ready to give up on him. She knew there was more to him than what he allowed those around him to see. She was drawn to his charm and his calm nature. With an uprooted past of her own, she craved a little stability more than anything. But when things between them finally begin to grow into more, their relationship is tested.

Will it all be too much for Alena to handle?
Or will she decide to stay and be a part of…Noah’s Journey?




C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn't always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.

She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.



Halfway through her first year on the job, Melissa Montclair decides the best part of teaching is winter break.
And the best part of break is the Perfect Ten she meets in a bar on New Year’s Eve. Why not celebrate a semester under her belt with a Perfect Ten in her pants? The one night affair is all she hoped for, until she walks into school a week later and sees Mr. Ten is Student Twenty-nine on her roll call.
She should be mortified—and she is—but that doesn’t stop her from banging him again. And again.
And again.
So much for job security.
Posing as an exchange student at Hamilton High is finally the assignment Officer Spence Vega has been hoping for. Now he has a shot at getting to the bottom of the town’s recent molly epidemic. There’s only a couple of problems: first, history is taught by the curvy bombshell he banged on New Year’s. Second, his growing suspicion is that she’s the dealer he’s looking for.
The job was supposed to be an easy in-and-out, not the teacher.
If only they could stop getting under the covers, staying undercover would be so much easier.
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Under Covers KT

  Excerpt   I place a kiss on her neck and mutter against her smooth, honey-mint skin, "Keep kissing me like this and I can't promise we'll make it back to your place." She gasps slightly and it's the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. At this rate, I’d fucking carry her the entire way to her apartment if it meant we didn't have to waste a valuable hour waiting for a cab. And then the little minx starts grinding against me. I can feel her damp warmth through my jeans. Jesus take the wheel. I might marry this girl. "Are you asking for a public fucking, Mel? Because it certainly feels like it." I slip my hands under her short dress. A firm ass waits for me. I knew she worked out. I’m such a good judge of character. Character. Haha. "God, you really are beautiful," I tell her, and I totally mean that. That’s the key to the charm I learned from my dad—mean what you say. Sincerity is more important than any fancy words. And by fancy words, I mean I mostly only keep thinking of filthy ones to say to her, so. "I think we're going to have to walk." She leans forward and gently bites my neck. "Because I don't know how much longer I can wait." Fucking jackpot. "Where do you live?" "Seven blocks that way." She points in the direction of the Plaza, but I’m paying exactly zero attention to her muttered directions. I’m way too busy enjoying the way her body moves against me in time to the music coming from the bar. "Do you mind walking?" "Do I mind?" I laugh. More like she read my mind. I pick her up and toss her over my shoulder. (Another note for all my brothers out there—girls love this move. Proves you’re super strong. Helps to play baseball. If you’re any good, hit me up. We’re down a shortstop on my team.) Her high-heeled feet kick in delight and it's the cutest thing ever. Like puppies and kittens but—you know what, no. Puppies and kittens are a terrible analogy. Anyway, slipping into that particular bar to hide was probably the best thing I could have done all night. "Just tell me where to go." "The other way! Other way!" Melissa squeals as I spin her in circles. "Yes, this way. Seven blocks. High-ho, Silver!" She thinks she's hilarious and laughs at her own joke. It makes me laugh, too. Then I realize her ass is probably on display to the whole cab line. As much as I deserve high fives from everyone who sees who I’m leaving with, I’m selfish. That ass is mine for the night, so no one gets to look but me. I set her down. I haven’t been back to a girl's place in… well in for-fucking-ever, and the idea excites me. No one can come back to my place, not right now, and I usually avoid going home with strangers, no matter how hot. You just never know, man. Maybe it's the beer, maybe it's the quick getaway that led me to the bar, maybe it's how she kisses like she’s already in bed, but this is so happening. God, I miss one-night stands. There is no time for attachment in my life. Not even with this amazing girl who giggles at my jokes and squeals when I pretend to turn down a dark alleyway, just to hear her laugh. There are a lot of alleys in Westport. I get a lot of laughs. She isn’t making like she wants a boyfriend either, which means tonight is perfect. After all, New Year's Eve is a time for new beginnings. And god knows I could use a fresh start. An evening with Melissa would be the perfect way to kiss 2015 good-bye. And I would make that good-bye scream my name so many times... "Are you sure we can't just stop here?" I spin her around and kiss her again. Fuck, that mouth of hers. Hey, there’s an idea. "Because you are making me fucking crazy. I can’t look at you with clothes on anymore." She narrows her eyes. Those bedroom eyes. Fuck. They were bright green, so opposite of my brown, and framed by dark eyelashes. Dark hair, bright eyes, a killer smile. I’m only half-joking. I’d take her right here on the street if it wasn't illegal. That doesn’t always stop me, but it would be a real mood-killer to deal with legal ramifications right about now. "Naughty boy." She purrs. "If you keep propositioning me like this, I don't know that I can say no. However, I can't go to jail because I'm..." "A prostitute? A drug dealer?" Again with the half-jokes. "Sure." She smiles brightly and kisses me with wandering hands. I’m starting to rethink my seconds-ago decision not to bang her in the middle of 42nd St. "How much further?" Melissa extends an arm behind her, towards a tall complex not quite a block away. "Number four-oh-five." "The elevator is close enough." I kiss her again, her sweet taste basically all I’m living for right now, and throw her back over my shoulder. Did I mention chicks love this move? "Don't let me flash anyone!" She squeals. "I can’t make any promises," I say. And I can’t, but I guarantee I’m moving too quick for anyone to get a good view. We are so close to her place. I jog across the street and through the small lobby. The elevator is small and rickety, and the bumps and jolts serve two-fold as we continue making out. Her moans drive me insane. All this just from kissing? We’re gonna get a noise complaint for sure once I show her all my moves. "Okay," she breathes as the elevator opens to her floor. She smooths her hair and digs through her purse for her keys. "I was not planning on bringing anyone back, so you are not allowed to judge me by my lack of cleanliness." Girls, man. I’ve never seen a “messy” girl’s room that could hold a candle to Zach’s. "I haven't seen my floor in weeks," I reassure her as she pulls me back towards to the door. She unlocks it somehow, and we all but fall in, locked again in heated kisses. We kiss from the door to the bedroom, bumping into furniture and walls, giggling and shedding our clothing. By the time we reach her bed (perfectly made, by the way) I’m in nothing but my boxer-briefs and she's in a lacy pair of boy shorts. God, I love boy shorts. "It's like you were made just for me." I didn’t necessarily mean for her to hear that. It’s true, though, as I’m prowling around her, she’s literally everything I’ve ever jacked o—dreamed of, I mean. Yeah, that. Before we disappear between her sheets, I want to imprint into my memory every fucking perfect inch. Every dip, every curve, every smooth line. I’m going to taste every inch, but my eyes are hungry, too. Sex is like eating a gourmet meal, as much to be done with your eyes as with your stomach, or, in this case, my cock. "Like what you see?" She asks. Oh, do I. It’s better than Lidia’s pasta trio, and nothing is better than Lidia’s pasta trio. "You have no idea," I let my voice drop to a low rumble. "No fucking idea." Mostly because I’m not sure how to explain that I just mentally compared her to very sexy noodles. "Show me." Now that I can do.

