Lacing Shadows: Anthologyby Tina Smith , Andrea Stanet, Laurie Treacy , Lee Ryder , Alexia Purdy
Asia, a young college student, struggles between two seductive temptations. Farren is desperate to escape her heart-wrenching grief when she encounters vampires. Holly finds herself home alone on winter break when she rescues a handsome Fae. Lena has always been aware of a world beyond our own when she attempts to help a mysterious ghost. Ruby is entranced by a creature made of nightmares...
Lose yourself in the Shadows.
Five young women each encounter a different supernatural force: seductive werewolves, shadowy vampires, dangerous fae, mysterious ghosts, and nightmare creatures.
Lace yourself in scintillating tales of fated meetings, undying love, and eternal life...
Lacing Shadows features New Adult paranormal tales from five talented authors.
Spirit of the Wolf
Asia, a young college student, struggles between two seductive temptations—her boyfriend, Jesse, and a new friend, Nati. Meanwhile, hidden forces strive to draw out the wolf spirit inside her. Will she embrace her nature…or have it driven out against her will? In the end, the spirit of the wolf may be the only thing that can save her and those she holds dear.
Eternal Guard
Farren is desperate to escape her heart-wrenching grief, attempting to end her life when fate suddenly intervenes...
Rescued by Joe, she finds herself an unwilling pawn in a vampire tug-of-war over her life.
In a world where she can choose if her death will be final or eternal, why would she fight to live?
Into The Dark
College freshman Holly Barclay finds herself home alone on winter break with plans to do some soul-searching.
Being a Good Samaritan to a handsome wounded stranger, this human girl has not only endangered her heart but quite possibly her life.
The holidays suddenly got a lot more exciting.
The Unspoken Truth
Lena has always been aware of a world beyond our own. She is happily married and employed by the police to uncover the secrets of the dead, helping to solve cold cases. But when she meets Jessica Clayton, the abused wife of a rich industrialist who died in the 1800's, the parallels between them change her life completely. Is she ready to learn The Unspoken Truth?
Spinning Scars
Some believe in legends, Others don’t want them to exist….
Immortality can have its downfalls, especially when you’re a creature made of nightmares constantly on the run. Enrolling in college, Matthias meets Ruby. When he discovers who she really is they are both in mortal danger, but for reasons Matthias has all wrong.
Lose yourself in the Shadows.
Five young women each encounter a different supernatural force: seductive werewolves, shadowy vampires, dangerous fae, mysterious ghosts, and nightmare creatures.
Lace yourself in scintillating tales of fated meetings, undying love, and eternal life...
Lacing Shadows features New Adult paranormal tales from five talented authors.
Spirit of the Wolf
Asia, a young college student, struggles between two seductive temptations—her boyfriend, Jesse, and a new friend, Nati. Meanwhile, hidden forces strive to draw out the wolf spirit inside her. Will she embrace her nature…or have it driven out against her will? In the end, the spirit of the wolf may be the only thing that can save her and those she holds dear.
Eternal Guard
Farren is desperate to escape her heart-wrenching grief, attempting to end her life when fate suddenly intervenes...
Rescued by Joe, she finds herself an unwilling pawn in a vampire tug-of-war over her life.
In a world where she can choose if her death will be final or eternal, why would she fight to live?
Into The Dark
College freshman Holly Barclay finds herself home alone on winter break with plans to do some soul-searching.
Being a Good Samaritan to a handsome wounded stranger, this human girl has not only endangered her heart but quite possibly her life.
The holidays suddenly got a lot more exciting.
The Unspoken Truth
Lena has always been aware of a world beyond our own. She is happily married and employed by the police to uncover the secrets of the dead, helping to solve cold cases. But when she meets Jessica Clayton, the abused wife of a rich industrialist who died in the 1800's, the parallels between them change her life completely. Is she ready to learn The Unspoken Truth?
Spinning Scars
Some believe in legends, Others don’t want them to exist….
Immortality can have its downfalls, especially when you’re a creature made of nightmares constantly on the run. Enrolling in college, Matthias meets Ruby. When he discovers who she really is they are both in mortal danger, but for reasons Matthias has all wrong.
4* stars
This anthology contains stories of five different women who come across five different types of supernaturals- werewolf, vampire, fae, ghost and Frankenstein monster and as the title of this book suggests, none of them have a very happy ending.