  About Kayti McGee   Kayti McGee is a former Kansas Citian who now follows the Royals from Colorado. Besides writing, her hobbies include travel, cooking, and all thing Whovian. She also writes as the latter half of Laurelin McGee. Like her co-author Laurelin Paige, she joined Mensa for no other reason than to make her bio more interesting.  

Release Tour for And Night Descends by Bruce Blake. @bruceablake

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Z.B. Heller's Cover Reveal for Tied in Knots. @zbheller

Tied in Knots   Roses are red, violets are blue. They tied the knot, what kind of crazy will ensue? Ryan Keller and Brandon Ford have promised to be Tied Together forever. Seven years later, life is moving along according to their plan. Ryan gave up his job as a television producer to be a stay at home dad to their son, while Brandon works long hours as an OBGYN at the hospital. With baby number two on the way, life's about to get bumpy when someone from Brandon's abusive past reappears. Fearing Ryan won't understand his feelings, Brandon confides in the handsome male nurse who's always had a thing for the doctor. When Ryan discovers the truth, he's hurt, betrayed, and uncertain if their family is as strong as he believed.   goodreads link  
  Read Where it all Started for Ryan and Brandon   Tied Together Cover   Ryan Keller had it all when he came out in high school; accepting parents, friends and his own credit line for J. Crew. His cocky attitude and good looks got him what he wanted, including samples off the man meat buffet. Then he found his favorite dessert, Brandon. But Brandon wasn’t sending out a rainbow vibe so Ryan was sent to the land that crushes dread, the friend zone. Brandon Ford was buried so deep down in the closet that clothes from the seventies had a better chance of coming out. His anxieties of acting on his desires could keep a therapist entertained for hours. Even though he did his best to build his emotions out of bricks, it was no use against Ryan’s charms. Follow Ryan and Brandon’s relationship from high school, to college and beyond to find out if they will be Tied Together. Warning: No Anaconda Turtles have been harmed in the making of this book.   goodreads link   amazon link amazon UK
About Z.B. Heller ZB Heller   As a little girl it was always a dream for Z.B. Heller to become She-Ra Princess of Power. Since this dream was unobtainable, she spent what was probably way to long in college trying to "find herself". Becoming an artist scratched the creative itch until the stories in her head were getting to be to loud for her to get anything else accomplished. She lives in St. Louis with her husband, son and Flemish Giant rabbit Chloe. In her spare time she likes to read, stalk celebrities on Twitter and create the type of art that people scratch their heads about.  






Release Blitz of December, Calendar Girl by Audrey Carlan. @AudreyCarlan

Title: December
Series: Calendar Girl
Author: Audrey Carlan
Release Date: December 29, 2015
Tour Host: DRC Promotions
Mountains, miracles, and marriage.
I had no idea what to expect when the producers of Dr. Hoffman sent me to the pristine white mountains of Aspen, Colorado. As the town of Aspen is known for being a winter haven for uber-rich Americans, I knew this desert cactus was going to be way out of her league. The ace up my sleeve however, was a high-class movie-making surfer whose family owned a cabin in those snowy hills. With him by my side, I’d make the most out of the experience.
The job had been assigned under unusual circumstances. An anonymous mountain man paid a hefty fee to persuade the producers of my show to send me out for a segment on local artisans. Suited up in my parka and Ugg boots, I put the warmth of the California sun in the rearview mirror and headed to a winter wonderland.
With my newfound family in tow, I was prepared to celebrate the best month the year had to offer…until the one woman who drastically changed my life all those years ago appeared like a shadow out of pure, frosted air, shattering my soul all over again. 
In the twelfth and final book in the Calendar Girl serial, Mia is off to Aspen, Colorado to film a segment on local artists under rather unique circumstances. Prepare to be wowed and vindicated as Mia’s journey merges into the ending everyone has been waiting for.
Warning: This book is designed for audiences 18+ due to language and graphic sexual content.
“I’m going to go back to what I know, what feels good.”
“The writing?” I smiled, hope coating my tone.
Wes’s eyes sparkled bright green in the new morning light. “The writing. I have some ideas. Completely away from war and strife.”
I lay back down and tucked my head under his chin. “Yeah? Like what?”
“The story is about a girl.” He hugged me close, planting his hands at the curve in my lower back.
“What kind of girl?”
“A beautiful one. Body that men dream of. Heart of gold.”
“Hmmm…and?” I asked.
Wes’s fingers traced up and down my spine lightly as if he was painting something. “She takes a job as an escort.”
I grinned. “Oh, and what happens next?”
“She dates a bunch of men,” he said harshly, clearly not liking this part of his story.
I laughed against his neck. “Dates?”
“Mm-hmm. But there’s only one that she falls for. You see, it was love at first sight.”
“Was it? With an escort, I’d guess lust at first sight,” I suggested, but he wasn’t buying it.
He grabbed my bum and squeezed. I could feel him hardening underneath me. “Nope. You see, this woman was special. Not only was she beautiful, with a smokin’ hot bod and a golden heart, but she had a gift.”...

January - Amazon ~ Nook ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ Google Play
February- Amazon ~ Nook ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ Google Play
August- Amazon ~ Nook ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ Google Play
September- Amazon ~ Nook ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ Google Play
October- Amazon ~ Nook ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ Google Play
November- Amazon ~ Nook ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ Google Play

Audrey Carlan is an Amazon and Kobo best-selling author. She has written the wildly successful Falling Series, Trinity Trilogy and the Calendar Girl Serial. She writes wicked hot love stories that are designed to give the reader a romantic experience that's sexy, sweet, and so hot your ereader might melt.
Audrey lives in the sunny California Valley two hours away from the city, the beach, the mountains and the precious...the vineyards. She has been married to the love of her life for over 12 years and has two young children that live up to their title of "Monster Madness" on daily basis. When she's not raising money, sipping wine with her "soul sisters", or teaching yoga, she can be found with her nose stuck in book or her Kindle. A hot, smutty, romantic book to be exact!

Release Blitz of Temporary Assignment Vol. 2 by K.B. Winters & Evie Monroe @KBWintersAuthor

Temporary Assignment 2
Cole Bryant is a highly decorated Captain in the Marine Corps. His whole military career has been embedded deep inside a Special Ops organization. But that life is over. He is re-assigned to a recruiting office in Washington. It was at his request, in order to be closer to his sick mother, but pushing paperwork and selling the dream is far from the heart pumping, heat of battle he is used to. Savannah Rogers is a high achieving high school principle that doesn't have time for a relationship—even if she wanted one. When Cole and Savannah cross paths, both their worldviews are called into question. Can Cole trade in his high profile, risk-seeking life of service, for a simpler life? And will Savannah be able to let her guard down long enough to see that there are men with merit left in the world? Or, will the ravages of war destroy everything?
Temporary Assignment 1
KB Winters is the author of the brand new Billionaire Romance Series, Plush. She has an addiction to caffeine and hard-bodied alpha males. The men in her books are very sexy, protective and sometimes bossy, her ladies are...well...bossier! Living in sunny Southern California, this hopeless romantic writes every chance she gets!
Evie Monroe also lives in Southern California and when KB asked her to co-author her next books, Evie was ecstatic! Together, they’ve penned their first collaboration, Temporary Assignment, and have other exciting titles on the way!