Spirit of the Wolf by Andrea Stanet
This story deals with Werewolves. Shifters are my most favourite of supernaturals. But, unfortunately this is the story I liked the least. Asia is caught between her attraction to her boyfriend Jesse and her friend Nati. She is also struggling against her spirit wolf being brought out.
Eternal Guard by Tina Smith
This story deals with Vampires. Farren is out to commit suicide one night, when she becomes an unwitting victim of a vampire fight, where one vampire is out to finish her and another one tries to protect her. Unfortunately, she ends up falling for one of those vampires. This story definitely leaves us with heartbreak. It does not end well. (That ending! So that's how the Buffy type vampire slayers are born!). However the author does a pretty good job of deliberately bringing a bleak voice to the story.
Into the Dark by Laurie Treacy
This story deals with Fae. Now, fae are one of my least favourite supernatural types. But, paradoxically, this is the story I enjoyed the most in this anthology. Holly returns home from college to find herself alone for two weeks during the holidays. When Holly and her dog Chewie stumbled across a wounded warrior and she takes him back to her home to heal him, Holly realises that the person she rescued was none other that the Summer Court Fae Prince. Thing start getting weirder and stranger soon after.
The Unspoken Truth by Leah Ryder
This story deals with Ghosts. Lena is a parapsychic consultant to the police department. Lena has always been able to see ghosts. In this story she helps to solve the case of Jessica Clayton, whose ghost has incidentally been hounding Lena to take up her case. While I enjoyed this story too, there were certain parts that felt too unbelievable. Unbelievable, but enjoyable just the same.
Spinining Scars by Alexia Purdy
This story is about the Frankenstein monster- yes, the one with no name. Only now he has been named, and is called Matthais. Matthais and Ruby fall hard for each other. But, they have a big hurdle to cross. He is an immortal and she is human. Or, is she? There is something to more Ruby than meets the eye.Now, this story was bizarre. But, hey I love bizarre stories, so that's good, I guess.
There are some parts of this anthology which feel rushed, some that make you want to raise an eyebrow and say, 'Really?' and some silly moments. However, if you love anything paranormal, you should give this anthology a chance. I found new authors whose other works I would love to read, after all!
Spirit of the Wolf by Andrea Stanet
This story deals with Werewolves. Shifters are my most favourite of supernaturals. But, unfortunately this is the story I liked the least. Asia is caught between her attraction to her boyfriend Jesse and her friend Nati. She is also struggling against her spirit wolf being brought out.
Eternal Guard by Tina Smith
This story deals with Vampires. Farren is out to commit suicide one night, when she becomes an unwitting victim of a vampire fight, where one vampire is out to finish her and another one tries to protect her. Unfortunately, she ends up falling for one of those vampires. This story definitely leaves us with heartbreak. It does not end well. (That ending! So that's how the Buffy type vampire slayers are born!). However the author does a pretty good job of deliberately bringing a bleak voice to the story.
Into the Dark by Laurie Treacy
This story deals with Fae. Now, fae are one of my least favourite supernatural types. But, paradoxically, this is the story I enjoyed the most in this anthology. Holly returns home from college to find herself alone for two weeks during the holidays. When Holly and her dog Chewie stumbled across a wounded warrior and she takes him back to her home to heal him, Holly realises that the person she rescued was none other that the Summer Court Fae Prince. Thing start getting weirder and stranger soon after.
The Unspoken Truth by Leah Ryder
This story deals with Ghosts. Lena is a parapsychic consultant to the police department. Lena has always been able to see ghosts. In this story she helps to solve the case of Jessica Clayton, whose ghost has incidentally been hounding Lena to take up her case. While I enjoyed this story too, there were certain parts that felt too unbelievable. Unbelievable, but enjoyable just the same.
Spinining Scars by Alexia Purdy
This story is about the Frankenstein monster- yes, the one with no name. Only now he has been named, and is called Matthais. Matthais and Ruby fall hard for each other. But, they have a big hurdle to cross. He is an immortal and she is human. Or, is she? There is something to more Ruby than meets the eye.Now, this story was bizarre. But, hey I love bizarre stories, so that's good, I guess.
There are some parts of this anthology which feel rushed, some that make you want to raise an eyebrow and say, 'Really?' and some silly moments. However, if you love anything paranormal, you should give this anthology a chance. I found new authors whose other works I would love to read, after all!
About this author
Andrea Stanet
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Laurie Treacy
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Lee Ryder
Twitter: lian14043
Thanks for the review!!! 4 stars! I am thrilled.